Tom Lane 9b8e1eb375 Adjust the recent patch for reporting of deadlocked queries so that we report
query texts only to the server log.  This eliminates the issue of possible
leaking of security-sensitive data in other sessions' queries.  Since the
log is presumed secure, we can now log the queries of all sessions involved
in the deadlock, whether or not they belong to the same user as the one
reporting the failure.
2008-03-24 18:22:36 +00:00

582 lines
16 KiB

/* ----------
* pgstat.h
* Definitions for the PostgreSQL statistics collector daemon.
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/pgstat.h,v 1.73 2008/03/24 18:22:36 tgl Exp $
* ----------
#ifndef PGSTAT_H
#define PGSTAT_H
#include "libpq/pqcomm.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"
/* ----------
* The types of backend -> collector messages
* ----------
typedef enum StatMsgType
} StatMsgType;
/* ----------
* The data type used for counters.
* ----------
typedef int64 PgStat_Counter;
/* ----------
* PgStat_TableCounts The actual per-table counts kept by a backend
* This struct should contain only actual event counters, because we memcmp
* it against zeroes to detect whether there are any counts to transmit.
* It is a component of PgStat_TableStatus (within-backend state) and
* PgStat_TableEntry (the transmitted message format).
* Note: for a table, tuples_returned is the number of tuples successfully
* fetched by heap_getnext, while tuples_fetched is the number of tuples
* successfully fetched by heap_fetch under the control of bitmap indexscans.
* For an index, tuples_returned is the number of index entries returned by
* the index AM, while tuples_fetched is the number of tuples successfully
* fetched by heap_fetch under the control of simple indexscans for this index.
* tuples_inserted/updated/deleted/hot_updated count attempted actions,
* regardless of whether the transaction committed. new_live_tuples and
* new_dead_tuples are properly adjusted depending on commit or abort.
* Note that new_live_tuples and new_dead_tuples can be negative!
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_TableCounts
PgStat_Counter t_numscans;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_returned;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_fetched;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_inserted;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_updated;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_deleted;
PgStat_Counter t_tuples_hot_updated;
PgStat_Counter t_new_live_tuples;
PgStat_Counter t_new_dead_tuples;
PgStat_Counter t_blocks_fetched;
PgStat_Counter t_blocks_hit;
} PgStat_TableCounts;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Structures kept in backend local memory while accumulating counts
* ------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------
* PgStat_TableStatus Per-table status within a backend
* Most of the event counters are nontransactional, ie, we count events
* in committed and aborted transactions alike. For these, we just count
* directly in the PgStat_TableStatus. However, new_live_tuples and
* new_dead_tuples must be derived from tuple insertion and deletion counts
* with awareness of whether the transaction or subtransaction committed or
* aborted. Hence, we also keep a stack of per-(sub)transaction status
* records for every table modified in the current transaction. At commit
* or abort, we propagate tuples_inserted and tuples_deleted up to the
* parent subtransaction level, or out to the parent PgStat_TableStatus,
* as appropriate.
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_TableStatus
Oid t_id; /* table's OID */
bool t_shared; /* is it a shared catalog? */
struct PgStat_TableXactStatus *trans; /* lowest subxact's counts */
PgStat_TableCounts t_counts; /* event counts to be sent */
} PgStat_TableStatus;
/* ----------
* PgStat_TableXactStatus Per-table, per-subtransaction status
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_TableXactStatus
PgStat_Counter tuples_inserted; /* tuples inserted in (sub)xact */
PgStat_Counter tuples_deleted; /* tuples deleted in (sub)xact */
int nest_level; /* subtransaction nest level */
/* links to other structs for same relation: */
struct PgStat_TableXactStatus *upper; /* next higher subxact if any */
PgStat_TableStatus *parent; /* per-table status */
/* structs of same subxact level are linked here: */
struct PgStat_TableXactStatus *next; /* next of same subxact */
} PgStat_TableXactStatus;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Message formats follow
* ------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgHdr The common message header
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgHdr
StatMsgType m_type;
int m_size;
} PgStat_MsgHdr;
/* ----------
* Space available in a message. This will keep the UDP packets below 1K,
* which should fit unfragmented into the MTU of the lo interface on most
* platforms. Does anybody care for platforms where it doesn't?
* ----------
#define PGSTAT_MSG_PAYLOAD (1000 - sizeof(PgStat_MsgHdr))
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgDummy A dummy message, ignored by the collector
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgDummy
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
} PgStat_MsgDummy;
/* ----------
* PgStat_TableEntry Per-table info in a MsgTabstat
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_TableEntry
Oid t_id;
PgStat_TableCounts t_counts;
} PgStat_TableEntry;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgTabstat Sent by the backend to report table
* and buffer access statistics.
* ----------
((PGSTAT_MSG_PAYLOAD - sizeof(Oid) - 3 * sizeof(int)) \
/ sizeof(PgStat_TableEntry))
typedef struct PgStat_MsgTabstat
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
int m_nentries;
int m_xact_commit;
int m_xact_rollback;
PgStat_TableEntry m_entry[PGSTAT_NUM_TABENTRIES];
} PgStat_MsgTabstat;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgTabpurge Sent by the backend to tell the collector
* about dead tables.
* ----------
((PGSTAT_MSG_PAYLOAD - sizeof(Oid) - sizeof(int)) \
/ sizeof(Oid))
typedef struct PgStat_MsgTabpurge
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
int m_nentries;
} PgStat_MsgTabpurge;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgDropdb Sent by the backend to tell the collector
* about a dropped database
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgDropdb
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
} PgStat_MsgDropdb;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgResetcounter Sent by the backend to tell the collector
* to reset counters
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgResetcounter
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
} PgStat_MsgResetcounter;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgAutovacStart Sent by the autovacuum daemon to signal
* that a database is going to be processed
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgAutovacStart
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
TimestampTz m_start_time;
} PgStat_MsgAutovacStart;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgVacuum Sent by the backend or autovacuum daemon
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgVacuum
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
Oid m_tableoid;
bool m_analyze;
bool m_autovacuum;
TimestampTz m_vacuumtime;
PgStat_Counter m_tuples;
} PgStat_MsgVacuum;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgAnalyze Sent by the backend or autovacuum daemon
* after ANALYZE
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgAnalyze
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
Oid m_databaseid;
Oid m_tableoid;
bool m_autovacuum;
TimestampTz m_analyzetime;
PgStat_Counter m_live_tuples;
PgStat_Counter m_dead_tuples;
} PgStat_MsgAnalyze;
/* ----------
* PgStat_MsgBgWriter Sent by the bgwriter to update statistics.
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_MsgBgWriter
PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
PgStat_Counter m_timed_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter m_requested_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter m_buf_written_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter m_buf_written_clean;
PgStat_Counter m_maxwritten_clean;
PgStat_Counter m_buf_written_backend;
PgStat_Counter m_buf_alloc;
} PgStat_MsgBgWriter;
/* ----------
* PgStat_Msg Union over all possible messages.
* ----------
typedef union PgStat_Msg
PgStat_MsgHdr msg_hdr;
PgStat_MsgDummy msg_dummy;
PgStat_MsgTabstat msg_tabstat;
PgStat_MsgTabpurge msg_tabpurge;
PgStat_MsgDropdb msg_dropdb;
PgStat_MsgResetcounter msg_resetcounter;
PgStat_MsgAutovacStart msg_autovacuum;
PgStat_MsgVacuum msg_vacuum;
PgStat_MsgAnalyze msg_analyze;
PgStat_MsgBgWriter msg_bgwriter;
} PgStat_Msg;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Statistic collector data structures follow
* PGSTAT_FILE_FORMAT_ID should be changed whenever any of these
* data structures change.
* ------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------
* PgStat_StatDBEntry The collector's data per database
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_StatDBEntry
Oid databaseid;
PgStat_Counter n_xact_commit;
PgStat_Counter n_xact_rollback;
PgStat_Counter n_blocks_fetched;
PgStat_Counter n_blocks_hit;
PgStat_Counter n_tuples_returned;
PgStat_Counter n_tuples_fetched;
PgStat_Counter n_tuples_inserted;
PgStat_Counter n_tuples_updated;
PgStat_Counter n_tuples_deleted;
TimestampTz last_autovac_time;
* tables must be last in the struct, because we don't write the pointer
* out to the stats file.
HTAB *tables;
} PgStat_StatDBEntry;
/* ----------
* PgStat_StatTabEntry The collector's data per table (or index)
* ----------
typedef struct PgStat_StatTabEntry
Oid tableid;
PgStat_Counter numscans;
PgStat_Counter tuples_returned;
PgStat_Counter tuples_fetched;
PgStat_Counter tuples_inserted;
PgStat_Counter tuples_updated;
PgStat_Counter tuples_deleted;
PgStat_Counter tuples_hot_updated;
PgStat_Counter n_live_tuples;
PgStat_Counter n_dead_tuples;
PgStat_Counter last_anl_tuples;
PgStat_Counter blocks_fetched;
PgStat_Counter blocks_hit;
TimestampTz vacuum_timestamp; /* user initiated vacuum */
TimestampTz autovac_vacuum_timestamp; /* autovacuum initiated */
TimestampTz analyze_timestamp; /* user initiated */
TimestampTz autovac_analyze_timestamp; /* autovacuum initiated */
} PgStat_StatTabEntry;
* Global statistics kept in the stats collector
typedef struct PgStat_GlobalStats
PgStat_Counter timed_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter requested_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter buf_written_checkpoints;
PgStat_Counter buf_written_clean;
PgStat_Counter maxwritten_clean;
PgStat_Counter buf_written_backend;
PgStat_Counter buf_alloc;
} PgStat_GlobalStats;
/* ----------
* Shared-memory data structures
* ----------
/* Max length of st_activity string ... perhaps replace with a GUC var? */
/* ----------
* PgBackendStatus
* Each live backend maintains a PgBackendStatus struct in shared memory
* showing its current activity. (The structs are allocated according to
* BackendId, but that is not critical.) Note that the collector process
* has no involvement in, or even access to, these structs.
* ----------
typedef struct PgBackendStatus
* To avoid locking overhead, we use the following protocol: a backend
* increments st_changecount before modifying its entry, and again after
* finishing a modification. A would-be reader should note the value of
* st_changecount, copy the entry into private memory, then check
* st_changecount again. If the value hasn't changed, and if it's even,
* the copy is valid; otherwise start over. This makes updates cheap
* while reads are potentially expensive, but that's the tradeoff we want.
int st_changecount;
/* The entry is valid iff st_procpid > 0, unused if st_procpid == 0 */
int st_procpid;
/* Times when current backend, transaction, and activity started */
TimestampTz st_proc_start_timestamp;
TimestampTz st_xact_start_timestamp;
TimestampTz st_activity_start_timestamp;
/* Database OID, owning user's OID, connection client address */
Oid st_databaseid;
Oid st_userid;
SockAddr st_clientaddr;
/* Is backend currently waiting on an lmgr lock? */
bool st_waiting;
/* current command string; MUST be null-terminated */
char st_activity[PGBE_ACTIVITY_SIZE];
} PgBackendStatus;
/* ----------
* GUC parameters
* ----------
extern bool pgstat_track_activities;
extern bool pgstat_track_counts;
* BgWriter statistics counters are updated directly by bgwriter and bufmgr
extern PgStat_MsgBgWriter BgWriterStats;
/* ----------
* Functions called from postmaster
* ----------
extern Size BackendStatusShmemSize(void);
extern void CreateSharedBackendStatus(void);
extern void pgstat_init(void);
extern int pgstat_start(void);
extern void pgstat_reset_all(void);
extern void allow_immediate_pgstat_restart(void);
extern void PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[]);
/* ----------
* Functions called from backends
* ----------
extern void pgstat_ping(void);
extern void pgstat_report_tabstat(bool force);
extern void pgstat_vacuum_tabstat(void);
extern void pgstat_drop_database(Oid databaseid);
extern void pgstat_clear_snapshot(void);
extern void pgstat_reset_counters(void);
extern void pgstat_report_autovac(Oid dboid);
extern void pgstat_report_vacuum(Oid tableoid, bool shared,
bool analyze, PgStat_Counter tuples);
extern void pgstat_report_analyze(Oid tableoid, bool shared,
PgStat_Counter livetuples,
PgStat_Counter deadtuples);
extern void pgstat_initialize(void);
extern void pgstat_bestart(void);
extern void pgstat_report_activity(const char *what);
extern void pgstat_report_xact_timestamp(TimestampTz tstamp);
extern void pgstat_report_waiting(bool waiting);
extern const char *pgstat_get_backend_current_activity(int pid, bool checkUser);
extern void pgstat_initstats(Relation rel);
/* nontransactional event counts are simple enough to inline */
#define pgstat_count_heap_scan(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_numscans++; \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_heap_getnext(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_tuples_returned++; \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_heap_fetch(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_tuples_fetched++; \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_index_scan(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_numscans++; \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_index_tuples(rel, n) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_tuples_returned += (n); \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_buffer_read(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_blocks_fetched++; \
} while (0)
#define pgstat_count_buffer_hit(rel) \
do { \
if (pgstat_track_counts && (rel)->pgstat_info != NULL) \
(rel)->pgstat_info->t_counts.t_blocks_hit++; \
} while (0)
extern void pgstat_count_heap_insert(Relation rel);
extern void pgstat_count_heap_update(Relation rel, bool hot);
extern void pgstat_count_heap_delete(Relation rel);
extern void pgstat_update_heap_dead_tuples(Relation rel, int delta);
extern void AtEOXact_PgStat(bool isCommit);
extern void AtEOSubXact_PgStat(bool isCommit, int nestDepth);
extern void AtPrepare_PgStat(void);
extern void PostPrepare_PgStat(void);
extern void pgstat_twophase_postcommit(TransactionId xid, uint16 info,
void *recdata, uint32 len);
extern void pgstat_twophase_postabort(TransactionId xid, uint16 info,
void *recdata, uint32 len);
extern void pgstat_send_bgwriter(void);
/* ----------
* Support functions for the SQL-callable functions to
* generate the pgstat* views.
* ----------
extern PgStat_StatDBEntry *pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(Oid dbid);
extern PgStat_StatTabEntry *pgstat_fetch_stat_tabentry(Oid relid);
extern PgBackendStatus *pgstat_fetch_stat_beentry(int beid);
extern int pgstat_fetch_stat_numbackends(void);
extern PgStat_GlobalStats *pgstat_fetch_global(void);
#endif /* PGSTAT_H */