Tom Lane cb052e0bf1 Fix rule rewriter so that new ordering of ON INSERT actions applies
in cases of qualified rules as well as unqualified ones.  Tweak rules
test to avoid cluttering output with dummy SELECT results.  Update
documentation to match code.
2001-07-09 23:50:32 +00:00

1342 lines
59 KiB

-- From Jan's original setup_ruletest.sql and run_ruletest.sql
-- - thomas 1998-09-13
-- Tables and rules for the view test
create table rtest_t1 (a int4, b int4);
create table rtest_t2 (a int4, b int4);
create table rtest_t3 (a int4, b int4);
create view rtest_v1 as select * from rtest_t1;
create rule rtest_v1_ins as on insert to rtest_v1 do instead
insert into rtest_t1 values (new.a, new.b);
create rule rtest_v1_upd as on update to rtest_v1 do instead
update rtest_t1 set a = new.a, b = new.b
where a = old.a;
create rule rtest_v1_del as on delete to rtest_v1 do instead
delete from rtest_t1 where a = old.a;
-- Tables and rules for the constraint update/delete test
-- Note:
-- Now that we have multiple action rule support, we check
-- both possible syntaxes to define them (The last action
-- can but must not have a semicolon at the end).
create table rtest_system (sysname text, sysdesc text);
create table rtest_interface (sysname text, ifname text);
create table rtest_person (pname text, pdesc text);
create table rtest_admin (pname text, sysname text);
create rule rtest_sys_upd as on update to rtest_system do (
update rtest_interface set sysname = new.sysname
where sysname = old.sysname;
update rtest_admin set sysname = new.sysname
where sysname = old.sysname
create rule rtest_sys_del as on delete to rtest_system do (
delete from rtest_interface where sysname = old.sysname;
delete from rtest_admin where sysname = old.sysname;
create rule rtest_pers_upd as on update to rtest_person do
update rtest_admin set pname = new.pname where pname = old.pname;
create rule rtest_pers_del as on delete to rtest_person do
delete from rtest_admin where pname = old.pname;
-- Tables and rules for the logging test
create table rtest_emp (ename char(20), salary money);
create table rtest_emplog (ename char(20), who name, action char(10), newsal money, oldsal money);
create table rtest_empmass (ename char(20), salary money);
create rule rtest_emp_ins as on insert to rtest_emp do
insert into rtest_emplog values (new.ename, current_user,
'hired', new.salary, '0.00');
create rule rtest_emp_upd as on update to rtest_emp where new.salary != old.salary do
insert into rtest_emplog values (new.ename, current_user,
'honored', new.salary, old.salary);
create rule rtest_emp_del as on delete to rtest_emp do
insert into rtest_emplog values (old.ename, current_user,
'fired', '0.00', old.salary);
-- Tables and rules for the multiple cascaded qualified instead
-- rule test
create table rtest_t4 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_t5 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_t6 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_t7 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_t8 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_t9 (a int4, b text);
create rule rtest_t4_ins1 as on insert to rtest_t4
where new.a >= 10 and new.a < 20 do instead
insert into rtest_t5 values (new.a, new.b);
create rule rtest_t4_ins2 as on insert to rtest_t4
where new.a >= 20 and new.a < 30 do
insert into rtest_t6 values (new.a, new.b);
create rule rtest_t5_ins as on insert to rtest_t5
where new.a > 15 do
insert into rtest_t7 values (new.a, new.b);
create rule rtest_t6_ins as on insert to rtest_t6
where new.a > 25 do instead
insert into rtest_t8 values (new.a, new.b);
-- Tables and rules for the rule fire order test
create table rtest_order1 (a int4);
create table rtest_order2 (a int4, b int4, c text);
create sequence rtest_seq;
create rule rtest_order_r3 as on insert to rtest_order1 do instead
insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
'rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th');
create rule rtest_order_r4 as on insert to rtest_order1
where a < 100 do instead
insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
'rule 4 - this should run 2nd');
create rule rtest_order_r2 as on insert to rtest_order1 do
insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
'rule 2 - this should run 1st');
create rule rtest_order_r1 as on insert to rtest_order1 do instead
insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
'rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th');
-- Tables and rules for the instead nothing test
create table rtest_nothn1 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_nothn2 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_nothn3 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_nothn4 (a int4, b text);
create rule rtest_nothn_r1 as on insert to rtest_nothn1
where new.a >= 10 and new.a < 20 do instead nothing;
create rule rtest_nothn_r2 as on insert to rtest_nothn1
where new.a >= 30 and new.a < 40 do instead nothing;
create rule rtest_nothn_r3 as on insert to rtest_nothn2
where new.a >= 100 do instead
insert into rtest_nothn3 values (new.a, new.b);
create rule rtest_nothn_r4 as on insert to rtest_nothn2
do instead nothing;
-- Tests on a view that is select * of a table
-- and has insert/update/delete instead rules to
-- behave close like the real table.
-- We need test date later
insert into rtest_t2 values (1, 21);
insert into rtest_t2 values (2, 22);
insert into rtest_t2 values (3, 23);
insert into rtest_t3 values (1, 31);
insert into rtest_t3 values (2, 32);
insert into rtest_t3 values (3, 33);
insert into rtest_t3 values (4, 34);
insert into rtest_t3 values (5, 35);
-- insert values
insert into rtest_v1 values (1, 11);
insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 12);
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 11
2 | 12
(2 rows)
-- delete with constant expression
delete from rtest_v1 where a = 1;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
2 | 12
(1 row)
insert into rtest_v1 values (1, 11);
delete from rtest_v1 where b = 12;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 11
(1 row)
insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 12);
insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 13);
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 11
2 | 12
2 | 13
(3 rows)
** Remember the delete rule on rtest_v1: It says
** DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM rtest_t1 WHERE a = old.a
** So this time both rows with a = 2 must get deleted
** Remember the delete rule on rtest_v1: It says
** DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM rtest_t1 WHERE a = old.a
** So this time both rows with a = 2 must get deleted
delete from rtest_v1 where b = 12;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 11
(1 row)
delete from rtest_v1;
-- insert select
insert into rtest_v1 select * from rtest_t2;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_v1;
-- same with swapped targetlist
insert into rtest_v1 (b, a) select b, a from rtest_t2;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
(3 rows)
-- now with only one target attribute
insert into rtest_v1 (a) select a from rtest_t3;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
(8 rows)
select * from rtest_v1 where b isnull;
a | b
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
(5 rows)
-- let attribute a differ (must be done on rtest_t1 - see above)
update rtest_t1 set a = a + 10 where b isnull;
delete from rtest_v1 where b isnull;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
(3 rows)
-- now updates with constant expression
update rtest_v1 set b = 42 where a = 2;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
3 | 23
2 | 42
(3 rows)
update rtest_v1 set b = 99 where b = 42;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
3 | 23
2 | 99
(3 rows)
update rtest_v1 set b = 88 where b < 50;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
2 | 99
1 | 88
3 | 88
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_v1;
insert into rtest_v1 select rtest_t2.a, rtest_t3.b where rtest_t2.a = rtest_t3.a;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 31
2 | 32
3 | 33
(3 rows)
-- updates in a mergejoin
update rtest_v1 set b = rtest_t2.b where a = rtest_t2.a;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
(3 rows)
insert into rtest_v1 select * from rtest_t3;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
1 | 31
2 | 32
3 | 33
4 | 34
5 | 35
(8 rows)
update rtest_t1 set a = a + 10 where b > 30;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
11 | 31
12 | 32
13 | 33
14 | 34
15 | 35
(8 rows)
update rtest_v1 set a = rtest_t3.a + 20 where b = rtest_t3.b;
select * from rtest_v1;
a | b
1 | 21
2 | 22
3 | 23
21 | 31
22 | 32
23 | 33
24 | 34
25 | 35
(8 rows)
-- Test for constraint updates/deletes
insert into rtest_system values ('orion', 'Linux Jan Wieck');
insert into rtest_system values ('notjw', 'WinNT Jan Wieck (notebook)');
insert into rtest_system values ('neptun', 'Fileserver');
insert into rtest_interface values ('orion', 'eth0');
insert into rtest_interface values ('orion', 'eth1');
insert into rtest_interface values ('notjw', 'eth0');
insert into rtest_interface values ('neptun', 'eth0');
insert into rtest_person values ('jw', 'Jan Wieck');
insert into rtest_person values ('bm', 'Bruce Momjian');
insert into rtest_admin values ('jw', 'orion');
insert into rtest_admin values ('jw', 'notjw');
insert into rtest_admin values ('bm', 'neptun');
update rtest_system set sysname = 'pluto' where sysname = 'neptun';
select * from rtest_interface;
sysname | ifname
orion | eth0
orion | eth1
notjw | eth0
pluto | eth0
(4 rows)
select * from rtest_admin;
pname | sysname
jw | orion
jw | notjw
bm | pluto
(3 rows)
update rtest_person set pname = 'jwieck' where pdesc = 'Jan Wieck';
-- Note: use ORDER BY here to ensure consistent output across all systems.
-- The above UPDATE affects two rows with equal keys, so they could be
-- updated in either order depending on the whim of the local qsort().
select * from rtest_admin order by pname, sysname;
pname | sysname
bm | pluto
jwieck | notjw
jwieck | orion
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_system where sysname = 'orion';
select * from rtest_interface;
sysname | ifname
notjw | eth0
pluto | eth0
(2 rows)
select * from rtest_admin;
pname | sysname
bm | pluto
jwieck | notjw
(2 rows)
-- Rule qualification test
insert into rtest_emp values ('wiech', '5000.00');
insert into rtest_emp values ('gates', '80000.00');
update rtest_emp set ename = 'wiecx' where ename = 'wiech';
update rtest_emp set ename = 'wieck', salary = '6000.00' where ename = 'wiecx';
update rtest_emp set salary = '7000.00' where ename = 'wieck';
delete from rtest_emp where ename = 'gates';
select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
ename | matches user | action | newsal | oldsal
gates | t | fired | $0.00 | $80,000.00
gates | t | hired | $80,000.00 | $0.00
wiech | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
wieck | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
wieck | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
(5 rows)
insert into rtest_empmass values ('meyer', '4000.00');
insert into rtest_empmass values ('maier', '5000.00');
insert into rtest_empmass values ('mayr', '6000.00');
insert into rtest_emp select * from rtest_empmass;
select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
ename | matches user | action | newsal | oldsal
gates | t | fired | $0.00 | $80,000.00
gates | t | hired | $80,000.00 | $0.00
maier | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
mayr | t | hired | $6,000.00 | $0.00
meyer | t | hired | $4,000.00 | $0.00
wiech | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
wieck | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
wieck | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
(8 rows)
update rtest_empmass set salary = salary + '1000.00';
update rtest_emp set salary = rtest_empmass.salary where ename = rtest_empmass.ename;
select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
ename | matches user | action | newsal | oldsal
gates | t | fired | $0.00 | $80,000.00
gates | t | hired | $80,000.00 | $0.00
maier | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
maier | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
mayr | t | hired | $6,000.00 | $0.00
mayr | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
meyer | t | hired | $4,000.00 | $0.00
meyer | t | honored | $5,000.00 | $4,000.00
wiech | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
wieck | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
wieck | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
(11 rows)
delete from rtest_emp where ename = rtest_empmass.ename;
select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
ename | matches user | action | newsal | oldsal
gates | t | fired | $0.00 | $80,000.00
gates | t | hired | $80,000.00 | $0.00
maier | t | fired | $0.00 | $6,000.00
maier | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
maier | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
mayr | t | fired | $0.00 | $7,000.00
mayr | t | hired | $6,000.00 | $0.00
mayr | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
meyer | t | fired | $0.00 | $5,000.00
meyer | t | hired | $4,000.00 | $0.00
meyer | t | honored | $5,000.00 | $4,000.00
wiech | t | hired | $5,000.00 | $0.00
wieck | t | honored | $6,000.00 | $5,000.00
wieck | t | honored | $7,000.00 | $6,000.00
(14 rows)
-- Multiple cascaded qualified instead rule test
insert into rtest_t4 values (1, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t4 values (2, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t4 values (10, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
insert into rtest_t4 values (15, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
insert into rtest_t4 values (19, 'Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7');
insert into rtest_t4 values (20, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6');
insert into rtest_t4 values (26, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
insert into rtest_t4 values (28, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
insert into rtest_t4 values (30, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t4 values (40, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
select * from rtest_t4;
a | b
1 | Record should go to rtest_t4
2 | Record should go to rtest_t4
20 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
30 | Record should go to rtest_t4
40 | Record should go to rtest_t4
(7 rows)
select * from rtest_t5;
a | b
10 | Record should go to rtest_t5
15 | Record should go to rtest_t5
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(3 rows)
select * from rtest_t6;
a | b
20 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t7;
a | b
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t8;
a | b
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
(2 rows)
delete from rtest_t4;
delete from rtest_t5;
delete from rtest_t6;
delete from rtest_t7;
delete from rtest_t8;
insert into rtest_t9 values (1, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t9 values (2, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t9 values (10, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
insert into rtest_t9 values (15, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
insert into rtest_t9 values (19, 'Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7');
insert into rtest_t9 values (20, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6');
insert into rtest_t9 values (26, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
insert into rtest_t9 values (28, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
insert into rtest_t9 values (30, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t9 values (40, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
insert into rtest_t4 select * from rtest_t9 where a < 20;
select * from rtest_t4;
a | b
1 | Record should go to rtest_t4
2 | Record should go to rtest_t4
(2 rows)
select * from rtest_t5;
a | b
10 | Record should go to rtest_t5
15 | Record should go to rtest_t5
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(3 rows)
select * from rtest_t6;
a | b
(0 rows)
select * from rtest_t7;
a | b
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t8;
a | b
(0 rows)
insert into rtest_t4 select * from rtest_t9 where b ~ 'and t8';
select * from rtest_t4;
a | b
1 | Record should go to rtest_t4
2 | Record should go to rtest_t4
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
(4 rows)
select * from rtest_t5;
a | b
10 | Record should go to rtest_t5
15 | Record should go to rtest_t5
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(3 rows)
select * from rtest_t6;
a | b
(0 rows)
select * from rtest_t7;
a | b
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t8;
a | b
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
(2 rows)
insert into rtest_t4 select a + 1, b from rtest_t9 where a in (20, 30, 40);
select * from rtest_t4;
a | b
1 | Record should go to rtest_t4
2 | Record should go to rtest_t4
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
21 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6
31 | Record should go to rtest_t4
41 | Record should go to rtest_t4
(7 rows)
select * from rtest_t5;
a | b
10 | Record should go to rtest_t5
15 | Record should go to rtest_t5
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(3 rows)
select * from rtest_t6;
a | b
21 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t7;
a | b
19 | Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7
(1 row)
select * from rtest_t8;
a | b
26 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
28 | Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8
(2 rows)
-- Check that the ordering of rules fired is correct
insert into rtest_order1 values (1);
select * from rtest_order2;
a | b | c
1 | 1 | rule 2 - this should run 1st
1 | 2 | rule 4 - this should run 2nd
1 | 3 | rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th
1 | 4 | rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th
(4 rows)
-- Check if instead nothing w/without qualification works
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (1, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (2, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (10, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (19, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (20, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (29, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (30, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (39, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (40, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (50, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 values (60, 'want this');
select * from rtest_nothn1;
a | b
1 | want this
2 | want this
20 | want this
29 | want this
40 | want this
50 | want this
60 | want this
(7 rows)
insert into rtest_nothn2 values (10, 'too small');
insert into rtest_nothn2 values (50, 'too small');
insert into rtest_nothn2 values (100, 'OK');
insert into rtest_nothn2 values (200, 'OK');
select * from rtest_nothn2;
a | b
(0 rows)
select * from rtest_nothn3;
a | b
100 | OK
200 | OK
(2 rows)
delete from rtest_nothn1;
delete from rtest_nothn2;
delete from rtest_nothn3;
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (1, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (2, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (10, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (19, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (20, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (29, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (30, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (39, 'don''t want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (40, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (50, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (60, 'want this');
insert into rtest_nothn1 select * from rtest_nothn4;
select * from rtest_nothn1;
a | b
1 | want this
2 | want this
20 | want this
29 | want this
40 | want this
50 | want this
60 | want this
(7 rows)
delete from rtest_nothn4;
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (10, 'too small');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (50, 'too small');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (100, 'OK');
insert into rtest_nothn4 values (200, 'OK');
insert into rtest_nothn2 select * from rtest_nothn4;
select * from rtest_nothn2;
a | b
(0 rows)
select * from rtest_nothn3;
a | b
100 | OK
200 | OK
(2 rows)
create table rtest_view1 (a int4, b text, v bool);
create table rtest_view2 (a int4);
create table rtest_view3 (a int4, b text);
create table rtest_view4 (a int4, b text, c int4);
create view rtest_vview1 as select a, b from rtest_view1 X
where 0 < (select count(*) from rtest_view2 Y where Y.a = X.a);
create view rtest_vview2 as select a, b from rtest_view1 where v;
create view rtest_vview3 as select a, b from rtest_vview2 X
where 0 < (select count(*) from rtest_view2 Y where Y.a = X.a);
create view rtest_vview4 as select X.a, X.b, count(Y.a) as refcount
from rtest_view1 X, rtest_view2 Y
where X.a = Y.a
group by X.a, X.b;
create function rtest_viewfunc1(int4) returns int4 as
'select count(*) from rtest_view2 where a = $1'
language 'sql';
create view rtest_vview5 as select a, b, rtest_viewfunc1(a) as refcount
from rtest_view1;
insert into rtest_view1 values (1, 'item 1', 't');
insert into rtest_view1 values (2, 'item 2', 't');
insert into rtest_view1 values (3, 'item 3', 't');
insert into rtest_view1 values (4, 'item 4', 'f');
insert into rtest_view1 values (5, 'item 5', 't');
insert into rtest_view1 values (6, 'item 6', 'f');
insert into rtest_view1 values (7, 'item 7', 't');
insert into rtest_view1 values (8, 'item 8', 't');
insert into rtest_view2 values (2);
insert into rtest_view2 values (2);
insert into rtest_view2 values (4);
insert into rtest_view2 values (5);
insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
select * from rtest_vview1;
a | b
2 | item 2
4 | item 4
5 | item 5
7 | item 7
(4 rows)
select * from rtest_vview2;
a | b
1 | item 1
2 | item 2
3 | item 3
5 | item 5
7 | item 7
8 | item 8
(6 rows)
select * from rtest_vview3;
a | b
2 | item 2
5 | item 5
7 | item 7
(3 rows)
select * from rtest_vview4;
a | b | refcount
2 | item 2 | 2
4 | item 4 | 1
5 | item 5 | 1
7 | item 7 | 4
(4 rows)
select * from rtest_vview5;
a | b | refcount
1 | item 1 | 0
2 | item 2 | 2
3 | item 3 | 0
4 | item 4 | 1
5 | item 5 | 1
6 | item 6 | 0
7 | item 7 | 4
8 | item 8 | 0
(8 rows)
insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview1 where a < 7;
select * from rtest_view3;
a | b
2 | item 2
4 | item 4
5 | item 5
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_view3;
insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview2 where a != 5 and b !~ '2';
select * from rtest_view3;
a | b
1 | item 1
3 | item 3
7 | item 7
8 | item 8
(4 rows)
delete from rtest_view3;
insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview3;
select * from rtest_view3;
a | b
2 | item 2
5 | item 5
7 | item 7
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_view3;
insert into rtest_view4 select * from rtest_vview4 where 3 > refcount;
select * from rtest_view4;
a | b | c
2 | item 2 | 2
4 | item 4 | 1
5 | item 5 | 1
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_view4;
insert into rtest_view4 select * from rtest_vview5 where a > 2 and refcount = 0;
select * from rtest_view4;
a | b | c
3 | item 3 | 0
6 | item 6 | 0
8 | item 8 | 0
(3 rows)
delete from rtest_view4;
-- Test for computations in views
create table rtest_comp (
part text,
unit char(4),
size float
create table rtest_unitfact (
unit char(4),
factor float
create view rtest_vcomp as
select X.part, (X.size * Y.factor) as size_in_cm
from rtest_comp X, rtest_unitfact Y
where X.unit = Y.unit;
insert into rtest_unitfact values ('m', 100.0);
insert into rtest_unitfact values ('cm', 1.0);
insert into rtest_unitfact values ('inch', 2.54);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p1', 'm', 5.0);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p2', 'm', 3.0);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p3', 'cm', 5.0);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p4', 'cm', 15.0);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p5', 'inch', 7.0);
insert into rtest_comp values ('p6', 'inch', 4.4);
select * from rtest_vcomp order by part;
part | size_in_cm
p1 | 500
p2 | 300
p3 | 5
p4 | 15
p5 | 17.78
p6 | 11.176
(6 rows)
select * from rtest_vcomp where size_in_cm > 10.0 order by size_in_cm using >;
part | size_in_cm
p1 | 500
p2 | 300
p5 | 17.78
p4 | 15
p6 | 11.176
(5 rows)
-- In addition run the (slightly modified) queries from the
-- programmers manual section on the rule system.
CREATE TABLE shoe_data (
shoename char(10), -- primary key
sh_avail integer, -- available # of pairs
slcolor char(10), -- preferred shoelace color
slminlen float, -- miminum shoelace length
slmaxlen float, -- maximum shoelace length
slunit char(8) -- length unit
CREATE TABLE shoelace_data (
sl_name char(10), -- primary key
sl_avail integer, -- available # of pairs
sl_color char(10), -- shoelace color
sl_len float, -- shoelace length
sl_unit char(8) -- length unit
un_name char(8), -- the primary key
un_fact float -- factor to transform to cm
SELECT sh.shoename,
sh.slminlen * un.un_fact AS slminlen_cm,
sh.slmaxlen * un.un_fact AS slmaxlen_cm,
FROM shoe_data sh, unit un
WHERE sh.slunit = un.un_name;
SELECT s.sl_name,
s.sl_len * u.un_fact AS sl_len_cm
FROM shoelace_data s, unit u
WHERE s.sl_unit = u.un_name;
CREATE VIEW shoe_ready AS
SELECT rsh.shoename,
int4smaller(rsh.sh_avail, rsl.sl_avail) AS total_avail
FROM shoe rsh, shoelace rsl
WHERE rsl.sl_color = rsh.slcolor
AND rsl.sl_len_cm >= rsh.slminlen_cm
AND rsl.sl_len_cm <= rsh.slmaxlen_cm;
INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('cm', 1.0);
INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('m', 100.0);
INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('inch', 2.54);
INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh1', 2, 'black', 70.0, 90.0, 'cm');
INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh2', 0, 'black', 30.0, 40.0, 'inch');
INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh3', 4, 'brown', 50.0, 65.0, 'cm');
INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh4', 3, 'brown', 40.0, 50.0, 'inch');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl1', 5, 'black', 80.0, 'cm');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl2', 6, 'black', 100.0, 'cm');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl3', 0, 'black', 35.0 , 'inch');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl4', 8, 'black', 40.0 , 'inch');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl5', 4, 'brown', 1.0 , 'm');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl6', 0, 'brown', 0.9 , 'm');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl7', 7, 'brown', 60 , 'cm');
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl8', 1, 'brown', 40 , 'inch');
-- SELECTs in doc
SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl1 | 5 | black | 80 | cm | 80
sl2 | 6 | black | 100 | cm | 100
sl3 | 0 | black | 35 | inch | 88.9
sl4 | 8 | black | 40 | inch | 101.6
sl5 | 4 | brown | 1 | m | 100
sl6 | 0 | brown | 0.9 | m | 90
sl7 | 7 | brown | 60 | cm | 60
sl8 | 1 | brown | 40 | inch | 101.6
(8 rows)
SELECT * FROM shoe_ready WHERE total_avail >= 2;
shoename | sh_avail | sl_name | sl_avail | total_avail
sh1 | 2 | sl1 | 5 | 2
sh3 | 4 | sl7 | 7 | 4
(2 rows)
CREATE TABLE shoelace_log (
sl_name char(10), -- shoelace changed
sl_avail integer, -- new available value
log_who name, -- who did it
log_when datetime -- when
-- Want "log_who" to be CURRENT_USER,
-- but that is non-portable for the regression test
-- - thomas 1999-02-21
CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data
WHERE NEW.sl_avail != OLD.sl_avail
DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log VALUES (
'Al Bundy',
UPDATE shoelace_data SET sl_avail = 6 WHERE sl_name = 'sl7';
SELECT * FROM shoelace_log;
sl_name | sl_avail | log_who | log_when
sl7 | 6 | Al Bundy | epoch
(1 row)
CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace
INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES (
CREATE RULE shoelace_upd AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace
UPDATE shoelace_data SET
sl_name = NEW.sl_name,
sl_avail = NEW.sl_avail,
sl_color = NEW.sl_color,
sl_len = NEW.sl_len,
sl_unit = NEW.sl_unit
WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;
CREATE RULE shoelace_del AS ON DELETE TO shoelace
DELETE FROM shoelace_data
WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;
CREATE TABLE shoelace_arrive (
arr_name char(10),
arr_quant integer
CREATE TABLE shoelace_ok (
ok_name char(10),
ok_quant integer
CREATE RULE shoelace_ok_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace_ok
UPDATE shoelace SET
sl_avail = sl_avail + NEW.ok_quant
WHERE sl_name = NEW.ok_name;
INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl3', 10);
INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl6', 20);
INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl8', 20);
SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl1 | 5 | black | 80 | cm | 80
sl2 | 6 | black | 100 | cm | 100
sl3 | 0 | black | 35 | inch | 88.9
sl4 | 8 | black | 40 | inch | 101.6
sl5 | 4 | brown | 1 | m | 100
sl6 | 0 | brown | 0.9 | m | 90
sl7 | 6 | brown | 60 | cm | 60
sl8 | 1 | brown | 40 | inch | 101.6
(8 rows)
insert into shoelace_ok select * from shoelace_arrive;
SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl1 | 5 | black | 80 | cm | 80
sl2 | 6 | black | 100 | cm | 100
sl3 | 10 | black | 35 | inch | 88.9
sl4 | 8 | black | 40 | inch | 101.6
sl5 | 4 | brown | 1 | m | 100
sl6 | 20 | brown | 0.9 | m | 90
sl7 | 6 | brown | 60 | cm | 60
sl8 | 21 | brown | 40 | inch | 101.6
(8 rows)
SELECT * FROM shoelace_log ORDER BY sl_name;
sl_name | sl_avail | log_who | log_when
sl3 | 10 | Al Bundy | epoch
sl6 | 20 | Al Bundy | epoch
sl7 | 6 | Al Bundy | epoch
sl8 | 21 | Al Bundy | epoch
(4 rows)
CREATE VIEW shoelace_obsolete AS
(SELECT shoename FROM shoe WHERE slcolor = sl_color);
CREATE VIEW shoelace_candelete AS
SELECT * FROM shoelace_obsolete WHERE sl_avail = 0;
insert into shoelace values ('sl9', 0, 'pink', 35.0, 'inch', 0.0);
insert into shoelace values ('sl10', 1000, 'magenta', 40.0, 'inch', 0.0);
SELECT * FROM shoelace_obsolete;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl9 | 0 | pink | 35 | inch | 88.9
sl10 | 1000 | magenta | 40 | inch | 101.6
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM shoelace_candelete;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl9 | 0 | pink | 35 | inch | 88.9
(1 row)
(SELECT * FROM shoelace_candelete
WHERE sl_name = shoelace.sl_name);
SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
sl_name | sl_avail | sl_color | sl_len | sl_unit | sl_len_cm
sl1 | 5 | black | 80 | cm | 80
sl10 | 1000 | magenta | 40 | inch | 101.6
sl2 | 6 | black | 100 | cm | 100
sl3 | 10 | black | 35 | inch | 88.9
sl4 | 8 | black | 40 | inch | 101.6
sl5 | 4 | brown | 1 | m | 100
sl6 | 20 | brown | 0.9 | m | 90
sl7 | 6 | brown | 60 | cm | 60
sl8 | 21 | brown | 40 | inch | 101.6
(9 rows)
SELECT * FROM shoe ORDER BY shoename;
shoename | sh_avail | slcolor | slminlen | slminlen_cm | slmaxlen | slmaxlen_cm | slunit
sh1 | 2 | black | 70 | 70 | 90 | 90 | cm
sh2 | 0 | black | 30 | 76.2 | 40 | 101.6 | inch
sh3 | 4 | brown | 50 | 50 | 65 | 65 | cm
sh4 | 3 | brown | 40 | 101.6 | 50 | 127 | inch
(4 rows)
SELECT count(*) FROM shoe;
(1 row)
-- Simple test of qualified ON INSERT ... this did not work in 7.0 ...
create table foo (f1 int);
create table foo2 (f1 int);
create rule foorule as on insert to foo where f1 < 100
do instead nothing;
insert into foo values(1);
insert into foo values(1001);
select * from foo;
(1 row)
drop rule foorule;
-- this should fail because f1 is not exposed for unqualified reference:
create rule foorule as on insert to foo where f1 < 100
do instead insert into foo2 values (f1);
ERROR: Attribute 'f1' not found
-- this is the correct way:
create rule foorule as on insert to foo where f1 < 100
do instead insert into foo2 values (new.f1);
insert into foo values(2);
insert into foo values(100);
select * from foo;
(2 rows)
select * from foo2;
(1 row)
drop rule foorule;
drop table foo;
drop table foo2;
-- Test rules containing INSERT ... SELECT, which is a very ugly special
-- case as of 7.1. Example is based on bug report from Joel Burton.
create table pparent (pid int, txt text);
insert into pparent values (1,'parent1');
insert into pparent values (2,'parent2');
create table cchild (pid int, descrip text);
insert into cchild values (1,'descrip1');
create view vview as
select, txt, descrip from
pparent left join cchild using (pid);
create rule rrule as
on update to vview do instead
insert into cchild (pid, descrip)
select, new.descrip where old.descrip isnull;
update cchild set descrip = new.descrip where =;
select * from vview;
pid | txt | descrip
1 | parent1 | descrip1
2 | parent2 |
(2 rows)
update vview set descrip='test1' where pid=1;
select * from vview;
pid | txt | descrip
1 | parent1 | test1
2 | parent2 |
(2 rows)
update vview set descrip='test2' where pid=2;
select * from vview;
pid | txt | descrip
1 | parent1 | test1
2 | parent2 | test2
(2 rows)
update vview set descrip='test3' where pid=3;
select * from vview;
pid | txt | descrip
1 | parent1 | test1
2 | parent2 | test2
(2 rows)
select * from cchild;
pid | descrip
1 | test1
2 | test2
(2 rows)
drop rule rrule;
drop view vview;
drop table pparent;
drop table cchild;
-- Check that ruleutils are working
SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views ORDER BY viewname;
viewname | definition
iexit | SELECT, ih.thepath, interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit FROM ihighway ih, ramp r WHERE (ih.thepath ## r.thepath);
pg_indexes | SELECT c.relname AS tablename, i.relname AS indexname, pg_get_indexdef(x.indexrelid) AS indexdef FROM pg_index x, pg_class c, pg_class i WHERE ((((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") AND (i.relkind = 'i'::"char")) AND (c.oid = x.indrelid)) AND (i.oid = x.indexrelid));
pg_rules | SELECT c.relname AS tablename, r.rulename, pg_get_ruledef(r.rulename) AS definition FROM pg_rewrite r, pg_class c WHERE ((r.rulename !~ '^_RET'::text) AND (c.oid = r.ev_class));
pg_stat_activity | SELECT d.oid AS datid, d.datname, pg_stat_get_backend_pid(s.backendid) AS procpid, pg_stat_get_backend_userid(s.backendid) AS usesysid, u.usename, pg_stat_get_backend_activity(s.backendid) AS current_query FROM pg_database d, (SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_idset() AS backendid) s, pg_shadow u WHERE ((pg_stat_get_backend_dbid(s.backendid) = d.oid) AND (pg_stat_get_backend_userid(s.backendid) = u.usesysid));
pg_stat_all_indexes | SELECT c.oid AS relid, i.oid AS indexrelid, c.relname, i.relname AS indexrelname, pg_stat_get_numscans(i.oid) AS idx_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(i.oid) AS idx_tup_read, pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.oid) AS idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_class c, pg_class i, pg_index x WHERE (((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") AND (x.indrelid = c.oid)) AND (x.indexrelid = i.oid));
pg_stat_all_tables | SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relname, pg_stat_get_numscans(c.oid) AS seq_scan, pg_stat_get_tuples_returned(c.oid) AS seq_tup_read, sum(pg_stat_get_numscans(i.indexrelid)) AS idx_scan, sum(pg_stat_get_tuples_fetched(i.indexrelid)) AS idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(c.oid) AS n_tup_ins, pg_stat_get_tuples_updated(c.oid) AS n_tup_upd, pg_stat_get_tuples_deleted(c.oid) AS n_tup_del FROM (pg_class c FULL JOIN pg_index i ON ((c.oid = i.indrelid))) WHERE (c.relkind = 'r'::"char") GROUP BY c.oid, c.relname;
pg_stat_database | SELECT d.oid AS datid, d.datname, pg_stat_get_db_numbackends(d.oid) AS numbackends, pg_stat_get_db_xact_commit(d.oid) AS xact_commit, pg_stat_get_db_xact_rollback(d.oid) AS xact_rollback, (pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(d.oid) - pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid)) AS blks_read, pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(d.oid) AS blks_hit FROM pg_database d;
pg_stat_sys_indexes | SELECT pg_stat_all_indexes.relid, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_stat_all_indexes.relname, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_read, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE (pg_stat_all_indexes.relname ~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_stat_sys_tables | SELECT pg_stat_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_all_tables.relname ~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_stat_user_indexes | SELECT pg_stat_all_indexes.relid, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_stat_all_indexes.relname, pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_read, pg_stat_all_indexes.idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE (pg_stat_all_indexes.relname !~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_stat_user_tables | SELECT pg_stat_all_tables.relid, pg_stat_all_tables.relname, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.seq_tup_read, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_scan, pg_stat_all_tables.idx_tup_fetch, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_ins, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_upd, pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_del FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE (pg_stat_all_tables.relname !~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_all_indexes | SELECT c.oid AS relid, i.oid AS indexrelid, c.relname, i.relname AS indexrelname, (pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid)) AS idx_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.oid) AS idx_blks_hit FROM pg_class c, pg_class i, pg_index x WHERE (((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") AND (x.indrelid = c.oid)) AND (x.indexrelid = i.oid));
pg_statio_all_sequences | SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relname, (pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid)) AS blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS blks_hit FROM pg_class c WHERE (c.relkind = 'S'::"char");
pg_statio_all_tables | SELECT c.oid AS relid, c.relname, (pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(c.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid)) AS heap_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(c.oid) AS heap_blks_hit, sum((pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(i.indexrelid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid))) AS idx_blks_read, sum(pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(i.indexrelid)) AS idx_blks_hit, (pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(t.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(t.oid)) AS toast_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(t.oid) AS toast_blks_hit, (pg_stat_get_blocks_fetched(x.oid) - pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(x.oid)) AS tidx_blks_read, pg_stat_get_blocks_hit(x.oid) AS tidx_blks_hit FROM (((pg_class c FULL JOIN pg_index i ON ((c.oid = i.indrelid))) FULL JOIN pg_class t ON ((c.reltoastrelid = t.oid))) FULL JOIN pg_class x ON ((c.reltoastidxid = x.oid))) WHERE (c.relkind = 'r'::"char") GROUP BY c.oid, c.relname, t.oid, x.oid;
pg_statio_sys_indexes | SELECT pg_statio_all_indexes.relid, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_statio_all_indexes.relname, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_indexes WHERE (pg_statio_all_indexes.relname ~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_sys_sequences | SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE (pg_statio_all_sequences.relname ~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_sys_tables | SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_tables WHERE (pg_statio_all_tables.relname ~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_user_indexes | SELECT pg_statio_all_indexes.relid, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelid, pg_statio_all_indexes.relname, pg_statio_all_indexes.indexrelname, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_indexes.idx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_indexes WHERE (pg_statio_all_indexes.relname !~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_user_sequences | SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE (pg_statio_all_sequences.relname !~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_statio_user_tables | SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM pg_statio_all_tables WHERE (pg_statio_all_tables.relname !~ '^pg_'::text);
pg_stats | SELECT c.relname AS tablename, a.attname, s.stanullfrac AS null_frac, s.stawidth AS avg_width, s.stadistinct AS n_distinct, CASE WHEN (1 = s.stakind1) THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN (1 = s.stakind2) THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN (1 = s.stakind3) THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN (1 = s.stakind4) THEN s.stavalues4 ELSE NULL::"_text" END AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN (1 = s.stakind1) THEN s.stanumbers1 WHEN (1 = s.stakind2) THEN s.stanumbers2 WHEN (1 = s.stakind3) THEN s.stanumbers3 WHEN (1 = s.stakind4) THEN s.stanumbers4 ELSE NULL::"_float4" END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN (2 = s.stakind1) THEN s.stavalues1 WHEN (2 = s.stakind2) THEN s.stavalues2 WHEN (2 = s.stakind3) THEN s.stavalues3 WHEN (2 = s.stakind4) THEN s.stavalues4 ELSE NULL::"_text" END AS histogram_bounds, CASE WHEN (3 = s.stakind1) THEN s.stanumbers1[1] WHEN (3 = s.stakind2) THEN s.stanumbers2[1] WHEN (3 = s.stakind3) THEN s.stanumbers3[1] WHEN (3 = s.stakind4) THEN s.stanumbers4[1] ELSE NULL::float4 END AS correlation FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_statistic s WHERE ((((c.oid = s.starelid) AND (c.oid = a.attrelid)) AND (a.attnum = s.staattnum)) AND has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'select'::text));
pg_tables | SELECT c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM pg_class c WHERE ((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") OR (c.relkind = 's'::"char"));
pg_user | SELECT pg_shadow.usename, pg_shadow.usesysid, pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usetrace, pg_shadow.usesuper, pg_shadow.usecatupd, '********'::text AS passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil FROM pg_shadow;
pg_views | SELECT c.relname AS viewname, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.relname) AS definition FROM pg_class c WHERE (c.relkind = 'v'::"char");
rtest_v1 | SELECT rtest_t1.a, rtest_t1.b FROM rtest_t1;
rtest_vcomp | SELECT x.part, (x.size * y.factor) AS size_in_cm FROM rtest_comp x, rtest_unitfact y WHERE (x.unit = y.unit);
rtest_vview1 | SELECT x.a, x.b FROM rtest_view1 x WHERE (0 < (SELECT count(*) AS count FROM rtest_view2 y WHERE (y.a = x.a)));
rtest_vview2 | SELECT rtest_view1.a, rtest_view1.b FROM rtest_view1 WHERE rtest_view1.v;
rtest_vview3 | SELECT x.a, x.b FROM rtest_vview2 x WHERE (0 < (SELECT count(*) AS count FROM rtest_view2 y WHERE (y.a = x.a)));
rtest_vview4 | SELECT x.a, x.b, count(y.a) AS refcount FROM rtest_view1 x, rtest_view2 y WHERE (x.a = y.a) GROUP BY x.a, x.b;
rtest_vview5 | SELECT rtest_view1.a, rtest_view1.b, rtest_viewfunc1(rtest_view1.a) AS refcount FROM rtest_view1;
shoe | SELECT sh.shoename, sh.sh_avail, sh.slcolor, sh.slminlen, (sh.slminlen * un.un_fact) AS slminlen_cm, sh.slmaxlen, (sh.slmaxlen * un.un_fact) AS slmaxlen_cm, sh.slunit FROM shoe_data sh, unit un WHERE (sh.slunit = un.un_name);
shoe_ready | SELECT rsh.shoename, rsh.sh_avail, rsl.sl_name, rsl.sl_avail, int4smaller(rsh.sh_avail, rsl.sl_avail) AS total_avail FROM shoe rsh, shoelace rsl WHERE (((rsl.sl_color = rsh.slcolor) AND (rsl.sl_len_cm >= rsh.slminlen_cm)) AND (rsl.sl_len_cm <= rsh.slmaxlen_cm));
shoelace | SELECT s.sl_name, s.sl_avail, s.sl_color, s.sl_len, s.sl_unit, (s.sl_len * u.un_fact) AS sl_len_cm FROM shoelace_data s, unit u WHERE (s.sl_unit = u.un_name);
shoelace_candelete | SELECT shoelace_obsolete.sl_name, shoelace_obsolete.sl_avail, shoelace_obsolete.sl_color, shoelace_obsolete.sl_len, shoelace_obsolete.sl_unit, shoelace_obsolete.sl_len_cm FROM shoelace_obsolete WHERE (shoelace_obsolete.sl_avail = 0);
shoelace_obsolete | SELECT shoelace.sl_name, shoelace.sl_avail, shoelace.sl_color, shoelace.sl_len, shoelace.sl_unit, shoelace.sl_len_cm FROM shoelace WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (SELECT shoe.shoename FROM shoe WHERE (shoe.slcolor = shoelace.sl_color))));
street | SELECT, r.thepath, c.cname FROM ONLY road r, real_city c WHERE (c.outline ## r.thepath);
toyemp | SELECT, emp.age, emp."location", (12 * emp.salary) AS annualsal FROM emp;
(38 rows)
SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
tablename | rulename | definition
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_del | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (old.ename, "current_user"(), 'fired '::bpchar, '$0.00'::money, old.salary);
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_ins | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_emp DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, "current_user"(), 'hired '::bpchar, new.salary, '$0.00'::money);
rtest_emp | rtest_emp_upd | CREATE RULE rtest_emp_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_emp WHERE (new.salary <> old.salary) DO INSERT INTO rtest_emplog (ename, who, "action", newsal, oldsal) VALUES (new.ename, "current_user"(), 'honored '::bpchar, new.salary, old.salary);
rtest_nothn1 | rtest_nothn_r1 | CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r1 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn1 WHERE ((new.a >= 10) AND (new.a < 20)) DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn1 | rtest_nothn_r2 | CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r2 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn1 WHERE ((new.a >= 30) AND (new.a < 40)) DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_nothn2 | rtest_nothn_r3 | CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r3 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn2 WHERE (new.a >= 100) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_nothn3 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_nothn2 | rtest_nothn_r4 | CREATE RULE rtest_nothn_r4 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_nothn2 DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
rtest_order1 | rtest_order_r1 | CREATE RULE rtest_order_r1 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_order1 DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_order2 (a, b, c) VALUES (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'::text), 'rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::text);
rtest_order1 | rtest_order_r2 | CREATE RULE rtest_order_r2 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_order1 DO INSERT INTO rtest_order2 (a, b, c) VALUES (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'::text), 'rule 2 - this should run 1st'::text);
rtest_order1 | rtest_order_r3 | CREATE RULE rtest_order_r3 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_order1 DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_order2 (a, b, c) VALUES (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'::text), 'rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th'::text);
rtest_order1 | rtest_order_r4 | CREATE RULE rtest_order_r4 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_order1 WHERE (new.a < 100) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_order2 (a, b, c) VALUES (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'::text), 'rule 4 - this should run 2nd'::text);
rtest_person | rtest_pers_del | CREATE RULE rtest_pers_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_person DO DELETE FROM rtest_admin WHERE (rtest_admin.pname = old.pname);
rtest_person | rtest_pers_upd | CREATE RULE rtest_pers_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_person DO UPDATE rtest_admin SET pname = new.pname WHERE (rtest_admin.pname = old.pname);
rtest_system | rtest_sys_del | CREATE RULE rtest_sys_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_system DO (DELETE FROM rtest_interface WHERE (rtest_interface.sysname = old.sysname); DELETE FROM rtest_admin WHERE (rtest_admin.sysname = old.sysname); );
rtest_system | rtest_sys_upd | CREATE RULE rtest_sys_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_system DO (UPDATE rtest_interface SET sysname = new.sysname WHERE (rtest_interface.sysname = old.sysname); UPDATE rtest_admin SET sysname = new.sysname WHERE (rtest_admin.sysname = old.sysname); );
rtest_t4 | rtest_t4_ins1 | CREATE RULE rtest_t4_ins1 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_t4 WHERE ((new.a >= 10) AND (new.a < 20)) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_t5 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_t4 | rtest_t4_ins2 | CREATE RULE rtest_t4_ins2 AS ON INSERT TO rtest_t4 WHERE ((new.a >= 20) AND (new.a < 30)) DO INSERT INTO rtest_t6 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_t5 | rtest_t5_ins | CREATE RULE rtest_t5_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_t5 WHERE (new.a > 15) DO INSERT INTO rtest_t7 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_t6 | rtest_t6_ins | CREATE RULE rtest_t6_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_t6 WHERE (new.a > 25) DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_t8 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_v1 | rtest_v1_del | CREATE RULE rtest_v1_del AS ON DELETE TO rtest_v1 DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM rtest_t1 WHERE (rtest_t1.a = old.a);
rtest_v1 | rtest_v1_ins | CREATE RULE rtest_v1_ins AS ON INSERT TO rtest_v1 DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO rtest_t1 (a, b) VALUES (new.a, new.b);
rtest_v1 | rtest_v1_upd | CREATE RULE rtest_v1_upd AS ON UPDATE TO rtest_v1 DO INSTEAD UPDATE rtest_t1 SET a = new.a, b = new.b WHERE (rtest_t1.a = old.a);
shoelace | shoelace_del | CREATE RULE shoelace_del AS ON DELETE TO shoelace DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM shoelace_data WHERE (shoelace_data.sl_name = old.sl_name);
shoelace | shoelace_ins | CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO shoelace_data (sl_name, sl_avail, sl_color, sl_len, sl_unit) VALUES (new.sl_name, new.sl_avail, new.sl_color, new.sl_len, new.sl_unit);
shoelace | shoelace_upd | CREATE RULE shoelace_upd AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace_data SET sl_name = new.sl_name, sl_avail = new.sl_avail, sl_color = new.sl_color, sl_len = new.sl_len, sl_unit = new.sl_unit WHERE (shoelace_data.sl_name = old.sl_name);
shoelace_data | log_shoelace | CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data WHERE (new.sl_avail <> old.sl_avail) DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log (sl_name, sl_avail, log_who, log_when) VALUES (new.sl_name, new.sl_avail, 'Al Bundy'::name, "timestamp"('epoch'::text));
shoelace_ok | shoelace_ok_ins | CREATE RULE shoelace_ok_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace_ok DO INSTEAD UPDATE shoelace SET sl_avail = (shoelace.sl_avail + new.ok_quant) WHERE (shoelace.sl_name = new.ok_name);
(27 rows)