Bruce Momjian 97c39498e5 Update copyright for 2019
Backpatch-through: certain files through 9.4
2019-01-02 12:44:25 -05:00

542 lines
13 KiB

# Perl module that extracts info from catalog files into Perl
# data structures
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# src/backend/catalog/
package Catalog;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Compare;
# Parses a catalog header file into a data structure describing the schema
# of the catalog.
sub ParseHeader
my $input_file = shift;
# There are a few types which are given one name in the C source, but a
# different name at the SQL level. These are enumerated here.
'int16' => 'int2',
'int32' => 'int4',
'int64' => 'int8',
'Oid' => 'oid',
'NameData' => 'name',
'TransactionId' => 'xid',
'XLogRecPtr' => 'pg_lsn');
my %catalog;
my $declaring_attributes = 0;
my $is_varlen = 0;
my $is_client_code = 0;
$catalog{columns} = [];
$catalog{toasting} = [];
$catalog{indexing} = [];
$catalog{client_code} = [];
open(my $ifh, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifh>)
# Set appropriate flag when we're in certain code sections.
if (/^#/)
$is_varlen = 1 if /^#ifdef\s+CATALOG_VARLEN/;
if (/^#ifdef\s+EXPOSE_TO_CLIENT_CODE/)
$is_client_code = 1;
next if !$is_client_code;
if (!$is_client_code)
# Strip C-style comments.
if (m;/\*;)
# handle multi-line comments properly.
my $next_line = <$ifh>;
die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons.
s/\s+/ /g;
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
if (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
push @{ $catalog{toasting} },
{ parent_table => $1, toast_oid => $2, toast_index_oid => $3 };
elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/)
push @{ $catalog{indexing} },
is_unique => $1 ? 1 : 0,
index_name => $2,
index_oid => $3,
index_decl => $4
elsif (/^CATALOG\((\w+),(\d+),(\w+)\)/)
$catalog{catname} = $1;
$catalog{relation_oid} = $2;
$catalog{relation_oid_macro} = $3;
$catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : '';
$catalog{shared_relation} =
/BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : '';
if (/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),(\w+)\)/)
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = $1;
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = " rowtype_oid $1";
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = $2;
$catalog{rowtype_oid} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_clause} = '';
$catalog{rowtype_oid_macro} = '';
$catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 1 : 0;
$declaring_attributes = 1;
elsif ($is_client_code)
if (/^#endif/)
$is_client_code = 0;
push @{ $catalog{client_code} }, $_;
elsif ($declaring_attributes)
next if (/^{|^$/);
if (/^}/)
$declaring_attributes = 0;
my %column;
my @attopts = split /\s+/, $_;
my $atttype = shift @attopts;
my $attname = shift @attopts;
die "parse error ($input_file)"
unless ($attname and $atttype);
if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype})
$atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype};
# If the C name ends with '[]' or '[digits]', we have
# an array type, so we discard that from the name and
# prepend '_' to the type.
if ($attname =~ /(\w+)\[\d*\]/)
$attname = $1;
$atttype = '_' . $atttype;
$column{type} = $atttype;
$column{name} = $attname;
$column{is_varlen} = 1 if $is_varlen;
foreach my $attopt (@attopts)
if ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NULL')
$column{forcenull} = 1;
elsif ($attopt eq 'BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL')
$column{forcenotnull} = 1;
# We use quotes for values like \0 and \054, to
# make sure all compilers and syntax highlighters
# can recognize them properly.
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_DEFAULT\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/)
$column{default} = $1;
elsif (
$attopt =~ /BKI_ARRAY_DEFAULT\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/)
$column{array_default} = $1;
elsif ($attopt =~ /BKI_LOOKUP\((\w+)\)/)
$column{lookup} = $1;
"unknown or misformatted column option $attopt on column $attname";
if ($column{forcenull} and $column{forcenotnull})
die "$attname is forced both null and not null";
push @{ $catalog{columns} }, \%column;
close $ifh;
return \%catalog;
# Parses a file containing Perl data structure literals, returning live data.
# The parameter $preserve_formatting needs to be set for callers that want
# to work with non-data lines in the data files, such as comments and blank
# lines. If a caller just wants to consume the data, leave it unset.
sub ParseData
my ($input_file, $schema, $preserve_formatting) = @_;
open(my $ifd, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
$input_file =~ /(\w+)\.dat$/
or die "Input file $input_file needs to be a .dat file.\n";
my $catname = $1;
my $data = [];
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifd>)
my $hash_ref;
if (/{/)
# Capture the hash ref
# NB: Assumes that the next hash ref can't start on the
# same line where the present one ended.
# Not foolproof, but we shouldn't need a full parser,
# since we expect relatively well-behaved input.
# Quick hack to detect when we have a full hash ref to
# parse. We can't just use a regex because of values in
# pg_aggregate and pg_proc like '{0,0}'. This will need
# work if we ever need to allow unbalanced braces within
# a field value.
my $lcnt = tr/{//;
my $rcnt = tr/}//;
if ($lcnt == $rcnt)
# We're treating the input line as a piece of Perl, so we
# need to use string eval here. Tell perlcritic we know what
# we're doing.
eval '$hash_ref = ' . $_; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval)
if (!ref $hash_ref)
die "$input_file: error parsing line $.:\n$_\n";
# Annotate each hash with the source line number.
$hash_ref->{line_number} = $.;
# Expand tuples to their full representation.
AddDefaultValues($hash_ref, $schema, $catname);
my $next_line = <$ifd>;
die "$input_file: file ends within Perl hash\n"
if !defined $next_line;
$_ .= $next_line;
# If we found a hash reference, keep it, unless it is marked as
# autogenerated; in that case it'd duplicate an entry we'll
# autogenerate below. (This makes it safe for
# with --full-tuples to print autogenerated entries, which seems like
# useful behavior for debugging.)
# Only keep non-data strings if we are told to preserve formatting.
if (defined $hash_ref)
push @$data, $hash_ref if !$hash_ref->{autogenerated};
elsif ($preserve_formatting)
push @$data, $_;
close $ifd;
# If this is pg_type, auto-generate array types too.
GenerateArrayTypes($schema, $data) if $catname eq 'pg_type';
return $data;
# Fill in default values of a record using the given schema.
# It's the caller's responsibility to specify other values beforehand.
sub AddDefaultValues
my ($row, $schema, $catname) = @_;
my @missing_fields;
# Compute special-case column values.
# Note: If you add new cases here, you must also teach
# strip_default_values() in include/catalog/
# to delete them.
if ($catname eq 'pg_proc')
# pg_proc.pronargs can be derived from proargtypes.
if (defined $row->{proargtypes})
my @proargtypes = split /\s+/, $row->{proargtypes};
$row->{pronargs} = scalar(@proargtypes);
# Now fill in defaults, and note any columns that remain undefined.
foreach my $column (@$schema)
my $attname = $column->{name};
my $atttype = $column->{type};
if (defined $row->{$attname})
elsif ($attname eq 'oid')
elsif (defined $column->{default})
$row->{$attname} = $column->{default};
# Failed to find a value.
push @missing_fields, $attname;
# Failure to provide all columns is a hard error.
if (@missing_fields)
die sprintf "missing values for field(s) %s in %s.dat line %s\n",
join(', ', @missing_fields), $catname, $row->{line_number};
# If a pg_type entry has an array_type_oid metadata field,
# auto-generate an entry for its array type.
sub GenerateArrayTypes
my $pgtype_schema = shift;
my $types = shift;
my @array_types;
foreach my $elem_type (@$types)
next if !(ref $elem_type eq 'HASH');
next if !defined($elem_type->{array_type_oid});
my %array_type;
# Set up metadata fields for array type.
$array_type{oid} = $elem_type->{array_type_oid};
$array_type{autogenerated} = 1;
$array_type{line_number} = $elem_type->{line_number};
# Set up column values derived from the element type.
$array_type{typname} = '_' . $elem_type->{typname};
$array_type{typelem} = $elem_type->{typname};
# Arrays require INT alignment, unless the element type requires
# DOUBLE alignment.
$array_type{typalign} = $elem_type->{typalign} eq 'd' ? 'd' : 'i';
# Fill in the rest of the array entry's fields.
foreach my $column (@$pgtype_schema)
my $attname = $column->{name};
# Skip if we already set it above.
next if defined $array_type{$attname};
# Apply the BKI_ARRAY_DEFAULT setting if there is one,
# otherwise copy the field from the element type.
if (defined $column->{array_default})
$array_type{$attname} = $column->{array_default};
$array_type{$attname} = $elem_type->{$attname};
# Lastly, cross-link the array to the element type.
$elem_type->{typarray} = $array_type{typname};
push @array_types, \%array_type;
push @$types, @array_types;
# Rename temporary files to final names.
# Call this function with the final file name and the .tmp extension.
# If the final file already exists and has identical contents, don't
# overwrite it; this behavior avoids unnecessary recompiles due to
# updating the mod date on unchanged header files.
# Note: recommended extension is ".tmp$$", so that parallel make steps
# can't use the same temp files.
sub RenameTempFile
my $final_name = shift;
my $extension = shift;
my $temp_name = $final_name . $extension;
if (-f $final_name
&& compare($temp_name, $final_name) == 0)
unlink($temp_name) || die "unlink: $temp_name: $!";
rename($temp_name, $final_name) || die "rename: $temp_name: $!";
# Find a symbol defined in a particular header file and extract the value.
# include_path should be the path to src/include/.
sub FindDefinedSymbol
my ($catalog_header, $include_path, $symbol) = @_;
my $value;
# Make sure include path ends in a slash.
if (substr($include_path, -1) ne '/')
$include_path .= '/';
my $file = $include_path . $catalog_header;
open(my $find_defined_symbol, '<', $file) || die "$file: $!";
while (<$find_defined_symbol>)
if (/^#define\s+\Q$symbol\E\s+(\S+)/)
$value = $1;
close $find_defined_symbol;
return $value if defined $value;
die "$file: no definition found for $symbol\n";
# Similar to FindDefinedSymbol, but looks in the bootstrap metadata.
sub FindDefinedSymbolFromData
my ($data, $symbol) = @_;
foreach my $row (@{$data})
if ($row->{oid_symbol} eq $symbol)
return $row->{oid};
die "no definition found for $symbol\n";
# Extract an array of all the OIDs assigned in the specified catalog headers
# and their associated data files (if any).
# Caution: contains equivalent logic; change it too if you need to
# touch this.
sub FindAllOidsFromHeaders
my @input_files = @_;
my @oids = ();
foreach my $header (@input_files)
$header =~ /(.+)\.h$/
or die "Input files need to be header files.\n";
my $datfile = "$1.dat";
my $catalog = Catalog::ParseHeader($header);
# We ignore the pg_class OID and rowtype OID of bootstrap catalogs,
# as those are expected to appear in the initial data for pg_class
# and pg_type. For regular catalogs, include these OIDs.
if (!$catalog->{bootstrap})
push @oids, $catalog->{relation_oid}
if ($catalog->{relation_oid});
push @oids, $catalog->{rowtype_oid} if ($catalog->{rowtype_oid});
# Not all catalogs have a data file.
if (-e $datfile)
my $catdata =
Catalog::ParseData($datfile, $catalog->{columns}, 0);
foreach my $row (@$catdata)
push @oids, $row->{oid} if defined $row->{oid};
foreach my $toast (@{ $catalog->{toasting} })
push @oids, $toast->{toast_oid}, $toast->{toast_index_oid};
foreach my $index (@{ $catalog->{indexing} })
push @oids, $index->{index_oid};
return \@oids;