
131 lines
3.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Test success or failure of the incremental (table-driven) JSON parser
# for a variety of small inputs.
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
my $dir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir;
sub test
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($name, $json, %params) = @_;
my $exe = "test_json_parser_incremental";
my $chunk = length($json);
# Test the input with chunk sizes from max(input_size, 64) down to 1
if ($chunk > 64)
$chunk = 64;
my ($fh, $fname) = tempfile(DIR => $dir);
print $fh "$json";
foreach my $size (reverse(1 .. $chunk))
my ($stdout, $stderr) = run_command([ $exe, "-c", $size, $fname ]);
if (defined($params{error}))
unlike($stdout, qr/SUCCESS/,
"$name, chunk size $size: test fails");
like($stderr, $params{error},
"$name, chunk size $size: correct error output");
like($stdout, qr/SUCCESS/,
"$name, chunk size $size: test succeeds");
is($stderr, "", "$name, chunk size $size: no error output");
test("number", "12345");
test("string", '"hello"');
test("false", "false");
test("true", "true");
test("null", "null");
test("empty object", "{}");
test("empty array", "[]");
test("array with number", "[12345]");
test("array with numbers", "[12345,67890]");
test("array with null", "[null]");
test("array with string", '["hello"]');
test("array with boolean", '[false]');
test("single pair", '{"key": "value"}');
test("heavily nested array", "[" x 3200 . "]" x 3200);
test("serial escapes", '"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"');
test("interrupted escapes", '"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\"');
test("whitespace", ' "" ');
test("unclosed empty object",
"{", error => qr/input string ended unexpectedly/);
test("bad key", "{{", error => qr/Expected string or "}", but found "\{"/);
test("bad key", "{{}", error => qr/Expected string or "}", but found "\{"/);
test("numeric key", "{1234: 2}",
error => qr/Expected string or "}", but found "1234"/);
"second numeric key",
'{"a": "a", 1234: 2}',
error => qr/Expected string, but found "1234"/);
"unclosed object with pair",
'{"key": "value"',
error => qr/input string ended unexpectedly/);
test("missing key value",
'{"key": }', error => qr/Expected JSON value, but found "}"/);
"missing colon",
'{"key" 12345}',
error => qr/Expected ":", but found "12345"/);
"missing comma",
'{"key": 12345 12345}',
error => qr/Expected "," or "}", but found "12345"/);
test("overnested array",
"[" x 6401, error => qr/maximum permitted depth is 6400/);
test("overclosed array",
"[]]", error => qr/Expected end of input, but found "]"/);
test("unexpected token in array",
"[ }}} ]", error => qr/Expected array element or "]", but found "}"/);
test("junk punctuation", "[ ||| ]", error => qr/Token "|" is invalid/);
test("missing comma in array",
"[123 123]", error => qr/Expected "," or "]", but found "123"/);
test("misspelled boolean", "tru", error => qr/Token "tru" is invalid/);
"misspelled boolean in array",
error => qr/Token "tru" is invalid/);
test("smashed top-level scalar", "12zz",
error => qr/Token "12zz" is invalid/);
"smashed scalar in array",
error => qr/Token "12zz" is invalid/);
"unknown escape sequence",
error => qr/Escape sequence "\\v" is invalid/);
test("unescaped control",
error => qr/Character with value 0x09 must be escaped/);
"incorrect escape count",
error => qr/Token ""\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"" is invalid/);