David Rowley b262ad440e Add better handling of redundant IS [NOT] NULL quals
Until now PostgreSQL has not been very smart about optimizing away IS
NOT NULL base quals on columns defined as NOT NULL.  The evaluation of
these needless quals adds overhead.  Ordinarily, anyone who came
complaining about that would likely just have been told to not include
the qual in their query if it's not required.  However, a recent bug
report indicates this might not always be possible.

Bug 17540 highlighted that when we optimize Min/Max aggregates the IS NOT
NULL qual that the planner adds to make the rewritten plan ignore NULLs
can cause issues with poor index choice.  That particular case
demonstrated that other quals, especially ones where no statistics are
available to allow the planner a chance at estimating an approximate
selectivity for can result in poor index choice due to cheap startup paths
being prefered with LIMIT 1.

Here we take generic approach to fixing this by having the planner check
for NOT NULL columns and just have the planner remove these quals (when
they're not needed) for all queries, not just when optimizing Min/Max

Additionally, here we also detect IS NULL quals on a NOT NULL column and
transform that into a gating qual so that we don't have to perform the
scan at all.  This also works for join relations when the Var is not
nullable by any outer join.

This also helps with the self-join removal work as it must replace
strict join quals with IS NOT NULL quals to ensure equivalence with the
original query.

Author: David Rowley, Richard Guo, Andy Fan
Reviewed-by: Richard Guo, David Rowley
2024-01-23 18:09:18 +13:00

484 lines
17 KiB

-- Tests for the planner's "equivalence class" mechanism
-- One thing that's not tested well during normal querying is the logic
-- for handling "broken" ECs. This is because an EC can only become broken
-- if its underlying btree operator family doesn't include a complete set
-- of cross-type equality operators. There are not (and should not be)
-- any such families built into Postgres; so we have to hack things up
-- to create one. We do this by making two alias types that are really
-- int8 (so we need no new C code) and adding only some operators for them
-- into the standard integer_ops opfamily.
create type int8alias1;
create function int8alias1in(cstring) returns int8alias1
strict immutable language internal as 'int8in';
NOTICE: return type int8alias1 is only a shell
create function int8alias1out(int8alias1) returns cstring
strict immutable language internal as 'int8out';
NOTICE: argument type int8alias1 is only a shell
create type int8alias1 (
input = int8alias1in,
output = int8alias1out,
like = int8
create type int8alias2;
create function int8alias2in(cstring) returns int8alias2
strict immutable language internal as 'int8in';
NOTICE: return type int8alias2 is only a shell
create function int8alias2out(int8alias2) returns cstring
strict immutable language internal as 'int8out';
NOTICE: argument type int8alias2 is only a shell
create type int8alias2 (
input = int8alias2in,
output = int8alias2out,
like = int8
create cast (int8 as int8alias1) without function;
create cast (int8 as int8alias2) without function;
create cast (int8alias1 as int8) without function;
create cast (int8alias2 as int8) without function;
create function int8alias1eq(int8alias1, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias1,
commutator = =,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias1, int8alias1);
create function int8alias2eq(int8alias2, int8alias2) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias2eq,
leftarg = int8alias2, rightarg = int8alias2,
commutator = =,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias2, int8alias2);
create function int8alias1eq(int8, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8, rightarg = int8alias1,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8, int8alias1);
create function int8alias1eq(int8alias1, int8alias2) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias2,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias1, int8alias2);
create function int8alias1lt(int8alias1, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8lt';
create operator < (
procedure = int8alias1lt,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias1
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 1 < (int8alias1, int8alias1);
create function int8alias1cmp(int8, int8alias1) returns int
strict immutable language internal as 'btint8cmp';
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
function 1 int8alias1cmp (int8, int8alias1);
create table ec0 (ff int8 primary key, f1 int8, f2 int8);
create table ec1 (ff int8 primary key, f1 int8alias1, f2 int8alias2);
create table ec2 (xf int8 primary key, x1 int8alias1, x2 int8alias2);
-- for the moment we only want to look at nestloop plans
set enable_hashjoin = off;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
-- Note that for cases where there's a missing operator, we don't care so
-- much whether the plan is ideal as that we don't fail or generate an
-- outright incorrect plan.
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8;
Index Scan using ec0_pkey on ec0
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
Filter: (f1 = '42'::bigint)
(3 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias1;
Index Scan using ec0_pkey on ec0
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::int8alias1)
Filter: (f1 = '42'::int8alias1)
(3 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias1;
Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::int8alias1)
Filter: (f1 = '42'::int8alias1)
(3 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias2;
Seq Scan on ec1
Filter: ((ff = f1) AND (f1 = '42'::int8alias2))
(2 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and ff = '42'::int8;
Nested Loop
Join Filter: (ec1.ff = ec2.x1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: ((ff = '42'::bigint) AND (ff = '42'::bigint))
-> Seq Scan on ec2
(5 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and ff = '42'::int8alias1;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::int8alias1)
-> Seq Scan on ec2
Filter: (x1 = '42'::int8alias1)
(5 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and '42'::int8 = x1;
Nested Loop
Join Filter: (ec1.ff = ec2.x1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
-> Seq Scan on ec2
Filter: ('42'::bigint = x1)
(6 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and x1 = '42'::int8alias1;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::int8alias1)
-> Seq Scan on ec2
Filter: (x1 = '42'::int8alias1)
(5 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and x1 = '42'::int8alias2;
Nested Loop
-> Seq Scan on ec2
Filter: (x1 = '42'::int8alias2)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = ec2.x1)
(5 rows)
create unique index ec1_expr1 on ec1((ff + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr2 on ec1((ff + 2 + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr3 on ec1((ff + 3 + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr4 on ec1((ff + 4));
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
-> Append
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
Index Cond: (((ff + 2) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_2
Index Cond: (((ff + 3) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
Index Cond: ((ff + 4) = ec1.f1)
(10 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8 and ec1.ff = ec1.f1;
Nested Loop
Join Filter: ((((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: ((ff = '42'::bigint) AND (ff = '42'::bigint))
Filter: (ff = f1)
-> Append
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
Index Cond: (((ff + 2) + 1) = '42'::bigint)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_2
Index Cond: (((ff + 3) + 1) = '42'::bigint)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
Index Cond: ((ff + 4) = '42'::bigint)
(12 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss2
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ss1.x = ss2.x and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Nested Loop
-> Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
-> Append
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
Index Cond: (((ff + 2) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_2
Index Cond: (((ff + 3) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
Index Cond: ((ff + 4) = ec1.f1)
-> Append
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_4
Index Cond: (((ff + 2) + 1) = (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)))
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_5
Index Cond: (((ff + 3) + 1) = (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)))
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_6
Index Cond: ((ff + 4) = (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)))
(18 rows)
-- let's try that as a mergejoin
set enable_mergejoin = on;
set enable_nestloop = off;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss2
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ss1.x = ss2.x and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Merge Join
Merge Cond: ((((ec1_4.ff + 2) + 1)) = (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)))
-> Merge Append
Sort Key: (((ec1_4.ff + 2) + 1))
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_4
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_5
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_6
-> Materialize
-> Merge Join
Merge Cond: ((((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)) = ec1.f1)
-> Merge Append
Sort Key: (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1))
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr3 on ec1 ec1_2
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
-> Sort
Sort Key: ec1.f1 USING <
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
(19 rows)
-- check partially indexed scan
set enable_nestloop = on;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
drop index ec1_expr3;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
-> Append
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
Index Cond: (((ff + 2) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Seq Scan on ec1 ec1_2
Filter: (((ff + 3) + 1) = ec1.f1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
Index Cond: ((ff + 4) = ec1.f1)
(10 rows)
-- let's try that as a mergejoin
set enable_mergejoin = on;
set enable_nestloop = off;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Merge Join
Merge Cond: ((((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1)) = ec1.f1)
-> Merge Append
Sort Key: (((ec1_1.ff + 2) + 1))
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr2 on ec1 ec1_1
-> Sort
Sort Key: (((ec1_2.ff + 3) + 1))
-> Seq Scan on ec1 ec1_2
-> Index Scan using ec1_expr4 on ec1 ec1_3
-> Sort
Sort Key: ec1.f1 USING <
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1
Index Cond: (ff = '42'::bigint)
(13 rows)
-- check effects of row-level security
set enable_nestloop = on;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
alter table ec1 enable row level security;
create policy p1 on ec1 using (f1 < '5'::int8alias1);
create user regress_user_ectest;
grant select on ec0 to regress_user_ectest;
grant select on ec1 to regress_user_ectest;
-- without any RLS, we'll treat {a.ff, b.ff, 43} as an EquivalenceClass
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 a, ec1 b
where a.ff = b.ff and a.ff = 43::bigint::int8alias1;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec0_pkey on ec0 a
Index Cond: (ff = '43'::int8alias1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1 b
Index Cond: (ff = '43'::int8alias1)
(5 rows)
set session authorization regress_user_ectest;
-- with RLS active, the non-leakproof a.ff = 43 clause is not treated
-- as a suitable source for an EquivalenceClass; currently, this is true
-- even though the RLS clause has nothing to do directly with the EC
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 a, ec1 b
where a.ff = b.ff and a.ff = 43::bigint::int8alias1;
Nested Loop
-> Index Scan using ec0_pkey on ec0 a
Index Cond: (ff = '43'::int8alias1)
-> Index Scan using ec1_pkey on ec1 b
Index Cond: (ff = a.ff)
Filter: (f1 < '5'::int8alias1)
(6 rows)
reset session authorization;
revoke select on ec0 from regress_user_ectest;
revoke select on ec1 from regress_user_ectest;
drop user regress_user_ectest;
-- check that X=X is converted to X IS NOT NULL when appropriate
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 where unique1 = unique1 and unique2 = unique2;
Seq Scan on tenk1
Filter: ((unique1 IS NOT NULL) AND (unique2 IS NOT NULL))
(2 rows)
-- Test that broken ECs are processed correctly during self join removal.
-- Disable merge joins so that we don't get an error about missing commutator.
-- Test both orientations of the join clause, because only one of them breaks
-- the EC.
set enable_mergejoin to off;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 m join ec0 n on m.ff = n.ff
join ec1 p on m.ff + n.ff = p.f1;
Nested Loop
Join Filter: ((n.ff + n.ff) = p.f1)
-> Seq Scan on ec0 n
-> Materialize
-> Seq Scan on ec1 p
(5 rows)
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 m join ec0 n on m.ff = n.ff
join ec1 p on p.f1::int8 = (m.ff + n.ff)::int8alias1;
Nested Loop
Join Filter: ((p.f1)::bigint = ((n.ff + n.ff))::int8alias1)
-> Seq Scan on ec0 n
-> Materialize
-> Seq Scan on ec1 p
(5 rows)
reset enable_mergejoin;
-- this could be converted, but isn't at present
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 where unique1 = unique1 or unique2 = unique2;
Seq Scan on tenk1
Filter: ((unique1 = unique1) OR (unique2 = unique2))
(2 rows)
-- check that we recognize equivalence with dummy domains in the way
create temp table undername (f1 name, f2 int);
create temp view overview as
select f1::information_schema.sql_identifier as sqli, f2 from undername;
explain (costs off) -- this should not require a sort
select * from overview where sqli = 'foo' order by sqli;
Seq Scan on undername
Filter: (f1 = 'foo'::name)
(2 rows)