
404 lines
13 KiB

-- Test GiST indexes.
-- There are other tests to test different GiST opclasses. This is for
-- testing GiST code itself. Vacuuming in particular.
create table gist_point_tbl(id int4, p point);
create index gist_pointidx on gist_point_tbl using gist(p);
-- Verify the fillfactor and buffering options
create index gist_pointidx2 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (buffering = on, fillfactor=50);
create index gist_pointidx3 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (buffering = off);
create index gist_pointidx4 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (buffering = auto);
drop index gist_pointidx2, gist_pointidx3, gist_pointidx4;
-- Make sure bad values are refused
create index gist_pointidx5 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (buffering = invalid_value);
ERROR: invalid value for enum option "buffering": invalid_value
DETAIL: Valid values are "on", "off", and "auto".
create index gist_pointidx5 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (fillfactor=9);
ERROR: value 9 out of bounds for option "fillfactor"
DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100".
create index gist_pointidx5 on gist_point_tbl using gist(p) with (fillfactor=101);
ERROR: value 101 out of bounds for option "fillfactor"
DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100".
-- Insert enough data to create a tree that's a couple of levels deep.
insert into gist_point_tbl (id, p)
select g, point(g*10, g*10) from generate_series(1, 10000) g;
insert into gist_point_tbl (id, p)
select g+100000, point(g*10+1, g*10+1) from generate_series(1, 10000) g;
-- To test vacuum, delete some entries from all over the index.
delete from gist_point_tbl where id % 2 = 1;
-- And also delete some concentration of values.
delete from gist_point_tbl where id > 5000;
vacuum analyze gist_point_tbl;
-- rebuild the index with a different fillfactor
alter index gist_pointidx SET (fillfactor = 40);
reindex index gist_pointidx;
-- Test Index-only plans on GiST indexes
create table gist_tbl (b box, p point, c circle);
insert into gist_tbl
select box(point(0.05*i, 0.05*i), point(0.05*i, 0.05*i)),
point(0.05*i, 0.05*i),
circle(point(0.05*i, 0.05*i), 1.0)
from generate_series(0,10000) as i;
vacuum analyze gist_tbl;
set enable_seqscan=off;
set enable_bitmapscan=off;
set enable_indexonlyscan=on;
-- Test index-only scan with point opclass
create index gist_tbl_point_index on gist_tbl using gist (p);
-- check that the planner chooses an index-only scan
explain (costs off)
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5));
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_point_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (p <@ '(0.5,0.5),(0,0)'::box)
(2 rows)
-- execute the same
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5));
(11 rows)
-- Also test an index-only knn-search
explain (costs off)
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5))
order by p <-> point(0.201, 0.201);
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_point_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (p <@ '(0.5,0.5),(0,0)'::box)
Order By: (p <-> '(0.201,0.201)'::point)
(3 rows)
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5))
order by p <-> point(0.201, 0.201);
(11 rows)
-- Check commuted case as well
explain (costs off)
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5))
order by point(0.101, 0.101) <-> p;
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_point_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (p <@ '(0.5,0.5),(0,0)'::box)
Order By: (p <-> '(0.101,0.101)'::point)
(3 rows)
select p from gist_tbl where p <@ box(point(0,0), point(0.5, 0.5))
order by point(0.101, 0.101) <-> p;
(11 rows)
-- Check case with multiple rescans (bug #14641)
explain (costs off)
select p from
(values (box(point(0,0), point(0.5,0.5))),
(box(point(0.5,0.5), point(0.75,0.75))),
(box(point(0.8,0.8), point(1.0,1.0)))) as v(bb)
cross join lateral
(select p from gist_tbl where p <@ bb order by p <-> bb[0] limit 2) ss;
Nested Loop
-> Values Scan on "*VALUES*"
-> Limit
-> Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_point_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (p <@ "*VALUES*".column1)
Order By: (p <-> ("*VALUES*".column1)[0])
(6 rows)
select p from
(values (box(point(0,0), point(0.5,0.5))),
(box(point(0.5,0.5), point(0.75,0.75))),
(box(point(0.8,0.8), point(1.0,1.0)))) as v(bb)
cross join lateral
(select p from gist_tbl where p <@ bb order by p <-> bb[0] limit 2) ss;
(6 rows)
drop index gist_tbl_point_index;
-- Test index-only scan with box opclass
create index gist_tbl_box_index on gist_tbl using gist (b);
-- check that the planner chooses an index-only scan
explain (costs off)
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6));
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_box_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (b <@ '(6,6),(5,5)'::box)
(2 rows)
-- execute the same
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6));
(21 rows)
-- Also test an index-only knn-search
explain (costs off)
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6))
order by b <-> point(5.2, 5.91);
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_box_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (b <@ '(6,6),(5,5)'::box)
Order By: (b <-> '(5.2,5.91)'::point)
(3 rows)
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6))
order by b <-> point(5.2, 5.91);
(21 rows)
-- Check commuted case as well
explain (costs off)
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6))
order by point(5.2, 5.91) <-> b;
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_box_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (b <@ '(6,6),(5,5)'::box)
Order By: (b <-> '(5.2,5.91)'::point)
(3 rows)
select b from gist_tbl where b <@ box(point(5,5), point(6,6))
order by point(5.2, 5.91) <-> b;
(21 rows)
drop index gist_tbl_box_index;
-- Test that an index-only scan is not chosen, when the query involves the
-- circle column (the circle opclass does not support index-only scans).
create index gist_tbl_multi_index on gist_tbl using gist (p, c);
explain (costs off)
select p, c from gist_tbl
where p <@ box(point(5,5), point(6, 6));
Index Scan using gist_tbl_multi_index on gist_tbl
Index Cond: (p <@ '(6,6),(5,5)'::box)
(2 rows)
-- execute the same
select b, p from gist_tbl
where b <@ box(point(4.5, 4.5), point(5.5, 5.5))
and p <@ box(point(5,5), point(6, 6));
b | p
(5,5),(5,5) | (5,5)
(5.05,5.05),(5.05,5.05) | (5.05,5.05)
(5.1,5.1),(5.1,5.1) | (5.1,5.1)
(5.15,5.15),(5.15,5.15) | (5.15,5.15)
(5.2,5.2),(5.2,5.2) | (5.2,5.2)
(5.25,5.25),(5.25,5.25) | (5.25,5.25)
(5.3,5.3),(5.3,5.3) | (5.3,5.3)
(5.35,5.35),(5.35,5.35) | (5.35,5.35)
(5.4,5.4),(5.4,5.4) | (5.4,5.4)
(5.45,5.45),(5.45,5.45) | (5.45,5.45)
(5.5,5.5),(5.5,5.5) | (5.5,5.5)
(11 rows)
drop index gist_tbl_multi_index;
-- Test that we don't try to return the value of a non-returnable
-- column in an index-only scan. (This isn't GIST-specific, but
-- it only applies to index AMs that can return some columns and not
-- others, so GIST with appropriate opclasses is a convenient test case.)
create index gist_tbl_multi_index on gist_tbl using gist (circle(p,1), p);
explain (verbose, costs off)
select circle(p,1) from gist_tbl
where p <@ box(point(5, 5), point(5.3, 5.3));
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_multi_index on public.gist_tbl
Output: circle(p, '1'::double precision)
Index Cond: (gist_tbl.p <@ '(5.3,5.3),(5,5)'::box)
(3 rows)
select circle(p,1) from gist_tbl
where p <@ box(point(5, 5), point(5.3, 5.3));
(7 rows)
-- Similarly, test that index rechecks involving a non-returnable column
-- are done correctly.
explain (verbose, costs off)
select p from gist_tbl where circle(p,1) @> circle(point(0,0),0.95);
Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_multi_index on public.gist_tbl
Output: p
Index Cond: ((circle(gist_tbl.p, '1'::double precision)) @> '<(0,0),0.95>'::circle)
(3 rows)
select p from gist_tbl where circle(p,1) @> circle(point(0,0),0.95);
(1 row)
-- Also check that use_physical_tlist doesn't trigger in such cases.
explain (verbose, costs off)
select count(*) from gist_tbl;
Output: count(*)
-> Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_multi_index on public.gist_tbl
(3 rows)
select count(*) from gist_tbl;
(1 row)
-- This case isn't supported, but it should at least EXPLAIN correctly.
explain (verbose, costs off)
select p from gist_tbl order by circle(p,1) <-> point(0,0) limit 1;
Output: p, ((circle(p, '1'::double precision) <-> '(0,0)'::point))
-> Index Only Scan using gist_tbl_multi_index on public.gist_tbl
Output: p, (circle(p, '1'::double precision) <-> '(0,0)'::point)
Order By: ((circle(gist_tbl.p, '1'::double precision)) <-> '(0,0)'::point)
(5 rows)
select p from gist_tbl order by circle(p,1) <-> point(0,0) limit 1;
ERROR: lossy distance functions are not supported in index-only scans
-- Force an index build using buffering.
create index gist_tbl_box_index_forcing_buffering on gist_tbl using gist (p)
with (buffering=on, fillfactor=50);
-- Clean up
reset enable_seqscan;
reset enable_bitmapscan;
reset enable_indexonlyscan;
drop table gist_tbl;
-- test an unlogged table, mostly to get coverage of gistbuildempty
create unlogged table gist_tbl (b box);
create index gist_tbl_box_index on gist_tbl using gist (b);
insert into gist_tbl
select box(point(0.05*i, 0.05*i)) from generate_series(0,10) as i;
drop table gist_tbl;