
261 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Do basic sanity checks supported by pg_checksums using
# an initialized cluster.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Config;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use Test::More;
# Utility routine to create and check a table with corrupted checksums
# on a wanted tablespace. Note that this stops and starts the node
# multiple times to perform the checks, leaving the node started
# at the end.
sub check_relation_corruption
my $node = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $tablespace = shift;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Create table and discover its filesystem location.
"CREATE TABLE $table AS SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a;
ALTER TABLE $table SET (autovacuum_enabled=false);");
"ALTER TABLE " . $table . " SET TABLESPACE " . $tablespace . ";");
my $file_corrupted =
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_relation_filepath('$table');");
my $relfilenode_corrupted = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$table';");
# Checksums are correct for single relfilenode as the table is not
# corrupted yet.
'pg_checksums', '--check',
'-D', $pgdata,
'--filenode', $relfilenode_corrupted
"succeeds for single relfilenode on tablespace $tablespace with offline cluster"
# Time to create some corruption
$node->corrupt_page_checksum($file_corrupted, 0);
# Checksum checks on single relfilenode fail
'pg_checksums', '--check',
'-D', $pgdata,
'--filenode', $relfilenode_corrupted
[qr/Bad checksums:.*1/],
[qr/checksum verification failed/],
"fails with corrupted data for single relfilenode on tablespace $tablespace"
# Global checksum checks fail as well
[ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
[qr/Bad checksums:.*1/],
[qr/checksum verification failed/],
"fails with corrupted data on tablespace $tablespace");
# Drop corrupted table again and make sure there is no more corruption.
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE $table;");
$node->command_ok([ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
"succeeds again after table drop on tablespace $tablespace");
# Initialize node with checksums disabled.
my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('node_checksum');
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Control file should know that checksums are disabled.
[ 'pg_controldata', $pgdata ],
qr/Data page checksum version:.*0/,
'checksums disabled in control file');
# These are correct but empty files, so they should pass through.
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999.123", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_fsm", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_init", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_vm", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_init.123", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_fsm.123", "";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/99999_vm.123", "";
# These are temporary files and folders with dummy contents, which
# should be ignored by the scan.
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/pgsql_tmp_123", "foo";
mkdir "$pgdata/global/pgsql_tmp";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/pgsql_tmp/1.1", "foo";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/pg_internal.init", "foo";
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/pg_internal.init.123", "foo";
# These are non-postgres macOS files, which should be ignored by the scan.
# Only perform this test on non-macOS systems though as creating incorrect
# system files may have side effects on macOS.
append_to_file "$pgdata/global/.DS_Store", "foo"
unless ($Config{osname} eq 'darwin');
# Enable checksums.
command_ok([ 'pg_checksums', '--enable', '--no-sync', '-D', $pgdata ],
"checksums successfully enabled in cluster");
# Successive attempt to enable checksums fails.
command_fails([ 'pg_checksums', '--enable', '--no-sync', '-D', $pgdata ],
"enabling checksums fails if already enabled");
# Control file should know that checksums are enabled.
[ 'pg_controldata', $pgdata ],
qr/Data page checksum version:.*1/,
'checksums enabled in control file');
# Disable checksums again. Flush result here as that should be cheap.
[ 'pg_checksums', '--disable', '-D', $pgdata ],
"checksums successfully disabled in cluster");
# Successive attempt to disable checksums fails.
[ 'pg_checksums', '--disable', '--no-sync', '-D', $pgdata ],
"disabling checksums fails if already disabled");
# Control file should know that checksums are disabled.
[ 'pg_controldata', $pgdata ],
qr/Data page checksum version:.*0/,
'checksums disabled in control file');
# Enable checksums again for follow-up tests.
command_ok([ 'pg_checksums', '--enable', '--no-sync', '-D', $pgdata ],
"checksums successfully enabled in cluster");
# Control file should know that checksums are enabled.
[ 'pg_controldata', $pgdata ],
qr/Data page checksum version:.*1/,
'checksums enabled in control file');
# Checksums pass on a newly-created cluster
command_ok([ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
"succeeds with offline cluster");
# Checksums are verified if no other arguments are specified
[ 'pg_checksums', '-D', $pgdata ],
"verifies checksums as default action");
# Specific relation files cannot be requested when action is --disable
# or --enable.
[ 'pg_checksums', '--disable', '--filenode', '1234', '-D', $pgdata ],
"fails when relfilenodes are requested and action is --disable");
[ 'pg_checksums', '--enable', '--filenode', '1234', '-D', $pgdata ],
"fails when relfilenodes are requested and action is --enable");
# Test postgres -C for an offline cluster.
# Run-time GUCs are safe to query here. Note that a lock file is created,
# then removed, leading to an extra LOG entry showing in stderr. This uses
# log_min_messages=fatal to remove any noise. This test uses a startup
# wrapped with pg_ctl to allow the case where this runs under a privileged
# account on Windows.
'pg_ctl', 'start', '-D', $pgdata, '-s', '-o',
'-C data_checksums -c log_min_messages=fatal'
[qr/could not start server/],
'data_checksums=on is reported on an offline cluster');
# Checks cannot happen with an online cluster
command_fails([ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
"fails with online cluster");
# Check corruption of table on default tablespace.
check_relation_corruption($node, 'corrupt1', 'pg_default');
# Create tablespace to check corruptions in a non-default tablespace.
my $basedir = $node->basedir;
my $tablespace_dir = "$basedir/ts_corrupt_dir";
"CREATE TABLESPACE ts_corrupt LOCATION '$tablespace_dir';");
check_relation_corruption($node, 'corrupt2', 'ts_corrupt');
# Utility routine to check that pg_checksums is able to detect
# correctly-named relation files filled with some corrupted data.
sub fail_corrupt
my $node = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
# Create the file with some dummy data in it.
my $file_name = "$pgdata/global/$file";
append_to_file $file_name, "foo";
[ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
[qr/could not read block 0 in file.*$file\":/],
"fails for corrupted data in $file");
# Remove file to prevent future lookup errors on conflicts.
unlink $file_name;
# Stop instance for the follow-up checks.
# Create a fake tablespace location that should not be scanned
# when verifying checksums.
mkdir "$tablespace_dir/PG_99_999999991/";
append_to_file "$tablespace_dir/PG_99_999999991/foo", "123";
command_ok([ 'pg_checksums', '--check', '-D', $pgdata ],
"succeeds with foreign tablespace");
# Authorized relation files filled with corrupted data cause the
# checksum checks to fail. Make sure to use file names different
# than the previous ones.
fail_corrupt($node, "99990");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990.123");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_fsm");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_init");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_vm");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_init.123");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_fsm.123");
fail_corrupt($node, "99990_vm.123");