
276 lines
7.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id:,v 1.14 2001/09/04 11:41:04 petere Exp $
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
BEGIN { $| = 1; }
END {print "test failed\n" unless $loaded;}
use Pg;
$loaded = 1;
use strict;
######################### End of black magic.
my $dbmain = 'template1';
my $dbname = 'pgperltest';
my $trace = '/tmp/pgtrace.out';
my ($conn, $result, $i);
my $DEBUG = 0; # set this to 1 for traces
######################### the following methods will be tested
# connectdb
# conndefaults
# db
# user
# port
# status
# errorMessage
# trace
# untrace
# exec
# getline
# putline
# endcopy
# resultStatus
# fname
# fnumber
# ftype
# fsize
# cmdStatus
# oidStatus
# cmdTuples
# fetchrow
######################### the following methods will not be tested
# setdb
# setdbLogin
# reset
# requestCancel
# pass
# host
# tty
# options
# socket
# backendPID
# notifies
# sendQuery
# getResult
# isBusy
# consumeInput
# getlineAsync
# putnbytes
# makeEmptyPGresult
# ntuples
# nfields
# binaryTuples
# fmod
# getvalue
# getlength
# getisnull
# print
# displayTuples
# printTuples
# lo_import
# lo_export
# lo_unlink
# lo_open
# lo_close
# lo_read
# lo_write
# lo_creat
# lo_seek
# lo_tell
######################### handles error condition
$SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "broken pipe\n" };
######################### create and connect to test database
my $Option_ref = Pg::conndefaults();
my ($key, $val);
( $$Option_ref{port} ne "" && $$Option_ref{dbname} ne "" && $$Option_ref{user} ne "" )
and print "Pg::conndefaults ........ ok\n"
or die "Pg::conndefaults ........ not ok: ", $conn->errorMessage;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbmain");
( PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq $conn->status )
and print "Pg::connectdb ........... ok\n"
or die "Pg::connectdb ........... not ok: ", $conn->errorMessage;
# do not complain when dropping $dbname
$conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE DATABASE $dbname");
( PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus )
and print "\$conn->exec ............. ok\n"
or die "\$conn->exec ............. not ok: ", $conn->errorMessage;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=rumpumpel");
( $conn->errorMessage =~ 'Database "rumpumpel" does not exist' )
and print "\$conn->errorMessage ..... ok\n"
or die "\$conn->errorMessage ..... not ok: ", $conn->errorMessage;
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbname");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq $conn->status;
######################### debug, PQtrace
if ($DEBUG) {
open(FD, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!";
######################### check PGconn
my $db = $conn->db;
( $dbname eq $db )
and print "\$conn->db ............... ok\n"
or print "\$conn->db ............... not ok: $db\n";
my $user = $conn->user;
( "" ne $user )
and print "\$conn->user ............. ok\n"
or print "\$conn->user ............. not ok: $user\n";
my $port = $conn->port;
( "" ne $port )
and print "\$conn->port ............. ok\n"
or print "\$conn->port ............. not ok: $port\n";
######################### create and insert into table
# we test comments inside string and with no trailing newline here
$result = $conn->exec("CREATE TABLE person (id int4, -- test\n name char(16)) -- test");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
my $cmd = $result->cmdStatus;
( "CREATE" eq $cmd )
and print "\$conn->cmdStatus ........ ok\n"
or print "\$conn->cmdStatus ........ not ok: $cmd\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
$result = $conn->exec("INSERT INTO person VALUES ($i, 'Edmund Mergl')");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
my $oid = $result->oidStatus;
( 0 != $oid )
and print "\$conn->oidStatus ........ ok\n"
or print "\$conn->oidStatus ........ not ok: $oid\n";
######################### copy to stdout, PQgetline
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person TO STDOUT");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COPY_OUT eq $result->resultStatus;
my $ret = 0;
my $buf;
my $string;
$i = 1;
while (-1 != $ret) {
$ret = $conn->getline($buf, 256);
last if $buf eq "\\.";
$string = $buf if 1 == $i;
( "1 Edmund Mergl " eq $string )
and print "\$conn->getline .......... ok\n"
or print "\$conn->getline .......... not ok: $string\n";
$ret = $conn->endcopy;
( 0 == $ret )
and print "\$conn->endcopy .......... ok\n"
or print "\$conn->endcopy .......... not ok: $ret\n";
######################### delete and copy from stdin, PQputline
$result = $conn->exec("BEGIN");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
$result = $conn->exec("DELETE FROM person");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
$ret = $result->cmdTuples;
( 5 == $ret )
and print "\$result->cmdTuples ...... ok\n"
or print "\$result->cmdTuples ...... not ok: $ret\n";
$result = $conn->exec("COPY person FROM STDIN");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COPY_IN eq $result->resultStatus;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
# watch the tabs and do not forget the newlines
$conn->putline("$i Edmund Mergl\n");
die $conn->errorMessage if $conn->endcopy;
$result = $conn->exec("END");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
######################### select from person, PQgetvalue
$result = $conn->exec("SELECT * FROM person");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
my $fname = $result->fname(0);
( "id" eq $fname )
and print "\$result->fname .......... ok\n"
or print "\$result->fname .......... not ok: $fname\n";
my $ftype = $result->ftype(0);
( 23 == $ftype )
and print "\$result->ftype .......... ok\n"
or print "\$result->ftype .......... not ok: $ftype\n";
my $fsize = $result->fsize(0);
( 4 == $fsize )
and print "\$result->fsize .......... ok\n"
or print "\$result->fsize .......... not ok: $fsize\n";
my $fnumber = $result->fnumber($fname);
( 0 == $fnumber )
and print "\$result->fnumber ........ ok\n"
or print "\$result->fnumber ........ not ok: $fnumber\n";
$string = "";
my @row;
while (@row = $result->fetchrow) {
$string = join(" ", @row);
( "5 Edmund Mergl " eq $string )
and print "\$result->fetchrow ....... ok\n"
or print "\$result->fetchrow ....... not ok: $string\n";
######################### debug, PQuntrace
if ($DEBUG) {
close(FD) || die "bad TRACE: $!";
######################### disconnect and drop test database
$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbmain");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq $conn->status;
# Race condition: it's quite possible that the DROP command will arrive
# at the new backend before the old backend has finished shutting down,
# resulting in an error message.
# There doesn't seem to be any more graceful way around this than to
# insert a small delay ...
$result = $conn->exec("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
die $conn->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq $result->resultStatus;
print "test sequence finished.\n";
######################### EOF