Peter Eisentraut 35c0754fad Allow ldaps when using ldap authentication
While ldaptls=1 provides an RFC 4513 conforming way to do LDAP
authentication with TLS encryption, there was an earlier de facto
standard way to do LDAP over SSL called LDAPS.  Even though it's not
enshrined in a standard, it's still widely used and sometimes required
by organizations' network policies.  There seems to be no reason not to
support it when available in the client library.  Therefore, add support
when using OpenLDAP 2.4+ or Windows.  It can be configured with
ldapscheme=ldaps or ldapurl=ldaps://...

Add tests for both ways of requesting LDAPS and a test for the
pre-existing ldaptls=1.  Modify the test for "diagnostic
messages", which was previously relying on the server rejecting

Author: Thomas Munro
Reviewed-By: Peter Eisentraut
2018-01-03 10:11:26 -05:00

3028 lines
81 KiB

* hba.c
* Routines to handle host based authentication (that's the scheme
* wherein you authenticate a user by seeing what IP address the system
* says he comes from and choosing authentication method based on it).
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/libpq/hba.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "common/ip.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "libpq/ifaddr.h"
#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
#include "regex/regex.h"
#include "replication/walsender.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/varlena.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#ifdef USE_LDAP
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#define MAX_TOKEN 256
#define MAX_LINE 8192
/* callback data for check_network_callback */
typedef struct check_network_data
IPCompareMethod method; /* test method */
SockAddr *raddr; /* client's actual address */
bool result; /* set to true if match */
} check_network_data;
#define token_is_keyword(t, k) (!t->quoted && strcmp(t->string, k) == 0)
#define token_matches(t, k) (strcmp(t->string, k) == 0)
* A single string token lexed from a config file, together with whether
* the token had been quoted.
typedef struct HbaToken
char *string;
bool quoted;
} HbaToken;
* TokenizedLine represents one line lexed from a config file.
* Each item in the "fields" list is a sub-list of HbaTokens.
* We don't emit a TokenizedLine for empty or all-comment lines,
* so "fields" is never NIL (nor are any of its sub-lists).
* Exception: if an error occurs during tokenization, we might
* have fields == NIL, in which case err_msg != NULL.
typedef struct TokenizedLine
List *fields; /* List of lists of HbaTokens */
int line_num; /* Line number */
char *raw_line; /* Raw line text */
char *err_msg; /* Error message if any */
} TokenizedLine;
* pre-parsed content of HBA config file: list of HbaLine structs.
* parsed_hba_context is the memory context where it lives.
static List *parsed_hba_lines = NIL;
static MemoryContext parsed_hba_context = NULL;
* pre-parsed content of ident mapping file: list of IdentLine structs.
* parsed_ident_context is the memory context where it lives.
* NOTE: the IdentLine structs can contain pre-compiled regular expressions
* that live outside the memory context. Before destroying or resetting the
* memory context, they need to be explicitly free'd.
static List *parsed_ident_lines = NIL;
static MemoryContext parsed_ident_context = NULL;
* The following character array represents the names of the authentication
* methods that are supported by PostgreSQL.
* Note: keep this in sync with the UserAuth enum in hba.h.
static const char *const UserAuthName[] =
"implicit reject", /* Not a user-visible option */
static MemoryContext tokenize_file(const char *filename, FILE *file,
List **tok_lines, int elevel);
static List *tokenize_inc_file(List *tokens, const char *outer_filename,
const char *inc_filename, int elevel, char **err_msg);
static bool parse_hba_auth_opt(char *name, char *val, HbaLine *hbaline,
int elevel, char **err_msg);
static bool verify_option_list_length(List *options, const char *optionname,
List *masters, const char *mastername, int line_num);
static ArrayType *gethba_options(HbaLine *hba);
static void fill_hba_line(Tuplestorestate *tuple_store, TupleDesc tupdesc,
int lineno, HbaLine *hba, const char *err_msg);
static void fill_hba_view(Tuplestorestate *tuple_store, TupleDesc tupdesc);
* isblank() exists in the ISO C99 spec, but it's not very portable yet,
* so provide our own version.
pg_isblank(const char c)
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r';
* Grab one token out of the string pointed to by *lineptr.
* Tokens are strings of non-blank
* characters bounded by blank characters, commas, beginning of line, and
* end of line. Blank means space or tab. Tokens can be delimited by
* double quotes (this allows the inclusion of blanks, but not newlines).
* Comments (started by an unquoted '#') are skipped.
* The token, if any, is returned at *buf (a buffer of size bufsz), and
* *lineptr is advanced past the token.
* Also, we set *initial_quote to indicate whether there was quoting before
* the first character. (We use that to prevent "@x" from being treated
* as a file inclusion request. Note that @"x" should be so treated;
* we want to allow that to support embedded spaces in file paths.)
* We set *terminating_comma to indicate whether the token is terminated by a
* comma (which is not returned).
* In event of an error, log a message at ereport level elevel, and also
* set *err_msg to a string describing the error. Currently the only
* possible error is token too long for buf.
* If successful: store null-terminated token at *buf and return true.
* If no more tokens on line: set *buf = '\0' and return false.
* If error: fill buf with truncated or misformatted token and return false.
static bool
next_token(char **lineptr, char *buf, int bufsz,
bool *initial_quote, bool *terminating_comma,
int elevel, char **err_msg)
int c;
char *start_buf = buf;
char *end_buf = buf + (bufsz - 1);
bool in_quote = false;
bool was_quote = false;
bool saw_quote = false;
Assert(end_buf > start_buf);
*initial_quote = false;
*terminating_comma = false;
/* Move over any whitespace and commas preceding the next token */
while ((c = (*(*lineptr)++)) != '\0' && (pg_isblank(c) || c == ','))
* Build a token in buf of next characters up to EOL, unquoted comma, or
* unquoted whitespace.
while (c != '\0' &&
(!pg_isblank(c) || in_quote))
/* skip comments to EOL */
if (c == '#' && !in_quote)
while ((c = (*(*lineptr)++)) != '\0')
if (buf >= end_buf)
*buf = '\0';
errmsg("authentication file token too long, skipping: \"%s\"",
*err_msg = "authentication file token too long";
/* Discard remainder of line */
while ((c = (*(*lineptr)++)) != '\0')
/* Un-eat the '\0', in case we're called again */
return false;
/* we do not pass back a terminating comma in the token */
if (c == ',' && !in_quote)
*terminating_comma = true;
if (c != '"' || was_quote)
*buf++ = c;
/* Literal double-quote is two double-quotes */
if (in_quote && c == '"')
was_quote = !was_quote;
was_quote = false;
if (c == '"')
in_quote = !in_quote;
saw_quote = true;
if (buf == start_buf)
*initial_quote = true;
c = *(*lineptr)++;
* Un-eat the char right after the token (critical in case it is '\0',
* else next call will read past end of string).
*buf = '\0';
return (saw_quote || buf > start_buf);
* Construct a palloc'd HbaToken struct, copying the given string.
static HbaToken *
make_hba_token(const char *token, bool quoted)
HbaToken *hbatoken;
int toklen;
toklen = strlen(token);
/* we copy string into same palloc block as the struct */
hbatoken = (HbaToken *) palloc(sizeof(HbaToken) + toklen + 1);
hbatoken->string = (char *) hbatoken + sizeof(HbaToken);
hbatoken->quoted = quoted;
memcpy(hbatoken->string, token, toklen + 1);
return hbatoken;
* Copy a HbaToken struct into freshly palloc'd memory.
static HbaToken *
copy_hba_token(HbaToken *in)
HbaToken *out = make_hba_token(in->string, in->quoted);
return out;
* Tokenize one HBA field from a line, handling file inclusion and comma lists.
* filename: current file's pathname (needed to resolve relative pathnames)
* *lineptr: current line pointer, which will be advanced past field
* In event of an error, log a message at ereport level elevel, and also
* set *err_msg to a string describing the error. Note that the result
* may be non-NIL anyway, so *err_msg must be tested to determine whether
* there was an error.
* The result is a List of HbaToken structs, one for each token in the field,
* or NIL if we reached EOL.
static List *
next_field_expand(const char *filename, char **lineptr,
int elevel, char **err_msg)
char buf[MAX_TOKEN];
bool trailing_comma;
bool initial_quote;
List *tokens = NIL;
if (!next_token(lineptr, buf, sizeof(buf),
&initial_quote, &trailing_comma,
elevel, err_msg))
/* Is this referencing a file? */
if (!initial_quote && buf[0] == '@' && buf[1] != '\0')
tokens = tokenize_inc_file(tokens, filename, buf + 1,
elevel, err_msg);
tokens = lappend(tokens, make_hba_token(buf, initial_quote));
} while (trailing_comma && (*err_msg == NULL));
return tokens;
* tokenize_inc_file
* Expand a file included from another file into an hba "field"
* Opens and tokenises a file included from another HBA config file with @,
* and returns all values found therein as a flat list of HbaTokens. If a
* @-token is found, recursively expand it. The newly read tokens are
* appended to "tokens" (so that foo,bar,@baz does what you expect).
* All new tokens are allocated in caller's memory context.
* In event of an error, log a message at ereport level elevel, and also
* set *err_msg to a string describing the error. Note that the result
* may be non-NIL anyway, so *err_msg must be tested to determine whether
* there was an error.
static List *
tokenize_inc_file(List *tokens,
const char *outer_filename,
const char *inc_filename,
int elevel,
char **err_msg)
char *inc_fullname;
FILE *inc_file;
List *inc_lines;
ListCell *inc_line;
MemoryContext linecxt;
if (is_absolute_path(inc_filename))
/* absolute path is taken as-is */
inc_fullname = pstrdup(inc_filename);
/* relative path is relative to dir of calling file */
inc_fullname = (char *) palloc(strlen(outer_filename) + 1 +
strlen(inc_filename) + 1);
strcpy(inc_fullname, outer_filename);
join_path_components(inc_fullname, inc_fullname, inc_filename);
inc_file = AllocateFile(inc_fullname, "r");
if (inc_file == NULL)
int save_errno = errno;
errmsg("could not open secondary authentication file \"@%s\" as \"%s\": %m",
inc_filename, inc_fullname)));
*err_msg = psprintf("could not open secondary authentication file \"@%s\" as \"%s\": %s",
inc_filename, inc_fullname, strerror(save_errno));
return tokens;
/* There is possible recursion here if the file contains @ */
linecxt = tokenize_file(inc_fullname, inc_file, &inc_lines, elevel);
/* Copy all tokens found in the file and append to the tokens list */
foreach(inc_line, inc_lines)
TokenizedLine *tok_line = (TokenizedLine *) lfirst(inc_line);
ListCell *inc_field;
/* If any line has an error, propagate that up to caller */
if (tok_line->err_msg)
*err_msg = pstrdup(tok_line->err_msg);
foreach(inc_field, tok_line->fields)
List *inc_tokens = lfirst(inc_field);
ListCell *inc_token;
foreach(inc_token, inc_tokens)
HbaToken *token = lfirst(inc_token);
tokens = lappend(tokens, copy_hba_token(token));
return tokens;
* Tokenize the given file.
* The output is a list of TokenizedLine structs; see struct definition above.
* filename: the absolute path to the target file
* file: the already-opened target file
* tok_lines: receives output list
* elevel: message logging level
* Errors are reported by logging messages at ereport level elevel and by
* adding TokenizedLine structs containing non-null err_msg fields to the
* output list.
* Return value is a memory context which contains all memory allocated by
* this function (it's a child of caller's context).
static MemoryContext
tokenize_file(const char *filename, FILE *file, List **tok_lines, int elevel)
int line_number = 1;
MemoryContext linecxt;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
linecxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(linecxt);
*tok_lines = NIL;
while (!feof(file) && !ferror(file))
char rawline[MAX_LINE];
char *lineptr;
List *current_line = NIL;
char *err_msg = NULL;
if (!fgets(rawline, sizeof(rawline), file))
int save_errno = errno;
if (!ferror(file))
break; /* normal EOF */
/* I/O error! */
errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": %m", filename)));
err_msg = psprintf("could not read file \"%s\": %s",
filename, strerror(save_errno));
rawline[0] = '\0';
if (strlen(rawline) == MAX_LINE - 1)
/* Line too long! */
errmsg("authentication file line too long"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_number, filename)));
err_msg = "authentication file line too long";
/* Strip trailing linebreak from rawline */
lineptr = rawline + strlen(rawline) - 1;
while (lineptr >= rawline && (*lineptr == '\n' || *lineptr == '\r'))
*lineptr-- = '\0';
/* Parse fields */
lineptr = rawline;
while (*lineptr && err_msg == NULL)
List *current_field;
current_field = next_field_expand(filename, &lineptr,
elevel, &err_msg);
/* add field to line, unless we are at EOL or comment start */
if (current_field != NIL)
current_line = lappend(current_line, current_field);
/* Reached EOL; emit line to TokenizedLine list unless it's boring */
if (current_line != NIL || err_msg != NULL)
TokenizedLine *tok_line;
tok_line = (TokenizedLine *) palloc(sizeof(TokenizedLine));
tok_line->fields = current_line;
tok_line->line_num = line_number;
tok_line->raw_line = pstrdup(rawline);
tok_line->err_msg = err_msg;
*tok_lines = lappend(*tok_lines, tok_line);
return linecxt;
* Does user belong to role?
* userid is the OID of the role given as the attempted login identifier.
* We check to see if it is a member of the specified role name.
static bool
is_member(Oid userid, const char *role)
Oid roleid;
if (!OidIsValid(userid))
return false; /* if user not exist, say "no" */
roleid = get_role_oid(role, true);
if (!OidIsValid(roleid))
return false; /* if target role not exist, say "no" */
* See if user is directly or indirectly a member of role. For this
* purpose, a superuser is not considered to be automatically a member of
* the role, so group auth only applies to explicit membership.
return is_member_of_role_nosuper(userid, roleid);
* Check HbaToken list for a match to role, allowing group names.
static bool
check_role(const char *role, Oid roleid, List *tokens)
ListCell *cell;
HbaToken *tok;
foreach(cell, tokens)
tok = lfirst(cell);
if (!tok->quoted && tok->string[0] == '+')
if (is_member(roleid, tok->string + 1))
return true;
else if (token_matches(tok, role) ||
token_is_keyword(tok, "all"))
return true;
return false;
* Check to see if db/role combination matches HbaToken list.
static bool
check_db(const char *dbname, const char *role, Oid roleid, List *tokens)
ListCell *cell;
HbaToken *tok;
foreach(cell, tokens)
tok = lfirst(cell);
if (am_walsender && !am_db_walsender)
* physical replication walsender connections can only match
* replication keyword
if (token_is_keyword(tok, "replication"))
return true;
else if (token_is_keyword(tok, "all"))
return true;
else if (token_is_keyword(tok, "sameuser"))
if (strcmp(dbname, role) == 0)
return true;
else if (token_is_keyword(tok, "samegroup") ||
token_is_keyword(tok, "samerole"))
if (is_member(roleid, dbname))
return true;
else if (token_is_keyword(tok, "replication"))
continue; /* never match this if not walsender */
else if (token_matches(tok, dbname))
return true;
return false;
static bool
ipv4eq(struct sockaddr_in *a, struct sockaddr_in *b)
return (a->sin_addr.s_addr == b->sin_addr.s_addr);
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
static bool
ipv6eq(struct sockaddr_in6 *a, struct sockaddr_in6 *b)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (a->sin6_addr.s6_addr[i] != b->sin6_addr.s6_addr[i])
return false;
return true;
#endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */
* Check whether host name matches pattern.
static bool
hostname_match(const char *pattern, const char *actual_hostname)
if (pattern[0] == '.') /* suffix match */
size_t plen = strlen(pattern);
size_t hlen = strlen(actual_hostname);
if (hlen < plen)
return false;
return (pg_strcasecmp(pattern, actual_hostname + (hlen - plen)) == 0);
return (pg_strcasecmp(pattern, actual_hostname) == 0);
* Check to see if a connecting IP matches a given host name.
static bool
check_hostname(hbaPort *port, const char *hostname)
struct addrinfo *gai_result,
int ret;
bool found;
/* Quick out if remote host name already known bad */
if (port->remote_hostname_resolv < 0)
return false;
/* Lookup remote host name if not already done */
if (!port->remote_hostname)
char remote_hostname[NI_MAXHOST];
ret = pg_getnameinfo_all(&port->raddr.addr, port->raddr.salen,
remote_hostname, sizeof(remote_hostname),
NULL, 0,
if (ret != 0)
/* remember failure; don't complain in the postmaster log yet */
port->remote_hostname_resolv = -2;
port->remote_hostname_errcode = ret;
return false;
port->remote_hostname = pstrdup(remote_hostname);
/* Now see if remote host name matches this pg_hba line */
if (!hostname_match(hostname, port->remote_hostname))
return false;
/* If we already verified the forward lookup, we're done */
if (port->remote_hostname_resolv == +1)
return true;
/* Lookup IP from host name and check against original IP */
ret = getaddrinfo(port->remote_hostname, NULL, NULL, &gai_result);
if (ret != 0)
/* remember failure; don't complain in the postmaster log yet */
port->remote_hostname_resolv = -2;
port->remote_hostname_errcode = ret;
return false;
found = false;
for (gai = gai_result; gai; gai = gai->ai_next)
if (gai->ai_addr->sa_family == port->raddr.addr.ss_family)
if (gai->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
if (ipv4eq((struct sockaddr_in *) gai->ai_addr,
(struct sockaddr_in *) &port->raddr.addr))
found = true;
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
else if (gai->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
if (ipv6eq((struct sockaddr_in6 *) gai->ai_addr,
(struct sockaddr_in6 *) &port->raddr.addr))
found = true;
if (gai_result)
if (!found)
elog(DEBUG2, "pg_hba.conf host name \"%s\" rejected because address resolution did not return a match with IP address of client",
port->remote_hostname_resolv = found ? +1 : -1;
return found;
* Check to see if a connecting IP matches the given address and netmask.
static bool
check_ip(SockAddr *raddr, struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr *mask)
if (raddr->addr.ss_family == addr->sa_family &&
(struct sockaddr_storage *) addr,
(struct sockaddr_storage *) mask))
return true;
return false;
* pg_foreach_ifaddr callback: does client addr match this machine interface?
static void
check_network_callback(struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr *netmask,
void *cb_data)
check_network_data *cn = (check_network_data *) cb_data;
struct sockaddr_storage mask;
/* Already found a match? */
if (cn->result)
if (cn->method == ipCmpSameHost)
/* Make an all-ones netmask of appropriate length for family */
pg_sockaddr_cidr_mask(&mask, NULL, addr->sa_family);
cn->result = check_ip(cn->raddr, addr, (struct sockaddr *) &mask);
/* Use the netmask of the interface itself */
cn->result = check_ip(cn->raddr, addr, netmask);
* Use pg_foreach_ifaddr to check a samehost or samenet match
static bool
check_same_host_or_net(SockAddr *raddr, IPCompareMethod method)
check_network_data cn;
cn.method = method;
cn.raddr = raddr;
cn.result = false;
errno = 0;
if (pg_foreach_ifaddr(check_network_callback, &cn) < 0)
elog(LOG, "error enumerating network interfaces: %m");
return false;
return cn.result;
* Macros used to check and report on invalid configuration options.
* On error: log a message at level elevel, set *err_msg, and exit the function.
* These macros are not as general-purpose as they look, because they know
* what the calling function's error-exit value is.
* INVALID_AUTH_OPTION = reports when an option is specified for a method where it's
* not supported.
* REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION = same as INVALID_AUTH_OPTION, except it also checks if the
* method is actually the one specified. Used as a shortcut when
* the option is only valid for one authentication method.
* MANDATORY_AUTH_ARG = check if a required option is set for an authentication method,
* reporting error if it's not.
#define INVALID_AUTH_OPTION(optname, validmethods) \
do { \
ereport(elevel, \
/* translator: the second %s is a list of auth methods */ \
errmsg("authentication option \"%s\" is only valid for authentication methods %s", \
optname, _(validmethods)), \
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"", \
line_num, HbaFileName))); \
*err_msg = psprintf("authentication option \"%s\" is only valid for authentication methods %s", \
optname, validmethods); \
return false; \
} while (0)
#define REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(methodval, optname, validmethods) \
do { \
if (hbaline->auth_method != methodval) \
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION(optname, validmethods); \
} while (0)
#define MANDATORY_AUTH_ARG(argvar, argname, authname) \
do { \
if (argvar == NULL) { \
ereport(elevel, \
errmsg("authentication method \"%s\" requires argument \"%s\" to be set", \
authname, argname), \
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"", \
line_num, HbaFileName))); \
*err_msg = psprintf("authentication method \"%s\" requires argument \"%s\" to be set", \
authname, argname); \
return NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
* Macros for handling pg_ident problems.
* Much as above, but currently the message level is hardwired as LOG
* and there is no provision for an err_msg string.
* Log a message and exit the function if the given ident field ListCell is
* not populated.
* Log a message and exit the function if the given ident token List has more
* than one element.
#define IDENT_FIELD_ABSENT(field) \
do { \
if (!field) { \
ereport(LOG, \
errmsg("missing entry in file \"%s\" at end of line %d", \
IdentFileName, line_num))); \
return NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
#define IDENT_MULTI_VALUE(tokens) \
do { \
if (tokens->length > 1) { \
ereport(LOG, \
errmsg("multiple values in ident field"), \
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"", \
line_num, IdentFileName))); \
return NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
* Parse one tokenised line from the hba config file and store the result in a
* HbaLine structure.
* If parsing fails, log a message at ereport level elevel, store an error
* string in tok_line->err_msg, and return NULL. (Some non-error conditions
* can also result in such messages.)
* Note: this function leaks memory when an error occurs. Caller is expected
* to have set a memory context that will be reset if this function returns
static HbaLine *
parse_hba_line(TokenizedLine *tok_line, int elevel)
int line_num = tok_line->line_num;
char **err_msg = &tok_line->err_msg;
char *str;
struct addrinfo *gai_result;
struct addrinfo hints;
int ret;
char *cidr_slash;
char *unsupauth;
ListCell *field;
List *tokens;
ListCell *tokencell;
HbaToken *token;
HbaLine *parsedline;
parsedline = palloc0(sizeof(HbaLine));
parsedline->linenumber = line_num;
parsedline->rawline = pstrdup(tok_line->raw_line);
/* Check the record type. */
Assert(tok_line->fields != NIL);
field = list_head(tok_line->fields);
tokens = lfirst(field);
if (tokens->length > 1)
errmsg("multiple values specified for connection type"),
errhint("Specify exactly one connection type per line."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "multiple values specified for connection type";
return NULL;
token = linitial(tokens);
if (strcmp(token->string, "local") == 0)
parsedline->conntype = ctLocal;
errmsg("local connections are not supported by this build"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "local connections are not supported by this build";
return NULL;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "host") == 0 ||
strcmp(token->string, "hostssl") == 0 ||
strcmp(token->string, "hostnossl") == 0)
if (token->string[4] == 's') /* "hostssl" */
parsedline->conntype = ctHostSSL;
/* Log a warning if SSL support is not active */
#ifdef USE_SSL
if (!EnableSSL)
errmsg("hostssl record cannot match because SSL is disabled"),
errhint("Set ssl = on in postgresql.conf."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "hostssl record cannot match because SSL is disabled";
errmsg("hostssl record cannot match because SSL is not supported by this build"),
errhint("Compile with --with-openssl to use SSL connections."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "hostssl record cannot match because SSL is not supported by this build";
else if (token->string[4] == 'n') /* "hostnossl" */
parsedline->conntype = ctHostNoSSL;
/* "host" */
parsedline->conntype = ctHost;
} /* record type */
errmsg("invalid connection type \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid connection type \"%s\"", token->string);
return NULL;
/* Get the databases. */
field = lnext(field);
if (!field)
errmsg("end-of-line before database specification"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "end-of-line before database specification";
return NULL;
parsedline->databases = NIL;
tokens = lfirst(field);
foreach(tokencell, tokens)
parsedline->databases = lappend(parsedline->databases,
/* Get the roles. */
field = lnext(field);
if (!field)
errmsg("end-of-line before role specification"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "end-of-line before role specification";
return NULL;
parsedline->roles = NIL;
tokens = lfirst(field);
foreach(tokencell, tokens)
parsedline->roles = lappend(parsedline->roles,
if (parsedline->conntype != ctLocal)
/* Read the IP address field. (with or without CIDR netmask) */
field = lnext(field);
if (!field)
errmsg("end-of-line before IP address specification"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "end-of-line before IP address specification";
return NULL;
tokens = lfirst(field);
if (tokens->length > 1)
errmsg("multiple values specified for host address"),
errhint("Specify one address range per line."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "multiple values specified for host address";
return NULL;
token = linitial(tokens);
if (token_is_keyword(token, "all"))
parsedline->ip_cmp_method = ipCmpAll;
else if (token_is_keyword(token, "samehost"))
/* Any IP on this host is allowed to connect */
parsedline->ip_cmp_method = ipCmpSameHost;
else if (token_is_keyword(token, "samenet"))
/* Any IP on the host's subnets is allowed to connect */
parsedline->ip_cmp_method = ipCmpSameNet;
/* IP and netmask are specified */
parsedline->ip_cmp_method = ipCmpMask;
/* need a modifiable copy of token */
str = pstrdup(token->string);
/* Check if it has a CIDR suffix and if so isolate it */
cidr_slash = strchr(str, '/');
if (cidr_slash)
*cidr_slash = '\0';
/* Get the IP address either way */
hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = 0;
hints.ai_protocol = 0;
hints.ai_addrlen = 0;
hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
hints.ai_addr = NULL;
hints.ai_next = NULL;
ret = pg_getaddrinfo_all(str, NULL, &hints, &gai_result);
if (ret == 0 && gai_result)
memcpy(&parsedline->addr, gai_result->ai_addr,
else if (ret == EAI_NONAME)
parsedline->hostname = str;
errmsg("invalid IP address \"%s\": %s",
str, gai_strerror(ret)),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid IP address \"%s\": %s",
str, gai_strerror(ret));
if (gai_result)
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
return NULL;
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
/* Get the netmask */
if (cidr_slash)
if (parsedline->hostname)
errmsg("specifying both host name and CIDR mask is invalid: \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("specifying both host name and CIDR mask is invalid: \"%s\"",
return NULL;
if (pg_sockaddr_cidr_mask(&parsedline->mask, cidr_slash + 1,
parsedline->addr.ss_family) < 0)
errmsg("invalid CIDR mask in address \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid CIDR mask in address \"%s\"",
return NULL;
else if (!parsedline->hostname)
/* Read the mask field. */
field = lnext(field);
if (!field)
errmsg("end-of-line before netmask specification"),
errhint("Specify an address range in CIDR notation, or provide a separate netmask."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "end-of-line before netmask specification";
return NULL;
tokens = lfirst(field);
if (tokens->length > 1)
errmsg("multiple values specified for netmask"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "multiple values specified for netmask";
return NULL;
token = linitial(tokens);
ret = pg_getaddrinfo_all(token->string, NULL,
&hints, &gai_result);
if (ret || !gai_result)
errmsg("invalid IP mask \"%s\": %s",
token->string, gai_strerror(ret)),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid IP mask \"%s\": %s",
token->string, gai_strerror(ret));
if (gai_result)
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
return NULL;
memcpy(&parsedline->mask, gai_result->ai_addr,
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
if (parsedline->addr.ss_family != parsedline->mask.ss_family)
errmsg("IP address and mask do not match"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "IP address and mask do not match";
return NULL;
} /* != ctLocal */
/* Get the authentication method */
field = lnext(field);
if (!field)
errmsg("end-of-line before authentication method"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "end-of-line before authentication method";
return NULL;
tokens = lfirst(field);
if (tokens->length > 1)
errmsg("multiple values specified for authentication type"),
errhint("Specify exactly one authentication type per line."),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "multiple values specified for authentication type";
return NULL;
token = linitial(tokens);
unsupauth = NULL;
if (strcmp(token->string, "trust") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaTrust;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "ident") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaIdent;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "peer") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaPeer;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "password") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaPassword;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "gss") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaGSS;
unsupauth = "gss";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "sspi") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaSSPI;
unsupauth = "sspi";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "reject") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaReject;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "md5") == 0)
if (Db_user_namespace)
errmsg("MD5 authentication is not supported when \"db_user_namespace\" is enabled"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "MD5 authentication is not supported when \"db_user_namespace\" is enabled";
return NULL;
parsedline->auth_method = uaMD5;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "scram-sha-256") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaSCRAM;
else if (strcmp(token->string, "pam") == 0)
#ifdef USE_PAM
parsedline->auth_method = uaPAM;
unsupauth = "pam";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "bsd") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaBSD;
unsupauth = "bsd";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "ldap") == 0)
#ifdef USE_LDAP
parsedline->auth_method = uaLDAP;
unsupauth = "ldap";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "cert") == 0)
#ifdef USE_SSL
parsedline->auth_method = uaCert;
unsupauth = "cert";
else if (strcmp(token->string, "radius") == 0)
parsedline->auth_method = uaRADIUS;
errmsg("invalid authentication method \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid authentication method \"%s\"",
return NULL;
if (unsupauth)
errmsg("invalid authentication method \"%s\": not supported by this build",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid authentication method \"%s\": not supported by this build",
return NULL;
* XXX: When using ident on local connections, change it to peer, for
* backwards compatibility.
if (parsedline->conntype == ctLocal &&
parsedline->auth_method == uaIdent)
parsedline->auth_method = uaPeer;
/* Invalid authentication combinations */
if (parsedline->conntype == ctLocal &&
parsedline->auth_method == uaGSS)
errmsg("gssapi authentication is not supported on local sockets"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "gssapi authentication is not supported on local sockets";
return NULL;
if (parsedline->conntype != ctLocal &&
parsedline->auth_method == uaPeer)
errmsg("peer authentication is only supported on local sockets"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "peer authentication is only supported on local sockets";
return NULL;
* SSPI authentication can never be enabled on ctLocal connections,
* because it's only supported on Windows, where ctLocal isn't supported.
if (parsedline->conntype != ctHostSSL &&
parsedline->auth_method == uaCert)
errmsg("cert authentication is only supported on hostssl connections"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "cert authentication is only supported on hostssl connections";
return NULL;
* For GSS and SSPI, set the default value of include_realm to true.
* Having include_realm set to false is dangerous in multi-realm
* situations and is generally considered bad practice. We keep the
* capability around for backwards compatibility, but we might want to
* remove it at some point in the future. Users who still need to strip
* the realm off would be better served by using an appropriate regex in a
* pg_ident.conf mapping.
if (parsedline->auth_method == uaGSS ||
parsedline->auth_method == uaSSPI)
parsedline->include_realm = true;
* For SSPI, include_realm defaults to the SAM-compatible domain (aka
* NetBIOS name) and user names instead of the Kerberos principal name for
* compatibility.
if (parsedline->auth_method == uaSSPI)
parsedline->compat_realm = true;
parsedline->upn_username = false;
/* Parse remaining arguments */
while ((field = lnext(field)) != NULL)
tokens = lfirst(field);
foreach(tokencell, tokens)
char *val;
token = lfirst(tokencell);
str = pstrdup(token->string);
val = strchr(str, '=');
if (val == NULL)
* Got something that's not a name=value pair.
errmsg("authentication option not in name=value format: %s", token->string),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("authentication option not in name=value format: %s",
return NULL;
*val++ = '\0'; /* str now holds "name", val holds "value" */
if (!parse_hba_auth_opt(str, val, parsedline, elevel, err_msg))
/* parse_hba_auth_opt already logged the error message */
return NULL;
* Check if the selected authentication method has any mandatory arguments
* that are not set.
if (parsedline->auth_method == uaLDAP)
MANDATORY_AUTH_ARG(parsedline->ldapserver, "ldapserver", "ldap");
* LDAP can operate in two modes: either with a direct bind, using
* ldapprefix and ldapsuffix, or using a search+bind, using
* ldapbasedn, ldapbinddn, ldapbindpasswd and one of
* ldapsearchattribute or ldapsearchfilter. Disallow mixing these
* parameters.
if (parsedline->ldapprefix || parsedline->ldapsuffix)
if (parsedline->ldapbasedn ||
parsedline->ldapbinddn ||
parsedline->ldapbindpasswd ||
parsedline->ldapsearchattribute ||
errmsg("cannot use ldapbasedn, ldapbinddn, ldapbindpasswd, ldapsearchattribute, ldapsearchfilter or ldapurl together with ldapprefix"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "cannot use ldapbasedn, ldapbinddn, ldapbindpasswd, ldapsearchattribute, ldapsearchfilter or ldapurl together with ldapprefix";
return NULL;
else if (!parsedline->ldapbasedn)
errmsg("authentication method \"ldap\" requires argument \"ldapbasedn\", \"ldapprefix\", or \"ldapsuffix\" to be set"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "authentication method \"ldap\" requires argument \"ldapbasedn\", \"ldapprefix\", or \"ldapsuffix\" to be set";
return NULL;
* When using search+bind, you can either use a simple attribute
* (defaulting to "uid") or a fully custom search filter. You can't
* do both.
if (parsedline->ldapsearchattribute && parsedline->ldapsearchfilter)
errmsg("cannot use ldapsearchattribute together with ldapsearchfilter"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "cannot use ldapsearchattribute together with ldapsearchfilter";
return NULL;
if (parsedline->auth_method == uaRADIUS)
MANDATORY_AUTH_ARG(parsedline->radiusservers, "radiusservers", "radius");
MANDATORY_AUTH_ARG(parsedline->radiussecrets, "radiussecrets", "radius");
if (list_length(parsedline->radiusservers) < 1)
errmsg("list of RADIUS servers cannot be empty"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return NULL;
if (list_length(parsedline->radiussecrets) < 1)
errmsg("list of RADIUS secrets cannot be empty"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return NULL;
* Verify length of option lists - each can be 0 (except for secrets,
* but that's already checked above), 1 (use the same value
* everywhere) or the same as the number of servers.
if (!verify_option_list_length(parsedline->radiussecrets,
"RADIUS secrets",
"RADIUS servers",
return NULL;
if (!verify_option_list_length(parsedline->radiusports,
"RADIUS ports",
"RADIUS servers",
return NULL;
if (!verify_option_list_length(parsedline->radiusidentifiers,
"RADIUS identifiers",
"RADIUS servers",
return NULL;
* Enforce any parameters implied by other settings.
if (parsedline->auth_method == uaCert)
parsedline->clientcert = true;
return parsedline;
static bool
verify_option_list_length(List *options, const char *optionname, List *masters, const char *mastername, int line_num)
if (list_length(options) == 0 ||
list_length(options) == 1 ||
list_length(options) == list_length(masters))
return true;
errmsg("the number of %s (%d) must be 1 or the same as the number of %s (%d)",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return false;
* Parse one name-value pair as an authentication option into the given
* HbaLine. Return true if we successfully parse the option, false if we
* encounter an error. In the event of an error, also log a message at
* ereport level elevel, and store a message string into *err_msg.
static bool
parse_hba_auth_opt(char *name, char *val, HbaLine *hbaline,
int elevel, char **err_msg)
int line_num = hbaline->linenumber;
#ifdef USE_LDAP
hbaline->ldapscope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE;
if (strcmp(name, "map") == 0)
if (hbaline->auth_method != uaIdent &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaPeer &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaGSS &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaSSPI &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaCert)
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION("map", gettext_noop("ident, peer, gssapi, sspi, and cert"));
hbaline->usermap = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "clientcert") == 0)
if (hbaline->conntype != ctHostSSL)
errmsg("clientcert can only be configured for \"hostssl\" rows"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "clientcert can only be configured for \"hostssl\" rows";
return false;
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->clientcert = true;
if (hbaline->auth_method == uaCert)
errmsg("clientcert can not be set to 0 when using \"cert\" authentication"),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = "clientcert can not be set to 0 when using \"cert\" authentication";
return false;
hbaline->clientcert = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "pamservice") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaPAM, "pamservice", "pam");
hbaline->pamservice = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "pam_use_hostname") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaPAM, "pam_use_hostname", "pam");
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->pam_use_hostname = true;
hbaline->pam_use_hostname = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapurl") == 0)
LDAPURLDesc *urldata;
int rc;
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapurl", "ldap");
rc = ldap_url_parse(val, &urldata);
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS)
errmsg("could not parse LDAP URL \"%s\": %s", val, ldap_err2string(rc))));
*err_msg = psprintf("could not parse LDAP URL \"%s\": %s",
val, ldap_err2string(rc));
return false;
if (strcmp(urldata->lud_scheme, "ldap") != 0 &&
strcmp(urldata->lud_scheme, "ldaps") != 0)
errmsg("unsupported LDAP URL scheme: %s", urldata->lud_scheme)));
*err_msg = psprintf("unsupported LDAP URL scheme: %s",
return false;
if (urldata->lud_scheme)
hbaline->ldapscheme = pstrdup(urldata->lud_scheme);
if (urldata->lud_host)
hbaline->ldapserver = pstrdup(urldata->lud_host);
hbaline->ldapport = urldata->lud_port;
if (urldata->lud_dn)
hbaline->ldapbasedn = pstrdup(urldata->lud_dn);
if (urldata->lud_attrs)
hbaline->ldapsearchattribute = pstrdup(urldata->lud_attrs[0]); /* only use first one */
hbaline->ldapscope = urldata->lud_scope;
if (urldata->lud_filter)
hbaline->ldapsearchfilter = pstrdup(urldata->lud_filter);
#else /* not OpenLDAP */
errmsg("LDAP URLs not supported on this platform")));
*err_msg = "LDAP URLs not supported on this platform";
#endif /* not OpenLDAP */
else if (strcmp(name, "ldaptls") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldaptls", "ldap");
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->ldaptls = true;
hbaline->ldaptls = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapscheme") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapscheme", "ldap");
if (strcmp(val, "ldap") != 0 && strcmp(val, "ldaps") != 0)
errmsg("invalid ldapscheme value: \"%s\"", val),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
hbaline->ldapscheme = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapserver") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapserver", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapserver = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapport") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapport", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapport = atoi(val);
if (hbaline->ldapport == 0)
errmsg("invalid LDAP port number: \"%s\"", val),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid LDAP port number: \"%s\"", val);
return false;
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapbinddn") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapbinddn", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapbinddn = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapbindpasswd") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapbindpasswd", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapbindpasswd = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapsearchattribute") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapsearchattribute", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapsearchattribute = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapsearchfilter") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapsearchfilter", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapsearchfilter = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapbasedn") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapbasedn", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapbasedn = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapprefix") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapprefix", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapprefix = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "ldapsuffix") == 0)
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaLDAP, "ldapsuffix", "ldap");
hbaline->ldapsuffix = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "krb_realm") == 0)
if (hbaline->auth_method != uaGSS &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaSSPI)
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION("krb_realm", gettext_noop("gssapi and sspi"));
hbaline->krb_realm = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "include_realm") == 0)
if (hbaline->auth_method != uaGSS &&
hbaline->auth_method != uaSSPI)
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION("include_realm", gettext_noop("gssapi and sspi"));
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->include_realm = true;
hbaline->include_realm = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "compat_realm") == 0)
if (hbaline->auth_method != uaSSPI)
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION("compat_realm", gettext_noop("sspi"));
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->compat_realm = true;
hbaline->compat_realm = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "upn_username") == 0)
if (hbaline->auth_method != uaSSPI)
INVALID_AUTH_OPTION("upn_username", gettext_noop("sspi"));
if (strcmp(val, "1") == 0)
hbaline->upn_username = true;
hbaline->upn_username = false;
else if (strcmp(name, "radiusservers") == 0)
struct addrinfo *gai_result;
struct addrinfo hints;
int ret;
List *parsed_servers;
ListCell *l;
char *dupval = pstrdup(val);
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaRADIUS, "radiusservers", "radius");
if (!SplitIdentifierString(dupval, ',', &parsed_servers))
/* syntax error in list */
errmsg("could not parse RADIUS server list \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return false;
/* For each entry in the list, translate it */
foreach(l, parsed_servers)
MemSet(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
ret = pg_getaddrinfo_all((char *) lfirst(l), NULL, &hints, &gai_result);
if (ret || !gai_result)
errmsg("could not translate RADIUS server name \"%s\" to address: %s",
(char *) lfirst(l), gai_strerror(ret)),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
if (gai_result)
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
return false;
pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hints.ai_family, gai_result);
/* All entries are OK, so store them */
hbaline->radiusservers = parsed_servers;
hbaline->radiusservers_s = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "radiusports") == 0)
List *parsed_ports;
ListCell *l;
char *dupval = pstrdup(val);
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaRADIUS, "radiusports", "radius");
if (!SplitIdentifierString(dupval, ',', &parsed_ports))
errmsg("could not parse RADIUS port list \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("invalid RADIUS port number: \"%s\"", val);
return false;
foreach(l, parsed_ports)
if (atoi(lfirst(l)) == 0)
errmsg("invalid RADIUS port number: \"%s\"", val),
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return false;
hbaline->radiusports = parsed_ports;
hbaline->radiusports_s = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "radiussecrets") == 0)
List *parsed_secrets;
char *dupval = pstrdup(val);
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaRADIUS, "radiussecrets", "radius");
if (!SplitIdentifierString(dupval, ',', &parsed_secrets))
/* syntax error in list */
errmsg("could not parse RADIUS secret list \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return false;
hbaline->radiussecrets = parsed_secrets;
hbaline->radiussecrets_s = pstrdup(val);
else if (strcmp(name, "radiusidentifiers") == 0)
List *parsed_identifiers;
char *dupval = pstrdup(val);
REQUIRE_AUTH_OPTION(uaRADIUS, "radiusidentifiers", "radius");
if (!SplitIdentifierString(dupval, ',', &parsed_identifiers))
/* syntax error in list */
errmsg("could not parse RADIUS identifiers list \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
return false;
hbaline->radiusidentifiers = parsed_identifiers;
hbaline->radiusidentifiers_s = pstrdup(val);
errmsg("unrecognized authentication option name: \"%s\"",
errcontext("line %d of configuration file \"%s\"",
line_num, HbaFileName)));
*err_msg = psprintf("unrecognized authentication option name: \"%s\"",
return false;
return true;
* Scan the pre-parsed hba file, looking for a match to the port's connection
* request.
static void
check_hba(hbaPort *port)
Oid roleid;
ListCell *line;
HbaLine *hba;
/* Get the target role's OID. Note we do not error out for bad role. */
roleid = get_role_oid(port->user_name, true);
foreach(line, parsed_hba_lines)
hba = (HbaLine *) lfirst(line);
/* Check connection type */
if (hba->conntype == ctLocal)
if (!IS_AF_UNIX(port->raddr.addr.ss_family))
if (IS_AF_UNIX(port->raddr.addr.ss_family))
/* Check SSL state */
if (port->ssl_in_use)
/* Connection is SSL, match both "host" and "hostssl" */
if (hba->conntype == ctHostNoSSL)
/* Connection is not SSL, match both "host" and "hostnossl" */
if (hba->conntype == ctHostSSL)
/* Check IP address */
switch (hba->ip_cmp_method)
case ipCmpMask:
if (hba->hostname)
if (!check_hostname(port,
if (!check_ip(&port->raddr,
(struct sockaddr *) &hba->addr,
(struct sockaddr *) &hba->mask))
case ipCmpAll:
case ipCmpSameHost:
case ipCmpSameNet:
if (!check_same_host_or_net(&port->raddr,
/* shouldn't get here, but deem it no-match if so */
} /* != ctLocal */
/* Check database and role */
if (!check_db(port->database_name, port->user_name, roleid,
if (!check_role(port->user_name, roleid, hba->roles))
/* Found a record that matched! */
port->hba = hba;
/* If no matching entry was found, then implicitly reject. */
hba = palloc0(sizeof(HbaLine));
hba->auth_method = uaImplicitReject;
port->hba = hba;
* Read the config file and create a List of HbaLine records for the contents.
* The configuration is read into a temporary list, and if any parse error
* occurs the old list is kept in place and false is returned. Only if the
* whole file parses OK is the list replaced, and the function returns true.
* On a false result, caller will take care of reporting a FATAL error in case
* this is the initial startup. If it happens on reload, we just keep running
* with the old data.
FILE *file;
List *hba_lines = NIL;
ListCell *line;
List *new_parsed_lines = NIL;
bool ok = true;
MemoryContext linecxt;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
MemoryContext hbacxt;
file = AllocateFile(HbaFileName, "r");
if (file == NULL)
errmsg("could not open configuration file \"%s\": %m",
return false;
linecxt = tokenize_file(HbaFileName, file, &hba_lines, LOG);
/* Now parse all the lines */
hbacxt = AllocSetContextCreate(PostmasterContext,
"hba parser context",
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hbacxt);
foreach(line, hba_lines)
TokenizedLine *tok_line = (TokenizedLine *) lfirst(line);
HbaLine *newline;
/* don't parse lines that already have errors */
if (tok_line->err_msg != NULL)
ok = false;
if ((newline = parse_hba_line(tok_line, LOG)) == NULL)
/* Parse error; remember there's trouble */
ok = false;
* Keep parsing the rest of the file so we can report errors on
* more than the first line. Error has already been logged, no
* need for more chatter here.
new_parsed_lines = lappend(new_parsed_lines, newline);
* A valid HBA file must have at least one entry; else there's no way to
* connect to the postmaster. But only complain about this if we didn't
* already have parsing errors.
if (ok && new_parsed_lines == NIL)
errmsg("configuration file \"%s\" contains no entries",
ok = false;
/* Free tokenizer memory */
if (!ok)
/* File contained one or more errors, so bail out */
return false;
/* Loaded new file successfully, replace the one we use */
if (parsed_hba_context != NULL)
parsed_hba_context = hbacxt;
parsed_hba_lines = new_parsed_lines;
return true;
* This macro specifies the maximum number of authentication options
* that are possible with any given authentication method that is supported.
* Currently LDAP supports 10, so the macro value is well above the most any
* method needs.
#define MAX_HBA_OPTIONS 12
* Create a text array listing the options specified in the HBA line.
* Return NULL if no options are specified.
static ArrayType *
gethba_options(HbaLine *hba)
int noptions;
Datum options[MAX_HBA_OPTIONS];
noptions = 0;
if (hba->auth_method == uaGSS || hba->auth_method == uaSSPI)
if (hba->include_realm)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->krb_realm)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("krb_realm=%s", hba->krb_realm));
if (hba->usermap)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("map=%s", hba->usermap));
if (hba->clientcert)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->pamservice)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("pamservice=%s", hba->pamservice));
if (hba->auth_method == uaLDAP)
if (hba->ldapserver)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapserver=%s", hba->ldapserver));
if (hba->ldapport)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapport=%d", hba->ldapport));
if (hba->ldaptls)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->ldapprefix)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapprefix=%s", hba->ldapprefix));
if (hba->ldapsuffix)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapsuffix=%s", hba->ldapsuffix));
if (hba->ldapbasedn)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapbasedn=%s", hba->ldapbasedn));
if (hba->ldapbinddn)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapbinddn=%s", hba->ldapbinddn));
if (hba->ldapbindpasswd)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->ldapsearchattribute)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->ldapsearchfilter)
options[noptions++] =
if (hba->ldapscope)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("ldapscope=%d", hba->ldapscope));
if (hba->auth_method == uaRADIUS)
if (hba->radiusservers_s)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("radiusservers=%s", hba->radiusservers_s));
if (hba->radiussecrets_s)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("radiussecrets=%s", hba->radiussecrets_s));
if (hba->radiusidentifiers_s)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("radiusidentifiers=%s", hba->radiusidentifiers_s));
if (hba->radiusports_s)
options[noptions++] =
CStringGetTextDatum(psprintf("radiusports=%s", hba->radiusports_s));
Assert(noptions <= MAX_HBA_OPTIONS);
if (noptions > 0)
return construct_array(options, noptions, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i');
return NULL;
/* Number of columns in pg_hba_file_rules view */
* fill_hba_line: build one row of pg_hba_file_rules view, add it to tuplestore
* tuple_store: where to store data
* tupdesc: tuple descriptor for the view
* lineno: pg_hba.conf line number (must always be valid)
* hba: parsed line data (can be NULL, in which case err_msg should be set)
* err_msg: error message (NULL if none)
* Note: leaks memory, but we don't care since this is run in a short-lived
* memory context.
static void
fill_hba_line(Tuplestorestate *tuple_store, TupleDesc tupdesc,
int lineno, HbaLine *hba, const char *err_msg)
char buffer[NI_MAXHOST];
HeapTuple tuple;
int index;
ListCell *lc;
const char *typestr;
const char *addrstr;
const char *maskstr;
ArrayType *options;
Assert(tupdesc->natts == NUM_PG_HBA_FILE_RULES_ATTS);
memset(values, 0, sizeof(values));
memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls));
index = 0;
/* line_number */
values[index++] = Int32GetDatum(lineno);
if (hba != NULL)
/* type */
/* Avoid a default: case so compiler will warn about missing cases */
typestr = NULL;
switch (hba->conntype)
case ctLocal:
typestr = "local";
case ctHost:
typestr = "host";
case ctHostSSL:
typestr = "hostssl";
case ctHostNoSSL:
typestr = "hostnossl";
if (typestr)
values[index++] = CStringGetTextDatum(typestr);
nulls[index++] = true;
/* database */
if (hba->databases)
* Flatten HbaToken list to string list. It might seem that we
* should re-quote any quoted tokens, but that has been rejected
* on the grounds that it makes it harder to compare the array
* elements to other system catalogs. That makes entries like
* "all" or "samerole" formally ambiguous ... but users who name
* databases/roles that way are inflicting their own pain.
List *names = NIL;
foreach(lc, hba->databases)
HbaToken *tok = lfirst(lc);
names = lappend(names, tok->string);
values[index++] = PointerGetDatum(strlist_to_textarray(names));
nulls[index++] = true;
/* user */
if (hba->roles)
/* Flatten HbaToken list to string list; see comment above */
List *roles = NIL;
foreach(lc, hba->roles)
HbaToken *tok = lfirst(lc);
roles = lappend(roles, tok->string);
values[index++] = PointerGetDatum(strlist_to_textarray(roles));
nulls[index++] = true;
/* address and netmask */
/* Avoid a default: case so compiler will warn about missing cases */
addrstr = maskstr = NULL;
switch (hba->ip_cmp_method)
case ipCmpMask:
if (hba->hostname)
addrstr = hba->hostname;
if (pg_getnameinfo_all(&hba->addr, sizeof(hba->addr),
buffer, sizeof(buffer),
NULL, 0,
clean_ipv6_addr(hba->addr.ss_family, buffer);
addrstr = pstrdup(buffer);
if (pg_getnameinfo_all(&hba->mask, sizeof(hba->mask),
buffer, sizeof(buffer),
NULL, 0,
clean_ipv6_addr(hba->mask.ss_family, buffer);
maskstr = pstrdup(buffer);
case ipCmpAll:
addrstr = "all";
case ipCmpSameHost:
addrstr = "samehost";
case ipCmpSameNet:
addrstr = "samenet";
if (addrstr)
values[index++] = CStringGetTextDatum(addrstr);
nulls[index++] = true;
if (maskstr)
values[index++] = CStringGetTextDatum(maskstr);
nulls[index++] = true;
* Make sure UserAuthName[] tracks additions to the UserAuth enum
StaticAssertStmt(lengthof(UserAuthName) == USER_AUTH_LAST + 1,
"UserAuthName[] must match the UserAuth enum");
/* auth_method */
values[index++] = CStringGetTextDatum(UserAuthName[hba->auth_method]);
/* options */
options = gethba_options(hba);
if (options)
values[index++] = PointerGetDatum(options);
nulls[index++] = true;
/* no parsing result, so set relevant fields to nulls */
memset(&nulls[1], true, (NUM_PG_HBA_FILE_RULES_ATTS - 2) * sizeof(bool));
/* error */
if (err_msg)
values[NUM_PG_HBA_FILE_RULES_ATTS - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(err_msg);
nulls[NUM_PG_HBA_FILE_RULES_ATTS - 1] = true;
tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls);
tuplestore_puttuple(tuple_store, tuple);
* Read the pg_hba.conf file and fill the tuplestore with view records.
static void
fill_hba_view(Tuplestorestate *tuple_store, TupleDesc tupdesc)
FILE *file;
List *hba_lines = NIL;
ListCell *line;
MemoryContext linecxt;
MemoryContext hbacxt;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
* In the unlikely event that we can't open pg_hba.conf, we throw an
* error, rather than trying to report it via some sort of view entry.
* (Most other error conditions should result in a message in a view
* entry.)
file = AllocateFile(HbaFileName, "r");
if (file == NULL)
errmsg("could not open configuration file \"%s\": %m",
linecxt = tokenize_file(HbaFileName, file, &hba_lines, DEBUG3);
/* Now parse all the lines */
hbacxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
"hba parser context",
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hbacxt);
foreach(line, hba_lines)
TokenizedLine *tok_line = (TokenizedLine *) lfirst(line);
HbaLine *hbaline = NULL;
/* don't parse lines that already have errors */
if (tok_line->err_msg == NULL)
hbaline = parse_hba_line(tok_line, DEBUG3);
fill_hba_line(tuple_store, tupdesc, tok_line->line_num,
hbaline, tok_line->err_msg);
/* Free tokenizer memory */
/* Free parse_hba_line memory */
* SQL-accessible SRF to return all the entries in the pg_hba.conf file.
Tuplestorestate *tuple_store;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
MemoryContext old_cxt;
ReturnSetInfo *rsi;
* We must use the Materialize mode to be safe against HBA file changes
* while the cursor is open. It's also more efficient than having to look
* up our current position in the parsed list every time.
rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
/* Check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
if (rsi == NULL || !IsA(rsi, ReturnSetInfo))
errmsg("set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set")));
if (!(rsi->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
errmsg("materialize mode required, but it is not " \
"allowed in this context")));
rsi->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize;
/* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */
if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE)
elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type");
/* Build tuplestore to hold the result rows */
old_cxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(rsi->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory);
tuple_store =
tuplestore_begin_heap(rsi->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize_Random,
false, work_mem);
rsi->setDesc = tupdesc;
rsi->setResult = tuple_store;
/* Fill the tuplestore */
fill_hba_view(tuple_store, tupdesc);
* Parse one tokenised line from the ident config file and store the result in
* an IdentLine structure.
* If parsing fails, log a message and return NULL.
* If ident_user is a regular expression (ie. begins with a slash), it is
* compiled and stored in IdentLine structure.
* Note: this function leaks memory when an error occurs. Caller is expected
* to have set a memory context that will be reset if this function returns
static IdentLine *
parse_ident_line(TokenizedLine *tok_line)
int line_num = tok_line->line_num;
ListCell *field;
List *tokens;
HbaToken *token;
IdentLine *parsedline;
Assert(tok_line->fields != NIL);
field = list_head(tok_line->fields);
parsedline = palloc0(sizeof(IdentLine));
parsedline->linenumber = line_num;
/* Get the map token (must exist) */
tokens = lfirst(field);
token = linitial(tokens);
parsedline->usermap = pstrdup(token->string);
/* Get the ident user token */
field = lnext(field);
tokens = lfirst(field);
token = linitial(tokens);
parsedline->ident_user = pstrdup(token->string);
/* Get the PG rolename token */
field = lnext(field);
tokens = lfirst(field);
token = linitial(tokens);
parsedline->pg_role = pstrdup(token->string);
if (parsedline->ident_user[0] == '/')
* When system username starts with a slash, treat it as a regular
* expression. Pre-compile it.
int r;
pg_wchar *wstr;
int wlen;
wstr = palloc((strlen(parsedline->ident_user + 1) + 1) * sizeof(pg_wchar));
wlen = pg_mb2wchar_with_len(parsedline->ident_user + 1,
wstr, strlen(parsedline->ident_user + 1));
r = pg_regcomp(&parsedline->re, wstr, wlen, REG_ADVANCED, C_COLLATION_OID);
if (r)
char errstr[100];
pg_regerror(r, &parsedline->re, errstr, sizeof(errstr));
errmsg("invalid regular expression \"%s\": %s",
parsedline->ident_user + 1, errstr)));
return NULL;
return parsedline;
* Process one line from the parsed ident config lines.
* Compare input parsed ident line to the needed map, pg_role and ident_user.
* *found_p and *error_p are set according to our results.
static void
check_ident_usermap(IdentLine *identLine, const char *usermap_name,
const char *pg_role, const char *ident_user,
bool case_insensitive, bool *found_p, bool *error_p)
*found_p = false;
*error_p = false;
if (strcmp(identLine->usermap, usermap_name) != 0)
/* Line does not match the map name we're looking for, so just abort */
/* Match? */
if (identLine->ident_user[0] == '/')
* When system username starts with a slash, treat it as a regular
* expression. In this case, we process the system username as a
* regular expression that returns exactly one match. This is replaced
* for \1 in the database username string, if present.
int r;
regmatch_t matches[2];
pg_wchar *wstr;
int wlen;
char *ofs;
char *regexp_pgrole;
wstr = palloc((strlen(ident_user) + 1) * sizeof(pg_wchar));
wlen = pg_mb2wchar_with_len(ident_user, wstr, strlen(ident_user));
r = pg_regexec(&identLine->re, wstr, wlen, 0, NULL, 2, matches, 0);
if (r)
char errstr[100];
if (r != REG_NOMATCH)
/* REG_NOMATCH is not an error, everything else is */
pg_regerror(r, &identLine->re, errstr, sizeof(errstr));
errmsg("regular expression match for \"%s\" failed: %s",
identLine->ident_user + 1, errstr)));
*error_p = true;
if ((ofs = strstr(identLine->pg_role, "\\1")) != NULL)
int offset;
/* substitution of the first argument requested */
if (matches[1].rm_so < 0)
errmsg("regular expression \"%s\" has no subexpressions as requested by backreference in \"%s\"",
identLine->ident_user + 1, identLine->pg_role)));
*error_p = true;
* length: original length minus length of \1 plus length of match
* plus null terminator
regexp_pgrole = palloc0(strlen(identLine->pg_role) - 2 + (matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so) + 1);
offset = ofs - identLine->pg_role;
memcpy(regexp_pgrole, identLine->pg_role, offset);
memcpy(regexp_pgrole + offset,
ident_user + matches[1].rm_so,
matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so);
strcat(regexp_pgrole, ofs + 2);
/* no substitution, so copy the match */
regexp_pgrole = pstrdup(identLine->pg_role);
* now check if the username actually matched what the user is trying
* to connect as
if (case_insensitive)
if (pg_strcasecmp(regexp_pgrole, pg_role) == 0)
*found_p = true;
if (strcmp(regexp_pgrole, pg_role) == 0)
*found_p = true;
/* Not regular expression, so make complete match */
if (case_insensitive)
if (pg_strcasecmp(identLine->pg_role, pg_role) == 0 &&
pg_strcasecmp(identLine->ident_user, ident_user) == 0)
*found_p = true;
if (strcmp(identLine->pg_role, pg_role) == 0 &&
strcmp(identLine->ident_user, ident_user) == 0)
*found_p = true;
* Scan the (pre-parsed) ident usermap file line by line, looking for a match
* See if the user with ident username "auth_user" is allowed to act
* as Postgres user "pg_role" according to usermap "usermap_name".
* Special case: Usermap NULL, equivalent to what was previously called
* "sameuser" or "samerole", means don't look in the usermap file.
* That's an implied map wherein "pg_role" must be identical to
* "auth_user" in order to be authorized.
* Iff authorized, return STATUS_OK, otherwise return STATUS_ERROR.
check_usermap(const char *usermap_name,
const char *pg_role,
const char *auth_user,
bool case_insensitive)
bool found_entry = false,
error = false;
if (usermap_name == NULL || usermap_name[0] == '\0')
if (case_insensitive)
if (pg_strcasecmp(pg_role, auth_user) == 0)
return STATUS_OK;
if (strcmp(pg_role, auth_user) == 0)
return STATUS_OK;
(errmsg("provided user name (%s) and authenticated user name (%s) do not match",
pg_role, auth_user)));
ListCell *line_cell;
foreach(line_cell, parsed_ident_lines)
check_ident_usermap(lfirst(line_cell), usermap_name,
pg_role, auth_user, case_insensitive,
&found_entry, &error);
if (found_entry || error)
if (!found_entry && !error)
(errmsg("no match in usermap \"%s\" for user \"%s\" authenticated as \"%s\"",
usermap_name, pg_role, auth_user)));
return found_entry ? STATUS_OK : STATUS_ERROR;
* Read the ident config file and create a List of IdentLine records for
* the contents.
* This works the same as load_hba(), but for the user config file.
FILE *file;
List *ident_lines = NIL;
ListCell *line_cell,
List *new_parsed_lines = NIL;
bool ok = true;
MemoryContext linecxt;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
MemoryContext ident_context;
IdentLine *newline;
file = AllocateFile(IdentFileName, "r");
if (file == NULL)
/* not fatal ... we just won't do any special ident maps */
errmsg("could not open usermap file \"%s\": %m",
return false;
linecxt = tokenize_file(IdentFileName, file, &ident_lines, LOG);
/* Now parse all the lines */
ident_context = AllocSetContextCreate(PostmasterContext,
"ident parser context",
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(ident_context);
foreach(line_cell, ident_lines)
TokenizedLine *tok_line = (TokenizedLine *) lfirst(line_cell);
/* don't parse lines that already have errors */
if (tok_line->err_msg != NULL)
ok = false;
if ((newline = parse_ident_line(tok_line)) == NULL)
/* Parse error; remember there's trouble */
ok = false;
* Keep parsing the rest of the file so we can report errors on
* more than the first line. Error has already been logged, no
* need for more chatter here.
new_parsed_lines = lappend(new_parsed_lines, newline);
/* Free tokenizer memory */
if (!ok)
* File contained one or more errors, so bail out, first being careful
* to clean up whatever we allocated. Most stuff will go away via
* MemoryContextDelete, but we have to clean up regexes explicitly.
foreach(parsed_line_cell, new_parsed_lines)
newline = (IdentLine *) lfirst(parsed_line_cell);
if (newline->ident_user[0] == '/')
return false;
/* Loaded new file successfully, replace the one we use */
if (parsed_ident_lines != NIL)
foreach(parsed_line_cell, parsed_ident_lines)
newline = (IdentLine *) lfirst(parsed_line_cell);
if (newline->ident_user[0] == '/')
if (parsed_ident_context != NULL)
parsed_ident_context = ident_context;
parsed_ident_lines = new_parsed_lines;
return true;
* Determine what authentication method should be used when accessing database
* "database" from frontend "raddr", user "user". Return the method and
* an optional argument (stored in fields of *port), and STATUS_OK.
* If the file does not contain any entry matching the request, we return
* method = uaImplicitReject.
hba_getauthmethod(hbaPort *port)