1998-03-01 08:16:16 +00:00

348 lines
10 KiB

<Appendix label="A">
<ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> documentation is written using
the <FirstTerm>Standard Generalized Markup Language</FirstTerm>
<ULink url=""><ProductName>DocBook</ProductName></ULink>
<FirstTerm>Document Type Definition</FirstTerm> (<Acronym>DTD</Acronym>).
Packaged documentation is available in both <FirstTerm>HTML</FirstTerm> and <FirstTerm>Postscript</FirstTerm>
formats. These are available as part of the standard <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> installation.
We discuss here working with the documentation sources and generating documentation packages.
This is the first release of new <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> documentation in three years.
The content and environment are in flux and still evolving.
The purpose of <Acronym>SGML</Acronym> is to allow an author to specify the structure and content of
a document (e.g. using the <ProductName>DocBook</ProductName> <Acronym>DTD</Acronym>),
and to have the document style define
how that content is rendered into a final form
(e.g. using Norm Walsh's stylesheets).
<ULink url="">Introduction to DocBook</ULink>
for a nice "quickstart" summary of DocBook features.
<ULink url="">DocBook Elements</ULink>
provides a powerful cross-reference for features of <ProductName>DocBook</ProductName>.
This documentation set is constructed using several tools,
including James Clark's
<ULink url=""><ProductName>jade</ProductName></ULink>
and Norm Walsh's
<ULink url="">Modular DocBook Stylesheets</ULink>.
Currently, hardcopy is produced by importing <FirstTerm>Rich Text Format</FirstTerm> (<Acronym>RTF</Acronym>)
output from <Application>jade</Application> to <ProductName>ApplixWare</ProductName>
for minor formatting fixups then exporting as a Postscript file.
<ULink url=""><ProductName>TeX</ProductName></ULink>
is a supported format for <Application>jade</Application> output, but was not used at this time for
several reasons, including the inability to make minor format fixes before committing to hardcopy and
generally inadequate table support in the <ProductName>TeX</ProductName> stylesheets.
<Title>Styles and Conventions</Title>
<ProductName>DocBook</ProductName> has a rich set of tags and constructs, and a suprisingly large
percentage are directly and obviously useful for well-formed documentation.
The <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> documentation set has only recently
been adapted to <Acronym>SGML</Acronym>, and in the near future several sections of the set
will be selected and maintained as prototypical examples of <ProductName>DocBook</ProductName>
usage. Also, a short summary of <ProductName>DocBook</ProductName> tags will be included below.
<TITLE>SGML Constructs</TITLE>
<Title>Building Documentation</Title>
HTML documentation packages can be generated from the SGML source by typing
% cd doc/src
% make tutorial.tar.gz
% make user.tar.gz
% make admin.tar.gz
% make programmer.tar.gz
% make postgres.tar.gz
% make install
These packages can be installed from the main documentation directory by typing
% cd doc
% make install
The current stable release of <ProductName>jade</ProductName> is version 1.0.1.
<Title>Installation for Linux</Title>
Install <ULink url=""><Acronym>RPMs</Acronym></ULink>
for <ProductName>jade</ProductName> and related packages.
<Title>Installation for non-Linux Platforms</Title>
There are some other packaged distributions for jade. <ProductName>FreeBSD</ProductName> seems
to have one available. Please report package status to the docs mailing list and we will
include that information here.
For other platforms, install <ULink url="">sources</ULink>
for <ProductName>jade</ProductName> and related packages and build from scratch.
<Title><ProductName>Modular Style Sheets</ProductName></Title>
The current stable release of the <ProductName>Modular Style Sheets</ProductName> is version 1.0.7.
<Title>Hardcopy Generation for v6.3</Title>
The hardcopy Postscript documentation is generated by converting the <Acronym>SGML</Acronym>
source code to <Acronym>RTF</Acronym>, then importing into Applixware. After a little cleanup
(see the following section) the output is "printed" to a postscript file.
Some figures were redrawn to avoid having bitmap <Acronym>GIF</Acronym> files in the hardcopy
documentation. One figure, of the system catalogs, was sufficiently complex that there was
not time to redraw it. It was converted to fit using the following commands:
% convert -v -geometry 400x400'>' figure03.gif con.gif
% convert -v -crop 400x380 con.gif connections.gif
<Title>RTF Cleanup Procedure</Title>
Several items must be addressed in generating Postscript hardcopy:
<Title>Applixware RTF Cleanup</Title>
Applixware does not seem to do a complete job of importing RTF generated by jade/MSS. In particular,
all text is given the <Quote>Header1</Quote> style attribute label, although the text formatting itself
is acceptable. Also, the Table of Contents page numbers do not refer to the section listed in the
table, but rather refer to the page of the ToC itself.
<Step Performance="required">
Generate the <Acronym>RTF</Acronym> input by typing
% cd doc/src/sgml
% make tutorial.rtf
<Step Performance="required">
Open a new document in <ProductName>Applix Words</ProductName> and then import the RTF file.
<Step Performance="required">
Print out the existing Table of Contents, to mark up in the following few steps.
<Step Performance="required">
Insert figures into the document. Center each figure on the page using the centering margins button.
Not all documents have figures. You can grep the SGML source files for the string <Quote>Graphic</Quote>
to identify those parts of the documentation which may have figures. A few figures are replicated in
various parts of the documentation.
<Step Performance="required">
Work through the document, adjusting page breaks and table column widths.
<Step Performance="required">
If a bibliography is present, Applix Words seems to mark all remaining text after the first title
as having an underlined attribute. Select all remaining text, turn off underlining using the underlining button,
then explicitly underline each document and book title.
<Step Performance="required">
Work through the document, marking up the ToC hardcopy with the actual page number of each ToC entry.
<Step Performance="required">
Replace the right-justified incorrect page numbers in the ToC with correct values. This only takes a few
minutes per document.
<Step Performance="required">
Save the document as native Applix Words format to allow easier last minute editing later.
<Step Performance="required">
Export the document to a file in Postscript format.
<Step Performance="required">
Compress the Postscript file using <Application>gzip</Application>. Place the compressed file into the
<FileName>doc</FileName> directory.
<Title>Alternate Toolsets</Title>
The current stable release of <ProductName>sgml-tools</ProductName> is version 1.0.4.
The v1.0 release includes some restructuring of the directory tree
to more easily support additional document styles, possibly including <ProductName>DocBook</ProductName>.
The only version of <ProductName>sgml-tools</ProductName> evaluated for <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> was v0.99.0.
<ULink url="">
to the linuxdoc styles. These patches fix small problems with
table formatting and with figure file names on conversion to postscript or html.
The current stable release of <ProductName>sgml2latex</ProductName> is version 1.4.
I have misplaced the original reference
for this package, so will temporarily post it with this example.
Install <ULink url="">
Get and install <ProductName>texmf</ProductName>, <ProductName>teTeX</ProductName>,
or another package providing full tex/latex functionality.
Add the
<ULink url="">required styles</ULink>
linuxdoc-sgml.sty, linuxdoc-sgml-a4.sty isolatin.sty, qwertz.sty, and null.sty
to texmf/tex/latex/tools/ or the appropriate area.
% cat latex-styles-0.99.0.tar.gz | (cd texmf/tex/latex/tools/; tar zxvf -)
Run <ProductName>texhash</ProductName> to update the tex database.