Tom Lane 3ab9a63cb6 Rename JsonIsPredicate.value_type, fix JSON backend/nodes/ infrastructure.
I started out with the intention to rename value_type to item_type to
avoid a collision with a typedef name that appears on some platforms.

Along the way, I noticed that the adjacent field "format" was not being
correctly handled by the backend/nodes/ infrastructure functions:
copyfuncs.c erroneously treated it as a scalar, while equalfuncs,
outfuncs, and readfuncs omitted handling it at all.  This looks like
it might be cosmetic at the moment because the field is always NULL
after parse analysis; but that's likely a bug in itself, and the code's
certainly not very future-proof.  Let's fix it while we can still do so
without forcing an initdb on beta testers.

Further study found a few other inconsistencies in the backend/nodes/
infrastructure for the recently-added JSON node types, so fix those too.

catversion bumped because of potential change in stored rules.

2022-05-13 11:40:08 -04:00

122 lines
4.0 KiB

* makefuncs.h
* prototypes for the creator functions of various nodes
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/nodes/makefuncs.h
#ifndef MAKEFUNC_H
#define MAKEFUNC_H
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
extern A_Expr *makeA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, List *name,
Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location);
extern A_Expr *makeSimpleA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, char *name,
Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location);
extern Var *makeVar(int varno,
AttrNumber varattno,
Oid vartype,
int32 vartypmod,
Oid varcollid,
Index varlevelsup);
extern Var *makeVarFromTargetEntry(int varno,
TargetEntry *tle);
extern Var *makeWholeRowVar(RangeTblEntry *rte,
int varno,
Index varlevelsup,
bool allowScalar);
extern TargetEntry *makeTargetEntry(Expr *expr,
AttrNumber resno,
char *resname,
bool resjunk);
extern TargetEntry *flatCopyTargetEntry(TargetEntry *src_tle);
extern FromExpr *makeFromExpr(List *fromlist, Node *quals);
extern Const *makeConst(Oid consttype,
int32 consttypmod,
Oid constcollid,
int constlen,
Datum constvalue,
bool constisnull,
bool constbyval);
extern Const *makeNullConst(Oid consttype, int32 consttypmod, Oid constcollid);
extern Node *makeBoolConst(bool value, bool isnull);
extern Expr *makeBoolExpr(BoolExprType boolop, List *args, int location);
extern Alias *makeAlias(const char *aliasname, List *colnames);
extern RelabelType *makeRelabelType(Expr *arg, Oid rtype, int32 rtypmod,
Oid rcollid, CoercionForm rformat);
extern RangeVar *makeRangeVar(char *schemaname, char *relname, int location);
extern TypeName *makeTypeName(char *typnam);
extern TypeName *makeTypeNameFromNameList(List *names);
extern TypeName *makeTypeNameFromOid(Oid typeOid, int32 typmod);
extern ColumnDef *makeColumnDef(const char *colname,
Oid typeOid, int32 typmod, Oid collOid);
extern FuncExpr *makeFuncExpr(Oid funcid, Oid rettype, List *args,
Oid funccollid, Oid inputcollid, CoercionForm fformat);
extern FuncCall *makeFuncCall(List *name, List *args,
CoercionForm funcformat, int location);
extern Expr *make_opclause(Oid opno, Oid opresulttype, bool opretset,
Expr *leftop, Expr *rightop,
Oid opcollid, Oid inputcollid);
extern Expr *make_andclause(List *andclauses);
extern Expr *make_orclause(List *orclauses);
extern Expr *make_notclause(Expr *notclause);
extern Node *make_and_qual(Node *qual1, Node *qual2);
extern Expr *make_ands_explicit(List *andclauses);
extern List *make_ands_implicit(Expr *clause);
extern IndexInfo *makeIndexInfo(int numattrs, int numkeyattrs, Oid amoid,
List *expressions, List *predicates,
bool unique, bool nulls_not_distinct, bool isready, bool concurrent);
extern DefElem *makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg, int location);
extern DefElem *makeDefElemExtended(char *nameSpace, char *name, Node *arg,
DefElemAction defaction, int location);
extern GroupingSet *makeGroupingSet(GroupingSetKind kind, List *content, int location);
extern VacuumRelation *makeVacuumRelation(RangeVar *relation, Oid oid, List *va_cols);
extern JsonFormat *makeJsonFormat(JsonFormatType type, JsonEncoding encoding,
int location);
extern JsonValueExpr *makeJsonValueExpr(Expr *expr, JsonFormat *format);
extern JsonBehavior *makeJsonBehavior(JsonBehaviorType type, Node *expr);
extern Node *makeJsonTableJoinedPlan(JsonTablePlanJoinType type,
Node *plan1, Node *plan2, int location);
extern Node *makeJsonKeyValue(Node *key, Node *value);
extern Node *makeJsonIsPredicate(Node *expr, JsonFormat *format,
JsonValueType item_type, bool unique_keys,
int location);
extern JsonEncoding makeJsonEncoding(char *name);
#endif /* MAKEFUNC_H */