Bruce Momjian ab56022864 Big thanks to Solar Designer who pointed out a bug in bcrypt
salt generation code.  He also urged using better random source
and making possible to choose using bcrypt and xdes rounds more
easily.  So, here's patch:

* For all salt generation, use Solar Designer's own code.  This
  is mostly due fact that his code is more fit for get_random_bytes()
  style interface.
* New function: gen_salt(type, rounds).  This lets specify iteration
  count for algorithm.
* random.c: px_get_random_bytes() function.
  Supported randomness soure: /dev/urandom, OpenSSL PRNG, libc random()
  Default: /dev/urandom.
* Draft description of C API for pgcrypto functions.

New files: API, crypt-gensalt.c, random.c

Marko Kreen
2001-09-23 04:12:44 +00:00

164 lines
3.5 KiB

C API for pgcrypto
UN*X crypt()
#include <px-crypt.h>
char *
px_crypt(const char *psw, const char *salt, char *buf, unsigned buflen);
returns buf or NULL for error.
unsigned px_gen_salt(const char *salt_type, char *dst, int rounds);
returns salt size. dst should be PX_MAX_SALT_LEN bytes.
'rounds' is algorithm specific. 0 means default for
that algorithm.
int px_rand_get_bytes(uint8 *dst, int num)
Crypto "objects"
PX_MD - Message digest
PX_Cipher - cipher+mode: provided by libs
PX_Combo - higher-level encryption -> padding, [MD]
Objects are activated with following functions:
int px_find_digest(const char *name, PX_MD **res);
int px_find_hmac(const char *name, PX_HMAC **res);
int px_find_cipher(const char *name, PX_Cipher **res);
int px_find_combo(const char *name, PX_Combo **res);
returns 0 on success, < 0 on error. If successful,
*res contains pointer to new object.
Message Digest
uint px_md_result_size(PX_MD *md)
returns final result size in bytes
void px_md_reset(PX_MD *md)
resets md to clean state
uint px_md_block_size(PX_MD *md)
return algorithm block size in bytes
void px_md_update(PX_MD *md, const uint8 *data, uint dlen)
updates hash state with new data
void px_md_finish(PX_MD *md, uint8 *buf)
puts final hash state into buf. buf should have room
for px_md_result_size() bytes.
void px_md_free(PX_MD *md)
frees resources.
HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code)
int px_hmac_init(PX_HMAC *hmac, const uint8 *key, uint klen)
initalized hmac state with key.
uint px_hmac_result_size(PX_HMAC *md)
returns final result size in bytes
void px_hmac_reset(PX_HMAC *md)
resets md to state after _init()
uint px_hmac_block_size(PX_HMAC *md)
return algorithm block size in bytes
void px_hmac_update(PX_HMAC *md, const uint8 *data, uint dlen)
updates hash state with new data
void px_hmac_finish(PX_HMAC *md, uint8 *buf)
puts final hash state into buf. buf should have room
for px_hmac_result_size() bytes.
void px_hmac_free(PX_HMAC *md)
frees resources.
uint px_cipher_key_size(PX_Cipher *c)
returns max key size in bytes
uint px_cipher_block_size(PX_Cipher *c)
returns cipher+mode block size in bytes. So blowfish
in CFB mode should return 1.
uint px_cipher_iv_size(PX_Cipher *c)
returns IV size in bytes.
int px_cipher_init(PX_Cipher *c, uint8 *key, uint klen, uint8 *iv)
initializes cipher with supplied key and iv.
int px_cipher_encrypt(PX_Cipher *c, uint8 *data, uint dlen, uint8 *res)
encrypts data. res must have room for dlen bytes.
data must be multiple of px_cipher_block_size().
int px_cipher_decrypt(PX_Cipher *c, uint8 *data, uint dlen, uint8 *res)
decrypts data. res must have room for dlen bytes.
void px_cipher_free(PX_Cipher *c)
frees resources assiocated.
uint px_combo_encrypt_len(PX_Combo *c, uint dlen)
calculates max result length for dlen of data.
uint px_combo_decrypt_len(PX_Combo *c, uint dlen)
calculates result length for dlen of data.
int px_combo_init(PX_Combo *c, uint8 *key, uint klen, uint8 *iv, uint ivlen)
initializes c with key and iv. If cipher uses fixed length keys,
key will be padded with zeroes to needed length.
int px_combo_encrypt(PX_Combo *c, uint8 *data, uint dlen, uint8 *res, uint rlen)
int px_combo_decrypt(PX_Combo *c, uint8 *data, uint dlen, uint8 *res, uint rlen)
void px_combo_free(PX_Combo *c)
frees resources assiocated.