Robert Haas 0886fc6a5c Add new to_reg* functions for error-free OID lookups.
These functions won't throw an error if the object doesn't exist,
or if (for functions and operators) there's more than one matching

Yugo Nagata and Nozomi Anzai, reviewed by Amit Khandekar, Marti
Raudsepp, Amit Kapila, and me.
2014-04-08 10:27:56 -04:00

1125 lines
31 KiB

* parse_oper.c
* handle operator things for parser
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/parser/parse_oper.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
* The lookup key for the operator lookaside hash table. Unused bits must be
* zeroes to ensure hashing works consistently --- in particular, oprname
* must be zero-padded and any unused entries in search_path must be zero.
* search_path contains the actual search_path with which the entry was
* derived (minus temp namespace if any), or else the single specified
* schema OID if we are looking up an explicitly-qualified operator name.
* search_path has to be fixed-length since the hashtable code insists on
* fixed-size keys. If your search path is longer than that, we just punt
* and don't cache anything.
/* If your search_path is longer than this, sucks to be you ... */
typedef struct OprCacheKey
char oprname[NAMEDATALEN];
Oid left_arg; /* Left input OID, or 0 if prefix op */
Oid right_arg; /* Right input OID, or 0 if postfix op */
Oid search_path[MAX_CACHED_PATH_LEN];
} OprCacheKey;
typedef struct OprCacheEntry
/* the hash lookup key MUST BE FIRST */
OprCacheKey key;
Oid opr_oid; /* OID of the resolved operator */
} OprCacheEntry;
static Oid binary_oper_exact(List *opname, Oid arg1, Oid arg2);
static FuncDetailCode oper_select_candidate(int nargs,
Oid *input_typeids,
FuncCandidateList candidates,
Oid *operOid);
static const char *op_signature_string(List *op, char oprkind,
Oid arg1, Oid arg2);
static void op_error(ParseState *pstate, List *op, char oprkind,
Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
FuncDetailCode fdresult, int location);
static bool make_oper_cache_key(OprCacheKey *key, List *opname,
Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId);
static Oid find_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key);
static void make_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key, Oid opr_oid);
static void InvalidateOprCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue);
* LookupOperName
* Given a possibly-qualified operator name and exact input datatypes,
* look up the operator.
* Pass oprleft = InvalidOid for a prefix op, oprright = InvalidOid for
* a postfix op.
* If the operator name is not schema-qualified, it is sought in the current
* namespace search path.
* If the operator is not found, we return InvalidOid if noError is true,
* else raise an error. pstate and location are used only to report the
* error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
LookupOperName(ParseState *pstate, List *opername, Oid oprleft, Oid oprright,
bool noError, int location)
Oid result;
result = OpernameGetOprid(opername, oprleft, oprright);
if (OidIsValid(result))
return result;
/* we don't use op_error here because only an exact match is wanted */
if (!noError)
char oprkind;
if (!OidIsValid(oprleft))
oprkind = 'l';
else if (!OidIsValid(oprright))
oprkind = 'r';
oprkind = 'b';
errmsg("operator does not exist: %s",
op_signature_string(opername, oprkind,
oprleft, oprright)),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
return InvalidOid;
* LookupOperNameTypeNames
* Like LookupOperName, but the argument types are specified by
* TypeName nodes.
* Pass oprleft = NULL for a prefix op, oprright = NULL for a postfix op.
LookupOperNameTypeNames(ParseState *pstate, List *opername,
TypeName *oprleft, TypeName *oprright,
bool noError, int location)
Oid leftoid,
if (oprleft == NULL)
leftoid = InvalidOid;
leftoid = LookupTypeNameOid(pstate, oprleft, noError);
if (oprright == NULL)
rightoid = InvalidOid;
rightoid = LookupTypeNameOid(pstate, oprright, noError);
return LookupOperName(pstate, opername, leftoid, rightoid,
noError, location);
* get_sort_group_operators - get default sorting/grouping operators for type
* We fetch the "<", "=", and ">" operators all at once to reduce lookup
* overhead (knowing that most callers will be interested in at least two).
* However, a given datatype might have only an "=" operator, if it is
* hashable but not sortable. (Other combinations of present and missing
* operators shouldn't happen, unless the system catalogs are messed up.)
* If an operator is missing and the corresponding needXX flag is true,
* throw a standard error message, else return InvalidOid.
* In addition to the operator OIDs themselves, this function can identify
* whether the "=" operator is hashable.
* Callers can pass NULL pointers for any results they don't care to get.
* Note: the results are guaranteed to be exact or binary-compatible matches,
* since most callers are not prepared to cope with adding any run-time type
* coercion steps.
get_sort_group_operators(Oid argtype,
bool needLT, bool needEQ, bool needGT,
Oid *ltOpr, Oid *eqOpr, Oid *gtOpr,
bool *isHashable)
TypeCacheEntry *typentry;
int cache_flags;
Oid lt_opr;
Oid eq_opr;
Oid gt_opr;
bool hashable;
* Look up the operators using the type cache.
* Note: the search algorithm used by typcache.c ensures that the results
* are consistent, ie all from matching opclasses.
if (isHashable != NULL)
typentry = lookup_type_cache(argtype, cache_flags);
lt_opr = typentry->lt_opr;
eq_opr = typentry->eq_opr;
gt_opr = typentry->gt_opr;
hashable = OidIsValid(typentry->hash_proc);
/* Report errors if needed */
if ((needLT && !OidIsValid(lt_opr)) ||
(needGT && !OidIsValid(gt_opr)))
errmsg("could not identify an ordering operator for type %s",
errhint("Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.")));
if (needEQ && !OidIsValid(eq_opr))
errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for type %s",
/* Return results as needed */
if (ltOpr)
*ltOpr = lt_opr;
if (eqOpr)
*eqOpr = eq_opr;
if (gtOpr)
*gtOpr = gt_opr;
if (isHashable)
*isHashable = hashable;
/* given operator tuple, return the operator OID */
oprid(Operator op)
return HeapTupleGetOid(op);
/* given operator tuple, return the underlying function's OID */
oprfuncid(Operator op)
Form_pg_operator pgopform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(op);
return pgopform->oprcode;
/* binary_oper_exact()
* Check for an "exact" match to the specified operand types.
* If one operand is an unknown literal, assume it should be taken to be
* the same type as the other operand for this purpose. Also, consider
* the possibility that the other operand is a domain type that needs to
* be reduced to its base type to find an "exact" match.
static Oid
binary_oper_exact(List *opname, Oid arg1, Oid arg2)
Oid result;
bool was_unknown = false;
/* Unspecified type for one of the arguments? then use the other */
if ((arg1 == UNKNOWNOID) && (arg2 != InvalidOid))
arg1 = arg2;
was_unknown = true;
else if ((arg2 == UNKNOWNOID) && (arg1 != InvalidOid))
arg2 = arg1;
was_unknown = true;
result = OpernameGetOprid(opname, arg1, arg2);
if (OidIsValid(result))
return result;
if (was_unknown)
/* arg1 and arg2 are the same here, need only look at arg1 */
Oid basetype = getBaseType(arg1);
if (basetype != arg1)
result = OpernameGetOprid(opname, basetype, basetype);
if (OidIsValid(result))
return result;
return InvalidOid;
/* oper_select_candidate()
* Given the input argtype array and one or more candidates
* for the operator, attempt to resolve the conflict.
* In the success case the Oid of the best candidate is stored in *operOid.
* Note that the caller has already determined that there is no candidate
* exactly matching the input argtype(s). Incompatible candidates are not yet
* pruned away, however.
static FuncDetailCode
oper_select_candidate(int nargs,
Oid *input_typeids,
FuncCandidateList candidates,
Oid *operOid) /* output argument */
int ncandidates;
* Delete any candidates that cannot actually accept the given input
* types, whether directly or by coercion.
ncandidates = func_match_argtypes(nargs, input_typeids,
candidates, &candidates);
/* Done if no candidate or only one candidate survives */
if (ncandidates == 0)
*operOid = InvalidOid;
if (ncandidates == 1)
*operOid = candidates->oid;
* Use the same heuristics as for ambiguous functions to resolve the
* conflict.
candidates = func_select_candidate(nargs, input_typeids, candidates);
if (candidates)
*operOid = candidates->oid;
*operOid = InvalidOid;
return FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE; /* failed to select a best candidate */
/* oper() -- search for a binary operator
* Given operator name, types of arg1 and arg2, return oper struct.
* IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
* coercion-compatible with the input datatypes. Do not use this if
* you need an exact- or binary-compatible match; see compatible_oper.
* If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
* raise an error if it is false. pstate and location are used only to report
* the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
* NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry. The caller
* must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
oper(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId,
bool noError, int location)
Oid operOid;
OprCacheKey key;
bool key_ok;
FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
HeapTuple tup = NULL;
* Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(&key, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId);
if (key_ok)
operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
return (Operator) tup;
* First try for an "exact" match.
operOid = binary_oper_exact(opname, ltypeId, rtypeId);
if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
* Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
FuncCandidateList clist;
/* Get binary operators of given name */
clist = OpernameGetCandidates(opname, 'b', false);
/* No operators found? Then fail... */
if (clist != NULL)
* Unspecified type for one of the arguments? then use the other
* (XXX this is probably dead code?)
Oid inputOids[2];
if (rtypeId == InvalidOid)
rtypeId = ltypeId;
else if (ltypeId == InvalidOid)
ltypeId = rtypeId;
inputOids[0] = ltypeId;
inputOids[1] = rtypeId;
fdresult = oper_select_candidate(2, inputOids, clist, &operOid);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
if (key_ok)
make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
else if (!noError)
op_error(pstate, opname, 'b', ltypeId, rtypeId, fdresult, location);
return (Operator) tup;
/* compatible_oper()
* given an opname and input datatypes, find a compatible binary operator
* This is tighter than oper() because it will not return an operator that
* requires coercion of the input datatypes (but binary-compatible operators
* are accepted). Otherwise, the semantics are the same.
compatible_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
bool noError, int location)
Operator optup;
Form_pg_operator opform;
/* oper() will find the best available match */
optup = oper(pstate, op, arg1, arg2, noError, location);
if (optup == (Operator) NULL)
return (Operator) NULL; /* must be noError case */
/* but is it good enough? */
opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(optup);
if (IsBinaryCoercible(arg1, opform->oprleft) &&
IsBinaryCoercible(arg2, opform->oprright))
return optup;
/* nope... */
if (!noError)
errmsg("operator requires run-time type coercion: %s",
op_signature_string(op, 'b', arg1, arg2)),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
return (Operator) NULL;
/* compatible_oper_opid() -- get OID of a binary operator
* This is a convenience routine that extracts only the operator OID
* from the result of compatible_oper(). InvalidOid is returned if the
* lookup fails and noError is true.
compatible_oper_opid(List *op, Oid arg1, Oid arg2, bool noError)
Operator optup;
Oid result;
optup = compatible_oper(NULL, op, arg1, arg2, noError, -1);
if (optup != NULL)
result = oprid(optup);
return result;
return InvalidOid;
/* right_oper() -- search for a unary right operator (postfix operator)
* Given operator name and type of arg, return oper struct.
* IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
* coercion-compatible with the input datatype. Do not use this if
* you need an exact- or binary-compatible match.
* If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
* raise an error if it is false. pstate and location are used only to report
* the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
* NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry. The caller
* must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
right_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg, bool noError, int location)
Oid operOid;
OprCacheKey key;
bool key_ok;
FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
HeapTuple tup = NULL;
* Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(&key, op, arg, InvalidOid);
if (key_ok)
operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
return (Operator) tup;
* First try for an "exact" match.
operOid = OpernameGetOprid(op, arg, InvalidOid);
if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
* Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
FuncCandidateList clist;
/* Get postfix operators of given name */
clist = OpernameGetCandidates(op, 'r', false);
/* No operators found? Then fail... */
if (clist != NULL)
* We must run oper_select_candidate even if only one candidate,
* otherwise we may falsely return a non-type-compatible operator.
fdresult = oper_select_candidate(1, &arg, clist, &operOid);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
if (key_ok)
make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
else if (!noError)
op_error(pstate, op, 'r', arg, InvalidOid, fdresult, location);
return (Operator) tup;
/* left_oper() -- search for a unary left operator (prefix operator)
* Given operator name and type of arg, return oper struct.
* IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
* coercion-compatible with the input datatype. Do not use this if
* you need an exact- or binary-compatible match.
* If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
* raise an error if it is false. pstate and location are used only to report
* the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
* NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry. The caller
* must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
left_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg, bool noError, int location)
Oid operOid;
OprCacheKey key;
bool key_ok;
FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
HeapTuple tup = NULL;
* Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(&key, op, InvalidOid, arg);
if (key_ok)
operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
return (Operator) tup;
* First try for an "exact" match.
operOid = OpernameGetOprid(op, InvalidOid, arg);
if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
* Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
FuncCandidateList clist;
/* Get prefix operators of given name */
clist = OpernameGetCandidates(op, 'l', false);
/* No operators found? Then fail... */
if (clist != NULL)
* The returned list has args in the form (0, oprright). Move the
* useful data into args[0] to keep oper_select_candidate simple.
* XXX we are assuming here that we may scribble on the list!
FuncCandidateList clisti;
for (clisti = clist; clisti != NULL; clisti = clisti->next)
clisti->args[0] = clisti->args[1];
* We must run oper_select_candidate even if only one candidate,
* otherwise we may falsely return a non-type-compatible operator.
fdresult = oper_select_candidate(1, &arg, clist, &operOid);
if (OidIsValid(operOid))
tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
if (key_ok)
make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
else if (!noError)
op_error(pstate, op, 'l', InvalidOid, arg, fdresult, location);
return (Operator) tup;
* op_signature_string
* Build a string representing an operator name, including arg type(s).
* The result is something like "integer + integer".
* This is typically used in the construction of operator-not-found error
* messages.
static const char *
op_signature_string(List *op, char oprkind, Oid arg1, Oid arg2)
StringInfoData argbuf;
if (oprkind != 'l')
appendStringInfo(&argbuf, "%s ", format_type_be(arg1));
appendStringInfoString(&argbuf, NameListToString(op));
if (oprkind != 'r')
appendStringInfo(&argbuf, " %s", format_type_be(arg2));
return; /* return palloc'd string buffer */
* op_error - utility routine to complain about an unresolvable operator
static void
op_error(ParseState *pstate, List *op, char oprkind,
Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
FuncDetailCode fdresult, int location)
if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE)
errmsg("operator is not unique: %s",
op_signature_string(op, oprkind, arg1, arg2)),
errhint("Could not choose a best candidate operator. "
"You might need to add explicit type casts."),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
errmsg("operator does not exist: %s",
op_signature_string(op, oprkind, arg1, arg2)),
errhint("No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). "
"You might need to add explicit type casts."),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
* make_op()
* Operator expression construction.
* Transform operator expression ensuring type compatibility.
* This is where some type conversion happens.
* As with coerce_type, pstate may be NULL if no special unknown-Param
* processing is wanted.
Expr *
make_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Node *ltree, Node *rtree,
int location)
Oid ltypeId,
Operator tup;
Form_pg_operator opform;
Oid actual_arg_types[2];
Oid declared_arg_types[2];
int nargs;
List *args;
Oid rettype;
OpExpr *result;
/* Select the operator */
if (rtree == NULL)
/* right operator */
ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
rtypeId = InvalidOid;
tup = right_oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, false, location);
else if (ltree == NULL)
/* left operator */
rtypeId = exprType(rtree);
ltypeId = InvalidOid;
tup = left_oper(pstate, opname, rtypeId, false, location);
/* otherwise, binary operator */
ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
rtypeId = exprType(rtree);
tup = oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId, false, location);
opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
/* Check it's not a shell */
if (!RegProcedureIsValid(opform->oprcode))
errmsg("operator is only a shell: %s",
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
/* Do typecasting and build the expression tree */
if (rtree == NULL)
/* right operator */
args = list_make1(ltree);
actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
nargs = 1;
else if (ltree == NULL)
/* left operator */
args = list_make1(rtree);
actual_arg_types[0] = rtypeId;
declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprright;
nargs = 1;
/* otherwise, binary operator */
args = list_make2(ltree, rtree);
actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
actual_arg_types[1] = rtypeId;
declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
declared_arg_types[1] = opform->oprright;
nargs = 2;
* enforce consistency with polymorphic argument and return types,
* possibly adjusting return type or declared_arg_types (which will be
* used as the cast destination by make_fn_arguments)
rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(actual_arg_types,
/* perform the necessary typecasting of arguments */
make_fn_arguments(pstate, args, actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
/* and build the expression node */
result = makeNode(OpExpr);
result->opno = oprid(tup);
result->opfuncid = opform->oprcode;
result->opresulttype = rettype;
result->opretset = get_func_retset(opform->oprcode);
/* opcollid and inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
result->args = args;
result->location = location;
return (Expr *) result;
* make_scalar_array_op()
* Build expression tree for "scalar op ANY/ALL (array)" construct.
Expr *
make_scalar_array_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname,
bool useOr,
Node *ltree, Node *rtree,
int location)
Oid ltypeId,
Operator tup;
Form_pg_operator opform;
Oid actual_arg_types[2];
Oid declared_arg_types[2];
List *args;
Oid rettype;
ScalarArrayOpExpr *result;
ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
atypeId = exprType(rtree);
* The right-hand input of the operator will be the element type of the
* array. However, if we currently have just an untyped literal on the
* right, stay with that and hope we can resolve the operator.
if (atypeId == UNKNOWNOID)
rtypeId = get_base_element_type(atypeId);
if (!OidIsValid(rtypeId))
errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side"),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
/* Now resolve the operator */
tup = oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId, false, location);
opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
/* Check it's not a shell */
if (!RegProcedureIsValid(opform->oprcode))
errmsg("operator is only a shell: %s",
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
args = list_make2(ltree, rtree);
actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
actual_arg_types[1] = rtypeId;
declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
declared_arg_types[1] = opform->oprright;
* enforce consistency with polymorphic argument and return types,
* possibly adjusting return type or declared_arg_types (which will be
* used as the cast destination by make_fn_arguments)
rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(actual_arg_types,
* Check that operator result is boolean
if (rettype != BOOLOID)
errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator to yield boolean"),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
if (get_func_retset(opform->oprcode))
errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator not to return a set"),
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
* Now switch back to the array type on the right, arranging for any
* needed cast to be applied. Beware of polymorphic operators here;
* enforce_generic_type_consistency may or may not have replaced a
* polymorphic type with a real one.
if (IsPolymorphicType(declared_arg_types[1]))
/* assume the actual array type is OK */
res_atypeId = atypeId;
res_atypeId = get_array_type(declared_arg_types[1]);
if (!OidIsValid(res_atypeId))
errmsg("could not find array type for data type %s",
parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
actual_arg_types[1] = atypeId;
declared_arg_types[1] = res_atypeId;
/* perform the necessary typecasting of arguments */
make_fn_arguments(pstate, args, actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
/* and build the expression node */
result = makeNode(ScalarArrayOpExpr);
result->opno = oprid(tup);
result->opfuncid = opform->oprcode;
result->useOr = useOr;
/* inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
result->args = args;
result->location = location;
return (Expr *) result;
* Lookaside cache to speed operator lookup. Possibly this should be in
* a separate module under utils/cache/ ?
* The idea here is that the mapping from operator name and given argument
* types is constant for a given search path (or single specified schema OID)
* so long as the contents of pg_operator and pg_cast don't change. And that
* mapping is pretty expensive to compute, especially for ambiguous operators;
* this is mainly because there are a *lot* of instances of popular operator
* names such as "=", and we have to check each one to see which is the
* best match. So once we have identified the correct mapping, we save it
* in a cache that need only be flushed on pg_operator or pg_cast change.
* (pg_cast must be considered because changes in the set of implicit casts
* affect the set of applicable operators for any given input datatype.)
* XXX in principle, ALTER TABLE ... INHERIT could affect the mapping as
* well, but we disregard that since there's no convenient way to find out
* about it, and it seems a pretty far-fetched corner-case anyway.
* Note: at some point it might be worth doing a similar cache for function
* lookups. However, the potential gain is a lot less since (a) function
* names are generally not overloaded as heavily as operator names, and
* (b) we'd have to flush on pg_proc updates, which are probably a good
* deal more common than pg_operator updates.
/* The operator cache hashtable */
static HTAB *OprCacheHash = NULL;
* make_oper_cache_key
* Fill the lookup key struct given operator name and arg types.
* Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the search_path overflowed
* (hence no caching is possible).
static bool
make_oper_cache_key(OprCacheKey *key, List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId)
char *schemaname;
char *opername;
/* deconstruct the name list */
DeconstructQualifiedName(opname, &schemaname, &opername);
/* ensure zero-fill for stable hashing */
MemSet(key, 0, sizeof(OprCacheKey));
/* save operator name and input types into key */
strlcpy(key->oprname, opername, NAMEDATALEN);
key->left_arg = ltypeId;
key->right_arg = rtypeId;
if (schemaname)
/* search only in exact schema given */
key->search_path[0] = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname, false);
/* get the active search path */
if (fetch_search_path_array(key->search_path,
return false; /* oops, didn't fit */
return true;
* find_oper_cache_entry
* Look for a cache entry matching the given key. If found, return the
* contained operator OID, else return InvalidOid.
static Oid
find_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key)
OprCacheEntry *oprentry;
if (OprCacheHash == NULL)
/* First time through: initialize the hash table */
MemSet(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl));
ctl.keysize = sizeof(OprCacheKey);
ctl.entrysize = sizeof(OprCacheEntry);
ctl.hash = tag_hash;
OprCacheHash = hash_create("Operator lookup cache", 256,
/* Arrange to flush cache on pg_operator and pg_cast changes */
(Datum) 0);
(Datum) 0);
/* Look for an existing entry */
oprentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_search(OprCacheHash,
(void *) key,
if (oprentry == NULL)
return InvalidOid;
return oprentry->opr_oid;
* make_oper_cache_entry
* Insert a cache entry for the given key.
static void
make_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key, Oid opr_oid)
OprCacheEntry *oprentry;
Assert(OprCacheHash != NULL);
oprentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_search(OprCacheHash,
(void *) key,
oprentry->opr_oid = opr_oid;
* Callback for pg_operator and pg_cast inval events
static void
InvalidateOprCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue)
OprCacheEntry *hentry;
Assert(OprCacheHash != NULL);
/* Currently we just flush all entries; hard to be smarter ... */
hash_seq_init(&status, OprCacheHash);
while ((hentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
if (hash_search(OprCacheHash,
(void *) &hentry->key,
elog(ERROR, "hash table corrupted");