Tom Lane 919c9f6cce The original patch to disallow non-passworded connections to non-superusers
failed to cover all the ways in which a connection can be initiated in dblink.
Plug the remaining holes.  Also, disallow transient connections in functions
for which that feature makes no sense (because they are only sensible as
part of a sequence of operations on the same connection).  Joe Conway

Security: CVE-2007-6601
2008-01-03 21:27:59 +00:00

362 lines
11 KiB

-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- Define the functions and test data
-- therein.
-- Turn off echoing so that expected file does not depend on
-- contents of dblink.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i dblink.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
CREATE TABLE foo(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,'b','{"a1","b1","c1"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2,'c','{"a2","b2","c2"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,'d','{"a3","b3","c3"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (4,'e','{"a4","b4","c4"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (5,'f','{"a5","b5","c5"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (6,'g','{"a6","b6","c6"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (7,'h','{"a7","b7","c7"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (8,'i','{"a8","b8","c8"}');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (9,'j','{"a9","b9","c9"}');
-- misc utilities
-- show the currently executing query
SELECT 'hello' AS hello, dblink_current_query() AS query;
-- list the primary key fields
FROM dblink_get_pkey('foo');
-- build an insert statement based on a local tuple,
-- replacing the primary key values with new ones
SELECT dblink_build_sql_insert('foo','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}','{"99", "xyz"}');
-- build an update statement based on a local tuple,
-- replacing the primary key values with new ones
SELECT dblink_build_sql_update('foo','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}','{"99", "xyz"}');
-- build a delete statement based on a local tuple,
SELECT dblink_build_sql_delete('foo','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}');
-- retest using a quoted and schema qualified table
CREATE TABLE "MySchema"."Foo"(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2));
INSERT INTO "MySchema"."Foo" VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
-- list the primary key fields
FROM dblink_get_pkey('"MySchema"."Foo"');
-- build an insert statement based on a local tuple,
-- replacing the primary key values with new ones
SELECT dblink_build_sql_insert('"MySchema"."Foo"','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}','{"99", "xyz"}');
-- build an update statement based on a local tuple,
-- replacing the primary key values with new ones
SELECT dblink_build_sql_update('"MySchema"."Foo"','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}','{"99", "xyz"}');
-- build a delete statement based on a local tuple,
SELECT dblink_build_sql_delete('"MySchema"."Foo"','1 2',2,'{"0", "a"}');
-- regular old dblink
FROM dblink('dbname=contrib_regression','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- should generate "connection not available" error
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- create a persistent connection
SELECT dblink_connect('dbname=contrib_regression');
-- use the persistent connection
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- open a cursor with bad SQL and fail_on_error set to false
SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
-- reset remote transaction state
SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
-- open a cursor
SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- close the cursor
SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foo_cursor',false);
-- open the cursor again
SELECT dblink_open('rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- fetch some data
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- this one only finds two rows left
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- intentionally botch a fetch
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- reset remote transaction state
SELECT dblink_exec('ABORT');
-- close the wrong cursor
SELECT dblink_close('rmt_foobar_cursor',false);
-- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- this time, 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' as a notice
FROM dblink_fetch('rmt_foo_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- close the persistent connection
SELECT dblink_disconnect();
-- should generate "connection not available" error
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- put more data into our slave table, first using arbitrary connection syntax
-- but truncate the actual return value so we can use diff to check for success
SELECT substr(dblink_exec('dbname=contrib_regression','INSERT INTO foo VALUES(10,''k'',''{"a10","b10","c10"}'')'),1,6);
-- create a persistent connection
SELECT dblink_connect('dbname=contrib_regression');
-- put more data into our slave table, using persistent connection syntax
-- but truncate the actual return value so we can use diff to check for success
SELECT substr(dblink_exec('INSERT INTO foo VALUES(11,''l'',''{"a11","b11","c11"}'')'),1,6);
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- bad remote select
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- change some data
SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foo SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11');
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE a = 11;
-- botch a change to some other data
SELECT dblink_exec('UPDATE foobar SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11',false);
-- delete some data
SELECT dblink_exec('DELETE FROM foo WHERE f1 = 11');
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE a = 11;
-- close the persistent connection
SELECT dblink_disconnect();
-- tests for the new named persistent connection syntax
-- should generate "missing "=" after "myconn" in connection info string" error
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- create a named persistent connection
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=contrib_regression');
-- use the named persistent connection
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- use the named persistent connection, but get it wrong
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foobar',false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- create a second named persistent connection
-- should error with "duplicate connection name"
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=contrib_regression');
-- create a second named persistent connection with a new name
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn2','dbname=contrib_regression');
-- use the second named persistent connection
FROM dblink('myconn2','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- close the second named persistent connection
SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn2');
-- open a cursor incorrectly
SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foobar',false);
-- reset remote transaction state
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
-- test opening cursor in a transaction
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','BEGIN');
-- an open transaction will prevent dblink_open() from opening its own
SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- this should not commit the transaction because the client opened it
SELECT dblink_close('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor');
-- this should succeed because we have an open transaction
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','DECLARE xact_test CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM foo');
-- commit remote transaction
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','COMMIT');
-- test automatic transactions for multiple cursor opens
SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- the second cursor
SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor2','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- this should not commit the transaction
SELECT dblink_close('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor2');
-- this should succeed because we have an open transaction
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','DECLARE xact_test CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM foo');
-- this should commit the transaction
SELECT dblink_close('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor');
-- this should fail because there is no open transaction
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','DECLARE xact_test CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM foo');
-- reset remote transaction state
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
-- open a cursor
SELECT dblink_open('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor','SELECT * FROM foo');
-- fetch some data
FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- this one only finds three rows left
FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- fetch some data incorrectly
FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foobar_cursor',4,false) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- reset remote transaction state
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','ABORT');
-- should generate 'cursor "rmt_foo_cursor" not found' error
FROM dblink_fetch('myconn','rmt_foo_cursor',4) AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- close the named persistent connection
SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn');
-- should generate "missing "=" after "myconn" in connection info string" error
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE t.a > 7;
-- create a named persistent connection
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=contrib_regression');
-- put more data into our slave table, using named persistent connection syntax
-- but truncate the actual return value so we can use diff to check for success
SELECT substr(dblink_exec('myconn','INSERT INTO foo VALUES(11,''l'',''{"a11","b11","c11"}'')'),1,6);
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);
-- change some data
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','UPDATE foo SET f3[2] = ''b99'' WHERE f1 = 11');
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE a = 11;
-- delete some data
SELECT dblink_exec('myconn','DELETE FROM foo WHERE f1 = 11');
-- let's see it
FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[])
WHERE a = 11;
-- close the named persistent connection
SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn');
-- close the named persistent connection again
-- should get 'connection "myconn" not available' error
SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn');
-- test asynchronous queries
SELECT dblink_connect('dtest1', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
SELECT * from
dblink_send_query('dtest1', 'select * from foo where f1 < 3') as t1;
SELECT dblink_connect('dtest2', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
SELECT * from
dblink_send_query('dtest2', 'select * from foo where f1 > 2 and f1 < 7') as t1;
SELECT dblink_connect('dtest3', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
SELECT * from
dblink_send_query('dtest3', 'select * from foo where f1 > 6') as t1;
(SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]))
(SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest2') as t2(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]))
(SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest3') as t3(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]))
ORDER by f1;
SELECT dblink_get_connections();
SELECT dblink_is_busy('dtest1');
SELECT dblink_disconnect('dtest1');
SELECT dblink_disconnect('dtest2');
SELECT dblink_disconnect('dtest3');
SELECT * from result;
SELECT dblink_connect('dtest1', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
SELECT * from
dblink_send_query('dtest1', 'select * from foo where f1 < 3') as t1;
SELECT dblink_cancel_query('dtest1');
SELECT dblink_error_message('dtest1');
SELECT dblink_disconnect('dtest1');