Tom Lane 8821054210 Remove stray references to lefttree/righttree in the executor.
The general convention in the executor is to refer to child plans
and planstates via the outerPlan[State] and innerPlan[State]
macros, but a few places didn't do it like that.  For consistency
and readability, convert all the stragglers to use the macros.
(See also commit 40f42d2a3, which did some similar cleanup a few
years ago, but missed these cases.)

Richard Guo

2022-07-07 11:23:40 -04:00

790 lines
22 KiB

* nodeGatherMerge.c
* Scan a plan in multiple workers, and do order-preserving merge.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/executor/nodeGatherMerge.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/execParallel.h"
#include "executor/nodeGatherMerge.h"
#include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
#include "executor/tqueue.h"
#include "lib/binaryheap.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
* When we read tuples from workers, it's a good idea to read several at once
* for efficiency when possible: this minimizes context-switching overhead.
* But reading too many at a time wastes memory without improving performance.
* We'll read up to MAX_TUPLE_STORE tuples (in addition to the first one).
#define MAX_TUPLE_STORE 10
* Pending-tuple array for each worker. This holds additional tuples that
* we were able to fetch from the worker, but can't process yet. In addition,
* this struct holds the "done" flag indicating the worker is known to have
* no more tuples. (We do not use this struct for the leader; we don't keep
* any pending tuples for the leader, and the need_to_scan_locally flag serves
* as its "done" indicator.)
typedef struct GMReaderTupleBuffer
MinimalTuple *tuple; /* array of length MAX_TUPLE_STORE */
int nTuples; /* number of tuples currently stored */
int readCounter; /* index of next tuple to extract */
bool done; /* true if reader is known exhausted */
} GMReaderTupleBuffer;
static TupleTableSlot *ExecGatherMerge(PlanState *pstate);
static int32 heap_compare_slots(Datum a, Datum b, void *arg);
static TupleTableSlot *gather_merge_getnext(GatherMergeState *gm_state);
static MinimalTuple gm_readnext_tuple(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int nreader,
bool nowait, bool *done);
static void ExecShutdownGatherMergeWorkers(GatherMergeState *node);
static void gather_merge_setup(GatherMergeState *gm_state);
static void gather_merge_init(GatherMergeState *gm_state);
static void gather_merge_clear_tuples(GatherMergeState *gm_state);
static bool gather_merge_readnext(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int reader,
bool nowait);
static void load_tuple_array(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int reader);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecInitGather
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
GatherMergeState *
ExecInitGatherMerge(GatherMerge *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
GatherMergeState *gm_state;
Plan *outerNode;
TupleDesc tupDesc;
/* Gather merge node doesn't have innerPlan node. */
Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL);
* create state structure
gm_state = makeNode(GatherMergeState);
gm_state->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
gm_state->ps.state = estate;
gm_state->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecGatherMerge;
gm_state->initialized = false;
gm_state->gm_initialized = false;
gm_state->tuples_needed = -1;
* Miscellaneous initialization
* create expression context for node
ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &gm_state->ps);
* GatherMerge doesn't support checking a qual (it's always more efficient
* to do it in the child node).
* now initialize outer plan
outerNode = outerPlan(node);
outerPlanState(gm_state) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags);
* Leader may access ExecProcNode result directly (if
* need_to_scan_locally), or from workers via tuple queue. So we can't
* trivially rely on the slot type being fixed for expressions evaluated
* within this node.
gm_state->ps.outeropsset = true;
gm_state->ps.outeropsfixed = false;
* Store the tuple descriptor into gather merge state, so we can use it
* while initializing the gather merge slots.
tupDesc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(gm_state));
gm_state->tupDesc = tupDesc;
* Initialize result type and projection.
ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(&gm_state->ps, tupDesc, OUTER_VAR);
* Without projections result slot type is not trivially known, see
* comment above.
if (gm_state->ps.ps_ProjInfo == NULL)
gm_state->ps.resultopsset = true;
gm_state->ps.resultopsfixed = false;
* initialize sort-key information
if (node->numCols)
int i;
gm_state->gm_nkeys = node->numCols;
gm_state->gm_sortkeys =
palloc0(sizeof(SortSupportData) * node->numCols);
for (i = 0; i < node->numCols; i++)
SortSupport sortKey = gm_state->gm_sortkeys + i;
sortKey->ssup_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
sortKey->ssup_collation = node->collations[i];
sortKey->ssup_nulls_first = node->nullsFirst[i];
sortKey->ssup_attno = node->sortColIdx[i];
* We don't perform abbreviated key conversion here, for the same
* reasons that it isn't used in MergeAppend
sortKey->abbreviate = false;
PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(node->sortOperators[i], sortKey);
/* Now allocate the workspace for gather merge */
return gm_state;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecGatherMerge(node)
* Scans the relation via multiple workers and returns
* the next qualifying tuple.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecGatherMerge(PlanState *pstate)
GatherMergeState *node = castNode(GatherMergeState, pstate);
TupleTableSlot *slot;
ExprContext *econtext;
* As with Gather, we don't launch workers until this node is actually
* executed.
if (!node->initialized)
EState *estate = node->ps.state;
GatherMerge *gm = castNode(GatherMerge, node->ps.plan);
* Sometimes we might have to run without parallelism; but if parallel
* mode is active then we can try to fire up some workers.
if (gm->num_workers > 0 && estate->es_use_parallel_mode)
ParallelContext *pcxt;
/* Initialize, or re-initialize, shared state needed by workers. */
if (!node->pei)
node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(outerPlanState(node),
/* Try to launch workers. */
pcxt = node->pei->pcxt;
/* We save # workers launched for the benefit of EXPLAIN */
node->nworkers_launched = pcxt->nworkers_launched;
/* Set up tuple queue readers to read the results. */
if (pcxt->nworkers_launched > 0)
/* Make a working array showing the active readers */
node->nreaders = pcxt->nworkers_launched;
node->reader = (TupleQueueReader **)
palloc(node->nreaders * sizeof(TupleQueueReader *));
memcpy(node->reader, node->pei->reader,
node->nreaders * sizeof(TupleQueueReader *));
/* No workers? Then never mind. */
node->nreaders = 0;
node->reader = NULL;
/* allow leader to participate if enabled or no choice */
if (parallel_leader_participation || node->nreaders == 0)
node->need_to_scan_locally = true;
node->initialized = true;
* Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation
* storage allocated in the previous tuple cycle.
econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
* Get next tuple, either from one of our workers, or by running the plan
* ourselves.
slot = gather_merge_getnext(node);
if (TupIsNull(slot))
return NULL;
/* If no projection is required, we're done. */
if (node->ps.ps_ProjInfo == NULL)
return slot;
* Form the result tuple using ExecProject(), and return it.
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot;
return ExecProject(node->ps.ps_ProjInfo);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecEndGatherMerge
* frees any storage allocated through C routines.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndGatherMerge(GatherMergeState *node)
ExecEndNode(outerPlanState(node)); /* let children clean up first */
if (node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecShutdownGatherMerge
* Destroy the setup for parallel workers including parallel context.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecShutdownGatherMerge(GatherMergeState *node)
/* Now destroy the parallel context. */
if (node->pei != NULL)
node->pei = NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecShutdownGatherMergeWorkers
* Stop all the parallel workers.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
ExecShutdownGatherMergeWorkers(GatherMergeState *node)
if (node->pei != NULL)
/* Flush local copy of reader array */
if (node->reader)
node->reader = NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecReScanGatherMerge
* Prepare to re-scan the result of a GatherMerge.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecReScanGatherMerge(GatherMergeState *node)
GatherMerge *gm = (GatherMerge *) node->ps.plan;
PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(node);
/* Make sure any existing workers are gracefully shut down */
/* Free any unused tuples, so we don't leak memory across rescans */
/* Mark node so that shared state will be rebuilt at next call */
node->initialized = false;
node->gm_initialized = false;
* Set child node's chgParam to tell it that the next scan might deliver a
* different set of rows within the leader process. (The overall rowset
* shouldn't change, but the leader process's subset might; hence nodes
* between here and the parallel table scan node mustn't optimize on the
* assumption of an unchanging rowset.)
if (gm->rescan_param >= 0)
outerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(outerPlan->chgParam,
* If chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
* first ExecProcNode. Note: because this does nothing if we have a
* rescan_param, it's currently guaranteed that parallel-aware child nodes
* will not see a ReScan call until after they get a ReInitializeDSM call.
* That ordering might not be something to rely on, though. A good rule
* of thumb is that ReInitializeDSM should reset only shared state, ReScan
* should reset only local state, and anything that depends on both of
* those steps being finished must wait until the first ExecProcNode call.
if (outerPlan->chgParam == NULL)
* Set up the data structures that we'll need for Gather Merge.
* We allocate these once on the basis of gm->num_workers, which is an
* upper bound for the number of workers we'll actually have. During
* a rescan, we reset the structures to empty. This approach simplifies
* not leaking memory across rescans.
* In the gm_slots[] array, index 0 is for the leader, and indexes 1 to n
* are for workers. The values placed into gm_heap correspond to indexes
* in gm_slots[]. The gm_tuple_buffers[] array, however, is indexed from
* 0 to n-1; it has no entry for the leader.
static void
gather_merge_setup(GatherMergeState *gm_state)
GatherMerge *gm = castNode(GatherMerge, gm_state->ps.plan);
int nreaders = gm->num_workers;
int i;
* Allocate gm_slots for the number of workers + one more slot for leader.
* Slot 0 is always for the leader. Leader always calls ExecProcNode() to
* read the tuple, and then stores it directly into its gm_slots entry.
* For other slots, code below will call ExecInitExtraTupleSlot() to
* create a slot for the worker's results. Note that during any single
* scan, we might have fewer than num_workers available workers, in which
* case the extra array entries go unused.
gm_state->gm_slots = (TupleTableSlot **)
palloc0((nreaders + 1) * sizeof(TupleTableSlot *));
/* Allocate the tuple slot and tuple array for each worker */
gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers = (GMReaderTupleBuffer *)
palloc0(nreaders * sizeof(GMReaderTupleBuffer));
for (i = 0; i < nreaders; i++)
/* Allocate the tuple array with length MAX_TUPLE_STORE */
gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i].tuple =
(MinimalTuple *) palloc0(sizeof(MinimalTuple) * MAX_TUPLE_STORE);
/* Initialize tuple slot for worker */
gm_state->gm_slots[i + 1] =
ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(gm_state->ps.state, gm_state->tupDesc,
/* Allocate the resources for the merge */
gm_state->gm_heap = binaryheap_allocate(nreaders + 1,
* Initialize the Gather Merge.
* Reset data structures to ensure they're empty. Then pull at least one
* tuple from leader + each worker (or set its "done" indicator), and set up
* the heap.
static void
gather_merge_init(GatherMergeState *gm_state)
int nreaders = gm_state->nreaders;
bool nowait = true;
int i;
/* Assert that gather_merge_setup made enough space */
Assert(nreaders <= castNode(GatherMerge, gm_state->ps.plan)->num_workers);
/* Reset leader's tuple slot to empty */
gm_state->gm_slots[0] = NULL;
/* Reset the tuple slot and tuple array for each worker */
for (i = 0; i < nreaders; i++)
/* Reset tuple array to empty */
gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i].nTuples = 0;
gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i].readCounter = 0;
/* Reset done flag to not-done */
gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i].done = false;
/* Ensure output slot is empty */
ExecClearTuple(gm_state->gm_slots[i + 1]);
/* Reset binary heap to empty */
* First, try to read a tuple from each worker (including leader) in
* nowait mode. After this, if not all workers were able to produce a
* tuple (or a "done" indication), then re-read from remaining workers,
* this time using wait mode. Add all live readers (those producing at
* least one tuple) to the heap.
for (i = 0; i <= nreaders; i++)
/* skip this source if already known done */
if ((i == 0) ? gm_state->need_to_scan_locally :
!gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i - 1].done)
if (TupIsNull(gm_state->gm_slots[i]))
/* Don't have a tuple yet, try to get one */
if (gather_merge_readnext(gm_state, i, nowait))
* We already got at least one tuple from this worker, but
* might as well see if it has any more ready by now.
load_tuple_array(gm_state, i);
/* need not recheck leader, since nowait doesn't matter for it */
for (i = 1; i <= nreaders; i++)
if (!gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i - 1].done &&
nowait = false;
goto reread;
/* Now heapify the heap. */
gm_state->gm_initialized = true;
* Clear out the tuple table slot, and any unused pending tuples,
* for each gather merge input.
static void
gather_merge_clear_tuples(GatherMergeState *gm_state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gm_state->nreaders; i++)
GMReaderTupleBuffer *tuple_buffer = &gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[i];
while (tuple_buffer->readCounter < tuple_buffer->nTuples)
ExecClearTuple(gm_state->gm_slots[i + 1]);
* Read the next tuple for gather merge.
* Fetch the sorted tuple out of the heap.
static TupleTableSlot *
gather_merge_getnext(GatherMergeState *gm_state)
int i;
if (!gm_state->gm_initialized)
* First time through: pull the first tuple from each participant, and
* set up the heap.
* Otherwise, pull the next tuple from whichever participant we
* returned from last time, and reinsert that participant's index into
* the heap, because it might now compare differently against the
* other elements of the heap.
i = DatumGetInt32(binaryheap_first(gm_state->gm_heap));
if (gather_merge_readnext(gm_state, i, false))
binaryheap_replace_first(gm_state->gm_heap, Int32GetDatum(i));
/* reader exhausted, remove it from heap */
(void) binaryheap_remove_first(gm_state->gm_heap);
if (binaryheap_empty(gm_state->gm_heap))
/* All the queues are exhausted, and so is the heap */
return NULL;
/* Return next tuple from whichever participant has the leading one */
i = DatumGetInt32(binaryheap_first(gm_state->gm_heap));
return gm_state->gm_slots[i];
* Read tuple(s) for given reader in nowait mode, and load into its tuple
* array, until we have MAX_TUPLE_STORE of them or would have to block.
static void
load_tuple_array(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int reader)
GMReaderTupleBuffer *tuple_buffer;
int i;
/* Don't do anything if this is the leader. */
if (reader == 0)
tuple_buffer = &gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[reader - 1];
/* If there's nothing in the array, reset the counters to zero. */
if (tuple_buffer->nTuples == tuple_buffer->readCounter)
tuple_buffer->nTuples = tuple_buffer->readCounter = 0;
/* Try to fill additional slots in the array. */
for (i = tuple_buffer->nTuples; i < MAX_TUPLE_STORE; i++)
MinimalTuple tuple;
tuple = gm_readnext_tuple(gm_state,
if (!tuple)
tuple_buffer->tuple[i] = tuple;
* Store the next tuple for a given reader into the appropriate slot.
* Returns true if successful, false if not (either reader is exhausted,
* or we didn't want to wait for a tuple). Sets done flag if reader
* is found to be exhausted.
static bool
gather_merge_readnext(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int reader, bool nowait)
GMReaderTupleBuffer *tuple_buffer;
MinimalTuple tup;
* If we're being asked to generate a tuple from the leader, then we just
* call ExecProcNode as normal to produce one.
if (reader == 0)
if (gm_state->need_to_scan_locally)
PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(gm_state);
TupleTableSlot *outerTupleSlot;
EState *estate = gm_state->ps.state;
/* Install our DSA area while executing the plan. */
estate->es_query_dsa = gm_state->pei ? gm_state->pei->area : NULL;
outerTupleSlot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
estate->es_query_dsa = NULL;
if (!TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot))
gm_state->gm_slots[0] = outerTupleSlot;
return true;
/* need_to_scan_locally serves as "done" flag for leader */
gm_state->need_to_scan_locally = false;
return false;
/* Otherwise, check the state of the relevant tuple buffer. */
tuple_buffer = &gm_state->gm_tuple_buffers[reader - 1];
if (tuple_buffer->nTuples > tuple_buffer->readCounter)
/* Return any tuple previously read that is still buffered. */
tup = tuple_buffer->tuple[tuple_buffer->readCounter++];
else if (tuple_buffer->done)
/* Reader is known to be exhausted. */
return false;
/* Read and buffer next tuple. */
tup = gm_readnext_tuple(gm_state,
if (!tup)
return false;
* Attempt to read more tuples in nowait mode and store them in the
* pending-tuple array for the reader.
load_tuple_array(gm_state, reader);
/* Build the TupleTableSlot for the given tuple */
ExecStoreMinimalTuple(tup, /* tuple to store */
gm_state->gm_slots[reader], /* slot in which to
* store the tuple */
true); /* pfree tuple when done with it */
return true;
* Attempt to read a tuple from given worker.
static MinimalTuple
gm_readnext_tuple(GatherMergeState *gm_state, int nreader, bool nowait,
bool *done)
TupleQueueReader *reader;
MinimalTuple tup;
/* Check for async events, particularly messages from workers. */
* Attempt to read a tuple.
* Note that TupleQueueReaderNext will just return NULL for a worker which
* fails to initialize. We'll treat that worker as having produced no
* tuples; WaitForParallelWorkersToFinish will error out when we get
* there.
reader = gm_state->reader[nreader - 1];
tup = TupleQueueReaderNext(reader, nowait, done);
* Since we'll be buffering these across multiple calls, we need to make a
* copy.
return tup ? heap_copy_minimal_tuple(tup) : NULL;
* We have one slot for each item in the heap array. We use SlotNumber
* to store slot indexes. This doesn't actually provide any formal
* type-safety, but it makes the code more self-documenting.
typedef int32 SlotNumber;
* Compare the tuples in the two given slots.
static int32
heap_compare_slots(Datum a, Datum b, void *arg)
GatherMergeState *node = (GatherMergeState *) arg;
SlotNumber slot1 = DatumGetInt32(a);
SlotNumber slot2 = DatumGetInt32(b);
TupleTableSlot *s1 = node->gm_slots[slot1];
TupleTableSlot *s2 = node->gm_slots[slot2];
int nkey;
for (nkey = 0; nkey < node->gm_nkeys; nkey++)
SortSupport sortKey = node->gm_sortkeys + nkey;
AttrNumber attno = sortKey->ssup_attno;
Datum datum1,
bool isNull1,
int compare;
datum1 = slot_getattr(s1, attno, &isNull1);
datum2 = slot_getattr(s2, attno, &isNull2);
compare = ApplySortComparator(datum1, isNull1,
datum2, isNull2,
if (compare != 0)
return compare;
return 0;