Tom Lane 6217a8c7ba Fix some bogosities in the code that deals with estimating the fraction
of tuples we are going to retrieve from a sub-SELECT.  Must have been
half asleep when I did this code the first time :-(
2000-03-14 02:23:15 +00:00

888 lines
28 KiB

* costsize.c
* Routines to compute (and set) relation sizes and path costs
* Path costs are measured in units of disk accesses: one sequential page
* fetch has cost 1. All else is scaled relative to a page fetch, using
* the scaling parameters
* random_page_cost Cost of a non-sequential page fetch
* cpu_tuple_cost Cost of typical CPU time to process a tuple
* cpu_index_tuple_cost Cost of typical CPU time to process an index tuple
* cpu_operator_cost Cost of CPU time to process a typical WHERE operator
* We also use a rough estimate "effective_cache_size" of the number of
* disk pages in Postgres + OS-level disk cache. (We can't simply use
* NBuffers for this purpose because that would ignore the effects of
* the kernel's disk cache.)
* Obviously, taking constants for these values is an oversimplification,
* but it's tough enough to get any useful estimates even at this level of
* detail. Note that all of these parameters are user-settable, in case
* the default values are drastically off for a particular platform.
* We compute two separate costs for each path:
* total_cost: total estimated cost to fetch all tuples
* startup_cost: cost that is expended before first tuple is fetched
* In some scenarios, such as when there is a LIMIT or we are implementing
* an EXISTS(...) sub-select, it is not necessary to fetch all tuples of the
* path's result. A caller can estimate the cost of fetching a partial
* result by interpolating between startup_cost and total_cost. In detail:
* actual_cost = startup_cost +
* (total_cost - startup_cost) * tuples_to_fetch / path->parent->rows;
* Note that a relation's rows count (and, by extension, a Plan's plan_rows)
* are set without regard to any LIMIT, so that this equation works properly.
* (Also, these routines guarantee not to set the rows count to zero, so there
* will be no zero divide.) RelOptInfos, Paths, and Plans themselves never
* account for LIMIT.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c,v 1.53 2000/03/14 02:23:14 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/internal.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#define LOG2(x) (log(x) / 0.693147180559945)
#define LOG6(x) (log(x) / 1.79175946922805)
double effective_cache_size = DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_CACHE_SIZE;
Cost random_page_cost = DEFAULT_RANDOM_PAGE_COST;
Cost cpu_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_TUPLE_COST;
Cost cpu_index_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_INDEX_TUPLE_COST;
Cost cpu_operator_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_OPERATOR_COST;
Cost disable_cost = 100000000.0;
bool enable_seqscan = true;
bool enable_indexscan = true;
bool enable_tidscan = true;
bool enable_sort = true;
bool enable_nestloop = true;
bool enable_mergejoin = true;
bool enable_hashjoin = true;
static bool cost_qual_eval_walker(Node *node, Cost *total);
static void set_rel_width(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel);
static int compute_attribute_width(TargetEntry *tlistentry);
static double relation_byte_size(double tuples, int width);
static double page_size(double tuples, int width);
* cost_seqscan
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation sequentially.
* If the relation is a temporary to be materialized from a query
* embedded within a data field (determined by 'relid' containing an
* attribute reference), then a predetermined constant is returned (we
* have NO IDEA how big the result of a POSTQUEL procedure is going to be).
* Note: for historical reasons, this routine and the others in this module
* use the passed result Path only to store their startup_cost and total_cost
* results into. All the input data they need is passed as separate
* parameters, even though much of it could be extracted from the result Path.
cost_seqscan(Path *path, RelOptInfo *baserel)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(length(baserel->relids) == 1);
if (!enable_seqscan)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* disk costs */
if (lfirsti(baserel->relids) < 0)
* cost of sequentially scanning a materialized temporary relation
run_cost += _NONAME_SCAN_COST_;
* The cost of reading a page sequentially is 1.0, by definition.
* Note that the Unix kernel will typically do some amount of
* read-ahead optimization, so that this cost is less than the true
* cost of reading a page from disk. We ignore that issue here,
* but must take it into account when estimating the cost of
* non-sequential accesses!
run_cost += baserel->pages; /* sequential fetches with cost 1.0 */
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * baserel->tuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_nonsequential_access
* Estimate the cost of accessing one page at random from a relation
* (or sort temp file) of the given size in pages.
* The simplistic model that the cost is random_page_cost is what we want
* to use for large relations; but for small ones that is a serious
* overestimate because of the effects of caching. This routine tries to
* account for that.
* Unfortunately we don't have any good way of estimating the effective cache
* size we are working with --- we know that Postgres itself has NBuffers
* internal buffers, but the size of the kernel's disk cache is uncertain,
* and how much of it we get to use is even less certain. We punt the problem
* for now by assuming we are given an effective_cache_size parameter.
* Given a guesstimated cache size, we estimate the actual I/O cost per page
* with the entirely ad-hoc equations:
* for rel_size <= effective_cache_size:
* 1 + (random_page_cost/2-1) * (rel_size/effective_cache_size) ** 2
* for rel_size >= effective_cache_size:
* random_page_cost * (1 - (effective_cache_size/rel_size)/2)
* These give the right asymptotic behavior (=> 1.0 as rel_size becomes
* small, => random_page_cost as it becomes large) and meet in the middle
* with the estimate that the cache is about 50% effective for a relation
* of the same size as effective_cache_size. (XXX this is probably all
* wrong, but I haven't been able to find any theory about how effective
* a disk cache should be presumed to be.)
static Cost
cost_nonsequential_access(double relpages)
double relsize;
/* don't crash on bad input data */
if (relpages <= 0.0 || effective_cache_size <= 0.0)
return random_page_cost;
relsize = relpages / effective_cache_size;
if (relsize >= 1.0)
return random_page_cost * (1.0 - 0.5 / relsize);
return 1.0 + (random_page_cost * 0.5 - 1.0) * relsize * relsize;
* cost_index
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.
* NOTE: an indexscan plan node can actually represent several passes,
* but here we consider the cost of just one pass.
* 'root' is the query root
* 'baserel' is the base relation the index is for
* 'index' is the index to be used
* 'indexQuals' is the list of applicable qual clauses (implicit AND semantics)
* 'is_injoin' is T if we are considering using the index scan as the inside
* of a nestloop join.
* NOTE: 'indexQuals' must contain only clauses usable as index restrictions.
* Any additional quals evaluated as qpquals may reduce the number of returned
* tuples, but they won't reduce the number of tuples we have to fetch from
* the table, so they don't reduce the scan cost.
cost_index(Path *path, Query *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel,
IndexOptInfo *index,
List *indexQuals,
bool is_injoin)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
Cost indexStartupCost;
Cost indexTotalCost;
Selectivity indexSelectivity;
double tuples_fetched;
double pages_fetched;
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(IsA(baserel, RelOptInfo) && IsA(index, IndexOptInfo));
Assert(length(baserel->relids) == 1);
if (!enable_indexscan && !is_injoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* Call index-access-method-specific code to estimate the processing
* cost for scanning the index, as well as the selectivity of the index
* (ie, the fraction of main-table tuples we will have to retrieve).
fmgr(index->amcostestimate, root, baserel, index, indexQuals,
&indexStartupCost, &indexTotalCost, &indexSelectivity);
/* all costs for touching index itself included here */
startup_cost += indexStartupCost;
run_cost += indexTotalCost - indexStartupCost;
* Estimate number of main-table tuples and pages fetched.
* If the number of tuples is much smaller than the number of pages in
* the relation, each tuple will cost a separate nonsequential fetch.
* If it is comparable or larger, then probably we will be able to avoid
* some fetches. We use a growth rate of log(#tuples/#pages + 1) ---
* probably totally bogus, but intuitively it gives the right shape of
* curve at least.
* XXX if the relation has recently been "clustered" using this index,
* then in fact the target tuples will be highly nonuniformly distributed,
* and we will be seriously overestimating the scan cost! Currently we
* have no way to know whether the relation has been clustered, nor how
* much it's been modified since the last clustering, so we ignore this
* effect. Would be nice to do better someday.
tuples_fetched = indexSelectivity * baserel->tuples;
if (tuples_fetched > 0 && baserel->pages > 0)
pages_fetched = baserel->pages *
log(tuples_fetched / baserel->pages + 1.0);
pages_fetched = tuples_fetched;
* Now estimate one nonsequential access per page fetched,
* plus appropriate CPU costs per tuple.
/* disk costs for main table */
run_cost += pages_fetched * cost_nonsequential_access(baserel->pages);
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
* Assume that the indexquals will be removed from the list of
* restriction clauses that we actually have to evaluate as qpquals.
* This is not completely right, but it's close.
* For a lossy index, however, we will have to recheck all the quals.
if (! index->lossy)
cpu_per_tuple -= cost_qual_eval(indexQuals);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * tuples_fetched;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_tidscan
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using tid-s.
cost_tidscan(Path *path, RelOptInfo *baserel, List *tideval)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
int ntuples = length(tideval);
if (!enable_tidscan)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* disk costs --- assume each tuple on a different page */
run_cost += random_page_cost * ntuples;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + baserel->baserestrictcost;
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_sort
* Determines and returns the cost of sorting a relation.
* The cost of supplying the input data is NOT included; the caller should
* add that cost to both startup and total costs returned from this routine!
* If the total volume of data to sort is less than SortMem, we will do
* an in-memory sort, which requires no I/O and about t*log2(t) tuple
* comparisons for t tuples.
* If the total volume exceeds SortMem, we switch to a tape-style merge
* algorithm. There will still be about t*log2(t) tuple comparisons in
* total, but we will also need to write and read each tuple once per
* merge pass. We expect about ceil(log6(r)) merge passes where r is the
* number of initial runs formed (log6 because tuplesort.c uses six-tape
* merging). Since the average initial run should be about twice SortMem,
* we have
* disk traffic = 2 * relsize * ceil(log6(p / (2*SortMem)))
* cpu = comparison_cost * t * log2(t)
* The disk traffic is assumed to be half sequential and half random
* accesses (XXX can't we refine that guess?)
* We charge two operator evals per tuple comparison, which should be in
* the right ballpark in most cases.
* 'pathkeys' is a list of sort keys
* 'tuples' is the number of tuples in the relation
* 'width' is the average tuple width in bytes
* NOTE: some callers currently pass NIL for pathkeys because they
* can't conveniently supply the sort keys. Since this routine doesn't
* currently do anything with pathkeys anyway, that doesn't matter...
* but if it ever does, it should react gracefully to lack of key data.
cost_sort(Path *path, List *pathkeys, double tuples, int width)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
double nbytes = relation_byte_size(tuples, width);
long sortmembytes = SortMem * 1024L;
if (!enable_sort)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
* We want to be sure the cost of a sort is never estimated as zero,
* even if passed-in tuple count is zero. Besides, mustn't do
* log(0)...
if (tuples < 2.0)
tuples = 2.0;
* CPU costs
* Assume about two operator evals per tuple comparison
* and N log2 N comparisons
startup_cost += 2.0 * cpu_operator_cost * tuples * LOG2(tuples);
/* disk costs */
if (nbytes > sortmembytes)
double npages = ceil(nbytes / BLCKSZ);
double nruns = nbytes / (sortmembytes * 2);
double log_runs = ceil(LOG6(nruns));
double npageaccesses;
if (log_runs < 1.0)
log_runs = 1.0;
npageaccesses = 2.0 * npages * log_runs;
/* Assume half are sequential (cost 1), half are not */
startup_cost += npageaccesses *
(1.0 + cost_nonsequential_access(npages)) * 0.5;
* Note: should we bother to assign a nonzero run_cost to reflect the
* overhead of extracting tuples from the sort result? Probably not
* worth worrying about.
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_nestloop
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* nested loop algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
* 'is_indexjoin' is true if we are using an indexscan for the inner relation
* (not currently needed here; the indexscan adjusts its cost...)
cost_nestloop(Path *path,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist,
bool is_indexjoin)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double ntuples;
if (!enable_nestloop)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* cost of source data */
* NOTE: we assume that the inner path's startup_cost is paid once, not
* over again on each restart. This is certainly correct if the inner
* path is materialized. Are there any cases where it is wrong?
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost + inner_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->parent->rows *
(inner_path->total_cost - inner_path->startup_cost);
/* number of tuples processed (not number emitted!) */
ntuples = outer_path->parent->rows * inner_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_mergejoin
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* merge join algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
* 'outersortkeys' and 'innersortkeys' are lists of the keys to be used
* to sort the outer and inner relations, or NIL if no explicit
* sort is needed because the source path is already ordered
cost_mergejoin(Path *path,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist,
List *outersortkeys,
List *innersortkeys)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double ntuples;
Path sort_path; /* dummy for result of cost_sort */
if (!enable_mergejoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* cost of source data */
* Note we are assuming that each source tuple is fetched just once,
* which is not right in the presence of equal keys. If we had a way of
* estimating the proportion of equal keys, we could apply a correction
* factor...
if (outersortkeys) /* do we need to sort outer? */
startup_cost += outer_path->total_cost;
startup_cost += sort_path.startup_cost;
run_cost += sort_path.total_cost - sort_path.startup_cost;
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost;
if (innersortkeys) /* do we need to sort inner? */
startup_cost += inner_path->total_cost;
startup_cost += sort_path.startup_cost;
run_cost += sort_path.total_cost - sort_path.startup_cost;
startup_cost += inner_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += inner_path->total_cost - inner_path->startup_cost;
* Estimate the number of tuples to be processed in the mergejoin itself
* as one per tuple in the two source relations. This could be a drastic
* underestimate if there are many equal-keyed tuples in either relation,
* but we have no good way of estimating that...
ntuples = outer_path->parent->rows + inner_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_hashjoin
* Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
* hash join algorithm.
* 'outer_path' is the path for the outer relation
* 'inner_path' is the path for the inner relation
* 'restrictlist' are the RestrictInfo nodes to be applied at the join
* 'innerdisbursion' is an estimate of the disbursion statistic
* for the inner hash key.
cost_hashjoin(Path *path,
Path *outer_path,
Path *inner_path,
List *restrictlist,
Selectivity innerdisbursion)
Cost startup_cost = 0;
Cost run_cost = 0;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
double ntuples;
double outerbytes = relation_byte_size(outer_path->parent->rows,
double innerbytes = relation_byte_size(inner_path->parent->rows,
long hashtablebytes = SortMem * 1024L;
if (!enable_hashjoin)
startup_cost += disable_cost;
/* cost of source data */
startup_cost += outer_path->startup_cost;
run_cost += outer_path->total_cost - outer_path->startup_cost;
startup_cost += inner_path->total_cost;
/* cost of computing hash function: must do it once per input tuple */
startup_cost += cpu_operator_cost * inner_path->parent->rows;
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * outer_path->parent->rows;
/* the number of tuple comparisons needed is the number of outer
* tuples times the typical hash bucket size, which we estimate
* conservatively as the inner disbursion times the inner tuple count.
run_cost += cpu_operator_cost * outer_path->parent->rows *
(inner_path->parent->rows * innerdisbursion);
* Estimate the number of tuples that get through the hashing filter
* as one per tuple in the two source relations. This could be a drastic
* underestimate if there are many equal-keyed tuples in either relation,
* but we have no good way of estimating that...
ntuples = outer_path->parent->rows + inner_path->parent->rows;
/* CPU costs */
cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(restrictlist);
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * ntuples;
* if inner relation is too big then we will need to "batch" the join,
* which implies writing and reading most of the tuples to disk an
* extra time. Charge one cost unit per page of I/O (correct since
* it should be nice and sequential...). Writing the inner rel counts
* as startup cost, all the rest as run cost.
if (innerbytes > hashtablebytes)
double outerpages = page_size(outer_path->parent->rows,
double innerpages = page_size(inner_path->parent->rows,
startup_cost += innerpages;
run_cost += innerpages + 2 * outerpages;
* Bias against putting larger relation on inside. We don't want
* an absolute prohibition, though, since larger relation might have
* better disbursion --- and we can't trust the size estimates
* unreservedly, anyway. Instead, inflate the startup cost by
* the square root of the size ratio. (Why square root? No real good
* reason, but it seems reasonable...)
if (innerbytes > outerbytes && outerbytes > 0)
startup_cost *= sqrt(innerbytes / outerbytes);
path->startup_cost = startup_cost;
path->total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* cost_qual_eval
* Estimate the CPU cost of evaluating a WHERE clause (once).
* The input can be either an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean
* expressions, or a list of RestrictInfo nodes.
cost_qual_eval(List *quals)
Cost total = 0;
cost_qual_eval_walker((Node *) quals, &total);
return total;
static bool
cost_qual_eval_walker(Node *node, Cost *total)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
* Our basic strategy is to charge one cpu_operator_cost for each
* operator or function node in the given tree. Vars and Consts
* are charged zero, and so are boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).
* Simplistic, but a lot better than no model at all.
* Should we try to account for the possibility of short-circuit
* evaluation of AND/OR?
if (IsA(node, Expr))
Expr *expr = (Expr *) node;
switch (expr->opType)
case OP_EXPR:
*total += cpu_operator_cost;
case OR_EXPR:
case AND_EXPR:
case NOT_EXPR:
* A subplan node in an expression indicates that the subplan
* will be executed on each evaluation, so charge accordingly.
* (We assume that sub-selects that can be executed as
* InitPlans have already been removed from the expression.)
* NOTE: this logic should agree with the estimates used by
* make_subplan() in plan/subselect.c.
SubPlan *subplan = (SubPlan *) expr->oper;
Plan *plan = subplan->plan;
Cost subcost;
if (subplan->sublink->subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK)
/* we only need to fetch 1 tuple */
subcost = plan->startup_cost +
(plan->total_cost - plan->startup_cost) / plan->plan_rows;
else if (subplan->sublink->subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK ||
subplan->sublink->subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK)
/* assume we need 50% of the tuples */
subcost = plan->startup_cost +
0.50 * (plan->total_cost - plan->startup_cost);
/* XXX what if subplan has been materialized? */
/* assume we need all tuples */
subcost = plan->total_cost;
*total += subcost;
/* fall through to examine args of Expr node */
* expression_tree_walker doesn't know what to do with RestrictInfo nodes,
* but we just want to recurse through them.
if (IsA(node, RestrictInfo))
RestrictInfo *restrictinfo = (RestrictInfo *) node;
return cost_qual_eval_walker((Node *) restrictinfo->clause, total);
/* Otherwise, recurse. */
return expression_tree_walker(node, cost_qual_eval_walker,
(void *) total);
* set_baserel_size_estimates
* Set the size estimates for the given base relation.
* The rel's targetlist and restrictinfo list must have been constructed
* already.
* We set the following fields of the rel node:
* rows: the estimated number of output tuples (after applying
* restriction clauses).
* width: the estimated average output tuple width in bytes.
* baserestrictcost: estimated cost of evaluating baserestrictinfo clauses.
set_baserel_size_estimates(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel)
/* Should only be applied to base relations */
Assert(length(rel->relids) == 1);
rel->rows = rel->tuples *
* Force estimate to be at least one row, to make explain output look
* better and to avoid possible divide-by-zero when interpolating cost.
if (rel->rows < 1.0)
rel->rows = 1.0;
rel->baserestrictcost = cost_qual_eval(rel->baserestrictinfo);
set_rel_width(root, rel);
* set_joinrel_size_estimates
* Set the size estimates for the given join relation.
* The rel's targetlist must have been constructed already, and a
* restriction clause list that matches the given component rels must
* be provided.
* Since there is more than one way to make a joinrel for more than two
* base relations, the results we get here could depend on which component
* rel pair is provided. In theory we should get the same answers no matter
* which pair is provided; in practice, since the selectivity estimation
* routines don't handle all cases equally well, we might not. But there's
* not much to be done about it. (Would it make sense to repeat the
* calculations for each pair of input rels that's encountered, and somehow
* average the results? Probably way more trouble than it's worth.)
* We set the same relnode fields as set_baserel_size_estimates() does.
set_joinrel_size_estimates(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
RelOptInfo *outer_rel,
RelOptInfo *inner_rel,
List *restrictlist)
double temp;
/* cartesian product */
temp = outer_rel->rows * inner_rel->rows;
* Apply join restrictivity. Note that we are only considering clauses
* that become restriction clauses at this join level; we are not
* double-counting them because they were not considered in estimating
* the sizes of the component rels.
temp *= restrictlist_selectivity(root,
* Force estimate to be at least one row, to make explain output look
* better and to avoid possible divide-by-zero when interpolating cost.
if (temp < 1.0)
temp = 1.0;
rel->rows = temp;
* We could apply set_rel_width() to compute the output tuple width
* from scratch, but at present it's always just the sum of the input
* widths, so why work harder than necessary? If relnode.c is ever
* taught to remove unneeded columns from join targetlists, go back
* to using set_rel_width here.
rel->width = outer_rel->width + inner_rel->width;
* set_rel_width
* Set the estimated output width of the relation.
static void
set_rel_width(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel)
int tuple_width = 0;
List *tle;
foreach(tle, rel->targetlist)
tuple_width += compute_attribute_width((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tle));
Assert(tuple_width >= 0);
rel->width = tuple_width;
* compute_attribute_width
* Given a target list entry, find the size in bytes of the attribute.
* If a field is variable-length, we make a default assumption. Would be
* better if VACUUM recorded some stats about the average field width...
* also, we have access to the atttypmod, but fail to use it...
static int
compute_attribute_width(TargetEntry *tlistentry)
int width = get_typlen(tlistentry->resdom->restype);
if (width < 0)
return width;
* relation_byte_size
* Estimate the storage space in bytes for a given number of tuples
* of a given width (size in bytes).
static double
relation_byte_size(double tuples, int width)
return tuples * ((double) (width + sizeof(HeapTupleData)));
* page_size
* Returns an estimate of the number of pages covered by a given
* number of tuples of a given width (size in bytes).
static double
page_size(double tuples, int width)
return ceil(relation_byte_size(tuples, width) / BLCKSZ);