Peter Eisentraut 811f1cec8c Produce HISTORY file consistently as ASCII
The release notes may contain non-ASCII characters (for contributor
names), which lynx converts to the encoding determined by the current
locale.  The get output that is deterministic and easily readable by
everyone, we make lynx produce LATIN1 and then convert that to ASCII
with transliteration for the non-ASCII characters.
2011-06-19 23:27:56 +03:00

391 lines
12 KiB

# PostgreSQL documentation makefile
# doc/src/sgml/Makefile
# This makefile is for building and installing the documentation.
# When a release tarball is created, the documentation files are
# prepared using the distprep target. In Git-based trees these files
# don't exist, unless explicitly built, so we skip the installation in
# that case.
# Make "html" the default target, since that is what most people tend
# to want to use.
subdir = doc/src/sgml
top_builddir = ../../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/
all: html man
distprep: html distprep-man
ifndef JADE
JADE = jade
SGMLINCLUDE = -D . -D $(srcdir)
ifndef NSGMLS
NSGMLS = nsgmls
ifndef OSX
OSX = osx
XSLTPROC = xsltproc
override XSLTPROCFLAGS += --stringparam pg.version '$(VERSION)'
GENERATED_SGML = bookindex.sgml version.sgml \
features-supported.sgml features-unsupported.sgml errcodes-table.sgml
ALLSGML := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.sgml $(srcdir)/ref/*.sgml) $(GENERATED_SGML)
# Sometimes we don't want this one.
ALMOSTALLSGML := $(filter-out %bookindex.sgml,$(ALLSGML))
# Enable some extra warnings
# -wfully-tagged needed to throw a warning on missing tags
# for older tool chains, 2007-08-31
# Note: try "make SPFLAGS=-wxml" to catch a lot of other dubious constructs,
# in particular < and & that haven't been made into entities. It's far too
# noisy to turn on by default, unfortunately.
override SPFLAGS += -wall -wno-unused-param -wno-empty -wfully-tagged
## Man pages
man distprep-man: man-stamp
man-stamp: stylesheet-man.xsl postgres.xml
touch $@
.PHONY: draft = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SPFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t sgml -i output-html
# The draft target creates HTML output in draft mode, without index (for faster build).
draft: postgres.sgml $(ALMOSTALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(MKDIR_P) html
$( -V draft-mode $<
cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css html/
html: html-stamp
html-stamp: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(MKDIR_P) html
$( -i include-index $<
cp $(srcdir)/stylesheet.css html/
touch $@
# single-page HTML
postgres.html: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$( -V nochunks -V rootchunk -V '(define %root-filename% #f)' -V '(define use-output-dir #f)' -i include-index $<
# single-page text
postgres.txt: postgres.html
$(LYNX) -force_html -dump -nolist $< > $@
HTML.index: postgres.sgml $(ALMOSTALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
@$(MKDIR_P) html
$( -V html-index $<
bookindex.sgml: HTML.index
LC_ALL=C $(PERL) $(COLLATEINDEX) -f -g -i 'bookindex' -o $@ $<
# Technically, this should depend on, but then
# version.sgml would need to be rebuilt after every configure run,
# even in distribution tarballs. So this is cheating a bit, but it
# will achieve the goal of updating the version number when it
# changes.
version.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/configure
{ \
echo "<!ENTITY version \"$(VERSION)\">"; \
echo "<!ENTITY majorversion \"$(MAJORVERSION)\">"; \
} > $@
features-supported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_packages.txt $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt
$(PERL) $(srcdir)/ YES $^ > $@
features-unsupported.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_feature_packages.txt $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt
$(PERL) $(srcdir)/ NO $^ > $@
errcodes-table.sgml: $(top_srcdir)/src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt
$(PERL) $(srcdir)/ $< > $@
## Print
# RTF to allow minor editing for hardcopy
%.rtf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t rtf -V rtf-backend -i output-print -i include-index postgres.sgml
# TeX
# Regular TeX and pdfTeX have slightly differing requirements, so we
# need to distinguish the path we're taking. = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d $(srcdir)/stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print -i include-index
%-A4.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $<
%-US.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$( -V texdvi-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $<
%-A4.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=A4 -o $@ $<
%-US.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$( -V texpdf-output -V '%paper-type%'=USletter -o $@ $<
%.dvi: %.tex-ps
@rm -f $*.aux $*.log
# multiple runs are necessary to create proper intra-document links
jadetex $<
jadetex $<
jadetex $<
# PostScript from TeX
$(error Invalid target; use or as targets) %.dvi
dvips -o $@ $<
$(error Invalid target; use postgres-A4.pdf or postgres-US.pdf as targets)
%.pdf: %.tex-pdf
@rm -f $*.aux $*.log $*.out
# multiple runs are necessary to create proper intra-document links
pdfjadetex $<
pdfjadetex $<
pdfjadetex $<
# Cancel built-in suffix rules, interfering with PS building
# This generates an XML version of the flow-object tree. It's useful
# for debugging DSSSL code, and possibly to interface to some other
# tools that can make use of this.
%.fot: %.sgml $(ALLSGML)
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t fot -i output-print -i include-index -o $@ $<
## Semi-automatic generation of some text files.
JADE.text = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -i output-text -t sgml
ICONV = iconv
LYNX = lynx
# The release notes may contain non-ASCII characters (for contributor
# names), which lynx converts to the encoding determined by the
# current locale. The get output that is deterministic and easily
# readable by everyone, we make lynx produce LATIN1 and then convert
# that to ASCII with transliteration for the non-ASCII characters.
# Official releases are currently built on FreeBSD, which has limited
# locale support and is very picky about locale name spelling. The
# below has been finely tuned to run on FreeBSD and Linux/glibc.
INSTALL HISTORY regress_README: % : %.html
$(PERL) -p -e 's/<H(1|2)$$/<H\1 align=center/g' $< | LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 $(LYNX) -force_html -dump -nolist -stdin | $(ICONV) -f latin1 -t us-ascii//TRANSLIT > $@
INSTALL.html: standalone-install.sgml installation.sgml version.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks standalone-install.sgml installation.sgml > $@
HISTORY.html: $(wildcard $(srcdir)/release*.sgml)
$(PERL) $< "$(srcdir)" release.sgml >tempfile_HISTORY.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks tempfile_HISTORY.sgml > $@
rm tempfile_HISTORY.sgml
regress_README.html: regress.sgml
( echo '<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" ['; \
echo '<!ENTITY % standalone-ignore "IGNORE">'; \
echo '<!ENTITY % standalone-include "INCLUDE"> ]>'; \
cat $< ) >tempfile_regress_README.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks tempfile_regress_README.sgml > $@
rm tempfile_regress_README.sgml
## XSLT processing
# For obscure reasons, gmake 3.81 complains about circular dependencies
# if we try to do "make all" in a VPATH build without the explicit
# $(srcdir) on the postgres.sgml dependency in this rule. gmake bug?
postgres.xml: $(srcdir)/postgres.sgml $(ALMOSTALLSGML)
$(OSX) -D. -x lower $< >postgres.xmltmp
$(PERL) -p -e 's/\[(amp|copy|egrave|gt|lt|mdash|nbsp|ouml|pi|quot|uuml) *\]/\&\1;/g;' \
-e '$$_ .= qq{<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "">\n} if $$. == 1;' \
<postgres.xmltmp > $@
rm postgres.xmltmp
# ' hello Emacs
xslthtml: stylesheet.xsl postgres.xml
htmlhelp: stylesheet-hh.xsl postgres.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) $^ stylesheet-fo.xsl %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type A4 -o $@ $^ stylesheet-fo.xsl %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTPROCFLAGS) --stringparam paper.type USletter -o $@ $^
## Experimental Texinfo targets
DB2X_TEXIXML = db2x_texixml
DB2X_XSLTPROC = db2x_xsltproc
MAKEINFO = makeinfo
%.texixml: %.xml
$(DB2X_XSLTPROC) -s texi -g output-file=$(basename $@) $< -o $@
%.texi: %.texixml
$(DB2X_TEXIXML) --encoding=iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT $< --to-stdout > $@ %.texi
$(MAKEINFO) --enable-encoding --no-split --no-validate $< -o $@
## Check
# Quick syntax check without style processing
check maintainer-check: postgres.sgml $(ALMOSTALLSGML) check-tabs
## Install
install: install-html
ifneq ($(PORTNAME), sco)
install: install-man
$(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'/html $(addprefix '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'/man, 1 3 $(sqlmansectnum))
rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/html/'* $(addprefix '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'/man, 1/* 3/* $(sqlmansectnum)/*)
## Install html
install-html: html installdirs
cp -R $(call vpathsearch,html) '$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)'
## Install man
install-man: man installdirs
sqlmansect ?= 7
sqlmansectnum = $(shell expr X'$(sqlmansect)' : X'\([0-9]\)')
# Before we install the man pages, we massage the section numbers to
# follow the local conventions.
ifeq ($(sqlmansectnum),7)
cp -R $(foreach dir,man1 man3 man7,$(call vpathsearch,$(dir))) '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'
else # sqlmansectnum != 7
fix_sqlmansectnum = sed -e '/^\.TH/s/"7"/"$(sqlmansect)"/' \
-e 's/\\fR(7)/\\fR($(sqlmansectnum))/g' \
-e '1s/^\.so man7/.so man$(sqlmansectnum)/g;1s/^\(\.so.*\)\.7$$/\1.$(sqlmansect)/g'
man: fixed-man-stamp
fixed-man-stamp: man-stamp
@$(MKDIR_P) $(addprefix fixedman/,man1 man3 man$(sqlmansectnum))
for file in $(call vpathsearch,man1)/*.1; do $(fix_sqlmansectnum) $$file >fixedman/man1/`basename $$file` || exit; done
for file in $(call vpathsearch,man3)/*.3; do $(fix_sqlmansectnum) $$file >fixedman/man3/`basename $$file` || exit; done
for file in $(call vpathsearch,man7)/*.7; do $(fix_sqlmansectnum) $$file >fixedman/man$(sqlmansectnum)/`basename $$file | sed s/\.7$$/.$(sqlmansect)/` || exit; done
cp -R $(foreach dir,man1 man3 man$(sqlmansectnum),fixedman/$(dir)) '$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'
clean: clean-man
.PHONY: clean-man
rm -rf fixedman/ fixed-man-stamp
endif # sqlmansectnum != 7
# tabs are harmless, but it is best to avoid them in SGML files
@( ! grep ' ' $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.sgml $(srcdir)/ref/*.sgml) ) || (echo "Tabs appear in SGML files"; exit 1)
## Clean
# This allows removing some files from the distribution tarballs while
# keeping the dependencies satisfied.
.SECONDARY: postgres.xml $(GENERATED_SGML) HTML.index
.SECONDARY: %-A4.tex-ps %-US.tex-ps %-A4.tex-pdf %-US.tex-pdf
# text --- these are shipped, but not in this directory
rm -f INSTALL.html HISTORY.html regress_README.html
# single-page output
rm -f postgres.html postgres.txt
# print
rm -f *.rtf *.tex-ps *.tex-pdf *.dvi *.aux *.log *.ps *.pdf *.out *.fot
# index
rm -f HTML.index $(GENERATED_SGML)
rm -f postgres.xml postgres.xmltmp htmlhelp.hhp toc.hhc index.hhk *.fo
# Texinfo
rm -f *.texixml *.texi *.info db2texi.refs
distclean: clean
maintainer-clean: distclean
rm -fr html/ html-stamp
# man
rm -rf man1/ man3/ man7/ man-stamp