2004-08-29 04:13:13 +00:00

315 lines
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* lock.h
* POSTGRES low-level lock mechanism
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2004, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/storage/lock.h,v 1.82 2004/08/29 04:13:10 momjian Exp $
#ifndef LOCK_H_
#define LOCK_H_
#include "storage/itemptr.h"
#include "storage/lwlock.h"
#include "storage/shmem.h"
/* originally in procq.h */
typedef struct PROC_QUEUE
SHM_QUEUE links; /* head of list of PGPROC objects */
int size; /* number of entries in list */
/* struct PGPROC is declared in proc.h, but must forward-reference it */
typedef struct PGPROC PGPROC;
/* GUC variables */
extern int max_locks_per_xact;
extern int Trace_lock_oidmin;
extern bool Trace_locks;
extern bool Trace_userlocks;
extern int Trace_lock_table;
extern bool Debug_deadlocks;
#endif /* LOCK_DEBUG */
* LOCKMODE is an integer (1..N) indicating a lock type. LOCKMASK is a bit
* mask indicating a set of held or requested lock types (the bit 1<<mode
* corresponds to a particular lock mode).
typedef int LOCKMASK;
typedef int LOCKMODE;
/* MAX_LOCKMODES cannot be larger than the # of bits in LOCKMASK */
#define MAX_LOCKMODES 10
#define LOCKBIT_ON(lockmode) (1 << (lockmode))
#define LOCKBIT_OFF(lockmode) (~(1 << (lockmode)))
* There is normally only one lock method, the default one.
* If user locks are enabled, an additional lock method is present.
* Lock methods are identified by LOCKMETHODID.
typedef uint16 LOCKMETHODID;
/* MAX_LOCK_METHODS is the number of distinct lock control tables allowed */
#define LockMethodIsValid(lockmethodid) ((lockmethodid) != INVALID_LOCKMETHOD)
extern int NumLockMethods;
* This is the control structure for a lock table. It lives in shared
* memory. Currently, none of these fields change after startup. In addition
* to the LockMethodData, a lock table has a shared "lockHash" table holding
* per-locked-object lock information, and a shared "proclockHash" table
* holding per-lock-holder/waiter lock information.
* masterLock -- LWLock used to synchronize access to the table
* numLockModes -- number of lock types (READ,WRITE,etc) that
* are defined on this lock table
* conflictTab -- this is an array of bitmasks showing lock
* type conflicts. conflictTab[i] is a mask with the j-th bit
* turned on if lock types i and j conflict.
typedef struct LockMethodData
LWLockId masterLock;
int numLockModes;
} LockMethodData;
typedef LockMethodData *LockMethod;
* LOCKTAG is the key information needed to look up a LOCK item in the
* lock hashtable. A LOCKTAG value uniquely identifies a lockable object.
typedef struct LOCKTAG
Oid relId;
Oid dbId;
BlockNumber blkno;
TransactionId xid;
} objId;
* offnum should be part of objId union above, but doing that would
* increase sizeof(LOCKTAG) due to padding. Currently used by userlocks
* only.
OffsetNumber offnum;
LOCKMETHODID lockmethodid; /* needed by userlocks */
* Per-locked-object lock information:
* tag -- uniquely identifies the object being locked
* grantMask -- bitmask for all lock types currently granted on this object.
* waitMask -- bitmask for all lock types currently awaited on this object.
* procLocks -- list of PROCLOCK objects for this lock.
* waitProcs -- queue of processes waiting for this lock.
* requested -- count of each lock type currently requested on the lock
* (includes requests already granted!!).
* nRequested -- total requested locks of all types.
* granted -- count of each lock type currently granted on the lock.
* nGranted -- total granted locks of all types.
typedef struct LOCK
/* hash key */
LOCKTAG tag; /* unique identifier of lockable object */
/* data */
LOCKMASK grantMask; /* bitmask for lock types already granted */
LOCKMASK waitMask; /* bitmask for lock types awaited */
SHM_QUEUE procLocks; /* list of PROCLOCK objects assoc. with
* lock */
PROC_QUEUE waitProcs; /* list of PGPROC objects waiting on lock */
int requested[MAX_LOCKMODES]; /* counts of requested
* locks */
int nRequested; /* total of requested[] array */
int granted[MAX_LOCKMODES]; /* counts of granted locks */
int nGranted; /* total of granted[] array */
#define LOCK_LOCKMETHOD(lock) ((lock).tag.lockmethodid)
* We may have several different transactions holding or awaiting locks
* on the same lockable object. We need to store some per-holder/waiter
* information for each such holder (or would-be holder). This is kept in
* a PROCLOCK struct.
* PROCLOCKTAG is the key information needed to look up a PROCLOCK item in the
* proclock hashtable. A PROCLOCKTAG value uniquely identifies the combination
* of a lockable object and a holder/waiter for that object.
* There are two possible kinds of proclock owners: a transaction (identified
* both by the PGPROC of the backend running it, and the xact's own ID) and
* a session (identified by backend PGPROC, with XID = InvalidTransactionId).
* Currently, session proclocks are used for user locks and for cross-xact
* locks obtained for VACUUM. Note that a single backend can hold locks
* under several different XIDs at once (including session locks). We treat
* such locks as never conflicting (a backend can never block itself).
* The holdMask field shows the already-granted locks represented by this
* proclock. Note that there will be a proclock object, possibly with
* zero holdMask, for any lock that the process is currently waiting on.
* Otherwise, proclock objects whose holdMasks are zero are recycled
* as soon as convenient.
* Each PROCLOCK object is linked into lists for both the associated LOCK
* object and the owning PGPROC object. Note that the PROCLOCK is entered
* into these lists as soon as it is created, even if no lock has yet been
* granted. A PGPROC that is waiting for a lock to be granted will also be
* linked into the lock's waitProcs queue.
typedef struct PROCLOCKTAG
SHMEM_OFFSET lock; /* link to per-lockable-object information */
SHMEM_OFFSET proc; /* link to PGPROC of owning backend */
TransactionId xid; /* xact ID, or InvalidTransactionId */
typedef struct PROCLOCK
/* tag */
PROCLOCKTAG tag; /* unique identifier of proclock object */
/* data */
LOCKMASK holdMask; /* bitmask for lock types currently held */
SHM_QUEUE lockLink; /* list link for lock's list of proclocks */
SHM_QUEUE procLink; /* list link for process's list of
* proclocks */
#define PROCLOCK_LOCKMETHOD(proclock) \
(((LOCK *) MAKE_PTR((proclock).tag.lock))->tag.lockmethodid)
* Each backend also maintains a local hash table with information about each
* lock it is currently interested in. In particular the local table counts
* the number of times that lock has been acquired. This allows multiple
* requests for the same lock to be executed without additional accesses to
* shared memory. We also track the number of lock acquisitions per
* ResourceOwner, so that we can release just those locks belonging to a
* particular ResourceOwner.
typedef struct LOCALLOCKTAG
LOCKTAG lock; /* identifies the lockable object */
TransactionId xid; /* xact ID, or InvalidTransactionId */
LOCKMODE mode; /* lock mode for this table entry */
typedef struct LOCALLOCKOWNER
* Note: owner can be NULL to indicate a non-transactional lock.
* Must use a forward struct reference to avoid circularity.
struct ResourceOwnerData *owner;
int nLocks; /* # of times held by this owner */
typedef struct LOCALLOCK
/* tag */
LOCALLOCKTAG tag; /* unique identifier of locallock entry */
/* data */
LOCK *lock; /* associated LOCK object in shared mem */
PROCLOCK *proclock; /* associated PROCLOCK object in shmem */
int nLocks; /* total number of times lock is held */
int numLockOwners; /* # of relevant ResourceOwners */
int maxLockOwners; /* allocated size of array */
LOCALLOCKOWNER *lockOwners; /* dynamically resizable array */
#define LOCALLOCK_LOCKMETHOD(llock) ((llock).tag.lock.lockmethodid)
* This struct holds information passed from lmgr internals to the lock
* listing user-level functions (lockfuncs.c). For each PROCLOCK in the
* system, the SHMEM_OFFSET, PROCLOCK itself, and associated PGPROC and
* LOCK objects are stored. (Note there will often be multiple copies
* of the same PGPROC or LOCK.) We do not store the SHMEM_OFFSET of the
* PGPROC or LOCK separately, since they're in the PROCLOCK's tag fields.
typedef struct
int nelements; /* The length of each of the arrays */
SHMEM_OFFSET *proclockaddrs;
PROCLOCK *proclocks;
PGPROC *procs;
LOCK *locks;
} LockData;
* function prototypes
extern void InitLocks(void);
extern LockMethod GetLocksMethodTable(LOCK *lock);
extern LOCKMETHODID LockMethodTableInit(const char *tabName,
const LOCKMASK *conflictsP,
int numModes, int maxBackends);
extern LOCKMETHODID LockMethodTableRename(LOCKMETHODID lockmethodid);
extern bool LockAcquire(LOCKMETHODID lockmethodid, LOCKTAG *locktag,
TransactionId xid, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool dontWait);
extern bool LockRelease(LOCKMETHODID lockmethodid, LOCKTAG *locktag,
TransactionId xid, LOCKMODE lockmode);
extern bool LockReleaseAll(LOCKMETHODID lockmethodid, bool allxids);
extern void LockReleaseCurrentOwner(void);
extern void LockReassignCurrentOwner(void);
extern int LockCheckConflicts(LockMethod lockMethodTable,
LOCKMODE lockmode,
LOCK *lock, PROCLOCK *proclock, PGPROC *proc,
int *myHolding);
extern void GrantLock(LOCK *lock, PROCLOCK *proclock, LOCKMODE lockmode);
extern void GrantAwaitedLock(void);
extern void RemoveFromWaitQueue(PGPROC *proc);
extern int LockShmemSize(int maxBackends);
extern bool DeadLockCheck(PGPROC *proc);
extern void DeadLockReport(void);
extern void RememberSimpleDeadLock(PGPROC *proc1,
LOCKMODE lockmode,
LOCK *lock,
PGPROC *proc2);
extern void InitDeadLockChecking(void);
extern LockData *GetLockStatusData(void);
extern const char *GetLockmodeName(LOCKMODE mode);
extern void DumpLocks(void);
extern void DumpAllLocks(void);
#endif /* LOCK_H */