
419 lines
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-- grouping sets
-- test data sources
create temp view gstest1(a,b,v)
as values (1,1,10),(1,1,11),(1,2,12),(1,2,13),(1,3,14),
create temp table gstest2 (a integer, b integer, c integer, d integer,
e integer, f integer, g integer, h integer);
copy gstest2 from stdin;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
create temp table gstest3 (a integer, b integer, c integer, d integer);
copy gstest3 from stdin;
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
alter table gstest3 add primary key (a);
create temp table gstest4(id integer, v integer,
unhashable_col bit(4), unsortable_col xid);
insert into gstest4
values (1,1,b'0000','1'), (2,2,b'0001','1'),
(3,4,b'0010','2'), (4,8,b'0011','2'),
(5,16,b'0000','2'), (6,32,b'0001','2'),
(7,64,b'0010','1'), (8,128,b'0011','1');
create temp table gstest_empty (a integer, b integer, v integer);
create function gstest_data(v integer, out a integer, out b integer)
returns setof record
as $f$
return query select v, i from generate_series(1,3) i;
$f$ language plpgsql;
-- basic functionality
set enable_hashagg = false; -- test hashing explicitly later
-- simple rollup with multiple plain aggregates, with and without ordering
-- (and with ordering differing from grouping)
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by rollup (a,b);
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by rollup (a,b) order by a,b;
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by rollup (a,b) order by b desc, a;
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by rollup (a,b) order by coalesce(a,0)+coalesce(b,0);
-- various types of ordered aggs
select a, b, grouping(a,b),
array_agg(v order by v),
string_agg(v::text, ':' order by v desc),
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by v),
rank(1,2,12) within group (order by a,b,v)
from gstest1 group by rollup (a,b) order by a,b;
-- test usage of grouped columns in direct args of aggs
select grouping(a), a, array_agg(b),
rank(a) within group (order by b nulls first),
rank(a) within group (order by b nulls last)
from (values (1,1),(1,4),(1,5),(3,1),(3,2)) v(a,b)
group by rollup (a) order by a;
-- nesting with window functions
select a, b, sum(c), sum(sum(c)) over (order by a,b) as rsum
from gstest2 group by rollup (a,b) order by rsum, a, b;
-- nesting with grouping sets
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets((), grouping sets((), grouping sets(())))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets((), grouping sets((), grouping sets(((a, b)))))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(grouping sets(rollup(c), grouping sets(cube(c))))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(a, grouping sets(a, cube(b)))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(grouping sets((a, (b))))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(grouping sets((a, b)))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(grouping sets(a, grouping sets(a), a))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets(grouping sets(a, grouping sets(a, grouping sets(a), ((a)), a, grouping sets(a), (a)), a))
order by 1 desc;
select sum(c) from gstest2
group by grouping sets((a,(a,b)), grouping sets((a,(a,b)),a))
order by 1 desc;
-- empty input: first is 0 rows, second 1, third 3 etc.
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),a);
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),());
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),(),(),());
select sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((),(),());
-- empty input with joins tests some important code paths
select t1.a, t2.b, sum(t1.v), count(*) from gstest_empty t1, gstest_empty t2
group by grouping sets ((t1.a,t2.b),());
-- simple joins, var resolution, GROUPING on join vars
select t1.a, t2.b, grouping(t1.a, t2.b), sum(t1.v), max(t2.a)
from gstest1 t1, gstest2 t2
group by grouping sets ((t1.a, t2.b), ());
select t1.a, t2.b, grouping(t1.a, t2.b), sum(t1.v), max(t2.a)
from gstest1 t1 join gstest2 t2 on (t1.a=t2.a)
group by grouping sets ((t1.a, t2.b), ());
select a, b, grouping(a, b), sum(t1.v), max(t2.c)
from gstest1 t1 join gstest2 t2 using (a,b)
group by grouping sets ((a, b), ());
-- check that functionally dependent cols are not nulled
select a, d, grouping(a,b,c)
from gstest3
group by grouping sets ((a,b), (a,c));
-- check that distinct grouping columns are kept separate
-- even if they are equal()
explain (costs off)
select g as alias1, g as alias2
from generate_series(1,3) g
group by alias1, rollup(alias2);
select g as alias1, g as alias2
from generate_series(1,3) g
group by alias1, rollup(alias2);
-- check that pulled-up subquery outputs still go to null when appropriate
select four, x
from (select four, ten, 'foo'::text as x from tenk1) as t
group by grouping sets (four, x)
having x = 'foo';
select four, x || 'x'
from (select four, ten, 'foo'::text as x from tenk1) as t
group by grouping sets (four, x)
order by four;
select (x+y)*1, sum(z)
from (select 1 as x, 2 as y, 3 as z) s
group by grouping sets (x+y, x);
select x, not x as not_x, q2 from
(select *, q1 = 1 as x from int8_tbl i1) as t
group by grouping sets(x, q2)
order by x, q2;
-- simple rescan tests
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by rollup (a,b);
select *
from (values (1),(2)) v(x),
lateral (select a, b, sum(v.x) from gstest_data(v.x) group by rollup (a,b)) s;
-- min max optimization should still work with GROUP BY ()
explain (costs off)
select min(unique1) from tenk1 GROUP BY ();
-- Views with GROUPING SET queries
CREATE VIEW gstest_view AS select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(c), count(*), max(c)
from gstest2 group by rollup ((a,b,c),(c,d));
select pg_get_viewdef('gstest_view'::regclass, true);
-- Nested queries with 3 or more levels of nesting
select(select (select grouping(a,b) from (values (1)) v2(c)) from (values (1,2)) v1(a,b) group by (a,b)) from (values(6,7)) v3(e,f) GROUP BY ROLLUP(e,f);
select(select (select grouping(e,f) from (values (1)) v2(c)) from (values (1,2)) v1(a,b) group by (a,b)) from (values(6,7)) v3(e,f) GROUP BY ROLLUP(e,f);
select(select (select grouping(c) from (values (1)) v2(c) GROUP BY c) from (values (1,2)) v1(a,b) group by (a,b)) from (values(6,7)) v3(e,f) GROUP BY ROLLUP(e,f);
-- Combinations of operations
select a, b, c, d from gstest2 group by rollup(a,b),grouping sets(c,d);
select a, b from (values (1,2),(2,3)) v(a,b) group by a,b, grouping sets(a);
-- Tests for chained aggregates
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by grouping sets ((a,b),(a+1,b+1),(a+2,b+2)) order by 3,6;
select(select (select grouping(a,b) from (values (1)) v2(c)) from (values (1,2)) v1(a,b) group by (a,b)) from (values(6,7)) v3(e,f) GROUP BY ROLLUP((e+1),(f+1));
select(select (select grouping(a,b) from (values (1)) v2(c)) from (values (1,2)) v1(a,b) group by (a,b)) from (values(6,7)) v3(e,f) GROUP BY CUBE((e+1),(f+1)) ORDER BY (e+1),(f+1);
select a, b, sum(c), sum(sum(c)) over (order by a,b) as rsum
from gstest2 group by cube (a,b) order by rsum, a, b;
select a, b, sum(c) from (values (1,1,10),(1,1,11),(1,2,12),(1,2,13),(1,3,14),(2,3,15),(3,3,16),(3,4,17),(4,1,18),(4,1,19)) v(a,b,c) group by rollup (a,b);
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by cube (a,b) order by a,b;
-- Agg level check. This query should error out.
select (select grouping(a,b) from gstest2) from gstest2 group by a,b;
--Nested queries
select a, b, sum(c), count(*) from gstest2 group by grouping sets (rollup(a,b),a);
-- HAVING queries
select ten, sum(distinct four) from onek a
group by grouping sets((ten,four),(ten))
having exists (select 1 from onek b where sum(distinct a.four) = b.four);
-- Tests around pushdown of HAVING clauses, partially testing against previous bugs
select a,count(*) from gstest2 group by rollup(a) order by a;
select a,count(*) from gstest2 group by rollup(a) having a is distinct from 1 order by a;
explain (costs off)
select a,count(*) from gstest2 group by rollup(a) having a is distinct from 1 order by a;
select v.c, (select count(*) from gstest2 group by () having v.c)
from (values (false),(true)) v(c) order by v.c;
explain (costs off)
select v.c, (select count(*) from gstest2 group by () having v.c)
from (values (false),(true)) v(c) order by v.c;
-- HAVING with GROUPING queries
select ten, grouping(ten) from onek
group by grouping sets(ten) having grouping(ten) >= 0
order by 2,1;
select ten, grouping(ten) from onek
group by grouping sets(ten, four) having grouping(ten) > 0
order by 2,1;
select ten, grouping(ten) from onek
group by rollup(ten) having grouping(ten) > 0
order by 2,1;
select ten, grouping(ten) from onek
group by cube(ten) having grouping(ten) > 0
order by 2,1;
select ten, grouping(ten) from onek
group by (ten) having grouping(ten) >= 0
order by 2,1;
-- FILTER queries
select ten, sum(distinct four) filter (where four::text ~ '123') from onek a
group by rollup(ten);
-- More rescan tests
select * from (values (1),(2)) v(a) left join lateral (select v.a, four, ten, count(*) from onek group by cube(four,ten)) s on true order by v.a,four,ten;
select array(select row(v.a,s1.*) from (select two,four, count(*) from onek group by cube(two,four) order by two,four) s1) from (values (1),(2)) v(a);
-- Grouping on text columns
select sum(ten) from onek group by two, rollup(four::text) order by 1;
select sum(ten) from onek group by rollup(four::text), two order by 1;
-- hashing support
set enable_hashagg = true;
-- failure cases
select count(*) from gstest4 group by rollup(unhashable_col,unsortable_col);
select array_agg(v order by v) from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((id,unsortable_col),(id));
-- simple cases
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by grouping sets ((a),(b)) order by 3,1,2;
explain (costs off) select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by grouping sets ((a),(b)) order by 3,1,2;
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by cube(a,b) order by 3,1,2;
explain (costs off) select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by cube(a,b) order by 3,1,2;
-- shouldn't try and hash
explain (costs off)
select a, b, grouping(a,b), array_agg(v order by v)
from gstest1 group by cube(a,b);
-- unsortable cases
select unsortable_col, count(*)
from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((unsortable_col),(unsortable_col))
order by unsortable_col::text;
-- mixed hashable/sortable cases
select unhashable_col, unsortable_col,
grouping(unhashable_col, unsortable_col),
count(*), sum(v)
from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((unhashable_col),(unsortable_col))
order by 3, 5;
explain (costs off)
select unhashable_col, unsortable_col,
grouping(unhashable_col, unsortable_col),
count(*), sum(v)
from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((unhashable_col),(unsortable_col))
order by 3,5;
select unhashable_col, unsortable_col,
grouping(unhashable_col, unsortable_col),
count(*), sum(v)
from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((v,unhashable_col),(v,unsortable_col))
order by 3,5;
explain (costs off)
select unhashable_col, unsortable_col,
grouping(unhashable_col, unsortable_col),
count(*), sum(v)
from gstest4 group by grouping sets ((v,unhashable_col),(v,unsortable_col))
order by 3,5;
-- empty input: first is 0 rows, second 1, third 3 etc.
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),a);
explain (costs off)
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),a);
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),());
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),(),(),());
explain (costs off)
select a, b, sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((a,b),(),(),());
select sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((),(),());
explain (costs off)
select sum(v), count(*) from gstest_empty group by grouping sets ((),(),());
-- check that functionally dependent cols are not nulled
select a, d, grouping(a,b,c)
from gstest3
group by grouping sets ((a,b), (a,c));
explain (costs off)
select a, d, grouping(a,b,c)
from gstest3
group by grouping sets ((a,b), (a,c));
-- simple rescan tests
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by grouping sets (a,b)
order by 1, 2, 3;
explain (costs off)
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by grouping sets (a,b)
order by 3, 1, 2;
select *
from (values (1),(2)) v(x),
lateral (select a, b, sum(v.x) from gstest_data(v.x) group by grouping sets (a,b)) s;
explain (costs off)
select *
from (values (1),(2)) v(x),
lateral (select a, b, sum(v.x) from gstest_data(v.x) group by grouping sets (a,b)) s;
-- Tests for chained aggregates
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by grouping sets ((a,b),(a+1,b+1),(a+2,b+2)) order by 3,6;
explain (costs off)
select a, b, grouping(a,b), sum(v), count(*), max(v)
from gstest1 group by grouping sets ((a,b),(a+1,b+1),(a+2,b+2)) order by 3,6;
select a, b, sum(c), sum(sum(c)) over (order by a,b) as rsum
from gstest2 group by cube (a,b) order by rsum, a, b;
explain (costs off)
select a, b, sum(c), sum(sum(c)) over (order by a,b) as rsum
from gstest2 group by cube (a,b) order by rsum, a, b;
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by cube (a,b) order by a,b;
explain (costs off)
select a, b, sum(v.x)
from (values (1),(2)) v(x), gstest_data(v.x)
group by cube (a,b) order by a,b;
-- More rescan tests
select * from (values (1),(2)) v(a) left join lateral (select v.a, four, ten, count(*) from onek group by cube(four,ten)) s on true order by v.a,four,ten;
select array(select row(v.a,s1.*) from (select two,four, count(*) from onek group by cube(two,four) order by two,four) s1) from (values (1),(2)) v(a);
-- Rescan logic changes when there are no empty grouping sets, so test
-- that too:
select * from (values (1),(2)) v(a) left join lateral (select v.a, four, ten, count(*) from onek group by grouping sets(four,ten)) s on true order by v.a,four,ten;
select array(select row(v.a,s1.*) from (select two,four, count(*) from onek group by grouping sets(two,four) order by two,four) s1) from (values (1),(2)) v(a);
-- test the knapsack
set enable_indexscan = false;
set work_mem = '64kB';
explain (costs off)
select unique1,
count(two), count(four), count(ten),
count(hundred), count(thousand), count(twothousand),
from tenk1 group by grouping sets (unique1,twothousand,thousand,hundred,ten,four,two);
explain (costs off)
select unique1,
count(two), count(four), count(ten),
count(hundred), count(thousand), count(twothousand),
from tenk1 group by grouping sets (unique1,hundred,ten,four,two);
set work_mem = '384kB';
explain (costs off)
select unique1,
count(two), count(four), count(ten),
count(hundred), count(thousand), count(twothousand),
from tenk1 group by grouping sets (unique1,twothousand,thousand,hundred,ten,four,two);
-- end