Tom Lane 0def2573c5 Fix *-qualification of named parameters in SQL-language functions.
Given a composite-type parameter named x, "$1.*" worked fine, but "x.*"
not so much.  This has been broken since named parameter references were
added in commit 9bff0780cf, so patch back
to 9.2.  Per bug #9085 from Hardy Falk.
2014-02-03 14:47:17 -05:00

230 lines
6.6 KiB

-- Make both a standalone composite type and a table rowtype
create type complex as (r float8, i float8);
create temp table fullname (first text, last text);
-- Nested composite
create type quad as (c1 complex, c2 complex);
-- Some simple tests of I/O conversions and row construction
select (1.1,2.2)::complex, row((3.3,4.4),(5.5,null))::quad;
select row('Joe', 'Blow')::fullname, '(Joe,Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,von Blow)'::fullname, '(Joe,d''Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,"von""Blow")'::fullname, E'(Joe,d\\\\Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,"Blow,Jr")'::fullname;
select '(Joe,)'::fullname; -- ok, null 2nd column
select '(Joe)'::fullname; -- bad
select '(Joe,,)'::fullname; -- bad
create temp table quadtable(f1 int, q quad);
insert into quadtable values (1, ((3.3,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
insert into quadtable values (2, ((null,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
select * from quadtable;
select f1, q.c1 from quadtable; -- fails, q is a table reference
select f1, (q).c1, (qq.q).c1.i from quadtable qq;
create temp table people (fn fullname, bd date);
insert into people values ('(Joe,Blow)', '1984-01-10');
select * from people;
-- at the moment this will not work due to ALTER TABLE inadequacy:
alter table fullname add column suffix text default '';
-- but this should work:
alter table fullname add column suffix text default null;
select * from people;
-- test insertion/updating of subfields
update people set fn.suffix = 'Jr';
select * from people;
insert into quadtable (f1, q.c1.r, q.c2.i) values(44,55,66);
select * from quadtable;
-- The object here is to ensure that toasted references inside
-- composite values don't cause problems. The large f1 value will
-- be toasted inside pp, it must still work after being copied to people.
create temp table pp (f1 text);
insert into pp values (repeat('abcdefghijkl', 100000));
insert into people select ('Jim', f1, null)::fullname, current_date from pp;
select (fn).first, substr((fn).last, 1, 20), length((fn).last) from people;
-- Test row comparison semantics. Prior to PG 8.2 we did this in a totally
-- non-spec-compliant way.
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,3) as true;
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,1) as false;
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,NULL) as null;
select ROW(1,2,3) < ROW(1,3,NULL) as true; -- the NULL is not examined
select ROW(11,'ABC') < ROW(11,'DEF') as true;
select ROW(11,'ABC') > ROW(11,'DEF') as false;
select ROW(12,'ABC') > ROW(11,'DEF') as true;
-- = and <> have different NULL-behavior than < etc
select ROW(1,2,3) < ROW(1,NULL,4) as null;
select ROW(1,2,3) = ROW(1,NULL,4) as false;
select ROW(1,2,3) <> ROW(1,NULL,4) as true;
-- We allow operators beyond the six standard ones, if they have btree
-- operator classes.
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~<=~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as true;
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~>=~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as false;
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as fail;
-- Comparisons of ROW() expressions can cope with some type mismatches
select ROW(1,2) = ROW(1,2::int8);
select ROW(1,2) in (ROW(3,4), ROW(1,2));
select ROW(1,2) in (ROW(3,4), ROW(1,2::int8));
-- Check row comparison with a subselect
select unique1, unique2 from tenk1
where (unique1, unique2) < any (select ten, ten from tenk1 where hundred < 3)
and unique1 <= 20
order by 1;
-- Also check row comparison with an indexable condition
explain (costs off)
select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where (thousand, tenthous) >= (997, 5000)
order by thousand, tenthous;
select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where (thousand, tenthous) >= (997, 5000)
order by thousand, tenthous;
-- Check row comparisons with IN
select * from int8_tbl i8 where i8 in (row(123,456)); -- fail, type mismatch
explain (costs off)
select * from int8_tbl i8
where i8 in (row(123,456)::int8_tbl, '(4567890123456789,123)');
select * from int8_tbl i8
where i8 in (row(123,456)::int8_tbl, '(4567890123456789,123)');
-- Check some corner cases involving empty rowtypes
select ROW();
select ROW() IS NULL;
select ROW() = ROW();
-- Check ability to create arrays of anonymous rowtypes
select array[ row(1,2), row(3,4), row(5,6) ];
-- Check ability to compare an anonymous row to elements of an array
select row(1,1.1) = any (array[ row(7,7.7), row(1,1.1), row(0,0.0) ]);
select row(1,1.1) = any (array[ row(7,7.7), row(1,1.0), row(0,0.0) ]);
-- Check behavior with a non-comparable rowtype
create type cantcompare as (p point, r float8);
create temp table cc (f1 cantcompare);
insert into cc values('("(1,2)",3)');
insert into cc values('("(4,5)",6)');
select * from cc order by f1; -- fail, but should complain about cantcompare
-- Test case derived from bug #5716: check multiple uses of a rowtype result
CREATE TYPE price_input AS (
CREATE TYPE price_key AS (
CREATE FUNCTION price_key_from_table(price) RETURNS price_key AS $$
CREATE FUNCTION price_key_from_input(price_input) RETURNS price_key AS $$
insert into price values (1,false,42), (10,false,100), (11,true,17.99);
UPDATE price
SET active = true, price = input_prices.price
FROM unnest(ARRAY[(10, 123.00), (11, 99.99)]::price_input[]) input_prices
WHERE price_key_from_table(price.*) = price_key_from_input(input_prices.*);
select * from price;
-- Test case derived from bug #9085: check * qualification of composite
-- parameters for SQL functions
create temp table compos (f1 int, f2 text);
create function fcompos1(v compos) returns void as $$
insert into compos values (v); -- fail
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos1(v compos) returns void as $$
insert into compos values (v.*);
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos2(v compos) returns void as $$
select fcompos1(v);
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos3(v compos) returns void as $$
select fcompos1(fcompos3.v.*);
$$ language sql;
select fcompos1(row(1,'one'));
select fcompos2(row(2,'two'));
select fcompos3(row(3,'three'));
select * from compos;
-- We allow I/O conversion casts from composite types to strings to be
-- invoked via cast syntax, but not functional syntax. This is because
-- the latter is too prone to be invoked unintentionally.
select cast (fullname as text) from fullname;
select fullname::text from fullname;
select text(fullname) from fullname; -- error
select fullname.text from fullname; -- error
-- same, but RECORD instead of named composite type:
select cast (row('Jim', 'Beam') as text);
select (row('Jim', 'Beam'))::text;
select text(row('Jim', 'Beam')); -- error
select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text; -- error