Tom Lane bb45c64041 Support default arguments and named-argument notation for window functions.
These things didn't work because the planner omitted to do the necessary
preprocessing of a WindowFunc's argument list.  Add the few dozen lines
of code needed to handle that.

Although this sounds like a feature addition, it's really a bug fix because
the default-argument case was likely to crash previously, due to lack of
checking of the number of supplied arguments in the built-in window
functions.  It's not a security issue because there's no way for a
non-superuser to create a window function definition with defaults that
refers to a built-in C function, but nonetheless people might be annoyed
that it crashes rather than producing a useful error message.  So
back-patch as far as the patch applies easily, which turns out to be 9.2.
I'll put a band-aid in earlier versions as a separate patch.

(Note that these features still don't work for aggregates, and fixing that
case will be harder since we represent aggregate arg lists as target lists
not bare expression lists.  There's no crash risk though because CREATE
AGGREGATE doesn't accept defaults, and we reject named-argument notation
when parsing an aggregate call.)
2013-11-06 13:33:09 -05:00

287 lines
11 KiB

depname varchar,
empno bigint,
salary int,
enroll_date date
('develop', 10, 5200, '2007-08-01'),
('sales', 1, 5000, '2006-10-01'),
('personnel', 5, 3500, '2007-12-10'),
('sales', 4, 4800, '2007-08-08'),
('personnel', 2, 3900, '2006-12-23'),
('develop', 7, 4200, '2008-01-01'),
('develop', 9, 4500, '2008-01-01'),
('sales', 3, 4800, '2007-08-01'),
('develop', 8, 6000, '2006-10-01'),
('develop', 11, 5200, '2007-08-15');
SELECT depname, empno, salary, sum(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY depname) FROM empsalary ORDER BY depname, salary;
SELECT depname, empno, salary, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY depname ORDER BY salary) FROM empsalary;
-- with GROUP BY
SELECT four, ten, SUM(SUM(four)) OVER (PARTITION BY four), AVG(ten) FROM tenk1
GROUP BY four, ten ORDER BY four, ten;
SELECT depname, empno, salary, sum(salary) OVER w FROM empsalary WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY depname);
SELECT depname, empno, salary, rank() OVER w FROM empsalary WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY depname ORDER BY salary) ORDER BY rank() OVER w;
-- empty window specification
SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT COUNT(*) OVER w FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10 WINDOW w AS ();
-- no window operation
-- cumulative aggregate
SELECT sum(four) OVER (PARTITION BY ten ORDER BY unique2) AS sum_1, ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY unique2) FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT rank() OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten) AS rank_1, ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT percent_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT cume_dist() OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT ntile(3) OVER (ORDER BY ten, four), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT ntile(NULL) OVER (ORDER BY ten, four), ten, four FROM tenk1 LIMIT 2;
SELECT lag(ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT lag(ten, four) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT lag(ten, four, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT lead(ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT lead(ten * 2, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT lead(ten * 2, 1, -1) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT first_value(ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
-- last_value returns the last row of the frame, which is CURRENT ROW in ORDER BY window.
SELECT last_value(four) OVER (ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT last_value(ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four), ten, four FROM
(SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10 ORDER BY four, ten)s
ORDER BY four, ten;
SELECT nth_value(ten, four + 1) OVER (PARTITION BY four), ten, four
FROM (SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10 ORDER BY four, ten)s;
SELECT ten, two, sum(hundred) AS gsum, sum(sum(hundred)) OVER (PARTITION BY two ORDER BY ten) AS wsum
FROM tenk1 GROUP BY ten, two;
SELECT count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY four), four FROM (SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE two = 1)s WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT (count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten) +
sum(hundred) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten))::varchar AS cntsum
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
-- opexpr with different windows evaluation.
sum(hundred) OVER (PARTITION BY two ORDER BY ten) AS total,
count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten) AS fourcount,
sum(hundred) OVER (PARTITION BY two ORDER BY ten) AS twosum
FROM tenk1
WHERE total <> fourcount + twosum;
SELECT avg(four) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY thousand / 100) FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10;
SELECT ten, two, sum(hundred) AS gsum, sum(sum(hundred)) OVER win AS wsum
FROM tenk1 GROUP BY ten, two WINDOW win AS (PARTITION BY two ORDER BY ten);
-- more than one window with GROUP BY
SELECT sum(salary),
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY depname),
sum(sum(salary)) OVER (ORDER BY depname DESC)
FROM empsalary GROUP BY depname;
-- identical windows with different names
SELECT sum(salary) OVER w1, count(*) OVER w2
FROM empsalary WINDOW w1 AS (ORDER BY salary), w2 AS (ORDER BY salary);
-- subplan
SELECT lead(ten, (SELECT two FROM tenk1 WHERE s.unique2 = unique2)) OVER (PARTITION BY four ORDER BY ten)
FROM tenk1 s WHERE unique2 < 10;
-- empty table
-- mixture of agg/wfunc in the same window
SELECT sum(salary) OVER w, rank() OVER w FROM empsalary WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY depname ORDER BY salary DESC);
-- strict aggs
SELECT empno, depname, salary, bonus, depadj, MIN(bonus) OVER (ORDER BY empno), MAX(depadj) OVER () FROM(
CASE WHEN enroll_date < '2008-01-01' THEN 2008 - extract(YEAR FROM enroll_date) END * 500 AS bonus,
AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY depname) < salary
THEN 200 END AS depadj FROM empsalary
-- window function over ungrouped agg over empty row set (bug before 9.1)
SELECT SUM(COUNT(f1)) OVER () FROM int4_tbl WHERE f1=42;
-- window function with ORDER BY an expression involving aggregates (9.1 bug)
select ten,
sum(unique1) + sum(unique2) as res,
rank() over (order by sum(unique1) + sum(unique2)) as rank
from tenk1
group by ten order by ten;
-- window and aggregate with GROUP BY expression (9.2 bug)
explain (costs off)
select first_value(max(x)) over (), y
from (select unique1 as x, ten+four as y from tenk1) ss
group by y;
-- test non-default frame specifications
SELECT four, ten,
sum(ten) over (partition by four order by ten),
last_value(ten) over (partition by four order by ten)
FROM (select distinct ten, four from tenk1) ss;
SELECT four, ten,
sum(ten) over (partition by four order by ten range between unbounded preceding and current row),
last_value(ten) over (partition by four order by ten range between unbounded preceding and current row)
FROM (select distinct ten, four from tenk1) ss;
SELECT four, ten,
sum(ten) over (partition by four order by ten range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following),
last_value(ten) over (partition by four order by ten range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)
FROM (select distinct ten, four from tenk1) ss;
SELECT four, ten/4 as two,
sum(ten/4) over (partition by four order by ten/4 range between unbounded preceding and current row),
last_value(ten/4) over (partition by four order by ten/4 range between unbounded preceding and current row)
FROM (select distinct ten, four from tenk1) ss;
SELECT four, ten/4 as two,
sum(ten/4) over (partition by four order by ten/4 rows between unbounded preceding and current row),
last_value(ten/4) over (partition by four order by ten/4 rows between unbounded preceding and current row)
FROM (select distinct ten, four from tenk1) ss;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (order by four range between current row and unbounded following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (rows between current row and unbounded following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (rows between 2 preceding and 2 following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (rows between 2 preceding and 1 preceding),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (rows between 1 following and 3 following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (rows between unbounded preceding and 1 following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT sum(unique1) over (w range between current row and unbounded following),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10 WINDOW w AS (order by four);
-- fail: not implemented yet
SELECT sum(unique1) over (order by four range between 2::int8 preceding and 1::int2 preceding),
unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT first_value(unique1) over w,
nth_value(unique1, 2) over w AS nth_2,
last_value(unique1) over w, unique1, four
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10
WINDOW w AS (order by four range between current row and unbounded following);
SELECT sum(unique1) over
(order by unique1
rows (SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique1 LIMIT 1) + 1 PRECEDING),
FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 10;
SELECT i, sum(i) over (order by i rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) as sum_rows
FROM generate_series(1, 10) i;
SELECT * FROM v_window;
SELECT pg_get_viewdef('v_window');
-- with UNION
-- ordering by a non-integer constant is allowed
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY length('abc'));
-- can't order by another window function
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY rank() OVER (ORDER BY random()));
-- some other errors
SELECT * FROM empsalary WHERE row_number() OVER (ORDER BY salary) < 10;
SELECT * FROM empsalary INNER JOIN tenk1 ON row_number() OVER (ORDER BY salary) < 10;
SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY 1), count(*) FROM empsalary GROUP BY 1;
SELECT * FROM rank() OVER (ORDER BY random());
DELETE FROM empsalary WHERE (rank() OVER (ORDER BY random())) > 10;
DELETE FROM empsalary RETURNING rank() OVER (ORDER BY random());
SELECT count(*) OVER w FROM tenk1 WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY unique1), w AS (ORDER BY unique1);
SELECT rank() OVER (PARTITION BY four, ORDER BY ten) FROM tenk1;
SELECT count() OVER () FROM tenk1;
SELECT generate_series(1, 100) OVER () FROM empsalary;
SELECT ntile(0) OVER (ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1;
SELECT nth_value(four, 0) OVER (ORDER BY ten), ten, four FROM tenk1;
-- filter
SELECT sum(salary), row_number() OVER (ORDER BY depname), sum(
sum(salary) FILTER (WHERE enroll_date > '2007-01-01')
) FILTER (WHERE depname <> 'sales') OVER (ORDER BY depname DESC) AS "filtered_sum",
FROM empsalary GROUP BY depname;
-- cleanup
DROP TABLE empsalary;
-- test user-defined window function with named args and default args
CREATE FUNCTION nth_value_def(val anyelement, n integer = 1) RETURNS anyelement
LANGUAGE internal WINDOW IMMUTABLE STRICT AS 'window_nth_value';
SELECT nth_value_def(n := 2, val := ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four), ten, four
FROM (SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10 ORDER BY four, ten) s;
SELECT nth_value_def(ten) OVER (PARTITION BY four), ten, four
FROM (SELECT * FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 10 ORDER BY four, ten) s;