Tom Lane e6381966c1 Major planner/optimizer revision: get rid of PathOrder node type,
store all ordering information in pathkeys lists (which are now lists of
lists of PathKeyItem nodes, not just lists of lists of vars).  This was
a big win --- the code is smaller and IMHO more understandable than it
was, even though it handles more cases.  I believe the node changes will
not force an initdb for anyone; planner nodes don't show up in stored
1999-08-16 02:17:58 +00:00

365 lines
13 KiB

* relation.h
* Definitions for internal planner nodes.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: relation.h,v 1.38 1999/08/16 02:17:40 tgl Exp $
#ifndef RELATION_H
#define RELATION_H
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
* Relids
* List of relation identifiers (indexes into the rangetable).
* Note: these are lists of integers, not Nodes.
typedef List *Relids;
* RelOptInfo
* Per-relation information for planning/optimization
* Parts of this data structure are specific to various scan and join
* mechanisms. It didn't seem worth creating new node types for them.
* relids - List of base-relation identifiers; it is a base relation
* if there is just one, a join relation if more than one
* indexed - true if the relation has secondary indices
* pages - number of pages in the relation
* tuples - number of tuples in the relation
* size - estimated number of tuples in the relation after restriction
* clauses have been applied
* width - avg. number of bytes per tuple in the relation after the
* appropriate projections have been done
* targetlist - List of TargetList nodes
* pathlist - List of Path nodes, one for each potentially useful
* method of generating the relation
* cheapestpath - least expensive Path (regardless of ordering)
* pruneable - flag to let the planner know whether it can prune the
* pathlist of this RelOptInfo or not.
* * If the relation is a (secondary) index it will have the following
* fields set:
* classlist - List of PG_AMOPCLASS OIDs for the index
* indexkeys - List of base-relation attribute numbers that are index keys
* ordering - List of PG_OPERATOR OIDs which order the indexscan result
* relam - the OID of the pg_am of the index
* NB. the last element of the arrays classlist, indexkeys and ordering
* is always 0.
* Index relations do not participate in the join tree in the way
* that regular base relations do, but it is still convenient to
* represent them by RelOptInfos.
* * The presence of the remaining fields depends on the restrictions
* and joins that the relation participates in:
* restrictinfo - List of RestrictInfo nodes, containing info about each
* qualification clause in which this relation participates
* joininfo - List of JoinInfo nodes, containing info about each join
* clause in which this relation participates
* innerjoin - List of Path nodes that represent indices that may be used
* as inner paths of nestloop joins. This field is non-null
* only for base rels, since join rels have no indices.
typedef struct RelOptInfo
NodeTag type;
/* all relations included in this RelOptInfo */
Relids relids; /* integer list of base relids */
/* catalog statistics information */
bool indexed;
int pages;
int tuples;
/* estimates generated by planner. XXX int is probably too small... */
int size;
int width;
/* materialization information */
List *targetlist;
List *pathlist; /* Path structures */
struct Path *cheapestpath;
bool pruneable;
/* used solely by indices: */
Oid *classlist; /* classes of AM operators */
int *indexkeys; /* keys over which we're indexing */
Oid *ordering; /* OIDs of sort operators for each key */
Oid relam; /* OID of the access method (in pg_am) */
Oid indproc; /* if a functional index */
List *indpred; /* if a partial index */
/* used by various scans and joins: */
List *restrictinfo; /* RestrictInfo structures */
List *joininfo; /* JoinInfo structures */
List *innerjoin; /* potential indexscans for nestloop joins */
/* innerjoin indexscans are not in the main pathlist because they are
* not usable except in specific join contexts; we have to test before
* seeing whether they can be used.
} RelOptInfo;
* PathKeys
* The sort ordering of a path is represented by a list of sublists of
* PathKeyItem nodes. An empty list implies no known ordering. Otherwise
* the first sublist represents the primary sort key, the second the
* first secondary sort key, etc. Each sublist contains one or more
* PathKeyItem nodes, each of which can be taken as the attribute that
* appears at that sort position. (See the top of optimizer/path/pathkeys.c
* for more information.)
typedef struct PathKeyItem
NodeTag type;
Node *key; /* the item that is ordered */
Oid sortop; /* the ordering operator ('<' op) */
* key typically points to a Var node, ie a relation attribute,
* but it can also point to a Func clause representing the value
* indexed by a functional index. Someday we might allow arbitrary
* expressions as path keys, so don't assume more than you must.
} PathKeyItem;
* Type "Path" is used as-is for sequential-scan paths. For other
* path types it is the first component of a larger struct.
typedef struct Path
NodeTag type;
RelOptInfo *parent; /* the relation this path can build */
Cost path_cost; /* estimated execution cost of path */
NodeTag pathtype; /* tag identifying scan/join method */
/* XXX why is pathtype separate from the NodeTag? */
List *pathkeys; /* sort ordering of path's output */
/* pathkeys is a List of Lists of PathKeyItem nodes; see above */
} Path;
* IndexPath represents an index scan. Although an indexscan can only read
* a single relation, it can scan it more than once, potentially using a
* different index during each scan. The result is the union (OR) of all the
* tuples matched during any scan. (The executor is smart enough not to return
* the same tuple more than once, even if it is matched in multiple scans.)
* 'indexid' is a list of index relation OIDs, one per scan to be performed.
* 'indexqual' is a list of index qualifications, also one per scan.
* Each entry in 'indexqual' is a sublist of qualification expressions with
* implicit AND semantics across the sublist items. Only expressions that
* are usable as indexquals (as determined by indxpath.c) may appear here.
* NOTE that the semantics of the top-level list in 'indexqual' is OR
* combination, while the sublists are implicitly AND combinations!
typedef struct IndexPath
Path path;
List *indexid;
List *indexqual;
* joinrelids is only used in IndexPaths that are constructed for use
* as the inner path of a nestloop join. These paths have indexquals
* that refer to values of other rels, so those other rels must be
* included in the outer joinrel in order to make a usable join.
Relids joinrelids; /* other rels mentioned in indexqual */
} IndexPath;
* All join-type paths share these fields.
typedef struct JoinPath
Path path;
List *pathinfo; /* copy of parent->restrictinfo; REMOVE? */
Path *outerjoinpath; /* path for the outer side of the join */
Path *innerjoinpath; /* path for the inner side of the join */
} JoinPath;
* A nested-loop path needs no special fields.
typedef JoinPath NestPath;
* A mergejoin path has these fields.
* Note that the mergeclauses are a subset of the parent relation's
* restriction-clause list. Any join clauses that are not mergejoinable
* appear only in the parent's restrict list, and must be checked by a
* qpqual at execution time.
typedef struct MergePath
JoinPath jpath;
List *path_mergeclauses; /* join clauses used for merge */
* outersortkeys (resp. innersortkeys) is NIL if the outer path
* (resp. inner path) is already ordered appropriately for the
* mergejoin. If it is not NIL then it is a PathKeys list describing
* the ordering that must be created by an explicit sort step.
List *outersortkeys;
List *innersortkeys;
} MergePath;
* A hashjoin path has these fields.
* The remarks above for mergeclauses apply for hashclauses as well.
* However, hashjoin does not care what order its inputs appear in,
* so we have no need for sortkeys.
typedef struct HashPath
JoinPath jpath;
List *path_hashclauses; /* join clauses used for hashing */
} HashPath;
* Restriction clause info.
* We create one of these for each AND sub-clause of a restriction condition
* (WHERE clause). Since the restriction clauses are logically ANDed, we
* can use any one of them or any subset of them to filter out tuples,
* without having to evaluate the rest. The RestrictInfo node itself stores
* data used by the optimizer while choosing the best query plan.
* A restriction clause will appear in the restrictinfo list of a RelOptInfo
* that describes exactly the set of base relations referenced by the
* restriction clause. It is not possible to apply the clause at any lower
* nesting level, and there is little point in delaying its evaluation to
* higher nesting levels. (The "predicate migration" code was once intended
* to push restriction clauses up and down the plan tree, but it's dead code
* and is unlikely to be resurrected in the foreseeable future.)
* If a restriction clause references more than one base rel, it will also
* appear in the JoinInfo list of every RelOptInfo that describes a strict
* subset of the base rels mentioned in the clause. The JoinInfo lists are
* used to drive join tree building by selecting plausible join candidates.
* In general, the referenced clause might be arbitrarily complex. The
* kinds of clauses we can handle as indexscan quals, mergejoin clauses,
* or hashjoin clauses are fairly limited --- the code for each kind of
* path is responsible for identifying the restrict clauses it can use
* and ignoring the rest. Clauses not implemented by an indexscan,
* mergejoin, or hashjoin will be placed in the qpqual field of the
* final Plan node, where they will be enforced by general-purpose
* qual-expression-evaluation code. (But we are still entitled to count
* their selectivity when estimating the result tuple count, if we
* can guess what it is...)
typedef struct RestrictInfo
NodeTag type;
Expr *clause; /* the represented clause of WHERE cond */
Cost selectivity; /* estimated selectivity */
/* only used if clause is an OR clause: */
List *subclauseindices; /* lists of indexes matching subclauses */
/* valid if clause is mergejoinable, else InvalidOid: */
Oid mergejoinoperator; /* copy of clause operator */
Oid left_sortop; /* leftside sortop needed for mergejoin */
Oid right_sortop; /* rightside sortop needed for mergejoin */
/* valid if clause is hashjoinable, else InvalidOid: */
Oid hashjoinoperator; /* copy of clause operator */
} RestrictInfo;
* Join clause info.
* We make a list of these for each RelOptInfo, containing info about
* all the join clauses this RelOptInfo participates in. (For this
* purpose, a "join clause" is a WHERE clause that mentions both vars
* belonging to this relation and vars belonging to relations not yet
* joined to it.) We group these clauses according to the set of
* other base relations (unjoined relations) mentioned in them.
* There is one JoinInfo for each distinct set of unjoined_relids,
* and its jinfo_restrictinfo lists the clause(s) that use that set
* of other relations.
typedef struct JoinInfo
NodeTag type;
Relids unjoined_relids; /* some rels not yet part of my RelOptInfo */
List *jinfo_restrictinfo; /* relevant RestrictInfos */
} JoinInfo;
* Stream:
* A stream represents a root-to-leaf path in a plan tree (i.e. a tree of
* JoinPaths and Paths). The stream includes pointers to all Path nodes,
* as well as to any clauses that reside above Path nodes. This structure
* is used to make Path nodes and clauses look similar, so that Predicate
* Migration can run.
* XXX currently, Predicate Migration is dead code, and so is this node type.
* Probably should remove support for it.
* pathptr -- pointer to the current path node
* cinfo -- if NULL, this stream node referes to the path node.
* Otherwise this is a pointer to the current clause.
* clausetype -- whether cinfo is in loc_restrictinfo or pathinfo in the
* path node (XXX this is now used only by dead code...)
* upstream -- linked list pointer upwards
* downstream -- ditto, downwards
* groupup -- whether or not this node is in a group with the node upstream
* groupcost -- total cost of the group that node is in
* groupsel -- total selectivity of the group that node is in
typedef struct Stream *StreamPtr;
typedef struct Stream
NodeTag type;
Path *pathptr;
RestrictInfo *cinfo;
int *clausetype;
StreamPtr upstream;
StreamPtr downstream;
bool groupup;
Cost groupcost;
Cost groupsel;
} Stream;
#endif /* RELATION_H */