Tom Lane f09346a9c6 Refactor planner's header files.
Create a new header optimizer/optimizer.h, which exposes just the
planner functions that can be used "at arm's length", without need
to access Paths or the other planner-internal data structures defined
in nodes/relation.h.  This is intended to provide the whole planner
API seen by most of the rest of the system; although FDWs still need
to use additional stuff, and more thought is also needed about just
what selfuncs.c should rely on.

The main point of doing this now is to limit the amount of new
#include baggage that will be needed by "planner support functions",
which I expect to introduce later, and which will be in relevant
datatype modules rather than anywhere near the planner.

This commit just moves relevant declarations into optimizer.h from
other header files (a couple of which go away because everything
got moved), and adjusts #include lists to match.  There's further
cleanup that could be done if we want to decide that some stuff
being exposed by optimizer.h doesn't belong in the planner at all,
but I'll leave that for another day.

2019-01-29 15:48:51 -05:00

2660 lines
81 KiB

* indexcmds.c
* POSTGRES define and remove index code.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/commands/indexcmds.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/amapi.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/partition.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am.h"
#include "catalog/pg_constraint.h"
#include "catalog/pg_inherits.h"
#include "catalog/pg_opclass.h"
#include "catalog/pg_opfamily.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/comment.h"
#include "commands/dbcommands.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/event_trigger.h"
#include "commands/tablecmds.h"
#include "commands/tablespace.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/procarray.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/partcache.h"
#include "utils/regproc.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
/* non-export function prototypes */
static void CheckPredicate(Expr *predicate);
static void ComputeIndexAttrs(IndexInfo *indexInfo,
Oid *typeOidP,
Oid *collationOidP,
Oid *classOidP,
int16 *colOptionP,
List *attList,
List *exclusionOpNames,
Oid relId,
const char *accessMethodName, Oid accessMethodId,
bool amcanorder,
bool isconstraint);
static char *ChooseIndexName(const char *tabname, Oid namespaceId,
List *colnames, List *exclusionOpNames,
bool primary, bool isconstraint);
static char *ChooseIndexNameAddition(List *colnames);
static List *ChooseIndexColumnNames(List *indexElems);
static void RangeVarCallbackForReindexIndex(const RangeVar *relation,
Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg);
static void ReindexPartitionedIndex(Relation parentIdx);
* CheckIndexCompatible
* Determine whether an existing index definition is compatible with a
* prospective index definition, such that the existing index storage
* could become the storage of the new index, avoiding a rebuild.
* 'heapRelation': the relation the index would apply to.
* 'accessMethodName': name of the AM to use.
* 'attributeList': a list of IndexElem specifying columns and expressions
* to index on.
* 'exclusionOpNames': list of names of exclusion-constraint operators,
* or NIL if not an exclusion constraint.
* This is tailored to the needs of ALTER TABLE ALTER TYPE, which recreates
* any indexes that depended on a changing column from their pg_get_indexdef
* or pg_get_constraintdef definitions. We omit some of the sanity checks of
* DefineIndex. We assume that the old and new indexes have the same number
* of columns and that if one has an expression column or predicate, both do.
* Errors arising from the attribute list still apply.
* Most column type changes that can skip a table rewrite do not invalidate
* indexes. We acknowledge this when all operator classes, collations and
* exclusion operators match. Though we could further permit intra-opfamily
* changes for btree and hash indexes, that adds subtle complexity with no
* concrete benefit for core types. Note, that INCLUDE columns aren't
* checked by this function, for them it's enough that table rewrite is
* skipped.
* When a comparison or exclusion operator has a polymorphic input type, the
* actual input types must also match. This defends against the possibility
* that operators could vary behavior in response to get_fn_expr_argtype().
* At present, this hazard is theoretical: check_exclusion_constraint() and
* all core index access methods decline to set fn_expr for such calls.
* We do not yet implement a test to verify compatibility of expression
* columns or predicates, so assume any such index is incompatible.
CheckIndexCompatible(Oid oldId,
const char *accessMethodName,
List *attributeList,
List *exclusionOpNames)
bool isconstraint;
Oid *typeObjectId;
Oid *collationObjectId;
Oid *classObjectId;
Oid accessMethodId;
Oid relationId;
HeapTuple tuple;
Form_pg_index indexForm;
Form_pg_am accessMethodForm;
IndexAmRoutine *amRoutine;
bool amcanorder;
int16 *coloptions;
IndexInfo *indexInfo;
int numberOfAttributes;
int old_natts;
bool isnull;
bool ret = true;
oidvector *old_indclass;
oidvector *old_indcollation;
Relation irel;
int i;
Datum d;
/* Caller should already have the relation locked in some way. */
relationId = IndexGetRelation(oldId, false);
* We can pretend isconstraint = false unconditionally. It only serves to
* decide the text of an error message that should never happen for us.
isconstraint = false;
numberOfAttributes = list_length(attributeList);
Assert(numberOfAttributes > 0);
Assert(numberOfAttributes <= INDEX_MAX_KEYS);
/* look up the access method */
tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMNAME, PointerGetDatum(accessMethodName));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not exist",
accessMethodForm = (Form_pg_am) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
accessMethodId = accessMethodForm->oid;
amRoutine = GetIndexAmRoutine(accessMethodForm->amhandler);
amcanorder = amRoutine->amcanorder;
* Compute the operator classes, collations, and exclusion operators for
* the new index, so we can test whether it's compatible with the existing
* one. Note that ComputeIndexAttrs might fail here, but that's OK:
* DefineIndex would have called this function with the same arguments
* later on, and it would have failed then anyway. Our attributeList
* contains only key attributes, thus we're filling ii_NumIndexAttrs and
* ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs with same value.
indexInfo = makeNode(IndexInfo);
indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs = numberOfAttributes;
indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs = numberOfAttributes;
indexInfo->ii_Expressions = NIL;
indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState = NIL;
indexInfo->ii_PredicateState = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionProcs = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionStrats = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_Am = accessMethodId;
indexInfo->ii_AmCache = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_Context = CurrentMemoryContext;
typeObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
collationObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
classObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
coloptions = (int16 *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(int16));
typeObjectId, collationObjectId, classObjectId,
coloptions, attributeList,
exclusionOpNames, relationId,
accessMethodName, accessMethodId,
amcanorder, isconstraint);
/* Get the soon-obsolete pg_index tuple. */
tuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(oldId));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", oldId);
indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
* We don't assess expressions or predicates; assume incompatibility.
* Also, if the index is invalid for any reason, treat it as incompatible.
if (!(heap_attisnull(tuple, Anum_pg_index_indpred, NULL) &&
heap_attisnull(tuple, Anum_pg_index_indexprs, NULL) &&
return false;
/* Any change in operator class or collation breaks compatibility. */
old_natts = indexForm->indnkeyatts;
Assert(old_natts == numberOfAttributes);
d = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, tuple, Anum_pg_index_indcollation, &isnull);
old_indcollation = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(d);
d = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, tuple, Anum_pg_index_indclass, &isnull);
old_indclass = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(d);
ret = (memcmp(old_indclass->values, classObjectId,
old_natts * sizeof(Oid)) == 0 &&
memcmp(old_indcollation->values, collationObjectId,
old_natts * sizeof(Oid)) == 0);
if (!ret)
return false;
/* For polymorphic opcintype, column type changes break compatibility. */
irel = index_open(oldId, AccessShareLock); /* caller probably has a lock */
for (i = 0; i < old_natts; i++)
if (IsPolymorphicType(get_opclass_input_type(classObjectId[i])) &&
TupleDescAttr(irel->rd_att, i)->atttypid != typeObjectId[i])
ret = false;
/* Any change in exclusion operator selections breaks compatibility. */
if (ret && indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps != NULL)
Oid *old_operators,
uint16 *old_strats;
RelationGetExclusionInfo(irel, &old_operators, &old_procs, &old_strats);
ret = memcmp(old_operators, indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps,
old_natts * sizeof(Oid)) == 0;
/* Require an exact input type match for polymorphic operators. */
if (ret)
for (i = 0; i < old_natts && ret; i++)
Oid left,
op_input_types(indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps[i], &left, &right);
if ((IsPolymorphicType(left) || IsPolymorphicType(right)) &&
TupleDescAttr(irel->rd_att, i)->atttypid != typeObjectId[i])
ret = false;
index_close(irel, NoLock);
return ret;
* DefineIndex
* Creates a new index.
* 'relationId': the OID of the heap relation on which the index is to be
* created
* 'stmt': IndexStmt describing the properties of the new index.
* 'indexRelationId': normally InvalidOid, but during bootstrap can be
* nonzero to specify a preselected OID for the index.
* 'parentIndexId': the OID of the parent index; InvalidOid if not the child
* of a partitioned index.
* 'parentConstraintId': the OID of the parent constraint; InvalidOid if not
* the child of a constraint (only used when recursing)
* 'is_alter_table': this is due to an ALTER rather than a CREATE operation.
* 'check_rights': check for CREATE rights in namespace and tablespace. (This
* should be true except when ALTER is deleting/recreating an index.)
* 'check_not_in_use': check for table not already in use in current session.
* This should be true unless caller is holding the table open, in which
* case the caller had better have checked it earlier.
* 'skip_build': make the catalog entries but don't create the index files
* 'quiet': suppress the NOTICE chatter ordinarily provided for constraints.
* Returns the object address of the created index.
DefineIndex(Oid relationId,
IndexStmt *stmt,
Oid indexRelationId,
Oid parentIndexId,
Oid parentConstraintId,
bool is_alter_table,
bool check_rights,
bool check_not_in_use,
bool skip_build,
bool quiet)
char *indexRelationName;
char *accessMethodName;
Oid *typeObjectId;
Oid *collationObjectId;
Oid *classObjectId;
Oid accessMethodId;
Oid namespaceId;
Oid tablespaceId;
Oid createdConstraintId = InvalidOid;
List *indexColNames;
List *allIndexParams;
Relation rel;
Relation indexRelation;
HeapTuple tuple;
Form_pg_am accessMethodForm;
IndexAmRoutine *amRoutine;
bool amcanorder;
amoptions_function amoptions;
bool partitioned;
Datum reloptions;
int16 *coloptions;
IndexInfo *indexInfo;
bits16 flags;
bits16 constr_flags;
int numberOfAttributes;
int numberOfKeyAttributes;
TransactionId limitXmin;
VirtualTransactionId *old_snapshots;
ObjectAddress address;
int n_old_snapshots;
LockRelId heaprelid;
LOCKTAG heaplocktag;
LOCKMODE lockmode;
Snapshot snapshot;
int i;
* count key attributes in index
numberOfKeyAttributes = list_length(stmt->indexParams);
* Calculate the new list of index columns including both key columns and
* INCLUDE columns. Later we can determine which of these are key
* columns, and which are just part of the INCLUDE list by checking the
* list position. A list item in a position less than ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs
* is part of the key columns, and anything equal to and over is part of
* the INCLUDE columns.
allIndexParams = list_concat(list_copy(stmt->indexParams),
numberOfAttributes = list_length(allIndexParams);
if (numberOfAttributes <= 0)
errmsg("must specify at least one column")));
if (numberOfAttributes > INDEX_MAX_KEYS)
errmsg("cannot use more than %d columns in an index",
* Only SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/SHARE are allowed while doing a standard
* index build; but for concurrent builds we allow INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
* (but not VACUUM).
* NB: Caller is responsible for making sure that relationId refers to the
* relation on which the index should be built; except in bootstrap mode,
* this will typically require the caller to have already locked the
* relation. To avoid lock upgrade hazards, that lock should be at least
* as strong as the one we take here.
* NB: If the lock strength here ever changes, code that is run by
* parallel workers under the control of certain particular ambuild
* functions will need to be updated, too.
lockmode = stmt->concurrent ? ShareUpdateExclusiveLock : ShareLock;
rel = table_open(relationId, lockmode);
namespaceId = RelationGetNamespace(rel);
/* Ensure that it makes sense to index this kind of relation */
switch (rel->rd_rel->relkind)
/* OK */
* Custom error message for FOREIGN TABLE since the term is close
* to a regular table and can confuse the user.
errmsg("cannot create index on foreign table \"%s\"",
errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table or materialized view",
* Establish behavior for partitioned tables, and verify sanity of
* parameters.
* We do not build an actual index in this case; we only create a few
* catalog entries. The actual indexes are built by recursing for each
* partition.
partitioned = rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE;
if (partitioned)
if (stmt->concurrent)
errmsg("cannot create index on partitioned table \"%s\" concurrently",
if (stmt->excludeOpNames)
errmsg("cannot create exclusion constraints on partitioned table \"%s\"",
* Don't try to CREATE INDEX on temp tables of other backends.
errmsg("cannot create indexes on temporary tables of other sessions")));
* Unless our caller vouches for having checked this already, insist that
* the table not be in use by our own session, either. Otherwise we might
* fail to make entries in the new index (for instance, if an INSERT or
* UPDATE is in progress and has already made its list of target indexes).
if (check_not_in_use)
CheckTableNotInUse(rel, "CREATE INDEX");
* Verify we (still) have CREATE rights in the rel's namespace.
* (Presumably we did when the rel was created, but maybe not anymore.)
* Skip check if caller doesn't want it. Also skip check if
* bootstrapping, since permissions machinery may not be working yet.
if (check_rights && !IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
AclResult aclresult;
aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, GetUserId(),
if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_SCHEMA,
* Select tablespace to use. If not specified, use default tablespace
* (which may in turn default to database's default).
if (stmt->tableSpace)
tablespaceId = get_tablespace_oid(stmt->tableSpace, false);
tablespaceId = GetDefaultTablespace(rel->rd_rel->relpersistence);
/* note InvalidOid is OK in this case */
/* Check tablespace permissions */
if (check_rights &&
OidIsValid(tablespaceId) && tablespaceId != MyDatabaseTableSpace)
AclResult aclresult;
aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(tablespaceId, GetUserId(),
if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_TABLESPACE,
* Force shared indexes into the pg_global tablespace. This is a bit of a
* hack but seems simpler than marking them in the BKI commands. On the
* other hand, if it's not shared, don't allow it to be placed there.
if (rel->rd_rel->relisshared)
else if (tablespaceId == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
errmsg("only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace")));
* Choose the index column names.
indexColNames = ChooseIndexColumnNames(allIndexParams);
* Select name for index if caller didn't specify
indexRelationName = stmt->idxname;
if (indexRelationName == NULL)
indexRelationName = ChooseIndexName(RelationGetRelationName(rel),
* look up the access method, verify it can handle the requested features
accessMethodName = stmt->accessMethod;
tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMNAME, PointerGetDatum(accessMethodName));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
* Hack to provide more-or-less-transparent updating of old RTREE
* indexes to GiST: if RTREE is requested and not found, use GIST.
if (strcmp(accessMethodName, "rtree") == 0)
(errmsg("substituting access method \"gist\" for obsolete method \"rtree\"")));
accessMethodName = "gist";
tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMNAME, PointerGetDatum(accessMethodName));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not exist",
accessMethodForm = (Form_pg_am) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
accessMethodId = accessMethodForm->oid;
amRoutine = GetIndexAmRoutine(accessMethodForm->amhandler);
if (stmt->unique && !amRoutine->amcanunique)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support unique indexes",
if (stmt->indexIncludingParams != NIL && !amRoutine->amcaninclude)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support included columns",
if (numberOfAttributes > 1 && !amRoutine->amcanmulticol)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support multicolumn indexes",
if (stmt->excludeOpNames && amRoutine->amgettuple == NULL)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support exclusion constraints",
amcanorder = amRoutine->amcanorder;
amoptions = amRoutine->amoptions;
* Validate predicate, if given
if (stmt->whereClause)
CheckPredicate((Expr *) stmt->whereClause);
* Parse AM-specific options, convert to text array form, validate.
reloptions = transformRelOptions((Datum) 0, stmt->options,
NULL, NULL, false, false);
(void) index_reloptions(amoptions, reloptions, true);
* Prepare arguments for index_create, primarily an IndexInfo structure.
* Note that ii_Predicate must be in implicit-AND format.
indexInfo = makeNode(IndexInfo);
indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs = numberOfAttributes;
indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs = numberOfKeyAttributes;
indexInfo->ii_Expressions = NIL; /* for now */
indexInfo->ii_ExpressionsState = NIL;
indexInfo->ii_Predicate = make_ands_implicit((Expr *) stmt->whereClause);
indexInfo->ii_PredicateState = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionProcs = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionStrats = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_Unique = stmt->unique;
/* In a concurrent build, mark it not-ready-for-inserts */
indexInfo->ii_ReadyForInserts = !stmt->concurrent;
indexInfo->ii_Concurrent = stmt->concurrent;
indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain = false;
indexInfo->ii_ParallelWorkers = 0;
indexInfo->ii_Am = accessMethodId;
indexInfo->ii_AmCache = NULL;
indexInfo->ii_Context = CurrentMemoryContext;
typeObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
collationObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
classObjectId = (Oid *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(Oid));
coloptions = (int16 *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(int16));
typeObjectId, collationObjectId, classObjectId,
coloptions, allIndexParams,
stmt->excludeOpNames, relationId,
accessMethodName, accessMethodId,
amcanorder, stmt->isconstraint);
* Extra checks when creating a PRIMARY KEY index.
if (stmt->primary)
index_check_primary_key(rel, indexInfo, is_alter_table, stmt);
* If this table is partitioned and we're creating a unique index or a
* primary key, make sure that the indexed columns are part of the
* partition key. Otherwise it would be possible to violate uniqueness by
* putting values that ought to be unique in different partitions.
* We could lift this limitation if we had global indexes, but those have
* their own problems, so this is a useful feature combination.
if (partitioned && (stmt->unique || stmt->primary))
PartitionKey key = rel->rd_partkey;
int i;
* A partitioned table can have unique indexes, as long as all the
* columns in the partition key appear in the unique key. A
* partition-local index can enforce global uniqueness iff the PK
* value completely determines the partition that a row is in.
* Thus, verify that all the columns in the partition key appear in
* the unique key definition.
for (i = 0; i < key->partnatts; i++)
bool found = false;
int j;
const char *constraint_type;
if (stmt->primary)
constraint_type = "PRIMARY KEY";
else if (stmt->unique)
constraint_type = "UNIQUE";
else if (stmt->excludeOpNames != NIL)
constraint_type = "EXCLUDE";
elog(ERROR, "unknown constraint type");
constraint_type = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
* It may be possible to support UNIQUE constraints when partition
* keys are expressions, but is it worth it? Give up for now.
if (key->partattrs[i] == 0)
errmsg("unsupported %s constraint with partition key definition",
errdetail("%s constraints cannot be used when partition keys include expressions.",
for (j = 0; j < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; j++)
if (key->partattrs[i] == indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[j])
found = true;
if (!found)
Form_pg_attribute att;
att = TupleDescAttr(RelationGetDescr(rel), key->partattrs[i] - 1);
errmsg("insufficient columns in %s constraint definition",
errdetail("%s constraint on table \"%s\" lacks column \"%s\" which is part of the partition key.",
constraint_type, RelationGetRelationName(rel),
* We disallow indexes on system columns. They would not necessarily get
* updated correctly, and they don't seem useful anyway.
for (i = 0; i < indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs; i++)
AttrNumber attno = indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[i];
if (attno < 0)
errmsg("index creation on system columns is not supported")));
* Also check for system columns used in expressions or predicates.
if (indexInfo->ii_Expressions || indexInfo->ii_Predicate)
Bitmapset *indexattrs = NULL;
pull_varattnos((Node *) indexInfo->ii_Expressions, 1, &indexattrs);
pull_varattnos((Node *) indexInfo->ii_Predicate, 1, &indexattrs);
for (i = FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber + 1; i < 0; i++)
if (bms_is_member(i - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber,
errmsg("index creation on system columns is not supported")));
* Report index creation if appropriate (delay this till after most of the
* error checks)
if (stmt->isconstraint && !quiet)
const char *constraint_type;
if (stmt->primary)
constraint_type = "PRIMARY KEY";
else if (stmt->unique)
constraint_type = "UNIQUE";
else if (stmt->excludeOpNames != NIL)
constraint_type = "EXCLUDE";
elog(ERROR, "unknown constraint type");
constraint_type = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
(errmsg("%s %s will create implicit index \"%s\" for table \"%s\"",
is_alter_table ? "ALTER TABLE / ADD" : "CREATE TABLE /",
indexRelationName, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
* A valid stmt->oldNode implies that we already have a built form of the
* index. The caller should also decline any index build.
Assert(!OidIsValid(stmt->oldNode) || (skip_build && !stmt->concurrent));
* Make the catalog entries for the index, including constraints. This
* step also actually builds the index, except if caller requested not to
* or in concurrent mode, in which case it'll be done later, or doing a
* partitioned index (because those don't have storage).
flags = constr_flags = 0;
if (stmt->isconstraint)
if (skip_build || stmt->concurrent || partitioned)
if (stmt->if_not_exists)
if (stmt->concurrent)
if (partitioned)
if (stmt->primary)
* If the table is partitioned, and recursion was declined but partitions
* exist, mark the index as invalid.
if (partitioned && stmt->relation && !stmt->relation->inh)
PartitionDesc pd = RelationGetPartitionDesc(rel);
if (pd->nparts != 0)
if (stmt->deferrable)
if (stmt->initdeferred)
indexRelationId =
index_create(rel, indexRelationName, indexRelationId, parentIndexId,
stmt->oldNode, indexInfo, indexColNames,
accessMethodId, tablespaceId,
collationObjectId, classObjectId,
coloptions, reloptions,
flags, constr_flags,
allowSystemTableMods, !check_rights,
ObjectAddressSet(address, RelationRelationId, indexRelationId);
if (!OidIsValid(indexRelationId))
table_close(rel, NoLock);
return address;
/* Add any requested comment */
if (stmt->idxcomment != NULL)
CreateComments(indexRelationId, RelationRelationId, 0,
if (partitioned)
* Unless caller specified to skip this step (via ONLY), process each
* partition to make sure they all contain a corresponding index.
* If we're called internally (no stmt->relation), recurse always.
if (!stmt->relation || stmt->relation->inh)
PartitionDesc partdesc = RelationGetPartitionDesc(rel);
int nparts = partdesc->nparts;
Oid *part_oids = palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nparts);
bool invalidate_parent = false;
TupleDesc parentDesc;
Oid *opfamOids;
memcpy(part_oids, partdesc->oids, sizeof(Oid) * nparts);
parentDesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(RelationGetDescr(rel));
opfamOids = palloc(sizeof(Oid) * numberOfKeyAttributes);
for (i = 0; i < numberOfKeyAttributes; i++)
opfamOids[i] = get_opclass_family(classObjectId[i]);
table_close(rel, NoLock);
* For each partition, scan all existing indexes; if one matches
* our index definition and is not already attached to some other
* parent index, attach it to the one we just created.
* If none matches, build a new index by calling ourselves
* recursively with the same options (except for the index name).
for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++)
Oid childRelid = part_oids[i];
Relation childrel;
List *childidxs;
ListCell *cell;
AttrNumber *attmap;
bool found = false;
int maplen;
childrel = table_open(childRelid, lockmode);
childidxs = RelationGetIndexList(childrel);
attmap =
gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
maplen = parentDesc->natts;
foreach(cell, childidxs)
Oid cldidxid = lfirst_oid(cell);
Relation cldidx;
IndexInfo *cldIdxInfo;
/* this index is already partition of another one */
if (has_superclass(cldidxid))
cldidx = index_open(cldidxid, lockmode);
cldIdxInfo = BuildIndexInfo(cldidx);
if (CompareIndexInfo(cldIdxInfo, indexInfo,
attmap, maplen))
Oid cldConstrOid = InvalidOid;
* Found a match.
* If this index is being created in the parent
* because of a constraint, then the child needs to
* have a constraint also, so look for one. If there
* is no such constraint, this index is no good, so
* keep looking.
if (createdConstraintId != InvalidOid)
cldConstrOid =
if (cldConstrOid == InvalidOid)
index_close(cldidx, lockmode);
/* Attach index to parent and we're done. */
IndexSetParentIndex(cldidx, indexRelationId);
if (createdConstraintId != InvalidOid)
if (!cldidx->rd_index->indisvalid)
invalidate_parent = true;
found = true;
/* keep lock till commit */
index_close(cldidx, NoLock);
index_close(cldidx, lockmode);
table_close(childrel, NoLock);
* If no matching index was found, create our own.
if (!found)
IndexStmt *childStmt = copyObject(stmt);
bool found_whole_row;
ListCell *lc;
* Adjust any Vars (both in expressions and in the index's
* WHERE clause) to match the partition's column numbering
* in case it's different from the parent's.
foreach(lc, childStmt->indexParams)
IndexElem *ielem = lfirst(lc);
* If the index parameter is an expression, we must
* translate it to contain child Vars.
if (ielem->expr)
ielem->expr =
map_variable_attnos((Node *) ielem->expr,
1, 0, attmap, maplen,
if (found_whole_row)
elog(ERROR, "cannot convert whole-row table reference");
childStmt->whereClause =
map_variable_attnos(stmt->whereClause, 1, 0,
attmap, maplen,
InvalidOid, &found_whole_row);
if (found_whole_row)
elog(ERROR, "cannot convert whole-row table reference");
childStmt->idxname = NULL;
childStmt->relation = NULL;
DefineIndex(childRelid, childStmt,
InvalidOid, /* no predefined OID */
indexRelationId, /* this is our child */
is_alter_table, check_rights, check_not_in_use,
skip_build, quiet);
* The pg_index row we inserted for this index was marked
* indisvalid=true. But if we attached an existing index that is
* invalid, this is incorrect, so update our row to invalid too.
if (invalidate_parent)
Relation pg_index = table_open(IndexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
HeapTuple tup,
tup = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID,
if (!tup)
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u",
newtup = heap_copytuple(tup);
((Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(newtup))->indisvalid = false;
CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_index, &tup->t_self, newtup);
table_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock);
table_close(rel, NoLock);
* Indexes on partitioned tables are not themselves built, so we're
* done here.
return address;
if (!stmt->concurrent)
/* Close the heap and we're done, in the non-concurrent case */
table_close(rel, NoLock);
return address;
/* save lockrelid and locktag for below, then close rel */
heaprelid = rel->rd_lockInfo.lockRelId;
SET_LOCKTAG_RELATION(heaplocktag, heaprelid.dbId, heaprelid.relId);
table_close(rel, NoLock);
* For a concurrent build, it's important to make the catalog entries
* visible to other transactions before we start to build the index. That
* will prevent them from making incompatible HOT updates. The new index
* will be marked not indisready and not indisvalid, so that no one else
* tries to either insert into it or use it for queries.
* We must commit our current transaction so that the index becomes
* visible; then start another. Note that all the data structures we just
* built are lost in the commit. The only data we keep past here are the
* relation IDs.
* Before committing, get a session-level lock on the table, to ensure
* that neither it nor the index can be dropped before we finish. This
* cannot block, even if someone else is waiting for access, because we
* already have the same lock within our transaction.
* Note: we don't currently bother with a session lock on the index,
* because there are no operations that could change its state while we
* hold lock on the parent table. This might need to change later.
LockRelationIdForSession(&heaprelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock);
* Phase 2 of concurrent index build (see comments for validate_index()
* for an overview of how this works)
* Now we must wait until no running transaction could have the table open
* with the old list of indexes. Use ShareLock to consider running
* transactions that hold locks that permit writing to the table. Note we
* do not need to worry about xacts that open the table for writing after
* this point; they will see the new index when they open it.
* Note: the reason we use actual lock acquisition here, rather than just
* checking the ProcArray and sleeping, is that deadlock is possible if
* one of the transactions in question is blocked trying to acquire an
* exclusive lock on our table. The lock code will detect deadlock and
* error out properly.
WaitForLockers(heaplocktag, ShareLock);
* At this moment we are sure that there are no transactions with the
* table open for write that don't have this new index in their list of
* indexes. We have waited out all the existing transactions and any new
* transaction will have the new index in its list, but the index is still
* marked as "not-ready-for-inserts". The index is consulted while
* deciding HOT-safety though. This arrangement ensures that no new HOT
* chains can be created where the new tuple and the old tuple in the
* chain have different index keys.
* We now take a new snapshot, and build the index using all tuples that
* are visible in this snapshot. We can be sure that any HOT updates to
* these tuples will be compatible with the index, since any updates made
* by transactions that didn't know about the index are now committed or
* rolled back. Thus, each visible tuple is either the end of its
* HOT-chain or the extension of the chain is HOT-safe for this index.
/* Open and lock the parent heap relation */
rel = table_open(relationId, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock);
/* And the target index relation */
indexRelation = index_open(indexRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
/* Set ActiveSnapshot since functions in the indexes may need it */
/* We have to re-build the IndexInfo struct, since it was lost in commit */
indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(indexRelation);
indexInfo->ii_Concurrent = true;
indexInfo->ii_BrokenHotChain = false;
/* Now build the index */
index_build(rel, indexRelation, indexInfo, false, true);
/* Close both the relations, but keep the locks */
table_close(rel, NoLock);
index_close(indexRelation, NoLock);
* Update the pg_index row to mark the index as ready for inserts. Once we
* commit this transaction, any new transactions that open the table must
* insert new entries into the index for insertions and non-HOT updates.
index_set_state_flags(indexRelationId, INDEX_CREATE_SET_READY);
/* we can do away with our snapshot */
* Commit this transaction to make the indisready update visible.
* Phase 3 of concurrent index build
* We once again wait until no transaction can have the table open with
* the index marked as read-only for updates.
WaitForLockers(heaplocktag, ShareLock);
* Now take the "reference snapshot" that will be used by validate_index()
* to filter candidate tuples. Beware! There might still be snapshots in
* use that treat some transaction as in-progress that our reference
* snapshot treats as committed. If such a recently-committed transaction
* deleted tuples in the table, we will not include them in the index; yet
* those transactions which see the deleting one as still-in-progress will
* expect such tuples to be there once we mark the index as valid.
* We solve this by waiting for all endangered transactions to exit before
* we mark the index as valid.
* We also set ActiveSnapshot to this snap, since functions in indexes may
* need a snapshot.
snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
* Scan the index and the heap, insert any missing index entries.
validate_index(relationId, indexRelationId, snapshot);
* Drop the reference snapshot. We must do this before waiting out other
* snapshot holders, else we will deadlock against other processes also
* doing CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY, which would see our snapshot as one
* they must wait for. But first, save the snapshot's xmin to use as
* limitXmin for GetCurrentVirtualXIDs().
limitXmin = snapshot->xmin;
* The snapshot subsystem could still contain registered snapshots that
* are holding back our process's advertised xmin; in particular, if
* default_transaction_isolation = serializable, there is a transaction
* snapshot that is still active. The CatalogSnapshot is likewise a
* hazard. To ensure no deadlocks, we must commit and start yet another
* transaction, and do our wait before any snapshot has been taken in it.
/* We should now definitely not be advertising any xmin. */
Assert(MyPgXact->xmin == InvalidTransactionId);
* The index is now valid in the sense that it contains all currently
* interesting tuples. But since it might not contain tuples deleted just
* before the reference snap was taken, we have to wait out any
* transactions that might have older snapshots. Obtain a list of VXIDs
* of such transactions, and wait for them individually.
* We can exclude any running transactions that have xmin > the xmin of
* our reference snapshot; their oldest snapshot must be newer than ours.
* We can also exclude any transactions that have xmin = zero, since they
* evidently have no live snapshot at all (and any one they might be in
* process of taking is certainly newer than ours). Transactions in other
* DBs can be ignored too, since they'll never even be able to see this
* index.
* We can also exclude autovacuum processes and processes running manual
* lazy VACUUMs, because they won't be fazed by missing index entries
* either. (Manual ANALYZEs, however, can't be excluded because they
* might be within transactions that are going to do arbitrary operations
* later.)
* Also, GetCurrentVirtualXIDs never reports our own vxid, so we need not
* check for that.
* If a process goes idle-in-transaction with xmin zero, we do not need to
* wait for it anymore, per the above argument. We do not have the
* infrastructure right now to stop waiting if that happens, but we can at
* least avoid the folly of waiting when it is idle at the time we would
* begin to wait. We do this by repeatedly rechecking the output of
* GetCurrentVirtualXIDs. If, during any iteration, a particular vxid
* doesn't show up in the output, we know we can forget about it.
old_snapshots = GetCurrentVirtualXIDs(limitXmin, true, false,
for (i = 0; i < n_old_snapshots; i++)
if (!VirtualTransactionIdIsValid(old_snapshots[i]))
continue; /* found uninteresting in previous cycle */
if (i > 0)
/* see if anything's changed ... */
VirtualTransactionId *newer_snapshots;
int n_newer_snapshots;
int j;
int k;
newer_snapshots = GetCurrentVirtualXIDs(limitXmin,
true, false,
for (j = i; j < n_old_snapshots; j++)
if (!VirtualTransactionIdIsValid(old_snapshots[j]))
continue; /* found uninteresting in previous cycle */
for (k = 0; k < n_newer_snapshots; k++)
if (VirtualTransactionIdEquals(old_snapshots[j],
if (k >= n_newer_snapshots) /* not there anymore */
if (VirtualTransactionIdIsValid(old_snapshots[i]))
VirtualXactLock(old_snapshots[i], true);
* Index can now be marked valid -- update its pg_index entry
index_set_state_flags(indexRelationId, INDEX_CREATE_SET_VALID);
* The pg_index update will cause backends (including this one) to update
* relcache entries for the index itself, but we should also send a
* relcache inval on the parent table to force replanning of cached plans.
* Otherwise existing sessions might fail to use the new index where it
* would be useful. (Note that our earlier commits did not create reasons
* to replan; so relcache flush on the index itself was sufficient.)
* Last thing to do is release the session-level lock on the parent table.
UnlockRelationIdForSession(&heaprelid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock);
return address;
* CheckMutability
* Test whether given expression is mutable
static bool
CheckMutability(Expr *expr)
* First run the expression through the planner. This has a couple of
* important consequences. First, function default arguments will get
* inserted, which may affect volatility (consider "default now()").
* Second, inline-able functions will get inlined, which may allow us to
* conclude that the function is really less volatile than it's marked. As
* an example, polymorphic functions must be marked with the most volatile
* behavior that they have for any input type, but once we inline the
* function we may be able to conclude that it's not so volatile for the
* particular input type we're dealing with.
* We assume here that expression_planner() won't scribble on its input.
expr = expression_planner(expr);
/* Now we can search for non-immutable functions */
return contain_mutable_functions((Node *) expr);
* CheckPredicate
* Checks that the given partial-index predicate is valid.
* This used to also constrain the form of the predicate to forms that
* indxpath.c could do something with. However, that seems overly
* restrictive. One useful application of partial indexes is to apply
* a UNIQUE constraint across a subset of a table, and in that scenario
* any evaluable predicate will work. So accept any predicate here
* (except ones requiring a plan), and let indxpath.c fend for itself.
static void
CheckPredicate(Expr *predicate)
* transformExpr() should have already rejected subqueries, aggregates,
* and window functions, based on the EXPR_KIND_ for a predicate.
* A predicate using mutable functions is probably wrong, for the same
* reasons that we don't allow an index expression to use one.
if (CheckMutability(predicate))
errmsg("functions in index predicate must be marked IMMUTABLE")));
* Compute per-index-column information, including indexed column numbers
* or index expressions, opclasses, and indoptions. Note, all output vectors
* should be allocated for all columns, including "including" ones.
static void
ComputeIndexAttrs(IndexInfo *indexInfo,
Oid *typeOidP,
Oid *collationOidP,
Oid *classOidP,
int16 *colOptionP,
List *attList, /* list of IndexElem's */
List *exclusionOpNames,
Oid relId,
const char *accessMethodName,
Oid accessMethodId,
bool amcanorder,
bool isconstraint)
ListCell *nextExclOp;
ListCell *lc;
int attn;
int nkeycols = indexInfo->ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs;
/* Allocate space for exclusion operator info, if needed */
if (exclusionOpNames)
Assert(list_length(exclusionOpNames) == nkeycols);
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycols);
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionProcs = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycols);
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionStrats = (uint16 *) palloc(sizeof(uint16) * nkeycols);
nextExclOp = list_head(exclusionOpNames);
nextExclOp = NULL;
* process attributeList
attn = 0;
foreach(lc, attList)
IndexElem *attribute = (IndexElem *) lfirst(lc);
Oid atttype;
Oid attcollation;
* Process the column-or-expression to be indexed.
if (attribute->name != NULL)
/* Simple index attribute */
HeapTuple atttuple;
Form_pg_attribute attform;
Assert(attribute->expr == NULL);
atttuple = SearchSysCacheAttName(relId, attribute->name);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttuple))
/* difference in error message spellings is historical */
if (isconstraint)
errmsg("column \"%s\" named in key does not exist",
errmsg("column \"%s\" does not exist",
attform = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttuple);
indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[attn] = attform->attnum;
atttype = attform->atttypid;
attcollation = attform->attcollation;
/* Index expression */
Node *expr = attribute->expr;
Assert(expr != NULL);
if (attn >= nkeycols)
errmsg("expressions are not supported in included columns")));
atttype = exprType(expr);
attcollation = exprCollation(expr);
* Strip any top-level COLLATE clause. This ensures that we treat
* "x COLLATE y" and "(x COLLATE y)" alike.
while (IsA(expr, CollateExpr))
expr = (Node *) ((CollateExpr *) expr)->arg;
if (IsA(expr, Var) &&
((Var *) expr)->varattno != InvalidAttrNumber)
* User wrote "(column)" or "(column COLLATE something)".
* Treat it like simple attribute anyway.
indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[attn] = ((Var *) expr)->varattno;
indexInfo->ii_IndexAttrNumbers[attn] = 0; /* marks expression */
indexInfo->ii_Expressions = lappend(indexInfo->ii_Expressions,
* transformExpr() should have already rejected subqueries,
* aggregates, and window functions, based on the EXPR_KIND_
* for an index expression.
* An expression using mutable functions is probably wrong,
* since if you aren't going to get the same result for the
* same data every time, it's not clear what the index entries
* mean at all.
if (CheckMutability((Expr *) expr))
errmsg("functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE")));
typeOidP[attn] = atttype;
* Included columns have no collation, no opclass and no ordering
* options.
if (attn >= nkeycols)
if (attribute->collation)
errmsg("including column does not support a collation")));
if (attribute->opclass)
errmsg("including column does not support an operator class")));
if (attribute->ordering != SORTBY_DEFAULT)
errmsg("including column does not support ASC/DESC options")));
if (attribute->nulls_ordering != SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT)
errmsg("including column does not support NULLS FIRST/LAST options")));
classOidP[attn] = InvalidOid;
colOptionP[attn] = 0;
collationOidP[attn] = InvalidOid;
* Apply collation override if any
if (attribute->collation)
attcollation = get_collation_oid(attribute->collation, false);
* Check we have a collation iff it's a collatable type. The only
* expected failures here are (1) COLLATE applied to a noncollatable
* type, or (2) index expression had an unresolved collation. But we
* might as well code this to be a complete consistency check.
if (type_is_collatable(atttype))
if (!OidIsValid(attcollation))
errmsg("could not determine which collation to use for index expression"),
errhint("Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.")));
if (OidIsValid(attcollation))
errmsg("collations are not supported by type %s",
collationOidP[attn] = attcollation;
* Identify the opclass to use.
classOidP[attn] = ResolveOpClass(attribute->opclass,
* Identify the exclusion operator, if any.
if (nextExclOp)
List *opname = (List *) lfirst(nextExclOp);
Oid opid;
Oid opfamily;
int strat;
* Find the operator --- it must accept the column datatype
* without runtime coercion (but binary compatibility is OK)
opid = compatible_oper_opid(opname, atttype, atttype, false);
* Only allow commutative operators to be used in exclusion
* constraints. If X conflicts with Y, but Y does not conflict
* with X, bad things will happen.
if (get_commutator(opid) != opid)
errmsg("operator %s is not commutative",
errdetail("Only commutative operators can be used in exclusion constraints.")));
* Operator must be a member of the right opfamily, too
opfamily = get_opclass_family(classOidP[attn]);
strat = get_op_opfamily_strategy(opid, opfamily);
if (strat == 0)
HeapTuple opftuple;
Form_pg_opfamily opfform;
* attribute->opclass might not explicitly name the opfamily,
* so fetch the name of the selected opfamily for use in the
* error message.
opftuple = SearchSysCache1(OPFAMILYOID,
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(opftuple))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opfamily %u",
opfform = (Form_pg_opfamily) GETSTRUCT(opftuple);
errmsg("operator %s is not a member of operator family \"%s\"",
errdetail("The exclusion operator must be related to the index operator class for the constraint.")));
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionOps[attn] = opid;
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionProcs[attn] = get_opcode(opid);
indexInfo->ii_ExclusionStrats[attn] = strat;
nextExclOp = lnext(nextExclOp);
* Set up the per-column options (indoption field). For now, this is
* zero for any un-ordered index, while ordered indexes have DESC and
colOptionP[attn] = 0;
if (amcanorder)
/* default ordering is ASC */
if (attribute->ordering == SORTBY_DESC)
colOptionP[attn] |= INDOPTION_DESC;
/* default null ordering is LAST for ASC, FIRST for DESC */
if (attribute->nulls_ordering == SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT)
if (attribute->ordering == SORTBY_DESC)
colOptionP[attn] |= INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST;
else if (attribute->nulls_ordering == SORTBY_NULLS_FIRST)
colOptionP[attn] |= INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST;
/* index AM does not support ordering */
if (attribute->ordering != SORTBY_DEFAULT)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support ASC/DESC options",
if (attribute->nulls_ordering != SORTBY_NULLS_DEFAULT)
errmsg("access method \"%s\" does not support NULLS FIRST/LAST options",
* Resolve possibly-defaulted operator class specification
* Note: This is used to resolve operator class specification in index and
* partition key definitions.
ResolveOpClass(List *opclass, Oid attrType,
const char *accessMethodName, Oid accessMethodId)
char *schemaname;
char *opcname;
HeapTuple tuple;
Form_pg_opclass opform;
Oid opClassId,
* Release 7.0 removed network_ops, timespan_ops, and datetime_ops, so we
* ignore those opclass names so the default *_ops is used. This can be
* removed in some later release. bjm 2000/02/07
* Release 7.1 removes lztext_ops, so suppress that too for a while. tgl
* 2000/07/30
* Release 7.2 renames timestamp_ops to timestamptz_ops, so suppress that
* too for awhile. I'm starting to think we need a better approach. tgl
* 2000/10/01
* Release 8.0 removes bigbox_ops (which was dead code for a long while
* anyway). tgl 2003/11/11
if (list_length(opclass) == 1)
char *claname = strVal(linitial(opclass));
if (strcmp(claname, "network_ops") == 0 ||
strcmp(claname, "timespan_ops") == 0 ||
strcmp(claname, "datetime_ops") == 0 ||
strcmp(claname, "lztext_ops") == 0 ||
strcmp(claname, "timestamp_ops") == 0 ||
strcmp(claname, "bigbox_ops") == 0)
opclass = NIL;
if (opclass == NIL)
/* no operator class specified, so find the default */
opClassId = GetDefaultOpClass(attrType, accessMethodId);
if (!OidIsValid(opClassId))
errmsg("data type %s has no default operator class for access method \"%s\"",
format_type_be(attrType), accessMethodName),
errhint("You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.")));
return opClassId;
* Specific opclass name given, so look up the opclass.
/* deconstruct the name list */
DeconstructQualifiedName(opclass, &schemaname, &opcname);
if (schemaname)
/* Look in specific schema only */
Oid namespaceId;
namespaceId = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname, false);
tuple = SearchSysCache3(CLAAMNAMENSP,
/* Unqualified opclass name, so search the search path */
opClassId = OpclassnameGetOpcid(accessMethodId, opcname);
if (!OidIsValid(opClassId))
errmsg("operator class \"%s\" does not exist for access method \"%s\"",
opcname, accessMethodName)));
tuple = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opClassId));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
errmsg("operator class \"%s\" does not exist for access method \"%s\"",
NameListToString(opclass), accessMethodName)));
* Verify that the index operator class accepts this datatype. Note we
* will accept binary compatibility.
opform = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
opClassId = opform->oid;
opInputType = opform->opcintype;
if (!IsBinaryCoercible(attrType, opInputType))
errmsg("operator class \"%s\" does not accept data type %s",
NameListToString(opclass), format_type_be(attrType))));
return opClassId;
* GetDefaultOpClass
* Given the OIDs of a datatype and an access method, find the default
* operator class, if any. Returns InvalidOid if there is none.
GetDefaultOpClass(Oid type_id, Oid am_id)
Oid result = InvalidOid;
int nexact = 0;
int ncompatible = 0;
int ncompatiblepreferred = 0;
Relation rel;
ScanKeyData skey[1];
SysScanDesc scan;
HeapTuple tup;
TYPCATEGORY tcategory;
/* If it's a domain, look at the base type instead */
type_id = getBaseType(type_id);
tcategory = TypeCategory(type_id);
* We scan through all the opclasses available for the access method,
* looking for one that is marked default and matches the target type
* (either exactly or binary-compatibly, but prefer an exact match).
* We could find more than one binary-compatible match. If just one is
* for a preferred type, use that one; otherwise we fail, forcing the user
* to specify which one he wants. (The preferred-type special case is a
* kluge for varchar: it's binary-compatible to both text and bpchar, so
* we need a tiebreaker.) If we find more than one exact match, then
* someone put bogus entries in pg_opclass.
rel = table_open(OperatorClassRelationId, AccessShareLock);
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
scan = systable_beginscan(rel, OpclassAmNameNspIndexId, true,
NULL, 1, skey);
while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = systable_getnext(scan)))
Form_pg_opclass opclass = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tup);
/* ignore altogether if not a default opclass */
if (!opclass->opcdefault)
if (opclass->opcintype == type_id)
result = opclass->oid;
else if (nexact == 0 &&
IsBinaryCoercible(type_id, opclass->opcintype))
if (IsPreferredType(tcategory, opclass->opcintype))
result = opclass->oid;
else if (ncompatiblepreferred == 0)
result = opclass->oid;
table_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
/* raise error if pg_opclass contains inconsistent data */
if (nexact > 1)
errmsg("there are multiple default operator classes for data type %s",
if (nexact == 1 ||
ncompatiblepreferred == 1 ||
(ncompatiblepreferred == 0 && ncompatible == 1))
return result;
return InvalidOid;
* makeObjectName()
* Create a name for an implicitly created index, sequence, constraint,
* extended statistics, etc.
* The parameters are typically: the original table name, the original field
* name, and a "type" string (such as "seq" or "pkey"). The field name
* and/or type can be NULL if not relevant.
* The result is a palloc'd string.
* The basic result we want is "name1_name2_label", omitting "_name2" or
* "_label" when those parameters are NULL. However, we must generate
* a name with less than NAMEDATALEN characters! So, we truncate one or
* both names if necessary to make a short-enough string. The label part
* is never truncated (so it had better be reasonably short).
* The caller is responsible for checking uniqueness of the generated
* name and retrying as needed; retrying will be done by altering the
* "label" string (which is why we never truncate that part).
char *
makeObjectName(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *label)
char *name;
int overhead = 0; /* chars needed for label and underscores */
int availchars; /* chars available for name(s) */
int name1chars; /* chars allocated to name1 */
int name2chars; /* chars allocated to name2 */
int ndx;
name1chars = strlen(name1);
if (name2)
name2chars = strlen(name2);
overhead++; /* allow for separating underscore */
name2chars = 0;
if (label)
overhead += strlen(label) + 1;
availchars = NAMEDATALEN - 1 - overhead;
Assert(availchars > 0); /* else caller chose a bad label */
* If we must truncate, preferentially truncate the longer name. This
* logic could be expressed without a loop, but it's simple and obvious as
* a loop.
while (name1chars + name2chars > availchars)
if (name1chars > name2chars)
name1chars = pg_mbcliplen(name1, name1chars, name1chars);
if (name2)
name2chars = pg_mbcliplen(name2, name2chars, name2chars);
/* Now construct the string using the chosen lengths */
name = palloc(name1chars + name2chars + overhead + 1);
memcpy(name, name1, name1chars);
ndx = name1chars;
if (name2)
name[ndx++] = '_';
memcpy(name + ndx, name2, name2chars);
ndx += name2chars;
if (label)
name[ndx++] = '_';
strcpy(name + ndx, label);
name[ndx] = '\0';
return name;
* Select a nonconflicting name for a new relation. This is ordinarily
* used to choose index names (which is why it's here) but it can also
* be used for sequences, or any autogenerated relation kind.
* name1, name2, and label are used the same way as for makeObjectName(),
* except that the label can't be NULL; digits will be appended to the label
* if needed to create a name that is unique within the specified namespace.
* If isconstraint is true, we also avoid choosing a name matching any
* existing constraint in the same namespace. (This is stricter than what
* Postgres itself requires, but the SQL standard says that constraint names
* should be unique within schemas, so we follow that for autogenerated
* constraint names.)
* Note: it is theoretically possible to get a collision anyway, if someone
* else chooses the same name concurrently. This is fairly unlikely to be
* a problem in practice, especially if one is holding an exclusive lock on
* the relation identified by name1. However, if choosing multiple names
* within a single command, you'd better create the new object and do
* CommandCounterIncrement before choosing the next one!
* Returns a palloc'd string.
char *
ChooseRelationName(const char *name1, const char *name2,
const char *label, Oid namespaceid,
bool isconstraint)
int pass = 0;
char *relname = NULL;
char modlabel[NAMEDATALEN];
/* try the unmodified label first */
StrNCpy(modlabel, label, sizeof(modlabel));
for (;;)
relname = makeObjectName(name1, name2, modlabel);
if (!OidIsValid(get_relname_relid(relname, namespaceid)))
if (!isconstraint ||
!ConstraintNameExists(relname, namespaceid))
/* found a conflict, so try a new name component */
snprintf(modlabel, sizeof(modlabel), "%s%d", label, ++pass);
return relname;
* Select the name to be used for an index.
* The argument list is pretty ad-hoc :-(
static char *
ChooseIndexName(const char *tabname, Oid namespaceId,
List *colnames, List *exclusionOpNames,
bool primary, bool isconstraint)
char *indexname;
if (primary)
/* the primary key's name does not depend on the specific column(s) */
indexname = ChooseRelationName(tabname,
else if (exclusionOpNames != NIL)
indexname = ChooseRelationName(tabname,
else if (isconstraint)
indexname = ChooseRelationName(tabname,
indexname = ChooseRelationName(tabname,
return indexname;
* Generate "name2" for a new index given the list of column names for it
* (as produced by ChooseIndexColumnNames). This will be passed to
* ChooseRelationName along with the parent table name and a suitable label.
* We know that less than NAMEDATALEN characters will actually be used,
* so we can truncate the result once we've generated that many.
* XXX See also ChooseExtendedStatisticNameAddition.
static char *
ChooseIndexNameAddition(List *colnames)
char buf[NAMEDATALEN * 2];
int buflen = 0;
ListCell *lc;
buf[0] = '\0';
foreach(lc, colnames)
const char *name = (const char *) lfirst(lc);
if (buflen > 0)
buf[buflen++] = '_'; /* insert _ between names */
* At this point we have buflen <= NAMEDATALEN. name should be less
* than NAMEDATALEN already, but use strlcpy for paranoia.
strlcpy(buf + buflen, name, NAMEDATALEN);
buflen += strlen(buf + buflen);
if (buflen >= NAMEDATALEN)
return pstrdup(buf);
* Select the actual names to be used for the columns of an index, given the
* list of IndexElems for the columns. This is mostly about ensuring the
* names are unique so we don't get a conflicting-attribute-names error.
* Returns a List of plain strings (char *, not String nodes).
static List *
ChooseIndexColumnNames(List *indexElems)
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
foreach(lc, indexElems)
IndexElem *ielem = (IndexElem *) lfirst(lc);
const char *origname;
const char *curname;
int i;
char buf[NAMEDATALEN];
/* Get the preliminary name from the IndexElem */
if (ielem->indexcolname)
origname = ielem->indexcolname; /* caller-specified name */
else if (ielem->name)
origname = ielem->name; /* simple column reference */
origname = "expr"; /* default name for expression */
/* If it conflicts with any previous column, tweak it */
curname = origname;
for (i = 1;; i++)
ListCell *lc2;
char nbuf[32];
int nlen;
foreach(lc2, result)
if (strcmp(curname, (char *) lfirst(lc2)) == 0)
if (lc2 == NULL)
break; /* found nonconflicting name */
sprintf(nbuf, "%d", i);
/* Ensure generated names are shorter than NAMEDATALEN */
nlen = pg_mbcliplen(origname, strlen(origname),
NAMEDATALEN - 1 - strlen(nbuf));
memcpy(buf, origname, nlen);
strcpy(buf + nlen, nbuf);
curname = buf;
/* And attach to the result list */
result = lappend(result, pstrdup(curname));
return result;
* ReindexIndex
* Recreate a specific index.
ReindexIndex(RangeVar *indexRelation, int options)
Oid indOid;
Oid heapOid = InvalidOid;
Relation irel;
char persistence;
* Find and lock index, and check permissions on table; use callback to
* obtain lock on table first, to avoid deadlock hazard. The lock level
* used here must match the index lock obtained in reindex_index().
indOid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(indexRelation, AccessExclusiveLock,
(void *) &heapOid);
* Obtain the current persistence of the existing index. We already hold
* lock on the index.
irel = index_open(indOid, NoLock);
if (irel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX)
persistence = irel->rd_rel->relpersistence;
index_close(irel, NoLock);
reindex_index(indOid, false, persistence, options);
* Check permissions on table before acquiring relation lock; also lock
* the heap before the RangeVarGetRelidExtended takes the index lock, to avoid
* deadlocks.
static void
RangeVarCallbackForReindexIndex(const RangeVar *relation,
Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg)
char relkind;
Oid *heapOid = (Oid *) arg;
* If we previously locked some other index's heap, and the name we're
* looking up no longer refers to that relation, release the now-useless
* lock.
if (relId != oldRelId && OidIsValid(oldRelId))
/* lock level here should match reindex_index() heap lock */
UnlockRelationOid(*heapOid, ShareLock);
*heapOid = InvalidOid;
/* If the relation does not exist, there's nothing more to do. */
if (!OidIsValid(relId))
* If the relation does exist, check whether it's an index. But note that
* the relation might have been dropped between the time we did the name
* lookup and now. In that case, there's nothing to do.
relkind = get_rel_relkind(relId);
if (!relkind)
if (relkind != RELKIND_INDEX &&
errmsg("\"%s\" is not an index", relation->relname)));
/* Check permissions */
if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relId, GetUserId()))
aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, OBJECT_INDEX, relation->relname);
/* Lock heap before index to avoid deadlock. */
if (relId != oldRelId)
* Lock level here should match reindex_index() heap lock. If the OID
* isn't valid, it means the index as concurrently dropped, which is
* not a problem for us; just return normally.
*heapOid = IndexGetRelation(relId, true);
if (OidIsValid(*heapOid))
LockRelationOid(*heapOid, ShareLock);
* ReindexTable
* Recreate all indexes of a table (and of its toast table, if any)
ReindexTable(RangeVar *relation, int options)
Oid heapOid;
/* The lock level used here should match reindex_relation(). */
heapOid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(relation, ShareLock, 0,
RangeVarCallbackOwnsTable, NULL);
if (!reindex_relation(heapOid,
(errmsg("table \"%s\" has no indexes",
return heapOid;
* ReindexMultipleTables
* Recreate indexes of tables selected by objectName/objectKind.
* To reduce the probability of deadlocks, each table is reindexed in a
* separate transaction, so we can release the lock on it right away.
* That means this must not be called within a user transaction block!
ReindexMultipleTables(const char *objectName, ReindexObjectType objectKind,
int options)
Oid objectOid;
Relation relationRelation;
HeapScanDesc scan;
ScanKeyData scan_keys[1];
HeapTuple tuple;
MemoryContext private_context;
MemoryContext old;
List *relids = NIL;
ListCell *l;
int num_keys;
Assert(objectKind == REINDEX_OBJECT_SCHEMA ||
* Get OID of object to reindex, being the database currently being used
* by session for a database or for system catalogs, or the schema defined
* by caller. At the same time do permission checks that need different
* processing depending on the object type.
if (objectKind == REINDEX_OBJECT_SCHEMA)
objectOid = get_namespace_oid(objectName, false);
if (!pg_namespace_ownercheck(objectOid, GetUserId()))
objectOid = MyDatabaseId;
if (strcmp(objectName, get_database_name(objectOid)) != 0)
errmsg("can only reindex the currently open database")));
if (!pg_database_ownercheck(objectOid, GetUserId()))
* Create a memory context that will survive forced transaction commits we
* do below. Since it is a child of PortalContext, it will go away
* eventually even if we suffer an error; there's no need for special
* abort cleanup logic.
private_context = AllocSetContextCreate(PortalContext,
* Define the search keys to find the objects to reindex. For a schema, we
* select target relations using relnamespace, something not necessary for
* a database-wide operation.
if (objectKind == REINDEX_OBJECT_SCHEMA)
num_keys = 1;
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
num_keys = 0;
* Scan pg_class to build a list of the relations we need to reindex.
* We only consider plain relations and materialized views here (toast
* rels will be processed indirectly by reindex_relation).
relationRelation = table_open(RelationRelationId, AccessShareLock);
scan = heap_beginscan_catalog(relationRelation, num_keys, scan_keys);
while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
Form_pg_class classtuple = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
Oid relid = classtuple->oid;
* Only regular tables and matviews can have indexes, so ignore any
* other kind of relation.
* It is tempting to also consider partitioned tables here, but that
* has the problem that if the children are in the same schema, they
* would be processed twice. Maybe we could have a separate list of
* partitioned tables, and expand that afterwards into relids,
* ignoring any duplicates.
if (classtuple->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
classtuple->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
/* Skip temp tables of other backends; we can't reindex them at all */
if (classtuple->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP &&
/* Check user/system classification, and optionally skip */
if (objectKind == REINDEX_OBJECT_SYSTEM &&
!IsSystemClass(relid, classtuple))
* The table can be reindexed if the user is superuser, the table
* owner, or the database/schema owner (but in the latter case, only
* if it's not a shared relation). pg_class_ownercheck includes the
* superuser case, and depending on objectKind we already know that
* the user has permission to run REINDEX on this database or schema
* per the permission checks at the beginning of this routine.
if (classtuple->relisshared &&
!pg_class_ownercheck(relid, GetUserId()))
/* Save the list of relation OIDs in private context */
old = MemoryContextSwitchTo(private_context);
* We always want to reindex pg_class first if it's selected to be
* reindexed. This ensures that if there is any corruption in
* pg_class' indexes, they will be fixed before we process any other
* tables. This is critical because reindexing itself will try to
* update pg_class.
if (relid == RelationRelationId)
relids = lcons_oid(relid, relids);
relids = lappend_oid(relids, relid);
table_close(relationRelation, AccessShareLock);
/* Now reindex each rel in a separate transaction */
foreach(l, relids)
Oid relid = lfirst_oid(l);
/* functions in indexes may want a snapshot set */
if (reindex_relation(relid,
(errmsg("table \"%s.%s\" was reindexed",
* ReindexPartitionedIndex
* Reindex each child of the given partitioned index.
* Not yet implemented.
static void
ReindexPartitionedIndex(Relation parentIdx)
errmsg("REINDEX is not yet implemented for partitioned indexes")));
* Insert or delete an appropriate pg_inherits tuple to make the given index
* be a partition of the indicated parent index.
* This also corrects the pg_depend information for the affected index.
IndexSetParentIndex(Relation partitionIdx, Oid parentOid)
Relation pg_inherits;
ScanKeyData key[2];
SysScanDesc scan;
Oid partRelid = RelationGetRelid(partitionIdx);
HeapTuple tuple;
bool fix_dependencies;
/* Make sure this is an index */
Assert(partitionIdx->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX ||
partitionIdx->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX);
* Scan pg_inherits for rows linking our index to some parent.
pg_inherits = relation_open(InheritsRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT4EQ,
scan = systable_beginscan(pg_inherits, InheritsRelidSeqnoIndexId, true,
NULL, 2, key);
tuple = systable_getnext(scan);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
if (parentOid == InvalidOid)
* No pg_inherits row, and no parent wanted: nothing to do in this
* case.
fix_dependencies = false;
Datum values[Natts_pg_inherits];
bool isnull[Natts_pg_inherits];
* No pg_inherits row exists, and we want a parent for this index,
* so insert it.
values[Anum_pg_inherits_inhrelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(partRelid);
values[Anum_pg_inherits_inhparent - 1] =
values[Anum_pg_inherits_inhseqno - 1] = Int32GetDatum(1);
memset(isnull, false, sizeof(isnull));
tuple = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_inherits),
values, isnull);
CatalogTupleInsert(pg_inherits, tuple);
fix_dependencies = true;
Form_pg_inherits inhForm = (Form_pg_inherits) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
if (parentOid == InvalidOid)
* There exists a pg_inherits row, which we want to clear; do so.
CatalogTupleDelete(pg_inherits, &tuple->t_self);
fix_dependencies = true;
* A pg_inherits row exists. If it's the same we want, then we're
* good; if it differs, that amounts to a corrupt catalog and
* should not happen.
if (inhForm->inhparent != parentOid)
/* unexpected: we should not get called in this case */
elog(ERROR, "bogus pg_inherit row: inhrelid %u inhparent %u",
inhForm->inhrelid, inhForm->inhparent);
/* already in the right state */
fix_dependencies = false;
/* done with pg_inherits */
relation_close(pg_inherits, RowExclusiveLock);
/* set relhassubclass if an index partition has been added to the parent */
if (OidIsValid(parentOid))
SetRelationHasSubclass(parentOid, true);
if (fix_dependencies)
ObjectAddress partIdx;
* Insert/delete pg_depend rows. If setting a parent, add an
* INTERNAL_AUTO dependency to the parent index; if making standalone,
* remove all existing rows and put back the regular dependency on the
* table.
ObjectAddressSet(partIdx, RelationRelationId, partRelid);
if (OidIsValid(parentOid))
ObjectAddress parentIdx;
ObjectAddressSet(parentIdx, RelationRelationId, parentOid);
recordDependencyOn(&partIdx, &parentIdx, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL_AUTO);
ObjectAddress partitionTbl;
ObjectAddressSet(partitionTbl, RelationRelationId,
deleteDependencyRecordsForClass(RelationRelationId, partRelid,
recordDependencyOn(&partIdx, &partitionTbl, DEPENDENCY_AUTO);
/* make our updates visible */