Tom Lane 3f074845a8 Fix pfree-of-already-freed-tuple when rescanning a GiST index-only scan.
GiST's getNextNearest() function attempts to pfree the previously-returned
tuple if any (that is, scan->xs_hitup in HEAD, or scan->xs_itup in older
branches).  However, if we are rescanning a plan node after ending a
previous scan early, those tuple pointers could be pointing to garbage,
because they would be pointing into the scan's pageDataCxt or queueCxt
which has been reset.  In a debug build this reliably results in a crash,
although I think it might sometimes accidentally fail to fail in
production builds.

To fix, clear the pointer field anyplace we reset a context it might
be pointing into.  This may be overkill --- I think probably only the
queueCxt case is involved in this bug, so that resetting in gistrescan()
would be sufficient --- but dangling pointers are generally bad news,
so let's avoid them.

Another plausible answer might be to just not bother with the pfree in
getNextNearest().  The reconstructed tuples would go away anyway in the
context resets, and I'm far from convinced that freeing them a bit earlier
really saves anything meaningful.  I'll stick with the original logic in
this patch, but if we find more problems in the same area we should
consider that approach.

Per bug #14641 from Denis Smirnov.  Back-patch to 9.5 where this
logic was introduced.

2017-05-04 13:59:39 -04:00

813 lines
22 KiB

* gistget.c
* fetch tuples from a GiST scan.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2017, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/access/gist/gistget.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/gist_private.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "lib/pairingheap.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
* gistkillitems() -- set LP_DEAD state for items an indexscan caller has
* told us were killed.
* We re-read page here, so it's important to check page LSN. If the page
* has been modified since the last read (as determined by LSN), we cannot
* flag any entries because it is possible that the old entry was vacuumed
* away and the TID was re-used by a completely different heap tuple.
static void
gistkillitems(IndexScanDesc scan)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
Buffer buffer;
Page page;
OffsetNumber offnum;
ItemId iid;
int i;
bool killedsomething = false;
Assert(so->curBlkno != InvalidBlockNumber);
Assert(so->killedItems != NULL);
buffer = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, so->curBlkno);
if (!BufferIsValid(buffer))
LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
gistcheckpage(scan->indexRelation, buffer);
page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
* If page LSN differs it means that the page was modified since the last
* read. killedItems could be not valid so LP_DEAD hints applying is not
* safe.
if (PageGetLSN(page) != so->curPageLSN)
so->numKilled = 0; /* reset counter */
* Mark all killedItems as dead. We need no additional recheck, because,
* if page was modified, pageLSN must have changed.
for (i = 0; i < so->numKilled; i++)
offnum = so->killedItems[i];
iid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
killedsomething = true;
if (killedsomething)
MarkBufferDirtyHint(buffer, true);
* Always reset the scan state, so we don't look for same items on other
* pages.
so->numKilled = 0;
* gistindex_keytest() -- does this index tuple satisfy the scan key(s)?
* The index tuple might represent either a heap tuple or a lower index page,
* depending on whether the containing page is a leaf page or not.
* On success return for a heap tuple, *recheck_p is set to indicate whether
* the quals need to be rechecked. We recheck if any of the consistent()
* functions request it. recheck is not interesting when examining a non-leaf
* entry, since we must visit the lower index page if there's any doubt.
* Similarly, *recheck_distances_p is set to indicate whether the distances
* need to be rechecked, and it is also ignored for non-leaf entries.
* If we are doing an ordered scan, so->distances[] is filled with distance
* data from the distance() functions before returning success.
* We must decompress the key in the IndexTuple before passing it to the
* sk_funcs (which actually are the opclass Consistent or Distance methods).
* Note that this function is always invoked in a short-lived memory context,
* so we don't need to worry about cleaning up allocated memory, either here
* or in the implementation of any Consistent or Distance methods.
static bool
gistindex_keytest(IndexScanDesc scan,
IndexTuple tuple,
Page page,
OffsetNumber offset,
bool *recheck_p,
bool *recheck_distances_p)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
GISTSTATE *giststate = so->giststate;
ScanKey key = scan->keyData;
int keySize = scan->numberOfKeys;
double *distance_p;
Relation r = scan->indexRelation;
*recheck_p = false;
*recheck_distances_p = false;
* If it's a leftover invalid tuple from pre-9.1, treat it as a match with
* minimum possible distances. This means we'll always follow it to the
* referenced page.
if (GistTupleIsInvalid(tuple))
int i;
if (GistPageIsLeaf(page)) /* shouldn't happen */
elog(ERROR, "invalid GiST tuple found on leaf page");
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
so->distances[i] = -get_float8_infinity();
return true;
/* Check whether it matches according to the Consistent functions */
while (keySize > 0)
Datum datum;
bool isNull;
datum = index_getattr(tuple,
if (key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
* On non-leaf page we can't conclude that child hasn't NULL
* values because of assumption in GiST: union (VAL, NULL) is VAL.
* But if on non-leaf page key IS NULL, then all children are
if (key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL)
if (GistPageIsLeaf(page) && !isNull)
return false;
Assert(key->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNOTNULL);
if (isNull)
return false;
else if (isNull)
return false;
Datum test;
bool recheck;
gistdentryinit(giststate, key->sk_attno - 1, &de,
datum, r, page, offset,
FALSE, isNull);
* Call the Consistent function to evaluate the test. The
* arguments are the index datum (as a GISTENTRY*), the comparison
* datum, the comparison operator's strategy number and subtype
* from pg_amop, and the recheck flag.
* (Presently there's no need to pass the subtype since it'll
* always be zero, but might as well pass it for possible future
* use.)
* We initialize the recheck flag to true (the safest assumption)
* in case the Consistent function forgets to set it.
recheck = true;
test = FunctionCall5Coll(&key->sk_func,
if (!DatumGetBool(test))
return false;
*recheck_p |= recheck;
/* OK, it passes --- now let's compute the distances */
key = scan->orderByData;
distance_p = so->distances;
keySize = scan->numberOfOrderBys;
while (keySize > 0)
Datum datum;
bool isNull;
datum = index_getattr(tuple,
if ((key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL) || isNull)
/* Assume distance computes as null and sorts to the end */
*distance_p = get_float8_infinity();
Datum dist;
bool recheck;
gistdentryinit(giststate, key->sk_attno - 1, &de,
datum, r, page, offset,
FALSE, isNull);
* Call the Distance function to evaluate the distance. The
* arguments are the index datum (as a GISTENTRY*), the comparison
* datum, the ordering operator's strategy number and subtype from
* pg_amop, and the recheck flag.
* (Presently there's no need to pass the subtype since it'll
* always be zero, but might as well pass it for possible future
* use.)
* If the function sets the recheck flag, the returned distance is
* a lower bound on the true distance and needs to be rechecked.
* We initialize the flag to 'false'. This flag was added in
* version 9.5; distance functions written before that won't know
* about the flag, but are expected to never be lossy.
recheck = false;
dist = FunctionCall5Coll(&key->sk_func,
*recheck_distances_p |= recheck;
*distance_p = DatumGetFloat8(dist);
return true;
* Scan all items on the GiST index page identified by *pageItem, and insert
* them into the queue (or directly to output areas)
* scan: index scan we are executing
* pageItem: search queue item identifying an index page to scan
* myDistances: distances array associated with pageItem, or NULL at the root
* tbm: if not NULL, gistgetbitmap's output bitmap
* ntids: if not NULL, gistgetbitmap's output tuple counter
* If tbm/ntids aren't NULL, we are doing an amgetbitmap scan, and heap
* tuples should be reported directly into the bitmap. If they are NULL,
* we're doing a plain or ordered indexscan. For a plain indexscan, heap
* tuple TIDs are returned into so->pageData[]. For an ordered indexscan,
* heap tuple TIDs are pushed into individual search queue items. In an
* index-only scan, reconstructed index tuples are returned along with the
* TIDs.
* If we detect that the index page has split since we saw its downlink
* in the parent, we push its new right sibling onto the queue so the
* sibling will be processed next.
static void
gistScanPage(IndexScanDesc scan, GISTSearchItem *pageItem, double *myDistances,
TIDBitmap *tbm, int64 *ntids)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
GISTSTATE *giststate = so->giststate;
Relation r = scan->indexRelation;
Buffer buffer;
Page page;
GISTPageOpaque opaque;
OffsetNumber maxoff;
OffsetNumber i;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
buffer = ReadBuffer(scan->indexRelation, pageItem->blkno);
LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
gistcheckpage(scan->indexRelation, buffer);
page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
TestForOldSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot, r, page);
opaque = GistPageGetOpaque(page);
* Check if we need to follow the rightlink. We need to follow it if the
* page was concurrently split since we visited the parent (in which case
* parentlsn < nsn), or if the system crashed after a page split but
* before the downlink was inserted into the parent.
if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(pageItem->data.parentlsn) &&
(GistFollowRight(page) ||
pageItem->data.parentlsn < GistPageGetNSN(page)) &&
opaque->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ )
/* There was a page split, follow right link to add pages */
GISTSearchItem *item;
/* This can't happen when starting at the root */
Assert(myDistances != NULL);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->queueCxt);
/* Create new GISTSearchItem for the right sibling index page */
item = palloc(SizeOfGISTSearchItem(scan->numberOfOrderBys));
item->blkno = opaque->rightlink;
item->data.parentlsn = pageItem->data.parentlsn;
/* Insert it into the queue using same distances as for this page */
memcpy(item->distances, myDistances,
sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
pairingheap_add(so->queue, &item->phNode);
so->nPageData = so->curPageData = 0;
scan->xs_hitup = NULL; /* might point into pageDataCxt */
if (so->pageDataCxt)
* We save the LSN of the page as we read it, so that we know whether it
* safe to apply LP_DEAD hints to the page later. This allows us to drop
* the pin for MVCC scans, which allows vacuum to avoid blocking.
so->curPageLSN = PageGetLSN(page);
* check all tuples on page
maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
ItemId iid = PageGetItemId(page, i);
IndexTuple it;
bool match;
bool recheck;
bool recheck_distances;
* If the scan specifies not to return killed tuples, then we treat a
* killed tuple as not passing the qual.
if (scan->ignore_killed_tuples && ItemIdIsDead(iid))
it = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
* Must call gistindex_keytest in tempCxt, and clean up any leftover
* junk afterward.
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->giststate->tempCxt);
match = gistindex_keytest(scan, it, page, i,
&recheck, &recheck_distances);
/* Ignore tuple if it doesn't match */
if (!match)
if (tbm && GistPageIsLeaf(page))
* getbitmap scan, so just push heap tuple TIDs into the bitmap
* without worrying about ordering
tbm_add_tuples(tbm, &it->t_tid, 1, recheck);
else if (scan->numberOfOrderBys == 0 && GistPageIsLeaf(page))
* Non-ordered scan, so report tuples in so->pageData[]
so->pageData[so->nPageData].heapPtr = it->t_tid;
so->pageData[so->nPageData].recheck = recheck;
so->pageData[so->nPageData].offnum = i;
* In an index-only scan, also fetch the data from the tuple. The
* reconstructed tuples are stored in pageDataCxt.
if (scan->xs_want_itup)
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->pageDataCxt);
so->pageData[so->nPageData].recontup =
gistFetchTuple(giststate, r, it);
* Must push item into search queue. We get here for any lower
* index page, and also for heap tuples if doing an ordered
* search.
GISTSearchItem *item;
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->queueCxt);
/* Create new GISTSearchItem for this item */
item = palloc(SizeOfGISTSearchItem(scan->numberOfOrderBys));
if (GistPageIsLeaf(page))
/* Creating heap-tuple GISTSearchItem */
item->blkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
item->data.heap.heapPtr = it->t_tid;
item->data.heap.recheck = recheck;
item->data.heap.recheckDistances = recheck_distances;
* In an index-only scan, also fetch the data from the tuple.
if (scan->xs_want_itup)
item->data.heap.recontup = gistFetchTuple(giststate, r, it);
/* Creating index-page GISTSearchItem */
item->blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&it->t_tid);
* LSN of current page is lsn of parent page for child. We
* only have a shared lock, so we need to get the LSN
* atomically.
item->data.parentlsn = BufferGetLSNAtomic(buffer);
/* Insert it into the queue using new distance data */
memcpy(item->distances, so->distances,
sizeof(double) * scan->numberOfOrderBys);
pairingheap_add(so->queue, &item->phNode);
* Extract next item (in order) from search queue
* Returns a GISTSearchItem or NULL. Caller must pfree item when done with it.
static GISTSearchItem *
getNextGISTSearchItem(GISTScanOpaque so)
GISTSearchItem *item;
if (!pairingheap_is_empty(so->queue))
item = (GISTSearchItem *) pairingheap_remove_first(so->queue);
/* Done when both heaps are empty */
item = NULL;
/* Return item; caller is responsible to pfree it */
return item;
* Fetch next heap tuple in an ordered search
static bool
getNextNearest(IndexScanDesc scan)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
bool res = false;
int i;
if (scan->xs_hitup)
/* free previously returned tuple */
scan->xs_hitup = NULL;
GISTSearchItem *item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
if (GISTSearchItemIsHeap(*item))
/* found a heap item at currently minimal distance */
scan->xs_ctup.t_self = item->data.heap.heapPtr;
scan->xs_recheck = item->data.heap.recheck;
scan->xs_recheckorderby = item->data.heap.recheckDistances;
for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfOrderBys; i++)
if (so->orderByTypes[i] == FLOAT8OID)
/* must free any old value to avoid memory leakage */
if (!scan->xs_orderbynulls[i])
scan->xs_orderbyvals[i] = Float8GetDatum(item->distances[i]);
scan->xs_orderbynulls[i] = false;
else if (so->orderByTypes[i] == FLOAT4OID)
/* convert distance function's result to ORDER BY type */
/* must free any old value to avoid memory leakage */
if (!scan->xs_orderbynulls[i])
scan->xs_orderbyvals[i] = Float4GetDatum((float4) item->distances[i]);
scan->xs_orderbynulls[i] = false;
* If the ordering operator's return value is anything
* else, we don't know how to convert the float8 bound
* calculated by the distance function to that. The
* executor won't actually need the order by values we
* return here, if there are no lossy results, so only
* insist on converting if the *recheck flag is set.
if (scan->xs_recheckorderby)
elog(ERROR, "GiST operator family's FOR ORDER BY operator must return float8 or float4 if the distance function is lossy");
scan->xs_orderbynulls[i] = true;
/* in an index-only scan, also return the reconstructed tuple. */
if (scan->xs_want_itup)
scan->xs_hitup = item->data.heap.recontup;
res = true;
/* visit an index page, extract its items into queue */
gistScanPage(scan, item, item->distances, NULL, NULL);
} while (!res);
return res;
* gistgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan
gistgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
if (dir != ForwardScanDirection)
elog(ERROR, "GiST only supports forward scan direction");
if (!so->qual_ok)
return false;
if (so->firstCall)
/* Begin the scan by processing the root page */
GISTSearchItem fakeItem;
so->firstCall = false;
so->curPageData = so->nPageData = 0;
scan->xs_hitup = NULL;
if (so->pageDataCxt)
fakeItem.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
memset(&, 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
gistScanPage(scan, &fakeItem, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (scan->numberOfOrderBys > 0)
/* Must fetch tuples in strict distance order */
return getNextNearest(scan);
/* Fetch tuples index-page-at-a-time */
for (;;)
if (so->curPageData < so->nPageData)
if (scan->kill_prior_tuple && so->curPageData > 0)
if (so->killedItems == NULL)
MemoryContext oldCxt =
so->killedItems =
(OffsetNumber *) palloc(MaxIndexTuplesPerPage
* sizeof(OffsetNumber));
if (so->numKilled < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage)
so->killedItems[so->numKilled++] =
so->pageData[so->curPageData - 1].offnum;
/* continuing to return tuples from a leaf page */
scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->pageData[so->curPageData].heapPtr;
scan->xs_recheck = so->pageData[so->curPageData].recheck;
/* in an index-only scan, also return the reconstructed tuple */
if (scan->xs_want_itup)
scan->xs_hitup = so->pageData[so->curPageData].recontup;
return true;
* Check the last returned tuple and add it to killitems if
* necessary
if (scan->kill_prior_tuple
&& so->curPageData > 0
&& so->curPageData == so->nPageData)
if (so->killedItems == NULL)
MemoryContext oldCxt =
so->killedItems =
(OffsetNumber *) palloc(MaxIndexTuplesPerPage
* sizeof(OffsetNumber));
if (so->numKilled < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage)
so->killedItems[so->numKilled++] =
so->pageData[so->curPageData - 1].offnum;
/* find and process the next index page */
GISTSearchItem *item;
if ((so->curBlkno != InvalidBlockNumber) && (so->numKilled > 0))
item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
return false;
/* save current item BlockNumber for next gistkillitems() call */
so->curBlkno = item->blkno;
* While scanning a leaf page, ItemPointers of matching heap
* tuples are stored in so->pageData. If there are any on
* this page, we fall out of the inner "do" and loop around to
* return them.
gistScanPage(scan, item, item->distances, NULL, NULL);
} while (so->nPageData == 0);
* gistgetbitmap() -- Get a bitmap of all heap tuple locations
gistgetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
GISTScanOpaque so = (GISTScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
int64 ntids = 0;
GISTSearchItem fakeItem;
if (!so->qual_ok)
return 0;
/* Begin the scan by processing the root page */
so->curPageData = so->nPageData = 0;
scan->xs_hitup = NULL;
if (so->pageDataCxt)
fakeItem.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
memset(&, 0, sizeof(GistNSN));
gistScanPage(scan, &fakeItem, NULL, tbm, &ntids);
* While scanning a leaf page, ItemPointers of matching heap tuples will
* be stored directly into tbm, so we don't need to deal with them here.
for (;;)
GISTSearchItem *item = getNextGISTSearchItem(so);
if (!item)
gistScanPage(scan, item, item->distances, tbm, &ntids);
return ntids;
* Can we do index-only scans on the given index column?
* Opclasses that implement a fetch function support index-only scans.
gistcanreturn(Relation index, int attno)
if (OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, attno, GIST_FETCH_PROC)))
return true;
return false;