Bruce Momjian f9a726aa88 I've created a new shared catalog table pg_shdescription to store
comments on cluster global objects like databases, tablespaces, and

It touches a lot of places, but not much in the way of big changes.  The
only design decision I made was to duplicate the query and manipulation
functions rather than to try and have them handle both shared and local
comments.  I believe this is simpler for the code and not an issue for
callers because they know what type of object they are dealing with.
This has resulted in a shobj_description function analagous to
obj_description and backend functions [Create/Delete]SharedComments
mirroring the existing [Create/Delete]Comments functions.

pg_shdescription.h goes into src/include/catalog/

Kris Jurka
2006-02-12 03:22:21 +00:00

90 lines
2.4 KiB

-- sanity check, if we don't have indices the test will take years to
-- complete. But skip TOAST relations since they will have varying
-- names depending on the current OID counter.
SELECT relname, relhasindex
FROM pg_class
WHERE relhasindex AND relkind != 't'
ORDER BY relname;
relname | relhasindex
bt_f8_heap | t
bt_i4_heap | t
bt_name_heap | t
bt_txt_heap | t
circle_tbl | t
fast_emp4000 | t
func_index_heap | t
hash_f8_heap | t
hash_i4_heap | t
hash_name_heap | t
hash_txt_heap | t
ihighway | t
num_exp_add | t
num_exp_div | t
num_exp_ln | t
num_exp_log10 | t
num_exp_mul | t
num_exp_power_10_ln | t
num_exp_sqrt | t
num_exp_sub | t
onek | t
onek2 | t
pg_aggregate | t
pg_am | t
pg_amop | t
pg_amproc | t
pg_attrdef | t
pg_attribute | t
pg_auth_members | t
pg_authid | t
pg_autovacuum | t
pg_cast | t
pg_class | t
pg_constraint | t
pg_conversion | t
pg_database | t
pg_depend | t
pg_description | t
pg_index | t
pg_inherits | t
pg_language | t
pg_largeobject | t
pg_namespace | t
pg_opclass | t
pg_operator | t
pg_pltemplate | t
pg_proc | t
pg_rewrite | t
pg_shdepend | t
pg_shdescription | t
pg_statistic | t
pg_tablespace | t
pg_trigger | t
pg_type | t
polygon_tbl | t
road | t
shighway | t
tenk1 | t
tenk2 | t
(59 rows)
-- another sanity check: every system catalog that has OIDs should have
-- a unique index on OID. This ensures that the OIDs will be unique,
-- even after the OID counter wraps around.
-- We exclude non-system tables from the check by looking at nspname.
SELECT relname, nspname
FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = relnamespace
WHERE relhasoids
AND ((nspname ~ '^pg_') IS NOT FALSE)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_index i WHERE indrelid = c.oid
AND indkey[0] = -2 AND indnatts = 1 AND indisunique);
relname | nspname
(0 rows)