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2017-08-05 20:30:20 +02:00
package storage
import (
chk ""
type CopyBlobSuite struct{}
var _ = chk.Suite(&CopyBlobSuite{})
func (s *CopyBlobSuite) TestBlobCopy(c *chk.C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping blob copy in short mode, no SLA on async operation")
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
c.Assert(cnt.Create(nil), chk.IsNil)
defer cnt.Delete(nil)
srcBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "src"))
dstBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "dst"))
body := content(1024)
c.Assert(srcBlob.putSingleBlockBlob(body), chk.IsNil)
defer srcBlob.Delete(nil)
c.Assert(dstBlob.Copy(srcBlob.GetURL(), nil), chk.IsNil)
defer dstBlob.Delete(nil)
resp, err := dstBlob.Get(nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp)
defer resp.Close()
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(b, chk.DeepEquals, body)
func (s *CopyBlobSuite) TestStartBlobCopy(c *chk.C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping blob copy in short mode, no SLA on async operation")
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
c.Assert(cnt.Create(nil), chk.IsNil)
defer cnt.Delete(nil)
srcBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "src"))
dstBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "dst"))
body := content(1024)
c.Assert(srcBlob.putSingleBlockBlob(body), chk.IsNil)
defer srcBlob.Delete(nil)
// given we dont know when it will start, can we even test destination creation?
// will just test that an error wasn't thrown for now.
copyID, err := dstBlob.StartCopy(srcBlob.GetURL(), nil)
c.Assert(copyID, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
// Tests abort of blobcopy. Given the blobcopy is usually over before we can actually trigger an abort
// it is agreed that we perform a copy then try and perform an abort. It should result in a HTTP status of 409.
// So basically we're testing negative scenario (as good as we can do for now)
func (s *CopyBlobSuite) TestAbortBlobCopy(c *chk.C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping blob copy in short mode, no SLA on async operation")
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
c.Assert(cnt.Create(nil), chk.IsNil)
defer cnt.Delete(nil)
srcBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "src"))
dstBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "dst"))
body := content(1024)
c.Assert(srcBlob.putSingleBlockBlob(body), chk.IsNil)
defer srcBlob.Delete(nil)
// given we dont know when it will start, can we even test destination creation?
// will just test that an error wasn't thrown for now.
copyID, err := dstBlob.StartCopy(srcBlob.GetURL(), nil)
c.Assert(copyID, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
err = dstBlob.WaitForCopy(copyID)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
// abort abort abort, but we *know* its already completed.
err = dstBlob.AbortCopy(copyID, nil)
// abort should fail (over already)
c.Assert(err.(AzureStorageServiceError).StatusCode, chk.Equals, http.StatusConflict)
func (s *CopyBlobSuite) TestIncrementalCopyBlobNoTimeout(c *chk.C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping blob copy in short mode, no SLA on async operation")
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
options := CreateContainerOptions{
Access: ContainerAccessTypeBlob,
c.Assert(cnt.Create(&options), chk.IsNil)
defer cnt.Delete(nil)
b := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "src"))
size := int64(10 * 1024 * 1024)
b.Properties.ContentLength = size
c.Assert(b.PutPageBlob(nil), chk.IsNil)
snapshotTime, err := b.CreateSnapshot(nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(snapshotTime, chk.NotNil)
u := b.GetURL()
destBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "dst"))
copyID, err := destBlob.IncrementalCopyBlob(u, *snapshotTime, nil)
c.Assert(copyID, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
func (s *CopyBlobSuite) TestIncrementalCopyBlobWithTimeout(c *chk.C) {
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
options := CreateContainerOptions{
Access: ContainerAccessTypeBlob,
c.Assert(cnt.Create(&options), chk.IsNil)
defer cnt.Delete(nil)
b := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "src"))
size := int64(10 * 1024 * 1024)
b.Properties.ContentLength = size
c.Assert(b.PutPageBlob(nil), chk.IsNil)
snapshotTime, err := b.CreateSnapshot(nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(snapshotTime, chk.NotNil)
u := b.GetURL()
destBlob := cnt.GetBlobReference(blobName(c, "dst"))
copyID, err := destBlob.IncrementalCopyBlob(u, *snapshotTime, &IncrementalCopyOptions{Timeout: 30})
c.Assert(copyID, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)