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package restorer
import (
// TODO if a blob is corrupt, there may be good blob copies in other packs
// TODO evaluate if it makes sense to split download and processing workers
// pro: can (slowly) read network and decrypt/write files concurrently
// con: each worker needs to keep one pack in memory
// TODO evaluate memory footprint for larger repositories, say 10M packs/10M files
// TODO consider replacing pack file cache with blob cache
// TODO avoid decrypting the same blob multiple times
// TODO evaluate disabled debug logging overhead for large repositories
const (
workerCount = 8
// max number of open output file handles
filesWriterCount = 32
// estimated average pack size used to calculate pack cache capacity
averagePackSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024
// pack cache capacity should support at least one cached pack per worker
// allow space for extra 5 packs for actual caching
packCacheCapacity = (workerCount + 5) * averagePackSize
// information about regular file being restored
type fileInfo struct {
location string // file on local filesystem relative to restorer basedir
blobs []restic.ID // remaining blobs of the file
// information about a data pack required to restore one or more files
type packInfo struct {
// the pack id
id restic.ID
// set of files that use blobs from this pack
files map[*fileInfo]struct{}
// number of other packs that must be downloaded before all blobs in this pack can be used
cost int
// used by packHeap
index int
// fileRestorer restores set of files
type fileRestorer struct {
key *crypto.Key
idx filePackTraverser
packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error
packCache *packCache // pack cache
filesWriter *filesWriter // file write
dst string
files []*fileInfo
func newFileRestorer(dst string, packLoader func(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error, key *crypto.Key, idx filePackTraverser) *fileRestorer {
return &fileRestorer{
packLoader: packLoader,
key: key,
idx: idx,
filesWriter: newFilesWriter(filesWriterCount),
packCache: newPackCache(packCacheCapacity),
dst: dst,
func (r *fileRestorer) addFile(location string, content restic.IDs) {
r.files = append(r.files, &fileInfo{location: location, blobs: content})
func (r *fileRestorer) targetPath(location string) string {
return filepath.Join(r.dst, location)
// used to pass information among workers (wish golang channels allowed multivalues)
type processingInfo struct {
pack *packInfo
files map[*fileInfo]error
func (r *fileRestorer) restoreFiles(ctx context.Context, onError func(path string, err error)) error {
for _, file := range r.files {
dbgmsg := file.location + ": "
r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
if packIdx > 0 {
dbgmsg += ", "
dbgmsg += "pack{id=" + packID.Str() + ", blobs: "
for blobIdx, blob := range packBlobs {
if blobIdx > 0 {
dbgmsg += ", "
dbgmsg += blob.ID.Str()
dbgmsg += "}"
return true // keep going
// synchronously create empty files (empty files need no packs and are ignored by packQueue)
for _, file := range r.files {
fullpath := r.targetPath(file.location)
if len(file.blobs) == 0 {
wr, err := os.OpenFile(fullpath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
if err == nil {
} else {
onError(file.location, err)
inprogress := make(map[*fileInfo]struct{})
queue, err := newPackQueue(r.idx, r.files, func(files map[*fileInfo]struct{}) bool {
for file := range files {
if _, found := inprogress[file]; found {
return true
return false
if err != nil {
return err
// workers
downloadCh := make(chan processingInfo)
feedbackCh := make(chan processingInfo)
defer close(downloadCh)
defer close(feedbackCh)
worker := func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case request, ok := <-downloadCh:
if !ok {
return // channel closed
rd, err := r.downloadPack(ctx, request.pack)
if err == nil {
r.processPack(ctx, request, rd)
} else {
// mark all files as failed
for file := range request.files {
request.files[file] = err
feedbackCh <- request
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
go worker()
processFeedback := func(pack *packInfo, ferrors map[*fileInfo]error) {
// update files blobIdx
// must do it here to avoid race among worker and processing feedback threads
var success []*fileInfo
var failure []*fileInfo
for file, ferr := range ferrors {
target := r.targetPath(file.location)
if ferr != nil {
onError(file.location, ferr)
delete(inprogress, file)
failure = append(failure, file)
} else {
r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
file.blobs = file.blobs[len(packBlobs):]
return false // only interesed in the first pack
if len(file.blobs) == 0 {
delete(inprogress, file)
success = append(success, file)
// update the queue and requeueu the pack as necessary
if !queue.requeuePack(pack, success, failure) {
debug.Log("Purged used up pack %s from pack cache",
// the main restore loop
for !queue.isEmpty() {
pack, files := queue.nextPack()
if pack != nil {
ferrors := make(map[*fileInfo]error)
for _, file := range files {
ferrors[file] = nil
inprogress[file] = struct{}{}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case downloadCh <- processingInfo{pack: pack, files: ferrors}:
debug.Log("Scheduled download pack %s (%d files)",, len(files))
case feedback := <-feedbackCh:
queue.requeuePack(pack, []*fileInfo{}, []*fileInfo{}) // didn't use the pack during this iteration
processFeedback(feedback.pack, feedback.files)
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case feedback := <-feedbackCh:
processFeedback(feedback.pack, feedback.files)
return nil
func (r *fileRestorer) downloadPack(ctx context.Context, pack *packInfo) (readerAtCloser, error) {
const MaxInt64 = 1<<63 - 1 // odd Go does not have this predefined somewhere
// calculate pack byte range
start, end := int64(MaxInt64), int64(0)
for file := range pack.files {
r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
if packID.Equal( {
for _, blob := range packBlobs {
if start > int64(blob.Offset) {
start = int64(blob.Offset)
if end < int64(blob.Offset+blob.Length) {
end = int64(blob.Offset + blob.Length)
return true // keep going
packReader, err := r.packCache.get(, start, int(end-start), func(offset int64, length int, wr io.WriteSeeker) error {
h := restic.Handle{Type: restic.DataFile, Name:}
return r.packLoader(ctx, h, length, offset, func(rd io.Reader) error {
// reset the file in case of a download retry
_, err := wr.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return err
len, err := io.Copy(wr, rd)
if err != nil {
return err
if len != int64(length) {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected pack size: expected %d but got %d", length, len)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return packReader, nil
func (r *fileRestorer) processPack(ctx context.Context, request processingInfo, rd readerAtCloser) {
defer rd.Close()
for file := range request.files {
target := r.targetPath(file.location)
r.idx.forEachFilePack(file, func(packIdx int, packID restic.ID, packBlobs []restic.Blob) bool {
for _, blob := range packBlobs {
debug.Log("Writing blob %s (%d bytes) from pack %s to %s", blob.ID.Str(), blob.Length, packID.Str(), file.location)
buf, err := r.loadBlob(rd, blob)
if err == nil {
err = r.filesWriter.writeToFile(target, buf)
if err != nil {
request.files[file] = err
break // could not restore the file
return false
func (r *fileRestorer) loadBlob(rd io.ReaderAt, blob restic.Blob) ([]byte, error) {
// TODO reconcile with Repository#loadBlob implementation
buf := make([]byte, blob.Length)
n, err := rd.ReadAt(buf, int64(blob.Offset))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n != int(blob.Length) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("error loading blob %v: wrong length returned, want %d, got %d", blob.ID.Str(), blob.Length, n)
// decrypt
nonce, ciphertext := buf[:r.key.NonceSize()], buf[r.key.NonceSize():]
plaintext, err := r.key.Open(ciphertext[:0], nonce, ciphertext, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("decrypting blob %v failed: %v", blob.ID, err)
// check hash
if !restic.Hash(plaintext).Equal(blob.ID) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("blob %v returned invalid hash", blob.ID)
return plaintext, nil