package main import ( "context" "math" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var cmdPrune = &cobra.Command{ Use: "prune [flags]", Short: "Remove unneeded data from the repository", Long: ` The "prune" command checks the repository and removes data that is not referenced and therefore not needed any more. EXIT STATUS =========== Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error. `, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { term, cancel := setupTermstatus() defer cancel() return runPrune(cmd.Context(), pruneOptions, globalOptions, term) }, } // PruneOptions collects all options for the cleanup command. type PruneOptions struct { DryRun bool UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery string unsafeRecovery bool MaxUnused string maxUnusedBytes func(used uint64) (unused uint64) // calculates the number of unused bytes after repacking, according to MaxUnused MaxRepackSize string MaxRepackBytes uint64 RepackCachableOnly bool RepackSmall bool RepackUncompressed bool } var pruneOptions PruneOptions func init() { cmdRoot.AddCommand(cmdPrune) f := cmdPrune.Flags() f.BoolVarP(&pruneOptions.DryRun, "dry-run", "n", false, "do not modify the repository, just print what would be done") f.StringVarP(&pruneOptions.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery, "unsafe-recover-no-free-space", "", "", "UNSAFE, READ THE DOCUMENTATION BEFORE USING! Try to recover a repository stuck with no free space. Do not use without trying out 'prune --max-repack-size 0' first.") addPruneOptions(cmdPrune, &pruneOptions) } func addPruneOptions(c *cobra.Command, pruneOptions *PruneOptions) { f := c.Flags() f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxUnused, "max-unused", "5%", "tolerate given `limit` of unused data (absolute value in bytes with suffixes k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T, a value in % or the word 'unlimited')") f.StringVar(&pruneOptions.MaxRepackSize, "max-repack-size", "", "maximum `size` to repack (allowed suffixes: k/K, m/M, g/G, t/T)") f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackCachableOnly, "repack-cacheable-only", false, "only repack packs which are cacheable") f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackSmall, "repack-small", false, "repack pack files below 80% of target pack size") f.BoolVar(&pruneOptions.RepackUncompressed, "repack-uncompressed", false, "repack all uncompressed data") } func verifyPruneOptions(opts *PruneOptions) error { opts.MaxRepackBytes = math.MaxUint64 if len(opts.MaxRepackSize) > 0 { size, err := ui.ParseBytes(opts.MaxRepackSize) if err != nil { return err } opts.MaxRepackBytes = uint64(size) } if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != "" { // prevent repacking data to make sure users cannot get stuck. opts.MaxRepackBytes = 0 } maxUnused := strings.TrimSpace(opts.MaxUnused) if maxUnused == "" { return errors.Fatalf("invalid value for --max-unused: %q", opts.MaxUnused) } // parse MaxUnused either as unlimited, a percentage, or an absolute number of bytes switch { case maxUnused == "unlimited": opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(_ uint64) uint64 { return math.MaxUint64 } case strings.HasSuffix(maxUnused, "%"): maxUnused = strings.TrimSuffix(maxUnused, "%") p, err := strconv.ParseFloat(maxUnused, 64) if err != nil { return errors.Fatalf("invalid percentage %q passed for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err) } if p < 0 { return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be positive") } if p >= 100 { return errors.Fatal("percentage for --max-unused must be below 100%") } opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(used uint64) uint64 { return uint64(p / (100 - p) * float64(used)) } default: size, err := ui.ParseBytes(maxUnused) if err != nil { return errors.Fatalf("invalid number of bytes %q for --max-unused: %v", opts.MaxUnused, err) } opts.maxUnusedBytes = func(_ uint64) uint64 { return uint64(size) } } return nil } func runPrune(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { err := verifyPruneOptions(&opts) if err != nil { return err } if opts.RepackUncompressed && gopts.Compression == repository.CompressionOff { return errors.Fatal("disabled compression and `--repack-uncompressed` are mutually exclusive") } ctx, repo, unlock, err := openWithExclusiveLock(ctx, gopts, false) if err != nil { return err } defer unlock() if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != "" { repoID := repo.Config().ID if opts.UnsafeNoSpaceRecovery != repoID { return errors.Fatalf("must pass id '%s' to --unsafe-recover-no-free-space", repoID) } opts.unsafeRecovery = true } return runPruneWithRepo(ctx, opts, gopts, repo, restic.NewIDSet(), term) } func runPruneWithRepo(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, repo *repository.Repository, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { if repo.Cache == nil { Print("warning: running prune without a cache, this may be very slow!\n") } printer := newTerminalProgressPrinter(gopts.verbosity, term) printer.P("loading indexes...\n") // loading the index before the snapshots is ok, as we use an exclusive lock here bar := newIndexTerminalProgress(gopts.Quiet, gopts.JSON, term) err := repo.LoadIndex(ctx, bar) if err != nil { return err } popts := repository.PruneOptions{ DryRun: opts.DryRun, UnsafeRecovery: opts.unsafeRecovery, MaxUnusedBytes: opts.maxUnusedBytes, MaxRepackBytes: opts.MaxRepackBytes, RepackCachableOnly: opts.RepackCachableOnly, RepackSmall: opts.RepackSmall, RepackUncompressed: opts.RepackUncompressed, } plan, err := repository.PlanPrune(ctx, popts, repo, func(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, usedBlobs restic.FindBlobSet) error { return getUsedBlobs(ctx, repo, usedBlobs, ignoreSnapshots, printer) }, printer) if err != nil { return err } if ctx.Err() != nil { return ctx.Err() } if popts.DryRun { printer.P("\nWould have made the following changes:") } err = printPruneStats(printer, plan.Stats()) if err != nil { return err } // Trigger GC to reset garbage collection threshold runtime.GC() return plan.Execute(ctx, printer) } // printPruneStats prints out the statistics func printPruneStats(printer progress.Printer, stats repository.PruneStats) error { printer.V("\nused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Used, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Used)) if stats.Blobs.Duplicate > 0 { printer.V("duplicates: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Duplicate, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Duplicate)) } printer.V("unused: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Unused, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Unused)) if stats.Size.Unref > 0 { printer.V("unreferenced: %s\n", ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Unref)) } totalBlobs := stats.Blobs.Used + stats.Blobs.Unused + stats.Blobs.Duplicate totalSize := stats.Size.Used + stats.Size.Duplicate + stats.Size.Unused + stats.Size.Unref unusedSize := stats.Size.Duplicate + stats.Size.Unused printer.V("total: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs, ui.FormatBytes(totalSize)) printer.V("unused size: %s of total size\n", ui.FormatPercent(unusedSize, totalSize)) printer.P("\nto repack: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Repack, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Repack)) printer.P("this removes: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Repackrm, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Repackrm)) printer.P("to delete: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Remove, ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Remove+stats.Size.Unref)) totalPruneSize := stats.Size.Remove + stats.Size.Repackrm + stats.Size.Unref printer.P("total prune: %10d blobs / %s\n", stats.Blobs.Remove+stats.Blobs.Repackrm, ui.FormatBytes(totalPruneSize)) if stats.Size.Uncompressed > 0 { printer.P("not yet compressed: %s\n", ui.FormatBytes(stats.Size.Uncompressed)) } printer.P("remaining: %10d blobs / %s\n", totalBlobs-(stats.Blobs.Remove+stats.Blobs.Repackrm), ui.FormatBytes(totalSize-totalPruneSize)) unusedAfter := unusedSize - stats.Size.Remove - stats.Size.Repackrm printer.P("unused size after prune: %s (%s of remaining size)\n", ui.FormatBytes(unusedAfter), ui.FormatPercent(unusedAfter, totalSize-totalPruneSize)) printer.P("\n") printer.V("totally used packs: %10d\n", stats.Packs.Used) printer.V("partly used packs: %10d\n", stats.Packs.PartlyUsed) printer.V("unused packs: %10d\n\n", stats.Packs.Unused) printer.V("to keep: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Keep) printer.V("to repack: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Repack) printer.V("to delete: %10d packs\n", stats.Packs.Remove) if stats.Packs.Unref > 0 { printer.V("to delete: %10d unreferenced packs\n\n", stats.Packs.Unref) } return nil } func getUsedBlobs(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, usedBlobs restic.FindBlobSet, ignoreSnapshots restic.IDSet, printer progress.Printer) error { var snapshotTrees restic.IDs printer.P("loading all snapshots...\n") err := restic.ForAllSnapshots(ctx, repo, repo, ignoreSnapshots, func(id restic.ID, sn *restic.Snapshot, err error) error { if err != nil { debug.Log("failed to load snapshot %v (error %v)", id, err) return err } debug.Log("add snapshot %v (tree %v)", id, *sn.Tree) snapshotTrees = append(snapshotTrees, *sn.Tree) return nil }) if err != nil { return errors.Fatalf("failed loading snapshot: %v", err) } printer.P("finding data that is still in use for %d snapshots\n", len(snapshotTrees)) bar := printer.NewCounter("snapshots") bar.SetMax(uint64(len(snapshotTrees))) defer bar.Done() return restic.FindUsedBlobs(ctx, repo, snapshotTrees, usedBlobs, bar) }