// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // DO NOT EDIT. THIS IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. // Run "go generate" to regenerate. //go:generate go run cbt.go -o cbtdoc.go doc /* Cbt is a tool for doing basic interactions with Cloud Bigtable. Usage: cbt [options] command [arguments] The commands are: count Count rows in a table createfamily Create a column family createtable Create a table deletefamily Delete a column family deleterow Delete a row deletetable Delete a table doc Print godoc-suitable documentation for cbt help Print help text listinstances List instances in a project lookup Read from a single row ls List tables and column families mddoc Print documentation for cbt in Markdown format read Read rows set Set value of a cell setgcpolicy Set the GC policy for a column family Use "cbt help " for more information about a command. The options are: -project string project ID -instance string Cloud Bigtable instance -creds string if set, use application credentials in this file Count rows in a table Usage: cbt count Create a column family Usage: cbt createfamily
Create a table Usage: cbt createtable
Delete a column family Usage: cbt deletefamily
Delete a row Usage: cbt deleterow
Delete a table Usage: cbt deletetable
Print godoc-suitable documentation for cbt Usage: cbt doc Print help text Usage: cbt help [command] List instances in a project Usage: cbt listinstances Read from a single row Usage: cbt lookup
List tables and column families Usage: cbt ls List tables cbt ls
List column families in
Print documentation for cbt in Markdown format Usage: cbt mddoc Read rows Usage: cbt read
[start=] [end=] [prefix=] [count=] start= Start reading at this row end= Stop reading before this row prefix= Read rows with this prefix count= Read only this many rows Set value of a cell Usage: cbt set
family:column=val[@ts] ... family:column=val[@ts] may be repeated to set multiple cells. ts is an optional integer timestamp. If it cannot be parsed, the `@ts` part will be interpreted as part of the value. Set the GC policy for a column family Usage: cbt setgcpolicy
( maxage= | maxversions= ) maxage= Maximum timestamp age to preserve (e.g. "1h", "4d") maxversions= Maximum number of versions to preserve */ package main