/* * Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage * (C) 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package minio import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/binary" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "hash" "hash/crc32" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "github.com/minio/minio-go/pkg/encrypt" "github.com/minio/minio-go/pkg/s3utils" ) // CSVFileHeaderInfo - is the parameter for whether to utilize headers. type CSVFileHeaderInfo string // Constants for file header info. const ( CSVFileHeaderInfoNone CSVFileHeaderInfo = "NONE" CSVFileHeaderInfoIgnore = "IGNORE" CSVFileHeaderInfoUse = "USE" ) // SelectCompressionType - is the parameter for what type of compression is // present type SelectCompressionType string // Constants for compression types under select API. const ( SelectCompressionNONE SelectCompressionType = "NONE" SelectCompressionGZIP = "GZIP" SelectCompressionBZIP = "BZIP2" ) // CSVQuoteFields - is the parameter for how CSV fields are quoted. type CSVQuoteFields string // Constants for csv quote styles. const ( CSVQuoteFieldsAlways CSVQuoteFields = "Always" CSVQuoteFieldsAsNeeded = "AsNeeded" ) // QueryExpressionType - is of what syntax the expression is, this should only // be SQL type QueryExpressionType string // Constants for expression type. const ( QueryExpressionTypeSQL QueryExpressionType = "SQL" ) // JSONType determines json input serialization type. type JSONType string // Constants for JSONTypes. const ( JSONDocumentType JSONType = "DOCUMENT" JSONLinesType = "LINES" ) // ParquetInputOptions parquet input specific options type ParquetInputOptions struct{} // CSVInputOptions csv input specific options type CSVInputOptions struct { FileHeaderInfo CSVFileHeaderInfo RecordDelimiter string FieldDelimiter string QuoteCharacter string QuoteEscapeCharacter string Comments string } // CSVOutputOptions csv output specific options type CSVOutputOptions struct { QuoteFields CSVQuoteFields RecordDelimiter string FieldDelimiter string QuoteCharacter string QuoteEscapeCharacter string } // JSONInputOptions json input specific options type JSONInputOptions struct { Type JSONType } // JSONOutputOptions - json output specific options type JSONOutputOptions struct { RecordDelimiter string } // SelectObjectInputSerialization - input serialization parameters type SelectObjectInputSerialization struct { CompressionType SelectCompressionType Parquet *ParquetInputOptions `xml:"Parquet,omitempty"` CSV *CSVInputOptions `xml:"CSV,omitempty"` JSON *JSONInputOptions `xml:"JSON,omitempty"` } // SelectObjectOutputSerialization - output serialization parameters. type SelectObjectOutputSerialization struct { CSV *CSVOutputOptions `xml:"CSV,omitempty"` JSON *JSONOutputOptions `xml:"JSON,omitempty"` } // SelectObjectOptions - represents the input select body type SelectObjectOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SelectObjectContentRequest" json:"-"` ServerSideEncryption encrypt.ServerSide `xml:"-"` Expression string ExpressionType QueryExpressionType InputSerialization SelectObjectInputSerialization OutputSerialization SelectObjectOutputSerialization RequestProgress struct { Enabled bool } } // Header returns the http.Header representation of the SelectObject options. func (o SelectObjectOptions) Header() http.Header { headers := make(http.Header) if o.ServerSideEncryption != nil && o.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC { o.ServerSideEncryption.Marshal(headers) } return headers } // SelectObjectType - is the parameter which defines what type of object the // operation is being performed on. type SelectObjectType string // Constants for input data types. const ( SelectObjectTypeCSV SelectObjectType = "CSV" SelectObjectTypeJSON = "JSON" SelectObjectTypeParquet = "Parquet" ) // preludeInfo is used for keeping track of necessary information from the // prelude. type preludeInfo struct { totalLen uint32 headerLen uint32 } // SelectResults is used for the streaming responses from the server. type SelectResults struct { pipeReader *io.PipeReader resp *http.Response stats *StatsMessage progress *ProgressMessage } // ProgressMessage is a struct for progress xml message. type ProgressMessage struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Progress" json:"-"` StatsMessage } // StatsMessage is a struct for stat xml message. type StatsMessage struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Stats" json:"-"` BytesScanned int64 BytesProcessed int64 BytesReturned int64 } // messageType represents the type of message. type messageType string const ( errorMsg messageType = "error" commonMsg = "event" ) // eventType represents the type of event. type eventType string // list of event-types returned by Select API. const ( endEvent eventType = "End" recordsEvent = "Records" progressEvent = "Progress" statsEvent = "Stats" ) // contentType represents content type of event. type contentType string const ( xmlContent contentType = "text/xml" ) // SelectObjectContent is a implementation of http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectSELECTContent.html AWS S3 API. func (c Client) SelectObjectContent(ctx context.Context, bucketName, objectName string, opts SelectObjectOptions) (*SelectResults, error) { // Input validation. if err := s3utils.CheckValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := s3utils.CheckValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil { return nil, err } selectReqBytes, err := xml.Marshal(opts) if err != nil { return nil, err } urlValues := make(url.Values) urlValues.Set("select", "") urlValues.Set("select-type", "2") // Execute POST on bucket/object. resp, err := c.executeMethod(ctx, "POST", requestMetadata{ bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, queryValues: urlValues, customHeader: opts.Header(), contentMD5Base64: sumMD5Base64(selectReqBytes), contentSHA256Hex: sum256Hex(selectReqBytes), contentBody: bytes.NewReader(selectReqBytes), contentLength: int64(len(selectReqBytes)), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return nil, httpRespToErrorResponse(resp, bucketName, "") } pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe() streamer := &SelectResults{ resp: resp, stats: &StatsMessage{}, progress: &ProgressMessage{}, pipeReader: pipeReader, } streamer.start(pipeWriter) return streamer, nil } // Close - closes the underlying response body and the stream reader. func (s *SelectResults) Close() error { defer closeResponse(s.resp) return s.pipeReader.Close() } // Read - is a reader compatible implementation for SelectObjectContent records. func (s *SelectResults) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { return s.pipeReader.Read(b) } // Stats - information about a request's stats when processing is complete. func (s *SelectResults) Stats() *StatsMessage { return s.stats } // Progress - information about the progress of a request. func (s *SelectResults) Progress() *ProgressMessage { return s.progress } // start is the main function that decodes the large byte array into // several events that are sent through the eventstream. func (s *SelectResults) start(pipeWriter *io.PipeWriter) { go func() { for { var prelude preludeInfo var headers = make(http.Header) var err error // Create CRC code crc := crc32.New(crc32.IEEETable) crcReader := io.TeeReader(s.resp.Body, crc) // Extract the prelude(12 bytes) into a struct to extract relevant information. prelude, err = processPrelude(crcReader, crc) if err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } // Extract the headers(variable bytes) into a struct to extract relevant information if prelude.headerLen > 0 { if err = extractHeader(io.LimitReader(crcReader, int64(prelude.headerLen)), headers); err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } } // Get the actual payload length so that the appropriate amount of // bytes can be read or parsed. payloadLen := prelude.PayloadLen() m := messageType(headers.Get("message-type")) switch m { case errorMsg: pipeWriter.CloseWithError(errors.New("Error Type of " + headers.Get("error-type") + " " + headers.Get("error-message"))) closeResponse(s.resp) return case commonMsg: // Get content-type of the payload. c := contentType(headers.Get("content-type")) // Get event type of the payload. e := eventType(headers.Get("event-type")) // Handle all supported events. switch e { case endEvent: pipeWriter.Close() closeResponse(s.resp) return case recordsEvent: if _, err = io.Copy(pipeWriter, io.LimitReader(crcReader, payloadLen)); err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } case progressEvent: switch c { case xmlContent: if err = xmlDecoder(io.LimitReader(crcReader, payloadLen), s.progress); err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } default: pipeWriter.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("Unexpected content-type %s sent for event-type %s", c, progressEvent)) closeResponse(s.resp) return } case statsEvent: switch c { case xmlContent: if err = xmlDecoder(io.LimitReader(crcReader, payloadLen), s.stats); err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } default: pipeWriter.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("Unexpected content-type %s sent for event-type %s", c, statsEvent)) closeResponse(s.resp) return } } } // Ensures that the full message's CRC is correct and // that the message is not corrupted if err := checkCRC(s.resp.Body, crc.Sum32()); err != nil { pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err) closeResponse(s.resp) return } } }() } // PayloadLen is a function that calculates the length of the payload. func (p preludeInfo) PayloadLen() int64 { return int64(p.totalLen - p.headerLen - 16) } // processPrelude is the function that reads the 12 bytes of the prelude and // ensures the CRC is correct while also extracting relevant information into // the struct, func processPrelude(prelude io.Reader, crc hash.Hash32) (preludeInfo, error) { var err error var pInfo = preludeInfo{} // reads total length of the message (first 4 bytes) pInfo.totalLen, err = extractUint32(prelude) if err != nil { return pInfo, err } // reads total header length of the message (2nd 4 bytes) pInfo.headerLen, err = extractUint32(prelude) if err != nil { return pInfo, err } // checks that the CRC is correct (3rd 4 bytes) preCRC := crc.Sum32() if err := checkCRC(prelude, preCRC); err != nil { return pInfo, err } return pInfo, nil } // extracts the relevant information from the Headers. func extractHeader(body io.Reader, myHeaders http.Header) error { for { // extracts the first part of the header, headerTypeName, err := extractHeaderType(body) if err != nil { // Since end of file, we have read all of our headers if err == io.EOF { break } return err } // reads the 7 present in the header and ignores it. extractUint8(body) headerValueName, err := extractHeaderValue(body) if err != nil { return err } myHeaders.Set(headerTypeName, headerValueName) } return nil } // extractHeaderType extracts the first half of the header message, the header type. func extractHeaderType(body io.Reader) (string, error) { // extracts 2 bit integer headerNameLen, err := extractUint8(body) if err != nil { return "", err } // extracts the string with the appropriate number of bytes headerName, err := extractString(body, int(headerNameLen)) if err != nil { return "", err } return strings.TrimPrefix(headerName, ":"), nil } // extractsHeaderValue extracts the second half of the header message, the // header value func extractHeaderValue(body io.Reader) (string, error) { bodyLen, err := extractUint16(body) if err != nil { return "", err } bodyName, err := extractString(body, int(bodyLen)) if err != nil { return "", err } return bodyName, nil } // extracts a string from byte array of a particular number of bytes. func extractString(source io.Reader, lenBytes int) (string, error) { myVal := make([]byte, lenBytes) _, err := source.Read(myVal) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(myVal), nil } // extractUint32 extracts a 4 byte integer from the byte array. func extractUint32(r io.Reader) (uint32, error) { buf := make([]byte, 4) _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf) if err != nil { return 0, err } return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf), nil } // extractUint16 extracts a 2 byte integer from the byte array. func extractUint16(r io.Reader) (uint16, error) { buf := make([]byte, 2) _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf) if err != nil { return 0, err } return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf), nil } // extractUint8 extracts a 1 byte integer from the byte array. func extractUint8(r io.Reader) (uint8, error) { buf := make([]byte, 1) _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf) if err != nil { return 0, err } return buf[0], nil } // checkCRC ensures that the CRC matches with the one from the reader. func checkCRC(r io.Reader, expect uint32) error { msgCRC, err := extractUint32(r) if err != nil { return err } if msgCRC != expect { return fmt.Errorf("Checksum Mismatch, MessageCRC of 0x%X does not equal expected CRC of 0x%X", msgCRC, expect) } return nil }