package main import ( "bufio" "context" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var cmdBackup = &cobra.Command{ Use: "backup [flags] FILE/DIR [FILE/DIR] ...", Short: "create a new backup of files and/or directories", Long: ` The "backup" command creates a new snapshot and saves the files and directories given as the arguments. `, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if backupOptions.Stdin && backupOptions.FilesFrom == "-" { return errors.Fatal("cannot use both `--stdin` and `--files-from -`") } if backupOptions.Stdin { return readBackupFromStdin(backupOptions, globalOptions, args) } return runBackup(backupOptions, globalOptions, args) }, } // BackupOptions bundles all options for the backup command. type BackupOptions struct { Parent string Force bool Excludes []string ExcludeFiles []string ExcludeOtherFS bool Stdin bool StdinFilename string Tags []string Hostname string FilesFrom string } var backupOptions BackupOptions func init() { cmdRoot.AddCommand(cmdBackup) hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { debug.Log("os.Hostname() returned err: %v", err) hostname = "" } f := cmdBackup.Flags() f.StringVar(&backupOptions.Parent, "parent", "", "use this parent snapshot (default: last snapshot in the repo that has the same target files/directories)") f.BoolVarP(&backupOptions.Force, "force", "f", false, `force re-reading the target files/directories (overrides the "parent" flag)`) f.StringArrayVarP(&backupOptions.Excludes, "exclude", "e", nil, "exclude a `pattern` (can be specified multiple times)") f.StringArrayVar(&backupOptions.ExcludeFiles, "exclude-file", nil, "read exclude patterns from a `file` (can be specified multiple times)") f.BoolVarP(&backupOptions.ExcludeOtherFS, "one-file-system", "x", false, "exclude other file systems") f.BoolVar(&backupOptions.Stdin, "stdin", false, "read backup from stdin") f.StringVar(&backupOptions.StdinFilename, "stdin-filename", "stdin", "file name to use when reading from stdin") f.StringArrayVar(&backupOptions.Tags, "tag", nil, "add a `tag` for the new snapshot (can be specified multiple times)") f.StringVar(&backupOptions.Hostname, "hostname", hostname, "set the `hostname` for the snapshot manually") f.StringVar(&backupOptions.FilesFrom, "files-from", "", "read the files to backup from file (can be combined with file args)") } func newScanProgress(gopts GlobalOptions) *restic.Progress { if gopts.Quiet { return nil } p := restic.NewProgress() p.OnUpdate = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { if IsProcessBackground() { return } PrintProgress("[%s] %d directories, %d files, %s", formatDuration(d), s.Dirs, s.Files, formatBytes(s.Bytes)) } p.OnDone = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { PrintProgress("scanned %d directories, %d files in %s\n", s.Dirs, s.Files, formatDuration(d)) } return p } func newArchiveProgress(gopts GlobalOptions, todo restic.Stat) *restic.Progress { if gopts.Quiet { return nil } archiveProgress := restic.NewProgress() var bps, eta uint64 itemsTodo := todo.Files + todo.Dirs archiveProgress.OnUpdate = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { if IsProcessBackground() { return } sec := uint64(d / time.Second) if todo.Bytes > 0 && sec > 0 && ticker { bps = s.Bytes / sec if s.Bytes >= todo.Bytes { eta = 0 } else if bps > 0 { eta = (todo.Bytes - s.Bytes) / bps } } itemsDone := s.Files + s.Dirs status1 := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s %s/s %s / %s %d / %d items %d errors ", formatDuration(d), formatPercent(s.Bytes, todo.Bytes), formatBytes(bps), formatBytes(s.Bytes), formatBytes(todo.Bytes), itemsDone, itemsTodo, s.Errors) status2 := fmt.Sprintf("ETA %s ", formatSeconds(eta)) if w := stdoutTerminalWidth(); w > 0 { maxlen := w - len(status2) - 1 if maxlen < 4 { status1 = "" } else if len(status1) > maxlen { status1 = status1[:maxlen-4] status1 += "... " } } PrintProgress("%s%s", status1, status2) } archiveProgress.OnDone = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { fmt.Printf("\nduration: %s, %s\n", formatDuration(d), formatRate(todo.Bytes, d)) } return archiveProgress } func newArchiveStdinProgress(gopts GlobalOptions) *restic.Progress { if gopts.Quiet { return nil } archiveProgress := restic.NewProgress() var bps uint64 archiveProgress.OnUpdate = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { if IsProcessBackground() { return } sec := uint64(d / time.Second) if s.Bytes > 0 && sec > 0 && ticker { bps = s.Bytes / sec } status1 := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s %s/s", formatDuration(d), formatBytes(s.Bytes), formatBytes(bps)) if w := stdoutTerminalWidth(); w > 0 { maxlen := w - len(status1) if maxlen < 4 { status1 = "" } else if len(status1) > maxlen { status1 = status1[:maxlen-4] status1 += "... " } } PrintProgress("%s", status1) } archiveProgress.OnDone = func(s restic.Stat, d time.Duration, ticker bool) { fmt.Printf("\nduration: %s, %s\n", formatDuration(d), formatRate(s.Bytes, d)) } return archiveProgress } // filterExisting returns a slice of all existing items, or an error if no // items exist at all. func filterExisting(items []string) (result []string, err error) { for _, item := range items { _, err := fs.Lstat(item) if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) { continue } result = append(result, item) } if len(result) == 0 { return nil, errors.Fatal("all target directories/files do not exist") } return } // gatherDevices returns the set of unique device ids of the files and/or // directory paths listed in "items". func gatherDevices(items []string) (deviceMap map[string]uint64, err error) { deviceMap = make(map[string]uint64) for _, item := range items { fi, err := fs.Lstat(item) if err != nil { return nil, err } id, err := fs.DeviceID(fi) if err != nil { return nil, err } deviceMap[item] = id } if len(deviceMap) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("zero allowed devices") } return deviceMap, nil } func readBackupFromStdin(opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error { if len(args) != 0 { return errors.Fatal("when reading from stdin, no additional files can be specified") } if opts.StdinFilename == "" { return errors.Fatal("filename for backup from stdin must not be empty") } if gopts.password == "" && gopts.PasswordFile == "" { return errors.Fatal("unable to read password from stdin when data is to be read from stdin, use --password-file or $RESTIC_PASSWORD") } repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts) if err != nil { return err } lock, err := lockRepo(repo) defer unlockRepo(lock) if err != nil { return err } err = repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()) if err != nil { return err } r := &archiver.Reader{ Repository: repo, Tags: opts.Tags, Hostname: opts.Hostname, } _, id, err := r.Archive(context.TODO(), opts.StdinFilename, os.Stdin, newArchiveStdinProgress(gopts)) if err != nil { return err } Verbosef("archived as %v\n", id.Str()) return nil } // readFromFile will read all lines from the given filename and write them to a // string array, if filename is empty readFromFile returns and empty string // array. If filename is a dash (-), readFromFile will read the lines from // the standard input. func readLinesFromFile(filename string) ([]string, error) { if filename == "" { return nil, nil } var r io.Reader = os.Stdin if filename != "-" { f, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer f.Close() r = f } var lines []string scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() if line == "" { continue } lines = append(lines, line) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return lines, nil } func runBackup(opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error { if opts.FilesFrom == "-" && gopts.password == "" && gopts.PasswordFile == "" { return errors.Fatal("no password; either use `--password-file` option or put the password into the RESTIC_PASSWORD environment variable") } fromfile, err := readLinesFromFile(opts.FilesFrom) if err != nil { return err } // merge files from files-from into normal args so we can reuse the normal // args checks and have the ability to use both files-from and args at the // same time args = append(args, fromfile...) if len(args) == 0 { return errors.Fatal("wrong number of parameters") } target := make([]string, 0, len(args)) for _, d := range args { if a, err := filepath.Abs(d); err == nil { d = a } target = append(target, d) } target, err = filterExisting(target) if err != nil { return err } // allowed devices var allowedDevs map[string]uint64 if opts.ExcludeOtherFS { allowedDevs, err = gatherDevices(target) if err != nil { return err } debug.Log("allowed devices: %v\n", allowedDevs) } repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts) if err != nil { return err } lock, err := lockRepo(repo) defer unlockRepo(lock) if err != nil { return err } err = repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO()) if err != nil { return err } var parentSnapshotID *restic.ID // Force using a parent if !opts.Force && opts.Parent != "" { id, err := restic.FindSnapshot(repo, opts.Parent) if err != nil { return errors.Fatalf("invalid id %q: %v", opts.Parent, err) } parentSnapshotID = &id } // Find last snapshot to set it as parent, if not already set if !opts.Force && parentSnapshotID == nil { id, err := restic.FindLatestSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo, target, []restic.TagList{opts.Tags}, opts.Hostname) if err == nil { parentSnapshotID = &id } else if err != restic.ErrNoSnapshotFound { return err } } if parentSnapshotID != nil { Verbosef("using parent snapshot %v\n", parentSnapshotID.Str()) } Verbosef("scan %v\n", target) // add patterns from file if len(opts.ExcludeFiles) > 0 { for _, filename := range opts.ExcludeFiles { file, err := fs.Open(filename) if err != nil { Warnf("error reading exclude patterns: %v", err) return nil } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text()) // ignore empty lines if line == "" { continue } // strip comments if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") { continue } line = os.ExpandEnv(line) opts.Excludes = append(opts.Excludes, line) } } } selectFilter := func(item string, fi os.FileInfo) bool { matched, err := filter.List(opts.Excludes, item) if err != nil { Warnf("error for exclude pattern: %v", err) } if matched { debug.Log("path %q excluded by a filter", item) return false } if !opts.ExcludeOtherFS || fi == nil { return true } id, err := fs.DeviceID(fi) if err != nil { // This should never happen because gatherDevices() would have // errored out earlier. If it still does that's a reason to panic. panic(err) } for dir := item; dir != ""; dir = filepath.Dir(dir) { debug.Log("item %v, test dir %v", item, dir) allowedID, ok := allowedDevs[dir] if !ok { continue } if allowedID != id { debug.Log("path %q on disallowed device %d", item, id) return false } return true } panic(fmt.Sprintf("item %v, device id %v not found, allowedDevs: %v", item, id, allowedDevs)) } stat, err := archiver.Scan(target, selectFilter, newScanProgress(gopts)) if err != nil { return err } arch := archiver.New(repo) arch.Excludes = opts.Excludes arch.SelectFilter = selectFilter arch.Warn = func(dir string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) { // TODO: make ignoring errors configurable Warnf("%s\rwarning for %s: %v\n", ClearLine(), dir, err) } _, id, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), newArchiveProgress(gopts, stat), target, opts.Tags, opts.Hostname, parentSnapshotID) if err != nil { return err } Verbosef("snapshot %s saved\n", id.Str()) return nil }