// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package firestore import ( "testing" "golang.org/x/net/context" "cloud.google.com/go/internal/pretty" pb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/firestore/v1beta1" "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/wrappers" ) func TestQueryToProto(t *testing.T) { c := &Client{} coll := c.Collection("C") q := coll.Query aFilter, err := filter{[]string{"a"}, ">", 5}.toProto() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } bFilter, err := filter{[]string{"b"}, "<", "foo"}.toProto() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } slashStarFilter, err := filter{[]string{"/", "*"}, ">", 5}.toProto() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } type S struct { A int `firestore:"a"` } for _, test := range []struct { in Query want *pb.StructuredQuery }{ { in: q.Select(), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Select: &pb.StructuredQuery_Projection{ Fields: []*pb.StructuredQuery_FieldReference{fref1("__name__")}, }, }, }, { in: q.Select("a", "b"), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Select: &pb.StructuredQuery_Projection{ Fields: []*pb.StructuredQuery_FieldReference{fref1("a"), fref1("b")}, }, }, }, { in: q.Select("a", "b").Select("c"), // last wins want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Select: &pb.StructuredQuery_Projection{ Fields: []*pb.StructuredQuery_FieldReference{fref1("c")}, }, }, }, { in: q.SelectPaths([]string{"*"}, []string{"/"}), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Select: &pb.StructuredQuery_Projection{ Fields: []*pb.StructuredQuery_FieldReference{fref1("*"), fref1("/")}, }, }, }, { in: q.Where("a", ">", 5), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{Where: aFilter}, }, { in: q.Where("a", ">", 5).Where("b", "<", "foo"), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Where: &pb.StructuredQuery_Filter{ &pb.StructuredQuery_Filter_CompositeFilter{ &pb.StructuredQuery_CompositeFilter{ Op: pb.StructuredQuery_CompositeFilter_AND, Filters: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Filter{ aFilter, bFilter, }, }, }, }, }, }, { in: q.WherePath([]string{"/", "*"}, ">", 5), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{Where: slashStarFilter}, }, { in: q.OrderBy("b", Asc).OrderBy("a", Desc).OrderByPath([]string{"~"}, Asc), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("b"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_DESCENDING}, {fref1("~"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, }, }, }, { in: q.Offset(2).Limit(3), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Offset: 2, Limit: &wrappers.Int32Value{3}, }, }, { in: q.Offset(2).Limit(3).Limit(4).Offset(5), // last wins want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ Offset: 5, Limit: &wrappers.Int32Value{4}, }, }, { in: q.OrderBy("a", Asc).StartAt(7).EndBefore(9), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, }, StartAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(7)}, Before: true, }, EndAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(9)}, Before: true, }, }, }, { in: q.OrderBy("a", Asc).StartAt(7).EndBefore(9), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, }, StartAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(7)}, Before: true, }, EndAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(9)}, Before: true, }, }, }, { in: q.OrderBy("a", Asc).StartAfter(7).EndAt(9), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, }, StartAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(7)}, Before: false, }, EndAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(9)}, Before: false, }, }, }, { in: q.OrderBy("a", Asc).OrderBy("b", Desc).StartAfter(7, 8).EndAt(9, 10), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, {fref1("b"), pb.StructuredQuery_DESCENDING}, }, StartAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(7), intval(8)}, Before: false, }, EndAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(9), intval(10)}, Before: false, }, }, }, { // last of StartAt/After wins, same for End in: q.OrderBy("a", Asc). StartAfter(1).StartAt(2). EndAt(3).EndBefore(4), want: &pb.StructuredQuery{ OrderBy: []*pb.StructuredQuery_Order{ {fref1("a"), pb.StructuredQuery_ASCENDING}, }, StartAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(2)}, Before: true, }, EndAt: &pb.Cursor{ Values: []*pb.Value{intval(4)}, Before: true, }, }, }, } { got, err := test.in.toProto() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v: %v", test.in, err) } test.want.From = []*pb.StructuredQuery_CollectionSelector{{CollectionId: "C"}} if !testEqual(got, test.want) { t.Errorf("%+v: got\n%v\nwant\n%v", test.in, pretty.Value(got), pretty.Value(test.want)) } } } func fref1(s string) *pb.StructuredQuery_FieldReference { return fref([]string{s}) } func TestQueryToProtoErrors(t *testing.T) { q := (&Client{}).Collection("C").Query for _, query := range []Query{ Query{}, // no collection ID q.Where("x", "!=", 1), // invalid operator q.Where("~", ">", 1), // invalid path q.WherePath([]string{"*", ""}, ">", 1), // invalid path q.StartAt(1), // no OrderBy q.StartAt(2).OrderBy("x", Asc).OrderBy("y", Desc), // wrong # OrderBy q.Select("*"), // invalid path q.SelectPaths([]string{"/", "", "~"}), // invalid path q.OrderBy("[", Asc), // invalid path q.OrderByPath([]string{""}, Desc), // invalid path } { _, err := query.toProto() if err == nil { t.Errorf("%+v: got nil, want error", query) } } } func TestQueryMethodsDoNotModifyReceiver(t *testing.T) { var empty Query q := Query{} _ = q.Select("a", "b") if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} q1 := q.Where("a", ">", 3) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } // Extra check because Where appends to a slice. q1before := q.Where("a", ">", 3) // same as q1 _ = q1.Where("b", "<", "foo") if !testEqual(q1, q1before) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want %+v", q1, q1before) } q = Query{} q1 = q.OrderBy("a", Asc) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } // Extra check because Where appends to a slice. q1before = q.OrderBy("a", Asc) // same as q1 _ = q1.OrderBy("b", Desc) if !testEqual(q1, q1before) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want %+v", q1, q1before) } q = Query{} _ = q.Offset(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} _ = q.Limit(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} _ = q.StartAt(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} _ = q.StartAfter(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} _ = q.EndAt(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } q = Query{} _ = q.EndBefore(5) if !testEqual(q, empty) { t.Errorf("got %+v, want empty", q) } } func TestQueryFromCollectionRef(t *testing.T) { c := &Client{} coll := c.Collection("C") got := coll.Select("x").Offset(8) want := Query{ c: c, parentPath: c.path(), collectionID: "C", selection: []FieldPath{{"x"}}, offset: 8, } if !testEqual(got, want) { t.Fatalf("got %+v, want %+v", got, want) } } func TestQueryGetAll(t *testing.T) { // This implicitly tests DocumentIterator as well. const dbPath = "projects/projectID/databases/(default)" ctx := context.Background() c, srv := newMock(t) docNames := []string{"C/a", "C/b"} wantPBDocs := []*pb.Document{ { Name: dbPath + "/documents/" + docNames[0], CreateTime: aTimestamp, UpdateTime: aTimestamp, Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(2)}, }, { Name: dbPath + "/documents/" + docNames[1], CreateTime: aTimestamp2, UpdateTime: aTimestamp3, Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(1)}, }, } srv.addRPC(nil, []interface{}{ &pb.RunQueryResponse{Document: wantPBDocs[0]}, &pb.RunQueryResponse{Document: wantPBDocs[1]}, }) gotDocs, err := c.Collection("C").Documents(ctx).GetAll() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got, want := len(gotDocs), len(wantPBDocs); got != want { t.Errorf("got %d docs, wanted %d", got, want) } for i, got := range gotDocs { want, err := newDocumentSnapshot(c.Doc(docNames[i]), wantPBDocs[i], c) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !testEqual(got, want) { // avoid writing a cycle got.c = nil want.c = nil t.Errorf("#%d: got %+v, want %+v", i, pretty.Value(got), pretty.Value(want)) } } }