/* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package spanner import ( "reflect" "testing" "time" "cloud.google.com/go/civil" proto3 "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct" sppb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1" ) // Test Key.String() and Key.proto(). func TestKey(t *testing.T) { tm, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2016-11-15T15:04:05.999999999Z") dt, _ := civil.ParseDate("2016-11-15") for _, test := range []struct { k Key wantProto *proto3.ListValue wantStr string }{ { k: Key{int(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{int8(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{int16(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{int32(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{int64(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{uint8(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{uint16(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{uint32(1)}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{true}, wantProto: listValueProto(boolProto(true)), wantStr: "(true)", }, { k: Key{float32(1.5)}, wantProto: listValueProto(floatProto(1.5)), wantStr: "(1.5)", }, { k: Key{float64(1.5)}, wantProto: listValueProto(floatProto(1.5)), wantStr: "(1.5)", }, { k: Key{"value"}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("value")), wantStr: `("value")`, }, { k: Key{[]byte(nil)}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{[]byte{}}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("")), wantStr: `("")`, }, { k: Key{tm}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("2016-11-15T15:04:05.999999999Z")), wantStr: `("2016-11-15T15:04:05.999999999Z")`, }, {k: Key{dt}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("2016-11-15")), wantStr: `("2016-11-15")`, }, { k: Key{[]byte("value")}, wantProto: listValueProto(bytesProto([]byte("value"))), wantStr: `("value")`, }, { k: Key{NullInt64{1, true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1")), wantStr: "(1)", }, { k: Key{NullInt64{2, false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{NullFloat64{1.5, true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(floatProto(1.5)), wantStr: "(1.5)", }, { k: Key{NullFloat64{2.0, false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{NullBool{true, true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(boolProto(true)), wantStr: "(true)", }, { k: Key{NullBool{true, false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{NullString{"value", true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("value")), wantStr: `("value")`, }, { k: Key{NullString{"value", false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{NullTime{tm, true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(timeProto(tm)), wantStr: `("2016-11-15T15:04:05.999999999Z")`, }, { k: Key{NullTime{time.Now(), false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{NullDate{dt, true}}, wantProto: listValueProto(dateProto(dt)), wantStr: `("2016-11-15")`, }, { k: Key{NullDate{civil.Date{}, false}}, wantProto: listValueProto(nullProto()), wantStr: "()", }, { k: Key{int(1), NullString{"value", false}, "value", 1.5, true}, wantProto: listValueProto(stringProto("1"), nullProto(), stringProto("value"), floatProto(1.5), boolProto(true)), wantStr: `(1,,"value",1.5,true)`, }, } { if got := test.k.String(); got != test.wantStr { t.Errorf("%v.String() = %v, want %v", test.k, got, test.wantStr) } gotProto, err := test.k.proto() if err != nil { t.Errorf("%v.proto() returns error %v; want nil error", test.k, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotProto, test.wantProto) { t.Errorf("%v.proto() = \n%v\nwant:\n%v", test.k, gotProto, test.wantProto) } } } // Test KeyRange.String() and KeyRange.proto(). func TestKeyRange(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []struct { kr KeyRange wantProto *sppb.KeyRange wantStr string }{ { kr: KeyRange{Key{"A"}, Key{"D"}, OpenOpen}, wantProto: &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartOpen{StartOpen: listValueProto(stringProto("A"))}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndOpen{EndOpen: listValueProto(stringProto("D"))}, }, wantStr: `(("A"),("D"))`, }, { kr: KeyRange{Key{1}, Key{10}, OpenClosed}, wantProto: &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartOpen{StartOpen: listValueProto(stringProto("1"))}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(stringProto("10"))}, }, wantStr: "((1),(10)]", }, { kr: KeyRange{Key{1.5, 2.1, 0.2}, Key{1.9, 0.7}, ClosedOpen}, wantProto: &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(floatProto(1.5), floatProto(2.1), floatProto(0.2))}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndOpen{EndOpen: listValueProto(floatProto(1.9), floatProto(0.7))}, }, wantStr: "[(1.5,2.1,0.2),(1.9,0.7))", }, { kr: KeyRange{Key{NullInt64{1, true}}, Key{10}, ClosedClosed}, wantProto: &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(stringProto("1"))}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(stringProto("10"))}, }, wantStr: "[(1),(10)]", }, } { if got := test.kr.String(); got != test.wantStr { t.Errorf("%v.String() = %v, want %v", test.kr, got, test.wantStr) } gotProto, err := test.kr.proto() if err != nil { t.Errorf("%v.proto() returns error %v; want nil error", test.kr, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotProto, test.wantProto) { t.Errorf("%v.proto() = \n%v\nwant:\n%v", test.kr, gotProto.String(), test.wantProto.String()) } } } func TestPrefixRange(t *testing.T) { got := Key{1}.AsPrefix() want := KeyRange{Start: Key{1}, End: Key{1}, Kind: ClosedClosed} if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want) } } func TestKeySets(t *testing.T) { int1 := intProto(1) int2 := intProto(2) int3 := intProto(3) int4 := intProto(4) for i, test := range []struct { ks KeySet wantProto *sppb.KeySet }{ { KeySets(), &sppb.KeySet{}, }, { Key{4}, &sppb.KeySet{ Keys: []*proto3.ListValue{listValueProto(int4)}, }, }, { AllKeys(), &sppb.KeySet{All: true}, }, { KeySets(Key{1, 2}, Key{3, 4}), &sppb.KeySet{ Keys: []*proto3.ListValue{ listValueProto(int1, int2), listValueProto(int3, int4), }, }, }, { KeyRange{Key{1}, Key{2}, ClosedOpen}, &sppb.KeySet{Ranges: []*sppb.KeyRange{ &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(int1)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndOpen{EndOpen: listValueProto(int2)}, }, }}, }, { Key{2}.AsPrefix(), &sppb.KeySet{Ranges: []*sppb.KeyRange{ &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(int2)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(int2)}, }, }}, }, { KeySets( KeyRange{Key{1}, Key{2}, ClosedClosed}, KeyRange{Key{3}, Key{4}, OpenClosed}, ), &sppb.KeySet{ Ranges: []*sppb.KeyRange{ &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(int1)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(int2)}, }, &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartOpen{StartOpen: listValueProto(int3)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(int4)}, }, }, }, }, { KeySets( Key{1}, KeyRange{Key{2}, Key{3}, ClosedClosed}, KeyRange{Key{4}, Key{5}, OpenClosed}, KeySets(), Key{6}), &sppb.KeySet{ Keys: []*proto3.ListValue{ listValueProto(int1), listValueProto(intProto(6)), }, Ranges: []*sppb.KeyRange{ &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: listValueProto(int2)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(int3)}, }, &sppb.KeyRange{ StartKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_StartOpen{StartOpen: listValueProto(int4)}, EndKeyType: &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: listValueProto(intProto(5))}, }, }, }, }, { KeySets( Key{1}, KeyRange{Key{2}, Key{3}, ClosedClosed}, AllKeys(), KeyRange{Key{4}, Key{5}, OpenClosed}, Key{6}), &sppb.KeySet{All: true}, }, } { gotProto, err := test.ks.keySetProto() if err != nil { t.Errorf("#%d: %v.proto() returns error %v; want nil error", i, test.ks, err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotProto, test.wantProto) { t.Errorf("#%d: %v.proto() = \n%v\nwant:\n%v", i, test.ks, gotProto.String(), test.wantProto.String()) } } }