2018-08-19 23:28:04 +02:00

566 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdFind = &cobra.Command{
Use: "find [flags] PATTERN...",
Short: "Find a file, a directory or restic IDs",
Long: `
The "find" command searches for files or directories in snapshots stored in the
It can also be used to search for restic blobs or trees for troubleshooting.`,
Example: `restic find config.json
restic find --json "*.yml" "*.json"
restic find --json --blob 420f620f b46ebe8a ddd38656
restic find --show-pack-id --blob 420f620f
restic find --tree 577c2bc9 f81f2e22 a62827a9
restic find --pack 025c1d06`,
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runFind(findOptions, globalOptions, args)
const shortStr = 8 // Length of short IDs: 4 bytes as hex strings
// FindOptions bundles all options for the find command.
type FindOptions struct {
Oldest string
Newest string
Snapshots []string
BlobID, TreeID bool
PackID, ShowPackID bool
CaseInsensitive bool
ListLong bool
Host string
Paths []string
Tags restic.TagLists
var findOptions FindOptions
func init() {
f := cmdFind.Flags()
f.StringVarP(&findOptions.Oldest, "oldest", "O", "", "oldest modification date/time")
f.StringVarP(&findOptions.Newest, "newest", "N", "", "newest modification date/time")
f.StringArrayVarP(&findOptions.Snapshots, "snapshot", "s", nil, "snapshot `id` to search in (can be given multiple times)")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.BlobID, "blob", false, "pattern is a blob-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.TreeID, "tree", false, "pattern is a tree-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.PackID, "pack", false, "pattern is a pack-ID")
f.BoolVar(&findOptions.ShowPackID, "show-pack-id", false, "display the pack-ID the blobs belong to (with --blob)")
f.BoolVarP(&findOptions.CaseInsensitive, "ignore-case", "i", false, "ignore case for pattern")
f.BoolVarP(&findOptions.ListLong, "long", "l", false, "use a long listing format showing size and mode")
f.StringVarP(&findOptions.Host, "host", "H", "", "only consider snapshots for this `host`, when no snapshot ID is given")
f.Var(&findOptions.Tags, "tag", "only consider snapshots which include this `taglist`, when no snapshot-ID is given")
f.StringArrayVar(&findOptions.Paths, "path", nil, "only consider snapshots which include this (absolute) `path`, when no snapshot-ID is given")
type findPattern struct {
oldest, newest time.Time
pattern []string
ignoreCase bool
var timeFormats = []string{
"2006-01-02 15:04",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST",
"02.01.2006 15:04",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05 -0700",
"02.01.2006 15:04:05 MST",
"Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006",
func parseTime(str string) (time.Time, error) {
for _, fmt := range timeFormats {
if t, err := time.ParseInLocation(fmt, str, time.Local); err == nil {
return t, nil
return time.Time{}, errors.Fatalf("unable to parse time: %q", str)
type statefulOutput struct {
ListLong bool
JSON bool
inuse bool
newsn *restic.Snapshot
oldsn *restic.Snapshot
hits int
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPatternJSON(path string, node *restic.Node) {
type findNode restic.Node
b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
// Add these attributes
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Permissions string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
// Make the following attributes disappear
Name byte `json:"name,omitempty"`
Inode byte `json:"inode,omitempty"`
ExtendedAttributes byte `json:"extended_attributes,omitempty"`
Device byte `json:"device,omitempty"`
Content byte `json:"content,omitempty"`
Subtree byte `json:"subtree,omitempty"`
Path: path,
Permissions: node.Mode.String(),
findNode: (*findNode)(node),
if err != nil {
Warnf("Marshall failed: %v\n", err)
if !s.inuse {
s.inuse = true
if s.newsn != s.oldsn {
if s.oldsn != nil {
Printf("],\"hits\":%d,\"snapshot\":%q},", s.hits, s.oldsn.ID())
s.oldsn = s.newsn
s.hits = 0
if s.hits > 0 {
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPatternNormal(path string, node *restic.Node) {
if s.newsn != s.oldsn {
if s.oldsn != nil {
s.oldsn = s.newsn
Verbosef("Found matching entries in snapshot %s\n", s.oldsn.ID().Str())
Printf(formatNode(path, node, s.ListLong) + "\n")
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintPattern(path string, node *restic.Node) {
if s.JSON {
s.PrintPatternJSON(path, node)
} else {
s.PrintPatternNormal(path, node)
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObjectJSON(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
b, err := json.Marshal(struct {
// Add these attributes
ObjectType string `json:"object_type"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Path string `json:"path"`
ParentTree string `json:"parent_tree,omitempty"`
SnapshotID string `json:"snapshot"`
Time time.Time `json:"time,omitempty"`
ObjectType: kind,
ID: id,
Path: nodepath,
SnapshotID: sn.ID().String(),
ParentTree: treeID,
Time: sn.Time,
if err != nil {
Warnf("Marshall failed: %v\n", err)
if !s.inuse {
s.inuse = true
if s.hits > 0 {
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObjectNormal(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
Printf("Found %s %s\n", kind, id)
if kind == "blob" {
Printf(" ... in file %s\n", nodepath)
Printf(" (tree %s)\n", treeID)
} else {
Printf(" ... path %s\n", nodepath)
Printf(" ... in snapshot %s (%s)\n", sn.ID().Str(), sn.Time.Format(TimeFormat))
func (s *statefulOutput) PrintObject(kind, id, nodepath, treeID string, sn *restic.Snapshot) {
if s.JSON {
s.PrintObjectJSON(kind, id, nodepath, treeID, sn)
} else {
s.PrintObjectNormal(kind, id, nodepath, treeID, sn)
func (s *statefulOutput) Finish() {
if s.JSON {
// do some finishing up
if s.oldsn != nil {
Printf("],\"hits\":%d,\"snapshot\":%q}", s.hits, s.oldsn.ID())
if s.inuse {
} else {
// Finder bundles information needed to find a file or directory.
type Finder struct {
repo restic.Repository
pat findPattern
out statefulOutput
ignoreTrees restic.IDSet
blobIDs map[string]struct{}
treeIDs map[string]struct{}
itemsFound int
func (f *Finder) findInSnapshot(ctx context.Context, sn *restic.Snapshot) error {
debug.Log("searching in snapshot %s\n for entries within [%s %s]", sn.ID(), f.pat.oldest, f.pat.newest)
if sn.Tree == nil {
return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has no tree", sn.ID().Str())
f.out.newsn = sn
return walker.Walk(ctx, f.repo, *sn.Tree, f.ignoreTrees, func(nodepath string, node *restic.Node, treeID string, err error) (bool, error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
if node == nil {
return false, nil
normalizedNodepath := nodepath
if f.pat.ignoreCase {
normalizedNodepath = strings.ToLower(nodepath)
var foundMatch bool
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
found, err := filter.Match(pat, normalizedNodepath)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if found {
foundMatch = true
var (
ignoreIfNoMatch = true
errIfNoMatch error
if node.Type == "dir" {
var childMayMatch bool
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
mayMatch, err := filter.ChildMatch(pat, normalizedNodepath)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if mayMatch {
childMayMatch = true
if !childMayMatch {
ignoreIfNoMatch = true
errIfNoMatch = walker.SkipNode
} else {
ignoreIfNoMatch = false
if !foundMatch {
return ignoreIfNoMatch, errIfNoMatch
if !f.pat.oldest.IsZero() && node.ModTime.Before(f.pat.oldest) {
debug.Log(" ModTime is older than %s\n", f.pat.oldest)
return ignoreIfNoMatch, errIfNoMatch
if !f.pat.newest.IsZero() && node.ModTime.After(f.pat.newest) {
debug.Log(" ModTime is newer than %s\n", f.pat.newest)
return ignoreIfNoMatch, errIfNoMatch
debug.Log(" found match\n")
f.out.PrintPattern(nodepath, node)
return false, nil
func (f *Finder) findIDs(ctx context.Context, sn *restic.Snapshot) error {
debug.Log("searching IDs in snapshot %s", sn.ID())
if sn.Tree == nil {
return errors.Errorf("snapshot %v has no tree", sn.ID().Str())
f.out.newsn = sn
return walker.Walk(ctx, f.repo, *sn.Tree, f.ignoreTrees, func(nodepath string, node *restic.Node, treeID string, err error) (bool, error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
if node == nil {
return false, nil
if node.Type == "dir" && f.treeIDs != nil {
treeID := node.Subtree
found := false
if _, ok := f.treeIDs[treeID.Str()]; ok {
found = true
} else if _, ok := f.treeIDs[treeID.String()]; ok {
found = true
if found {
f.out.PrintObject("tree", treeID.String(), nodepath, "", sn)
// Terminate if we have found all trees (and we are not
// looking for blobs)
if f.itemsFound >= len(f.treeIDs) && f.blobIDs == nil {
// Return an error to terminate the Walk
return true, errors.New("OK")
if node.Type == "file" && f.blobIDs != nil {
for _, id := range node.Content {
idStr := id.String()
if _, ok := f.blobIDs[idStr]; !ok {
// Look for short ID form
if _, ok := f.blobIDs[idStr[:shortStr]]; !ok {
// Replace the short ID with the long one
f.blobIDs[idStr] = struct{}{}
delete(f.blobIDs, idStr[:shortStr])
f.out.PrintObject("blob", idStr, nodepath, treeID, sn)
return false, nil
// packsToBlobs converts the list of pack IDs to a list of blob IDs that
// belong to those packs.
func (f *Finder) packsToBlobs(ctx context.Context, packs []string) error {
packIDs := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, p := range packs {
packIDs[p] = struct{}{}
if f.blobIDs == nil {
f.blobIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
allPacksFound := false
packsFound := 0
debug.Log("Looking for packs...")
err := f.repo.List(ctx, restic.DataFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error {
if allPacksFound {
return nil
idStr := id.String()
if _, ok := packIDs[idStr]; !ok {
// Look for short ID form
if _, ok := packIDs[idStr[:shortStr]]; !ok {
return nil
debug.Log("Found pack %s", idStr)
blobs, _, err := f.repo.ListPack(ctx, id, size)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, b := range blobs {
f.blobIDs[b.ID.String()] = struct{}{}
// Stop searching when all packs have been found
if packsFound >= len(packIDs) {
allPacksFound = true
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if !allPacksFound {
return errors.Fatal("unable to find all specified pack(s)")
debug.Log("%d blobs found", len(f.blobIDs))
return nil
func (f *Finder) findBlobsPacks(ctx context.Context) {
idx := f.repo.Index()
for i := range f.blobIDs {
rid, err := restic.ParseID(i)
if err != nil {
Printf("Note: cannot find pack for blob '%s', unable to parse ID: %v\n", i, err)
blobs, found := idx.Lookup(rid, restic.DataBlob)
if !found {
Printf("Blob %s not found in the index\n", rid.Str())
for _, b := range blobs {
if b.ID.Equal(rid) {
Printf("Blob belongs to pack %s\n ... Pack %s: %s\n", b.PackID, b.PackID.Str(), b.String())
func runFind(opts FindOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return errors.Fatal("wrong number of arguments")
var err error
pat := findPattern{pattern: args}
if opts.CaseInsensitive {
for i := range pat.pattern {
pat.pattern[i] = strings.ToLower(pat.pattern[i])
pat.ignoreCase = true
if opts.Oldest != "" {
if pat.oldest, err = parseTime(opts.Oldest); err != nil {
return err
if opts.Newest != "" {
if pat.newest, err = parseTime(opts.Newest); err != nil {
return err
// Check at most only one kind of IDs is provided: currently we
// can't mix types
if (opts.BlobID && opts.TreeID) ||
(opts.BlobID && opts.PackID) ||
(opts.TreeID && opts.PackID) {
return errors.Fatal("cannot have several ID types")
repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.NoLock {
lock, err := lockRepo(repo)
defer unlockRepo(lock)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = repo.LoadIndex(gopts.ctx); err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(gopts.ctx)
defer cancel()
f := &Finder{
repo: repo,
pat: pat,
out: statefulOutput{ListLong: opts.ListLong, JSON: globalOptions.JSON},
ignoreTrees: restic.NewIDSet(),
if opts.BlobID {
f.blobIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
f.blobIDs[pat] = struct{}{}
if opts.TreeID {
f.treeIDs = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, pat := range f.pat.pattern {
f.treeIDs[pat] = struct{}{}
if opts.PackID {
f.packsToBlobs(ctx, []string{f.pat.pattern[0]}) // TODO: support multiple packs
for sn := range FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx, repo, opts.Host, opts.Tags, opts.Paths, opts.Snapshots) {
if f.blobIDs != nil || f.treeIDs != nil {
if err = f.findIDs(ctx, sn); err != nil && err.Error() != "OK" {
return err
if err = f.findInSnapshot(ctx, sn); err != nil {
return err
if opts.ShowPackID && f.blobIDs != nil {
return nil