2018-03-30 11:42:11 +02:00

401 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// generator scours the repository in search for
// REST functionality that has Go configuration, then generates packages accordingly.
// This tool was developed with the intention that it be an internal tool for the
// Azure-SDK-for-Go team, but the usage of this package for public scenarios is in no
// way prohibited. For example, have a fork of
// Generate out and SDK with the same shape as our SDK, but using your patterns using
// this tool.
// Given that this code was developed as an internal tool, troubles with it that do not
// pertain to our usage of it may be slow to be fixed. Pull Requests are welcome though,
// feel free to contribute.
package main
import (
const (
defaultGenVer = ""
var (
targetFiles collection.Enumerable
packageVersion string
outputBase string
logDirBase string
autorestVer string
errLog *log.Logger
statusLog *log.Logger
dryRun bool
// version should be set by the linker when compiling this program by providing the following arguments:
// -X main.version=<version>
// If installing the generator in your machine, that means running the following the command:
// go install -ldflags "-X main.version=<version>"
// The reason this is not controlled in source, is to allow for the git commit SHA1 to be used as the
// version of the string. To retrieve the currently checked-out git commit SHA1, you can use the command:
// git rev-parse HEAD
// If this value is set, it is recommended that it be the value of the SHA1 git commit identifier for the
// source that was used at build time.
var version string
func main() {
start := time.Now()
type generationTuple struct {
fileName string
packageName string
outputFolder string
literateFiles := collection.Where(targetFiles, func(subject interface{}) bool {
return strings.EqualFold(path.Base(subject.(string)), "")
stableAPIPaths := []string{}
tuples := collection.SelectMany(literateFiles,
// The following function compiles the regexp which finds Go related package tags in a literate file, and creates a collection.Unfolder.
// This function has been declared this way so that the relatively expensive act of compiling a regexp is only done once.
func() collection.Unfolder {
const goSettingsPatternText = "```" + `\s+yaml\s+\$\(\s*tag\s*\)\s*==\s*'([\d\w\-\.]+)'\s*&&\s*\$\(go\)[\w\d\-\s:]*\s+output-folder:\s+\$\(go-sdk-folder\)([\w\d\-_\\/\.]+)\s+[\w\d\-\s:]*` + "```"
goConfigPattern := regexp.MustCompile(goSettingsPatternText)
const packagePatternText = `(?ms)\s+yaml\s+\$\(\s*tag\s*\)\s*==\s*'([\d\w\-\.]+)'\s*^input-file:(\s+.*?)\x60`
packageConfigPattern := regexp.MustCompile(packagePatternText)
// This function is a collection.Unfolder which takes a literate file as a path, and retrieves all configuration which applies to a package tag and Go.
return func(subject interface{}) collection.Enumerator {
results := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(results)
targetContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(subject.(string))
if err != nil {
errLog.Printf("Skipping %q because: %v", subject.(string), err)
matches := goConfigPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(targetContents), -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
statusLog.Printf("Skipping %q because there were no package tags with go configuration found.", subject.(string))
} else {
packageMatches := packageConfigPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(targetContents), -1)
outputAPIFolders := map[string]string{}
for _, submatch := range matches {
packageName := normalizePath(submatch[1])
outputFolder := normalizePath(submatch[2])
leafFolder := getLeafOutputFolder(outputFolder)
isStableAPI := isStableAPI(packageName, packageMatches)
_, ok := outputAPIFolders[leafFolder]
if !ok && isStableAPI {
outputAPIFolders[leafFolder] = packageName
stableAPIPaths = append(stableAPIPaths, path.Join(getRelativeOutputBase(), strings.Trim(outputFolder, "/")))
results <- generationTuple{
fileName: subject.(string),
packageName: packageName,
outputFolder: outputFolder,
return results
if dryRun {
for entry := range tuples.Enumerate(nil) {
tuple := entry.(generationTuple)
fmt.Printf("%q in %q to %q\n", tuple.packageName, tuple.fileName, tuple.outputFolder)
} else {
var generatedCount, formattedCount, builtCount, vettedCount uint
done := make(chan struct{})
// Call AutoRest for each of the tags in each of the literate files, generating a Go package for calling that service.
generated := tuples.Enumerate(done).ParallelSelect(func(subject interface{}) interface{} {
tuple := subject.(generationTuple)
args := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("--go-sdk-folder='%s'", outputBase),
"--tag=" + tuple.packageName,
"--use=" + autorestVer,
if packageVersion != "" {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--package-version='%s'", packageVersion))
logFileLoc := filepath.Join(logDirBase, tuple.outputFolder)
err := os.MkdirAll(logFileLoc, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
errLog.Printf("Could not create log directory %q", logFileLoc)
return nil
logFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(logFileLoc, "autorestLog.txt"))
if err != nil {
errLog.Printf("Could not create log file %q for AutoRest generating from: %q in %q", logFileLoc, tuple.packageName, tuple.fileName)
return nil
commandText := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprint(commandText, "Executing Command: \"")
fmt.Fprint(commandText, "autorest ")
for _, a := range args {
fmt.Fprint(commandText, a)
fmt.Fprint(commandText, " ")
commandText.Truncate(commandText.Len() - 1)
fmt.Fprint(commandText, `"`)
fmt.Fprintln(logFile, commandText.String())
genProc := exec.Command("autorest", args...)
genProc.Stdout = logFile
genProc.Stderr = logFile
err = genProc.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(logFile, "Autorest Exectution Error: ", err)
return nil
return path.Join(outputBase, tuple.outputFolder)
// Take all of the generated packages and reformat them to adhere to Go's guidelines.
formatted := generated.Select(func(subject interface{}) (result interface{}) {
err := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", subject.(string)).Run()
if err == nil {
result = subject
} else {
errLog.Printf("Failed to format: %q", subject.(string))
// Build all of the packages as a sanity check.
built := formatted.Select(func(subject interface{}) (result interface{}) {
pkgName := strings.TrimPrefix(trimGoPath(subject.(string)), "/src/")
err := exec.Command("go", "build", pkgName).Run()
if err == nil {
return pkgName
errLog.Printf("Failed to build: %q", pkgName)
return nil
vetted := built.Select(func(subject interface{}) interface{} {
err := exec.Command("go", "vet", subject.(string)).Run()
if err == nil {
return subject
errLog.Printf("Failed to vet: %q", subject.(string))
return nil
// Turn the crank. This loop forces evaluation of the chain of enumerators that were built up
// in the code above.
for range vetted {
// Intenionally Left Blank
// Write list of stable apis.
writeListToFile(path.Join(outputBase, "profiles", "latest", "stableApis.txt"), stableAPIPaths)
fmt.Println("Execution Time: ", time.Now().Sub(start))
fmt.Println("Generated: ", generatedCount)
fmt.Println("Formatted: ", formattedCount)
fmt.Println("Built: ", builtCount)
fmt.Println("Vetted: ", vettedCount)
fmt.Println("Stable APIs count: ", len(stableAPIPaths))
func init() {
var useRecursive, useStatus bool
const automaticLogDirValue = "temp"
const logDirUsage = "The root directory where all logs can be found. If the value `" + automaticLogDirValue + "` is supplied, a randomly named directory will be generated in the $TEMP directory."
flag.BoolVar(&useRecursive, "r", false, "Recursively traverses the directories specified looking for literate files.")
flag.StringVar(&outputBase, "o", getDefaultOutputBase(), "The root directory to use for the output of generated files. i.e. The value to be treated as the go-sdk-folder when AutoRest is called.")
flag.BoolVar(&useStatus, "v", false, "Print status messages as generation takes place.")
flag.BoolVar(&dryRun, "p", false, "Preview which packages would be generated instead of actaully calling autorest.")
flag.StringVar(&packageVersion, "version", "", "The version that should be stamped on this SDK. This should be a semver.")
flag.StringVar(&logDirBase, "l", getDefaultOutputBase(), logDirUsage)
flag.StringVar(&autorestVer, "a", defaultGenVer, "The version of the AutoRest Go code generator to use, defaults to `"+defaultGenVer+"`.")
// Override the default usage message, printing to stderr as the default one would.
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "generator [options] [target Literate files]...")
statusWriter := ioutil.Discard
if useStatus {
statusWriter = os.Stdout
statusLog = log.New(statusWriter, "[STATUS] ", 0)
errLog = log.New(os.Stderr, "[ERROR] ", 0)
if logDirBase == automaticLogDirValue {
var err error
logDirBase, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "az-go-sdk-logs")
logDirBase = normalizePath(logDirBase)
if err == nil {
statusLog.Print("Generation logs can be found at: ", logDirBase)
} else {
errLog.Print("Logging disabled. Could not create directory: ", logDirBase)
targetFiles = collection.AsEnumerable(flag.Args())
targetFiles = collection.SelectMany(targetFiles, func(subject interface{}) collection.Enumerator {
cast, ok := subject.(string)
if !ok {
return collection.Empty.Enumerate(nil)
pathInfo, err := os.Stat(cast)
if err != nil {
return collection.Empty.Enumerate(nil)
if pathInfo.IsDir() {
traverser := collection.Directory{
Location: cast,
Options: collection.DirectoryOptionsExcludeDirectories,
if useRecursive {
traverser.Options |= collection.DirectoryOptionsRecursive
return traverser.Enumerate(nil)
return collection.AsEnumerable(cast).Enumerate(nil)
targetFiles = collection.Select(targetFiles, func(subject interface{}) interface{} {
return normalizePath(subject.(string))
// goPath returns the value of the environement variable GOPATH at the beginning of this
// program's execution. The actual enviroment variable is only queried once, before any calls
// are made to this function.
var goPath = func() func() string {
val := normalizePath(os.Getenv("GOPATH"))
return func() string {
return val
// getDefaultOutputBase returns the default location of the Azure-SDK-for-Go on your filesystem.
func getDefaultOutputBase() string {
return normalizePath(path.Join(goPath(), "src", "", "Azure", "azure-sdk-for-go"))
// getDefaultOutputBase returns the default location of the Azure-SDK-for-Go on your filesystem relative to the 'GOPATH/src'.
func getRelativeOutputBase() string {
return normalizePath(path.Join("", "Azure", "azure-sdk-for-go"))
// trimGoPath operates like strings.TrimPrefix, where the prefix is always the value of GOPATH in the
// environment in which this program is being executed.
func trimGoPath(location string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(normalizePath(location), goPath())
// normalizePath ensures that a path is expressed using forward slashes for sanity when working
// with Go Standard Library functions that seem to expect this.
func normalizePath(location string) (result string) {
result = strings.Replace(location, `\`, "/", -1)
//getLeafOutputFolder returns the leaf of a given path.
func getLeafOutputFolder(location string) string {
_, leaf := filepath.Split(location)
return leaf
//isStableAPI returns true if for the given package name there are no preview input files.
func isStableAPI(packageName string, packageInputFiles [][]string) bool {
for _, packageDefinition := range packageInputFiles {
if !strings.Contains(normalizePath(packageDefinition[2]), "/preview/") && packageName == packageDefinition[1] {
return true
return false
// isntNil is a simple `collection.Predicate` which filters out `nil` objects from an Enumerator.
func isntNil(subject interface{}) bool {
return subject != nil
// writeListToFile prints a list of strings to the specified filepath.
func writeListToFile(filepath string, list []string) error {
outputFile, err := os.Create(filepath)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, el := range list {
fmt.Fprintln(outputFile, el)
return nil