Michael Eischer 5f7b48e65f index: replace Save() method with Rewrite and SaveFallback
Rewrite implements a streaming rewrite of the index that excludes the
given packs. For this it loads all index files from the repository and
only modifies those that require changes. This will reduce the index
churn when running prune. Rewrite does not require the in-memory index
and thus can drop it to significantly reduce the memory usage.

However, `prune --unsafe-recovery` cannot use this strategy and requires
a separate method to save the whole in-memory index. This is now handled
using SaveFallback.
2024-05-24 21:33:17 +02:00

634 lines
19 KiB

package repository
import (
var ErrIndexIncomplete = errors.Fatal("index is not complete")
var ErrPacksMissing = errors.Fatal("packs from index missing in repo")
var ErrSizeNotMatching = errors.Fatal("pack size does not match calculated size from index")
// PruneOptions collects all options for the cleanup command.
type PruneOptions struct {
DryRun bool
UnsafeRecovery bool
MaxUnusedBytes func(used uint64) (unused uint64) // calculates the number of unused bytes after repacking, according to MaxUnused
MaxRepackBytes uint64
RepackCachableOnly bool
RepackSmall bool
RepackUncompressed bool
type PruneStats struct {
Blobs struct {
Used uint
Duplicate uint
Unused uint
Remove uint
Repack uint
Repackrm uint
Size struct {
Used uint64
Duplicate uint64
Unused uint64
Remove uint64
Repack uint64
Repackrm uint64
Unref uint64
Uncompressed uint64
Packs struct {
Used uint
Unused uint
PartlyUsed uint
Unref uint
Keep uint
Repack uint
Remove uint
type PrunePlan struct {
removePacksFirst restic.IDSet // packs to remove first (unreferenced packs)
repackPacks restic.IDSet // packs to repack
keepBlobs restic.CountedBlobSet // blobs to keep during repacking
removePacks restic.IDSet // packs to remove
ignorePacks restic.IDSet // packs to ignore when rebuilding the index
repo *Repository
stats PruneStats
opts PruneOptions
type packInfo struct {
usedBlobs uint
unusedBlobs uint
usedSize uint64
unusedSize uint64
tpe restic.BlobType
uncompressed bool
type packInfoWithID struct {
ID restic.ID
mustCompress bool
// PlanPrune selects which files to rewrite and which to delete and which blobs to keep.
// Also some summary statistics are returned.
func PlanPrune(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, repo *Repository, getUsedBlobs func(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository) (usedBlobs restic.CountedBlobSet, err error), printer progress.Printer) (*PrunePlan, error) {
var stats PruneStats
if opts.UnsafeRecovery {
// prevent repacking data to make sure users cannot get stuck.
opts.MaxRepackBytes = 0
if repo.Connections() < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("prune requires a backend connection limit of at least two")
if repo.Config().Version < 2 && opts.RepackUncompressed {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("compression requires at least repository format version 2")
usedBlobs, err := getUsedBlobs(ctx, repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
printer.P("searching used packs...\n")
keepBlobs, indexPack, err := packInfoFromIndex(ctx, repo, usedBlobs, &stats, printer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
printer.P("collecting packs for deletion and repacking\n")
plan, err := decidePackAction(ctx, opts, repo, indexPack, &stats, printer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(plan.repackPacks) != 0 {
blobCount := keepBlobs.Len()
// when repacking, we do not want to keep blobs which are
// already contained in kept packs, so delete them from keepBlobs
err := repo.ListBlobs(ctx, func(blob restic.PackedBlob) {
if plan.removePacks.Has(blob.PackID) || plan.repackPacks.Has(blob.PackID) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if keepBlobs.Len() < blobCount/2 {
// replace with copy to shrink map to necessary size if there's a chance to benefit
keepBlobs = keepBlobs.Copy()
} else {
// keepBlobs is only needed if packs are repacked
keepBlobs = nil
plan.keepBlobs = keepBlobs
plan.repo = repo
plan.stats = stats
plan.opts = opts
return &plan, nil
func packInfoFromIndex(ctx context.Context, idx restic.ListBlobser, usedBlobs restic.CountedBlobSet, stats *PruneStats, printer progress.Printer) (restic.CountedBlobSet, map[restic.ID]packInfo, error) {
// iterate over all blobs in index to find out which blobs are duplicates
// The counter in usedBlobs describes how many instances of the blob exist in the repository index
// Thus 0 == blob is missing, 1 == blob exists once, >= 2 == duplicates exist
err := idx.ListBlobs(ctx, func(blob restic.PackedBlob) {
bh := blob.BlobHandle
count, ok := usedBlobs[bh]
if ok {
if count < math.MaxUint8 {
// don't overflow, but saturate count at 255
// this can lead to a non-optimal pack selection, but won't cause
// problems otherwise
usedBlobs[bh] = count
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Check if all used blobs have been found in index
missingBlobs := restic.NewBlobSet()
for bh, count := range usedBlobs {
if count == 0 {
// blob does not exist in any pack files
if len(missingBlobs) != 0 {
printer.E("%v not found in the index\n\n"+
"Integrity check failed: Data seems to be missing.\n"+
"Will not start prune to prevent (additional) data loss!\n"+
"Please report this error (along with the output of the 'prune' run) at\n"+
"\n", missingBlobs)
return nil, nil, ErrIndexIncomplete
indexPack := make(map[restic.ID]packInfo)
// save computed pack header size
sz, err := pack.Size(ctx, idx, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for pid, hdrSize := range sz {
// initialize tpe with NumBlobTypes to indicate it's not set
indexPack[pid] = packInfo{tpe: restic.NumBlobTypes, usedSize: uint64(hdrSize)}
hasDuplicates := false
// iterate over all blobs in index to generate packInfo
err = idx.ListBlobs(ctx, func(blob restic.PackedBlob) {
ip := indexPack[blob.PackID]
// Set blob type if not yet set
if ip.tpe == restic.NumBlobTypes {
ip.tpe = blob.Type
// mark mixed packs with "Invalid blob type"
if ip.tpe != blob.Type {
ip.tpe = restic.InvalidBlob
bh := blob.BlobHandle
size := uint64(blob.Length)
dupCount := usedBlobs[bh]
switch {
case dupCount >= 2:
hasDuplicates = true
// mark as unused for now, we will later on select one copy
ip.unusedSize += size
// count as duplicate, will later on change one copy to be counted as used
stats.Size.Duplicate += size
case dupCount == 1: // used blob, not duplicate
ip.usedSize += size
stats.Size.Used += size
default: // unused blob
ip.unusedSize += size
stats.Size.Unused += size
if !blob.IsCompressed() {
ip.uncompressed = true
// update indexPack
indexPack[blob.PackID] = ip
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// if duplicate blobs exist, those will be set to either "used" or "unused":
// - mark only one occurrence of duplicate blobs as used
// - if there are already some used blobs in a pack, possibly mark duplicates in this pack as "used"
// - if there are no used blobs in a pack, possibly mark duplicates as "unused"
if hasDuplicates {
// iterate again over all blobs in index (this is pretty cheap, all in-mem)
err = idx.ListBlobs(ctx, func(blob restic.PackedBlob) {
bh := blob.BlobHandle
count, ok := usedBlobs[bh]
// skip non-duplicate, aka. normal blobs
// count == 0 is used to mark that this was a duplicate blob with only a single occurrence remaining
if !ok || count == 1 {
ip := indexPack[blob.PackID]
size := uint64(blob.Length)
switch {
case ip.usedBlobs > 0, count == 0:
// other used blobs in pack or "last" occurrence -> transition to used
ip.usedSize += size
ip.unusedSize -= size
// same for the global statistics
stats.Size.Used += size
stats.Size.Duplicate -= size
// let other occurrences remain marked as unused
usedBlobs[bh] = 1
// remain unused and decrease counter
if count == 1 {
// setting count to 1 would lead to forgetting that this blob had duplicates
// thus use the special value zero. This will select the last instance of the blob for keeping.
count = 0
usedBlobs[bh] = count
// update indexPack
indexPack[blob.PackID] = ip
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Sanity check. If no duplicates exist, all blobs have value 1. After handling
// duplicates, this also applies to duplicates.
for _, count := range usedBlobs {
if count != 1 {
panic("internal error during blob selection")
return usedBlobs, indexPack, nil
func decidePackAction(ctx context.Context, opts PruneOptions, repo *Repository, indexPack map[restic.ID]packInfo, stats *PruneStats, printer progress.Printer) (PrunePlan, error) {
removePacksFirst := restic.NewIDSet()
removePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
repackPacks := restic.NewIDSet()
var repackCandidates []packInfoWithID
var repackSmallCandidates []packInfoWithID
repoVersion := repo.Config().Version
// only repack very small files by default
targetPackSize := repo.packSize() / 25
if opts.RepackSmall {
// consider files with at least 80% of the target size as large enough
targetPackSize = repo.packSize() / 5 * 4
// loop over all packs and decide what to do
bar := printer.NewCounter("packs processed")
err := repo.List(ctx, restic.PackFile, func(id restic.ID, packSize int64) error {
p, ok := indexPack[id]
if !ok {
// Pack was not referenced in index and is not used => immediately remove!
printer.V("will remove pack %v as it is unused and not indexed\n", id.Str())
stats.Size.Unref += uint64(packSize)
return nil
if p.unusedSize+p.usedSize != uint64(packSize) && p.usedBlobs != 0 {
// Pack size does not fit and pack is needed => error
// If the pack is not needed, this is no error, the pack can
// and will be simply removed, see below.
printer.E("pack %s: calculated size %d does not match real size %d\nRun 'restic repair index'.\n",
id.Str(), p.unusedSize+p.usedSize, packSize)
return ErrSizeNotMatching
// statistics
switch {
case p.usedBlobs == 0:
case p.unusedBlobs == 0:
if p.uncompressed {
stats.Size.Uncompressed += p.unusedSize + p.usedSize
mustCompress := false
if repoVersion >= 2 {
// repo v2: always repack tree blobs if uncompressed
// compress data blobs if requested
mustCompress = (p.tpe == restic.TreeBlob || opts.RepackUncompressed) && p.uncompressed
// decide what to do
switch {
case p.usedBlobs == 0:
// All blobs in pack are no longer used => remove pack!
stats.Blobs.Remove += p.unusedBlobs
stats.Size.Remove += p.unusedSize
case opts.RepackCachableOnly && p.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
// if this is a data pack and --repack-cacheable-only is set => keep pack!
case p.unusedBlobs == 0 && p.tpe != restic.InvalidBlob && !mustCompress:
if packSize >= int64(targetPackSize) {
// All blobs in pack are used and not mixed => keep pack!
} else {
repackSmallCandidates = append(repackSmallCandidates, packInfoWithID{ID: id, packInfo: p, mustCompress: mustCompress})
// all other packs are candidates for repacking
repackCandidates = append(repackCandidates, packInfoWithID{ID: id, packInfo: p, mustCompress: mustCompress})
delete(indexPack, id)
return nil
if err != nil {
return PrunePlan{}, err
// At this point indexPacks contains only missing packs!
// missing packs that are not needed can be ignored
ignorePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
for id, p := range indexPack {
if p.usedBlobs == 0 {
stats.Blobs.Remove += p.unusedBlobs
stats.Size.Remove += p.unusedSize
delete(indexPack, id)
if len(indexPack) != 0 {
printer.E("The index references %d needed pack files which are missing from the repository:\n", len(indexPack))
for id := range indexPack {
printer.E(" %v\n", id)
return PrunePlan{}, ErrPacksMissing
if len(ignorePacks) != 0 {
printer.E("Missing but unneeded pack files are referenced in the index, will be repaired\n")
for id := range ignorePacks {
printer.E("will forget missing pack file %v\n", id)
if len(repackSmallCandidates) < 10 {
// too few small files to be worth the trouble, this also prevents endlessly repacking
// if there is just a single pack file below the target size
stats.Packs.Keep += uint(len(repackSmallCandidates))
} else {
repackCandidates = append(repackCandidates, repackSmallCandidates...)
// Sort repackCandidates such that packs with highest ratio unused/used space are picked first.
// This is equivalent to sorting by unused / total space.
// Instead of unused[i] / used[i] > unused[j] / used[j] we use
// unused[i] * used[j] > unused[j] * used[i] as uint32*uint32 < uint64
// Moreover packs containing trees and too short packs are sorted to the beginning
sort.Slice(repackCandidates, func(i, j int) bool {
pi := repackCandidates[i].packInfo
pj := repackCandidates[j].packInfo
switch {
case pi.tpe != restic.DataBlob && pj.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
return true
case pj.tpe != restic.DataBlob && pi.tpe == restic.DataBlob:
return false
case pi.unusedSize+pi.usedSize < uint64(targetPackSize) && pj.unusedSize+pj.usedSize >= uint64(targetPackSize):
return true
case pj.unusedSize+pj.usedSize < uint64(targetPackSize) && pi.unusedSize+pi.usedSize >= uint64(targetPackSize):
return false
return pi.unusedSize*pj.usedSize > pj.unusedSize*pi.usedSize
repack := func(id restic.ID, p packInfo) {
stats.Blobs.Repack += p.unusedBlobs + p.usedBlobs
stats.Size.Repack += p.unusedSize + p.usedSize
stats.Blobs.Repackrm += p.unusedBlobs
stats.Size.Repackrm += p.unusedSize
if p.uncompressed {
stats.Size.Uncompressed -= p.unusedSize + p.usedSize
// calculate limit for number of unused bytes in the repo after repacking
maxUnusedSizeAfter := opts.MaxUnusedBytes(stats.Size.Used)
for _, p := range repackCandidates {
reachedUnusedSizeAfter := (stats.Size.Unused-stats.Size.Remove-stats.Size.Repackrm < maxUnusedSizeAfter)
reachedRepackSize := stats.Size.Repack+p.unusedSize+p.usedSize >= opts.MaxRepackBytes
packIsLargeEnough := p.unusedSize+p.usedSize >= uint64(targetPackSize)
switch {
case reachedRepackSize:
case p.tpe != restic.DataBlob, p.mustCompress:
// repacking non-data packs / uncompressed-trees is only limited by repackSize
repack(p.ID, p.packInfo)
case reachedUnusedSizeAfter && packIsLargeEnough:
// for all other packs stop repacking if tolerated unused size is reached.
repack(p.ID, p.packInfo)
stats.Packs.Unref = uint(len(removePacksFirst))
stats.Packs.Repack = uint(len(repackPacks))
stats.Packs.Remove = uint(len(removePacks))
if repo.Config().Version < 2 {
// compression not supported for repository format version 1
stats.Size.Uncompressed = 0
return PrunePlan{removePacksFirst: removePacksFirst,
removePacks: removePacks,
repackPacks: repackPacks,
ignorePacks: ignorePacks,
}, nil
func (plan *PrunePlan) Stats() PruneStats {
return plan.stats
// Execute does the actual pruning:
// - remove unreferenced packs first
// - repack given pack files while keeping the given blobs
// - rebuild the index while ignoring all files that will be deleted
// - delete the files
// plan.removePacks and plan.ignorePacks are modified in this function.
func (plan *PrunePlan) Execute(ctx context.Context, printer progress.Printer) error {
if plan.opts.DryRun {
printer.V("Repeated prune dry-runs can report slightly different amounts of data to keep or repack. This is expected behavior.\n\n")
if len(plan.removePacksFirst) > 0 {
printer.V("Would have removed the following unreferenced packs:\n%v\n\n", plan.removePacksFirst)
printer.V("Would have repacked and removed the following packs:\n%v\n\n", plan.repackPacks)
printer.V("Would have removed the following no longer used packs:\n%v\n\n", plan.removePacks)
// Always quit here if DryRun was set!
return nil
repo := plan.repo
// make sure the plan can only be used once
plan.repo = nil
// unreferenced packs can be safely deleted first
if len(plan.removePacksFirst) != 0 {
printer.P("deleting unreferenced packs\n")
_ = deleteFiles(ctx, true, repo, plan.removePacksFirst, restic.PackFile, printer)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if len(plan.repackPacks) != 0 {
printer.P("repacking packs\n")
bar := printer.NewCounter("packs repacked")
_, err := Repack(ctx, repo, repo, plan.repackPacks, plan.keepBlobs, bar)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatal(err.Error())
// Also remove repacked packs
if len(plan.keepBlobs) != 0 {
printer.E("%v was not repacked\n\n"+
"Integrity check failed.\n"+
"Please report this error (along with the output of the 'prune' run) at\n"+
"\n", plan.keepBlobs)
return errors.Fatal("internal error: blobs were not repacked")
// allow GC of the blob set
plan.keepBlobs = nil
if len(plan.ignorePacks) == 0 {
plan.ignorePacks = plan.removePacks
} else {
if plan.opts.UnsafeRecovery {
printer.P("deleting index files\n")
indexFiles := repo.idx.IDs()
err := deleteFiles(ctx, false, repo, indexFiles, restic.IndexFile, printer)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("%s", err)
} else if len(plan.ignorePacks) != 0 {
err := rewriteIndexFiles(ctx, repo, plan.ignorePacks, nil, nil, printer)
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("%s", err)
if len(plan.removePacks) != 0 {
printer.P("removing %d old packs\n", len(plan.removePacks))
_ = deleteFiles(ctx, true, repo, plan.removePacks, restic.PackFile, printer)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if plan.opts.UnsafeRecovery {
err := repo.idx.SaveFallback(ctx, repo, plan.ignorePacks, printer.NewCounter("packs processed"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("%s", err)
// drop outdated in-memory index
return nil
// deleteFiles deletes the given fileList of fileType in parallel
// if ignoreError=true, it will print a warning if there was an error, else it will abort.
func deleteFiles(ctx context.Context, ignoreError bool, repo restic.RemoverUnpacked, fileList restic.IDSet, fileType restic.FileType, printer progress.Printer) error {
bar := printer.NewCounter("files deleted")
defer bar.Done()
return restic.ParallelRemove(ctx, repo, fileList, fileType, func(id restic.ID, err error) error {
if err != nil {
printer.E("unable to remove %v/%v from the repository\n", fileType, id)
if !ignoreError {
return err
printer.VV("removed %v/%v\n", fileType, id)
return nil
}, bar)