Alexander Neumann 946c8399e2 Update dependenciess
Exclude minio-go for now (pin to 3.x.y).
2017-12-03 21:22:33 +01:00

648 lines
19 KiB

package storage
// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import (
chk ""
// Hook up gocheck to testing
func Test(t *testing.T) { chk.TestingT(t) }
type StorageClientSuite struct{}
var _ = chk.Suite(&StorageClientSuite{})
func setHeaders(haystack http.Header, predicate func(string) bool, value string) {
for key := range haystack {
if predicate(key) {
haystack[key] = []string{value}
func deleteHeaders(haystack http.Header, predicate func(string) bool) {
for key := range haystack {
if predicate(key) {
delete(haystack, key)
func getHeaders(haystack http.Header, predicate func(string) bool) string {
for key, value := range haystack {
if predicate(key) && len(value) > 0 {
return value[0]
return ""
// getBasicClient returns a test client from storage credentials in the env
func getBasicClient(c *chk.C) *Client {
name := os.Getenv("ACCOUNT_NAME")
if name == "" {
name = dummyStorageAccount
key := os.Getenv("ACCOUNT_KEY")
if key == "" {
key = dummyMiniStorageKey
cli, err := NewBasicClient(name, key)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
return &cli
func (client *Client) appendRecorder(c *chk.C) *recorder.Recorder {
tests := strings.Split(c.TestName(), ".")
path := filepath.Join(recordingsFolder, tests[0], tests[1])
if overwriteRec {
fullPath := filepath.Join(pwd, path+".yaml")
_, err := os.Stat(fullPath)
if err == nil {
err := os.Remove(fullPath)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
rec, err := recorder.New(path)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: rec,
rec.SetMatcher(func(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
return compareMethods(r, i) &&
compareURLs(r, i) &&
compareHeaders(r, i) &&
compareBodies(r, i)
return rec
func (client *Client) usesDummies() bool {
key, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dummyMiniStorageKey)
if err != nil {
return false
if string(client.accountKey) == string(key) &&
client.accountName == dummyStorageAccount {
return true
return false
func compareMethods(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
return r.Method == i.Method
func compareURLs(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
requestURL := modifyURL(r.URL)
cassetteURL, err := url.Parse(i.URL)
if err != nil {
return false
err = removeSAS(cassetteURL)
if err != nil {
return false
return requestURL.String() == cassetteURL.String()
func modifyURL(uri *url.URL) *url.URL {
// The URL host looks like this...
// accountname.service.storageEndpointSuffix
parts := strings.Split(uri.Host, ".")
// parts[0] corresponds to the storage account name, so it can be (almost) any string
// parts[1] corresponds to the service name (table, blob, etc.).
if !(parts[1] == blobServiceName ||
parts[1] == tableServiceName ||
parts[1] == queueServiceName ||
parts[1] == fileServiceName) {
return nil
// The rest of the host depends on which Azure cloud is used
storageEndpointSuffix := strings.Join(parts[2:], ".")
if !(storageEndpointSuffix == azure.PublicCloud.StorageEndpointSuffix ||
storageEndpointSuffix == azure.USGovernmentCloud.StorageEndpointSuffix ||
storageEndpointSuffix == azure.ChinaCloud.StorageEndpointSuffix ||
storageEndpointSuffix == azure.GermanCloud.StorageEndpointSuffix) {
return nil
host := dummyStorageAccount + "." + parts[1] + "." + azure.PublicCloud.StorageEndpointSuffix
newURL := uri
newURL.Host = host
err := removeSAS(newURL)
if err != nil {
return nil
return newURL
func removeSAS(uri *url.URL) error {
// Remove signature from a SAS URI
v := uri.Query()
q, err := url.QueryUnescape(v.Encode())
if err != nil {
return err
uri.RawQuery = q
return nil
func compareHeaders(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
requestHeaders := r.Header
cassetteHeaders := i.Headers
// Some headers shall not be compared...
getHeaderMatchPredicate := func(needle string) func(string) bool {
return func(straw string) bool {
return strings.EqualFold(needle, straw)
isUserAgent := getHeaderMatchPredicate("User-Agent")
isAuthorization := getHeaderMatchPredicate("Authorization")
isDate := getHeaderMatchPredicate("x-ms-date")
deleteHeaders(requestHeaders, isUserAgent)
deleteHeaders(requestHeaders, isAuthorization)
deleteHeaders(requestHeaders, isDate)
deleteHeaders(cassetteHeaders, isUserAgent)
deleteHeaders(cassetteHeaders, isAuthorization)
deleteHeaders(cassetteHeaders, isDate)
isCopySource := getHeaderMatchPredicate("X-Ms-Copy-Source")
srcURLstr := getHeaders(requestHeaders, isCopySource)
if srcURLstr != "" {
srcURL, err := url.Parse(srcURLstr)
if err != nil {
return false
modifiedURL := modifyURL(srcURL)
setHeaders(requestHeaders, isCopySource, modifiedURL.String())
// Do not compare the complete Content-Type header in table batch requests
if isBatchOp(r.URL.String()) {
// They all start like this, but then they have a UUID...
ctPrefixBatch := "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_"
isContentType := getHeaderMatchPredicate("Content-Type")
contentTypeRequest := getHeaders(requestHeaders, isContentType)
contentTypeCassette := getHeaders(cassetteHeaders, isContentType)
if !(strings.HasPrefix(contentTypeRequest, ctPrefixBatch) &&
strings.HasPrefix(contentTypeCassette, ctPrefixBatch)) {
return false
deleteHeaders(requestHeaders, isContentType)
deleteHeaders(cassetteHeaders, isContentType)
return reflect.DeepEqual(requestHeaders, cassetteHeaders)
func compareBodies(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
body := bytes.Buffer{}
if r.Body != nil {
_, err := body.ReadFrom(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return false
r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(&body)
// Comparing bodies in table batch operations is trickier, because the bodies include UUIDs
if isBatchOp(r.URL.String()) {
return compareBatchBodies(body.String(), i.Body)
return body.String() == i.Body
func compareBatchBodies(rBody, cBody string) bool {
// UUIDs in the batch body look like this...
// 2d7f2323-1e42-11e7-8c6c-6451064d81e8
exp, err := regexp.Compile("[0-9a-z]{8}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{12}")
if err != nil {
return false
rBody = replaceStorageAccount(replaceUUIDs(rBody, exp))
cBody = replaceUUIDs(cBody, exp)
return rBody == cBody
func replaceUUIDs(body string, exp *regexp.Regexp) string {
indexes := exp.FindAllStringIndex(body, -1)
for _, pair := range indexes {
body = strings.Replace(body, body[pair[0]:pair[1]], "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", -1)
return body
func isBatchOp(url string) bool {
return url == "$batch"
//getEmulatorClient returns a test client for Azure Storeage Emulator
func getEmulatorClient(c *chk.C) Client {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(StorageEmulatorAccountName, "")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
return cli
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestNewEmulatorClient(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(StorageEmulatorAccountName, "")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.accountName, chk.Equals, StorageEmulatorAccountName)
expectedKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(StorageEmulatorAccountKey)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.accountKey, chk.DeepEquals, expectedKey)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestNewFromConnectionString(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewClientFromConnectionString(
"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;" +
"AccountName=myaccountname;" +
"AccountKey=" + StorageEmulatorAccountKey + ";" +
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.accountName, chk.Equals, "myaccountname")
expectedKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(StorageEmulatorAccountKey)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.accountKey, chk.DeepEquals, expectedKey)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestIsValidStorageAccount(c *chk.C) {
type test struct {
account string
expected bool
testCases := []test{
{"name1", true},
{"Name2", false},
{"reallyLongName1234567891011", false},
{"", false},
{"concated&name", false},
{"formatted name", false},
for _, tc := range testCases {
c.Assert(IsValidStorageAccount(tc.account), chk.Equals, tc.expected)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestMalformedKeyError(c *chk.C) {
_, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "malformed")
c.Assert(err, chk.ErrorMatches, "azure: malformed storage account key: .*")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetBaseURL_Basic_Https(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, dummyMiniStorageKey)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.apiVersion, chk.Equals, DefaultAPIVersion)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.getBaseURL("table").String(), chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetBaseURL_Custom_NoHttps(c *chk.C) {
apiVersion := "2015-01-01" // a non existing one
cli, err := NewClient(dummyStorageAccount, dummyMiniStorageKey, "", apiVersion, false)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.apiVersion, chk.Equals, apiVersion)
c.Assert(cli.getBaseURL("table").String(), chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetBaseURL_StorageEmulator(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(StorageEmulatorAccountName, StorageEmulatorAccountKey)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
type test struct{ service, expected string }
tests := []test{
{blobServiceName, ""},
{tableServiceName, ""},
{queueServiceName, ""},
for _, i := range tests {
baseURL := cli.getBaseURL(i.service)
c.Assert(baseURL.String(), chk.Equals, i.expected)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetEndpoint_None(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
output := cli.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, "", url.Values{})
c.Assert(output, chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetEndpoint_PathOnly(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
output := cli.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, "path", url.Values{})
c.Assert(output, chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetEndpoint_ParamsOnly(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("a", "b")
params.Set("c", "d")
output := cli.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, "", params)
c.Assert(output, chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetEndpoint_Mixed(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("a", "b")
params.Set("c", "d")
output := cli.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, "path", params)
c.Assert(output, chk.Equals, "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestGetEndpoint_StorageEmulator(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(StorageEmulatorAccountName, StorageEmulatorAccountKey)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
type test struct{ service, expected string }
tests := []test{
{blobServiceName, ""},
{tableServiceName, ""},
{queueServiceName, ""},
for _, i := range tests {
endpoint := cli.getEndpoint(i.service, "", url.Values{})
c.Assert(endpoint, chk.Equals, i.expected)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) Test_getStandardHeaders(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
headers := cli.getStandardHeaders()
c.Assert(len(headers), chk.Equals, 3)
c.Assert(headers["x-ms-version"], chk.Equals, cli.apiVersion)
if _, ok := headers["x-ms-date"]; !ok {
c.Fatal("Missing date header")
c.Assert(headers[userAgentHeader], chk.Equals, cli.getDefaultUserAgent())
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestReturnsStorageServiceError(c *chk.C) {
// attempt to delete nonexisting resources
cli := getBasicClient(c)
rec := cli.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
// XML response
blobCli := cli.GetBlobService()
cnt := blobCli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
err := cnt.Delete(nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.NotNil)
v, ok := err.(AzureStorageServiceError)
c.Check(ok, chk.Equals, true)
c.Assert(v.StatusCode, chk.Equals, 404)
c.Assert(v.Code, chk.Equals, "ContainerNotFound")
c.Assert(v.RequestID, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
c.Assert(v.Date, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
c.Assert(v.APIVersion, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
// JSON response
tableCli := cli.GetTableService()
table := tableCli.GetTableReference(tableName(c))
err = table.Delete(30, nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.NotNil)
v, ok = err.(AzureStorageServiceError)
c.Check(ok, chk.Equals, true)
c.Assert(v.StatusCode, chk.Equals, 404)
c.Assert(v.Code, chk.Equals, "ResourceNotFound")
c.Assert(v.RequestID, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
c.Assert(v.Date, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
c.Assert(v.APIVersion, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestReturnsStorageServiceError_withoutResponseBody(c *chk.C) {
// HEAD on non-existing blob
cli := getBlobClient(c)
rec := cli.client.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
cnt := cli.GetContainerReference("non-existing-container")
b := cnt.GetBlobReference("non-existing-blob")
err := b.GetProperties(nil)
c.Assert(err, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, chk.FitsTypeOf, AzureStorageServiceError{})
v, ok := err.(AzureStorageServiceError)
c.Check(ok, chk.Equals, true)
c.Assert(v.StatusCode, chk.Equals, http.StatusNotFound)
c.Assert(v.Code, chk.Equals, "404 The specified container does not exist.")
c.Assert(v.RequestID, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
c.Assert(v.Message, chk.Equals, "no response body was available for error status code")
func (s *StorageClientSuite) Test_createServiceClients(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
ua := cli.getDefaultUserAgent()
headers := cli.getStandardHeaders()
c.Assert(headers[userAgentHeader], chk.Equals, ua)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua)
b := cli.GetBlobService()
c.Assert(b.client.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" "+blobServiceName)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua)
t := cli.GetTableService()
c.Assert(t.client.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" "+tableServiceName)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua)
q := cli.GetQueueService()
c.Assert(q.client.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" "+queueServiceName)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua)
f := cli.GetFileService()
c.Assert(f.client.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" "+fileServiceName)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) TestAddToUserAgent(c *chk.C) {
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
ua := cli.getDefaultUserAgent()
err = cli.AddToUserAgent("rofl")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" rofl")
err = cli.AddToUserAgent("")
c.Assert(err, chk.NotNil)
func (s *StorageClientSuite) Test_protectUserAgent(c *chk.C) {
extraheaders := map[string]string{
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
userAgentHeader: "four",
cli, err := NewBasicClient(dummyStorageAccount, "YmFy")
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
ua := cli.getDefaultUserAgent()
got := cli.protectUserAgent(extraheaders)
c.Assert(cli.userAgent, chk.Equals, ua+" four")
c.Assert(got, chk.HasLen, 3)
c.Assert(got, chk.DeepEquals, map[string]string{
"1": "one",
"2": "two",
"3": "three",
func (s *StorageClientSuite) Test_doRetry(c *chk.C) {
cli := getBasicClient(c)
rec := cli.appendRecorder(c)
defer rec.Stop()
// Prepare request that will fail with 404 (delete non extising table)
uri, err := url.Parse(cli.getEndpoint(tableServiceName, "(retry)", url.Values{"timeout": {strconv.Itoa(30)}}))
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
req := http.Request{
Method: http.MethodDelete,
URL: uri,
Header: http.Header{
"Accept": {"application/json;odata=nometadata"},
"Prefer": {"return-no-content"},
"X-Ms-Version": {"2016-05-31"},
ds, ok := cli.Sender.(*DefaultSender)
c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
// Modify sender so it retries quickly
ds.RetryAttempts = 3
ds.RetryDuration = time.Second
// include 404 as a valid status code for retries
ds.ValidStatusCodes = []int{http.StatusNotFound}
cli.Sender = ds
now := time.Now()
resp, err := cli.Sender.Send(cli, &req)
afterRetries := time.Since(now)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, chk.Equals, http.StatusNotFound)
// Was it the correct amount of retries... ?
c.Assert(cli.Sender.(*DefaultSender).attempts, chk.Equals, ds.RetryAttempts)
// What about time... ?
// Note, seconds are rounded
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < ds.RetryAttempts; i++ {
sum += int(ds.RetryDuration.Seconds() * math.Pow(2, float64(i))) // same formula used in autorest.DelayForBackoff
c.Assert(int(afterRetries.Seconds()), chk.Equals, sum)
// Service SAS test
blobCli := getBlobClient(c)
cnt := blobCli.GetContainerReference(containerName(c))
sasuriOptions := ContainerSASOptions{}
sasuriOptions.Expiry = fixedTime
sasuriOptions.Read = true
sasuriOptions.Add = true
sasuriOptions.Create = true
sasuriOptions.Write = true
sasuriOptions.Delete = true
sasuriOptions.List = true
sasuriString, err := cnt.GetSASURI(sasuriOptions)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
sasuri, err := url.Parse(sasuriString)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
cntServiceSAS, err := GetContainerReferenceFromSASURI(*sasuri)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
cntServiceSAS.Client().HTTPClient = cli.HTTPClient
// This request will fail with 403
ds.ValidStatusCodes = []int{http.StatusForbidden}
cntServiceSAS.Client().Sender = ds
now = time.Now()
_, err = cntServiceSAS.Exists()
afterRetries = time.Since(now)
c.Assert(err, chk.NotNil)
c.Assert(cntServiceSAS.Client().Sender.(*DefaultSender).attempts, chk.Equals, ds.RetryAttempts)
c.Assert(int(afterRetries.Seconds()), chk.Equals, sum)
// Account SAS test
token, err := cli.GetAccountSASToken(accountSASOptions)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
SAScli := NewAccountSASClient(cli.accountName, token, azure.PublicCloud).GetBlobService()
cntAccountSAS := SAScli.GetContainerReference(cnt.Name)
cntAccountSAS.Client().HTTPClient = cli.HTTPClient
ds.ValidStatusCodes = []int{http.StatusNotFound}
cntAccountSAS.Client().Sender = ds
now = time.Now()
_, err = cntAccountSAS.Exists()
afterRetries = time.Since(now)
c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
c.Assert(cntAccountSAS.Client().Sender.(*DefaultSender).attempts, chk.Equals, ds.RetryAttempts)
c.Assert(int(afterRetries.Seconds()), chk.Equals, sum)