2023-10-25 23:00:18 +02:00

678 lines
17 KiB

package repository_test
import (
rtest ""
var testSizes = []int{5, 23, 2<<18 + 23, 1 << 20}
var rnd = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
func TestSave(t *testing.T) {
repository.TestAllVersions(t, testSave)
func testSave(t *testing.T, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(t, version)
for _, size := range testSizes {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.Hash(data)
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.TODO(), &wg)
// save
sid, _, _, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, restic.ID{}, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, id, sid)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush(context.Background()))
// rtest.OK(t, repo.SaveIndex())
// read back
buf, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, nil)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, size, len(buf))
rtest.Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
"number of bytes read back does not match: expected %d, got %d",
len(data), len(buf))
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
"data does not match: expected %02x, got %02x",
data, buf)
func TestSaveFrom(t *testing.T) {
repository.TestAllVersions(t, testSaveFrom)
func testSaveFrom(t *testing.T, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(t, version)
for _, size := range testSizes {
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.Hash(data)
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.TODO(), &wg)
// save
id2, _, _, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, id, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, id, id2)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush(context.Background()))
// read back
buf, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, nil)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, size, len(buf))
rtest.Assert(t, len(buf) == len(data),
"number of bytes read back does not match: expected %d, got %d",
len(data), len(buf))
rtest.Assert(t, bytes.Equal(buf, data),
"data does not match: expected %02x, got %02x",
data, buf)
func BenchmarkSaveAndEncrypt(t *testing.B) {
repository.BenchmarkAllVersions(t, benchmarkSaveAndEncrypt)
func benchmarkSaveAndEncrypt(t *testing.B, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(t, version)
size := 4 << 20 // 4MiB
data := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, data)
rtest.OK(t, err)
id := restic.ID(sha256.Sum256(data))
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.Background(), &wg)
for i := 0; i < t.N; i++ {
_, _, _, err = repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, data, id, true)
rtest.OK(t, err)
func TestLoadBlob(t *testing.T) {
repository.TestAllVersions(t, testLoadBlob)
func testLoadBlob(t *testing.T, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(t, version)
length := 1000000
buf := crypto.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.TODO(), &wg)
id, _, _, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{}, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush(context.Background()))
base := crypto.CiphertextLength(length)
for _, testlength := range []int{0, base - 20, base - 1, base, base + 7, base + 15, base + 1000} {
buf = make([]byte, 0, testlength)
buf, err := repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("LoadBlob() returned an error for buffer size %v: %v", testlength, err)
if len(buf) != length {
t.Errorf("LoadBlob() returned the wrong number of bytes: want %v, got %v", length, len(buf))
func BenchmarkLoadBlob(b *testing.B) {
repository.BenchmarkAllVersions(b, benchmarkLoadBlob)
func benchmarkLoadBlob(b *testing.B, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(b, version)
length := 1000000
buf := crypto.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
rtest.OK(b, err)
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.TODO(), &wg)
id, _, _, err := repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{}, false)
rtest.OK(b, err)
rtest.OK(b, repo.Flush(context.Background()))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var err error
buf, err = repo.LoadBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, id, buf)
// Checking the SHA-256 with restic.Hash can make up 38% of the time
// spent in this loop, so pause the timer.
rtest.OK(b, err)
if len(buf) != length {
b.Errorf("wanted %d bytes, got %d", length, len(buf))
id2 := restic.Hash(buf)
if !id.Equal(id2) {
b.Errorf("wrong data returned, wanted %v, got %v", id.Str(), id2.Str())
func BenchmarkLoadUnpacked(b *testing.B) {
repository.BenchmarkAllVersions(b, benchmarkLoadUnpacked)
func benchmarkLoadUnpacked(b *testing.B, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(b, version)
length := 1000000
buf := crypto.NewBlobBuffer(length)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
rtest.OK(b, err)
dataID := restic.Hash(buf)
storageID, err := repo.SaveUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.PackFile, buf)
rtest.OK(b, err)
// rtest.OK(b, repo.Flush())
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
data, err := repo.LoadUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.PackFile, storageID)
rtest.OK(b, err)
// See comment in BenchmarkLoadBlob.
if len(data) != length {
b.Errorf("wanted %d bytes, got %d", length, len(data))
id2 := restic.Hash(data)
if !dataID.Equal(id2) {
b.Errorf("wrong data returned, wanted %v, got %v", storageID.Str(), id2.Str())
var repoFixture = filepath.Join("testdata", "test-repo.tar.gz")
func TestRepositoryLoadIndex(t *testing.T) {
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
repo := repository.TestOpenLocal(t, repodir)
rtest.OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO(), nil))
// loadIndex loads the index id from backend and returns it.
func loadIndex(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, id restic.ID) (*index.Index, error) {
buf, err := repo.LoadUnpacked(ctx, restic.IndexFile, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
idx, oldFormat, err := index.DecodeIndex(buf, id)
if oldFormat {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "index %v has old format\n", id.Str())
return idx, err
func TestRepositoryLoadUnpackedBroken(t *testing.T) {
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
data := rtest.Random(23, 12345)
id := restic.Hash(data)
h := backend.Handle{Type: restic.IndexFile, Name: id.String()}
// damage buffer
data[0] ^= 0xff
repo := repository.TestOpenLocal(t, repodir)
// store broken file
err := repo.Backend().Save(context.TODO(), h, backend.NewByteReader(data, nil))
rtest.OK(t, err)
// without a retry backend this will just return an error that the file is broken
_, err = repo.LoadUnpacked(context.TODO(), restic.IndexFile, id)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("missing expected error")
rtest.Assert(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "invalid data returned"), "unexpected error: %v", err)
type damageOnceBackend struct {
func (be *damageOnceBackend) Load(ctx context.Context, h backend.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error {
// don't break the config file as we can't retry it
if h.Type == restic.ConfigFile {
return be.Backend.Load(ctx, h, length, offset, fn)
// return broken data on the first try
err := be.Backend.Load(ctx, h, length+1, offset, fn)
if err != nil {
// retry
err = be.Backend.Load(ctx, h, length, offset, fn)
return err
func TestRepositoryLoadUnpackedRetryBroken(t *testing.T) {
repodir, cleanup := rtest.Env(t, repoFixture)
defer cleanup()
be, err := local.Open(context.TODO(), local.Config{Path: repodir, Connections: 2})
rtest.OK(t, err)
repo, err := repository.New(&damageOnceBackend{Backend: be}, repository.Options{})
rtest.OK(t, err)
err = repo.SearchKey(context.TODO(), rtest.TestPassword, 10, "")
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, repo.LoadIndex(context.TODO(), nil))
func BenchmarkLoadIndex(b *testing.B) {
repository.BenchmarkAllVersions(b, benchmarkLoadIndex)
func benchmarkLoadIndex(b *testing.B, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(b, version)
idx := index.NewIndex()
for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ {
idx.StorePack(restic.NewRandomID(), []restic.Blob{
BlobHandle: restic.NewRandomBlobHandle(),
Length: 1234,
Offset: 1235,
id, err := index.SaveIndex(context.TODO(), repo, idx)
rtest.OK(b, err)
b.Logf("index saved as %v", id.Str())
fi, err := repo.Backend().Stat(context.TODO(), backend.Handle{Type: restic.IndexFile, Name: id.String()})
rtest.OK(b, err)
b.Logf("filesize is %v", fi.Size)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := loadIndex(context.TODO(), repo, id)
rtest.OK(b, err)
// saveRandomDataBlobs generates random data blobs and saves them to the repository.
func saveRandomDataBlobs(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, num int, sizeMax int) {
var wg errgroup.Group
repo.StartPackUploader(context.TODO(), &wg)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
size := rand.Int() % sizeMax
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rnd, buf)
rtest.OK(t, err)
_, _, _, err = repo.SaveBlob(context.TODO(), restic.DataBlob, buf, restic.ID{}, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
func TestRepositoryIncrementalIndex(t *testing.T) {
repository.TestAllVersions(t, testRepositoryIncrementalIndex)
func testRepositoryIncrementalIndex(t *testing.T, version uint) {
repo := repository.TestRepositoryWithVersion(t, version).(*repository.Repository)
index.IndexFull = func(*index.Index, bool) bool { return true }
// add a few rounds of packs
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
// add some packs, write intermediate index
saveRandomDataBlobs(t, repo, 20, 1<<15)
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush(context.TODO()))
// save final index
rtest.OK(t, repo.Flush(context.TODO()))
packEntries := make(map[restic.ID]map[restic.ID]struct{})
err := repo.List(context.TODO(), restic.IndexFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error {
idx, err := loadIndex(context.TODO(), repo, id)
rtest.OK(t, err)
idx.Each(context.TODO(), func(pb restic.PackedBlob) {
if _, ok := packEntries[pb.PackID]; !ok {
packEntries[pb.PackID] = make(map[restic.ID]struct{})
packEntries[pb.PackID][id] = struct{}{}
return nil
if err != nil {
for packID, ids := range packEntries {
if len(ids) > 1 {
t.Errorf("pack %v listed in %d indexes\n", packID, len(ids))
// buildPackfileWithoutHeader returns a manually built pack file without a header.
func buildPackfileWithoutHeader(blobSizes []int, key *crypto.Key, compress bool) (blobs []restic.Blob, packfile []byte) {
opts := []zstd.EOption{
// Set the compression level configured.
// Disable CRC, we have enough checks in place, makes the
// compressed data four bytes shorter.
// Set a window of 512kbyte, so we have good lookbehind for usual
// blob sizes.
zstd.WithWindowSize(512 * 1024),
enc, err := zstd.NewWriter(nil, opts...)
if err != nil {
var offset uint
for i, size := range blobSizes {
plaintext := rtest.Random(800+i, size)
id := restic.Hash(plaintext)
uncompressedLength := uint(0)
if compress {
uncompressedLength = uint(len(plaintext))
plaintext = enc.EncodeAll(plaintext, nil)
// we use a deterministic nonce here so the whole process is
// deterministic, last byte is the blob index
var nonce = []byte{
0x15, 0x98, 0xc0, 0xf7, 0xb9, 0x65, 0x97, 0x74,
0x12, 0xdc, 0xd3, 0x62, 0xa9, 0x6e, 0x20, byte(i),
before := len(packfile)
packfile = append(packfile, nonce...)
packfile = key.Seal(packfile, nonce, plaintext, nil)
after := len(packfile)
ciphertextLength := after - before
blobs = append(blobs, restic.Blob{
BlobHandle: restic.BlobHandle{
Type: restic.DataBlob,
ID: id,
Length: uint(ciphertextLength),
UncompressedLength: uncompressedLength,
Offset: offset,
offset = uint(len(packfile))
return blobs, packfile
func TestStreamPack(t *testing.T) {
repository.TestAllVersions(t, testStreamPack)
func testStreamPack(t *testing.T, version uint) {
// always use the same key for deterministic output
const jsonKey = `{"mac":{"k":"eQenuI8adktfzZMuC8rwdA==","r":"k8cfAly2qQSky48CQK7SBA=="},"encrypt":"MKO9gZnRiQFl8mDUurSDa9NMjiu9MUifUrODTHS05wo="}`
var key crypto.Key
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonKey), &key)
if err != nil {
blobSizes := []int{
var compress bool
switch version {
case 1:
compress = false
case 2:
compress = true
t.Fatal("test does not suport repository version", version)
packfileBlobs, packfile := buildPackfileWithoutHeader(blobSizes, &key, compress)
loadCalls := 0
load := func(ctx context.Context, h backend.Handle, length int, offset int64, fn func(rd io.Reader) error) error {
data := packfile
if offset > int64(len(data)) {
offset = 0
length = 0
data = data[offset:]
if length > len(data) {
length = len(data)
data = data[:length]
return fn(bytes.NewReader(data))
// first, test regular usage
t.Run("regular", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
blobs []restic.Blob
calls int
{packfileBlobs[1:2], 1},
{packfileBlobs[2:5], 1},
{packfileBlobs[2:8], 1},
}, 1},
}, 2},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
gotBlobs := make(map[restic.ID]int)
handleBlob := func(blob restic.BlobHandle, buf []byte, err error) error {
id := restic.Hash(buf)
if !id.Equal(blob.ID) {
t.Fatalf("wrong id %v for blob %s returned", id, blob.ID)
return err
wantBlobs := make(map[restic.ID]int)
for _, blob := range test.blobs {
wantBlobs[blob.ID] = 1
loadCalls = 0
err = repository.StreamPack(ctx, load, &key, restic.ID{}, test.blobs, handleBlob)
if err != nil {
if !cmp.Equal(wantBlobs, gotBlobs) {
t.Fatal(cmp.Diff(wantBlobs, gotBlobs))
rtest.Equals(t, test.calls, loadCalls)
// next, test invalid uses, which should return an error
t.Run("invalid", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
blobs []restic.Blob
err string
// pass one blob several times
blobs: []restic.Blob{
err: "overlapping blobs in pack",
// pass something that's not a valid blob in the current pack file
blobs: []restic.Blob{
Offset: 123,
Length: 20000,
err: "ciphertext verification failed",
// pass a blob that's too small
blobs: []restic.Blob{
Offset: 123,
Length: 10,
err: "invalid blob length",
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
handleBlob := func(blob restic.BlobHandle, buf []byte, err error) error {
return err
err = repository.StreamPack(ctx, load, &key, restic.ID{}, test.blobs, handleBlob)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("wanted error %v, got nil", test.err)
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.err) {
t.Fatalf("wrong error returned, it should contain %q but was %q", test.err, err)
func TestInvalidCompression(t *testing.T) {
var comp repository.CompressionMode
err := comp.Set("nope")
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "missing error")
_, err = repository.New(nil, repository.Options{Compression: comp})
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "missing error")