from import AudioQuality from tabulate import tabulate import os from album import download_album, download_artist_albums from const import TRACK, NAME, ID, ARTIST, ARTISTS, ITEMS, TRACKS, EXPLICIT, ALBUM, ALBUMS, \ OWNER, PLAYLIST, PLAYLISTS, DISPLAY_NAME from playlist import get_playlist_songs, get_playlist_info, download_from_user_playlist, download_playlist from podcast import download_episode, get_show_episodes from termoutput import Printer, PrintChannel from track import download_track, get_saved_tracks from utils import fix_filename, splash, split_input, regex_input_for_urls from zspotify import ZSpotify SEARCH_URL = '' def client(args) -> None: """ Connects to spotify to perform query's and get songs to download """ ZSpotify(args) Printer.print(PrintChannel.SPLASH, splash()) if ZSpotify.check_premium(): Printer.print(PrintChannel.SPLASH, '[ DETECTED PREMIUM ACCOUNT - USING VERY_HIGH QUALITY ]\n\n') ZSpotify.DOWNLOAD_QUALITY = AudioQuality.VERY_HIGH else: Printer.print(PrintChannel.SPLASH, '[ DETECTED FREE ACCOUNT - USING HIGH QUALITY ]\n\n') ZSpotify.DOWNLOAD_QUALITY = AudioQuality.HIGH if urls = [] filename = if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: urls.extend([line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]) download_from_urls(urls) else: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, f'File {filename} not found.\n') if args.urls: download_from_urls(args.urls) if args.playlist: download_from_user_playlist() if args.liked_songs: for song in get_saved_tracks(): if not song[TRACK][NAME]: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, '### SKIPPING: SONG DOES NOT EXIST ON SPOTIFY ANYMORE ###' + "\n") else: download_track('liked', song[TRACK][ID]) if args.search_spotify: search_text = '' while len(search_text) == 0: search_text = input('Enter search or URL: ') if not download_from_urls([search_text]): search(search_text) def download_from_urls(urls: list[str]) -> bool: """ Downloads from a list of spotify urls """ download = False for spotify_url in urls: track_id, album_id, playlist_id, episode_id, show_id, artist_id = regex_input_for_urls( spotify_url) if track_id is not None: download = True download_track('single', track_id) elif artist_id is not None: download = True download_artist_albums(artist_id) elif album_id is not None: download = True download_album(album_id) elif playlist_id is not None: download = True playlist_songs = get_playlist_songs(playlist_id) name, _ = get_playlist_info(playlist_id) for song in playlist_songs: download_track('playlist', song[TRACK][ID], extra_keys={'playlist': name}) elif episode_id is not None: download = True download_episode(episode_id) elif show_id is not None: download = True for episode in get_show_episodes(show_id): download_episode(episode) return download def search(search_term): """ Searches Spotify's API for relevant data """ params = {'limit': '10', 'offset': '0', 'q': search_term, 'type': 'track,album,artist,playlist'} # Parse args splits = search_term.split() for split in splits: index = splits.index(split) if split[0] == '-' and len(split) > 1: if len(splits)-1 == index: raise IndexError('No parameters passed after option: {}\n'. format(split)) if split == '-l' or split == '-limit': try: int(splits[index+1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Paramater passed after {} option must be an integer.\n'. format(split)) if int(splits[index+1]) > 50: raise ValueError('Invalid limit passed. Max is 50.\n') params['limit'] = splits[index+1] if split == '-t' or split == '-type': allowed_types = ['track', 'playlist', 'album', 'artist'] passed_types = [] for i in range(index+1, len(splits)): if splits[i][0] == '-': break if splits[i] not in allowed_types: raise ValueError('Parameters passed after {} option must be from this list:\n{}'. format(split, '\n'.join(allowed_types))) passed_types.append(splits[i]) params['type'] = ','.join(passed_types) if len(params['type']) == 0: params['type'] = 'track,album,artist,playlist' # Clean search term search_term_list = [] for split in splits: if split[0] == "-": break search_term_list.append(split) if not search_term_list: raise ValueError("Invalid query.") params["q"] = ' '.join(search_term_list) resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url_with_params(SEARCH_URL, **params) counter = 1 dics = [] total_tracks = 0 if TRACK in params['type'].split(','): tracks = resp[TRACKS][ITEMS] if len(tracks) > 0: print('### TRACKS ###') track_data = [] for track in tracks: if track[EXPLICIT]: explicit = '[E]' else: explicit = '' track_data.append([counter, f'{track[NAME]} {explicit}', ','.join([artist[NAME] for artist in track[ARTISTS]])]) dics.append({ ID: track[ID], NAME: track[NAME], 'type': TRACK, }) counter += 1 total_tracks = counter - 1 print(tabulate(track_data, headers=[ 'S.NO', 'Name', 'Artists'], tablefmt='pretty')) print('\n') del tracks del track_data total_albums = 0 if ALBUM in params['type'].split(','): albums = resp[ALBUMS][ITEMS] if len(albums) > 0: print('### ALBUMS ###') album_data = [] for album in albums: album_data.append([counter, album[NAME], ','.join([artist[NAME] for artist in album[ARTISTS]])]) dics.append({ ID: album[ID], NAME: album[NAME], 'type': ALBUM, }) counter += 1 total_albums = counter - total_tracks - 1 print(tabulate(album_data, headers=[ 'S.NO', 'Album', 'Artists'], tablefmt='pretty')) print('\n') del albums del album_data total_artists = 0 if ARTIST in params['type'].split(','): artists = resp[ARTISTS][ITEMS] if len(artists) > 0: print('### ARTISTS ###') artist_data = [] for artist in artists: artist_data.append([counter, artist[NAME]]) dics.append({ ID: artist[ID], NAME: artist[NAME], 'type': ARTIST, }) counter += 1 total_artists = counter - total_tracks - total_albums - 1 print(tabulate(artist_data, headers=[ 'S.NO', 'Name'], tablefmt='pretty')) print('\n') del artists del artist_data total_playlists = 0 if PLAYLIST in params['type'].split(','): playlists = resp[PLAYLISTS][ITEMS] if len(playlists) > 0: print('### PLAYLISTS ###') playlist_data = [] for playlist in playlists: playlist_data.append( [counter, playlist[NAME], playlist[OWNER][DISPLAY_NAME]]) dics.append({ ID: playlist[ID], NAME: playlist[NAME], 'type': PLAYLIST, }) counter += 1 total_playlists = counter - total_artists - total_tracks - total_albums - 1 print(tabulate(playlist_data, headers=[ 'S.NO', 'Name', 'Owner'], tablefmt='pretty')) print('\n') del playlists del playlist_data if total_tracks + total_albums + total_artists + total_playlists == 0: print('NO RESULTS FOUND - EXITING...') else: selection = '' print('\n> SELECT A DOWNLOAD OPTION BY ID') print('> SELECT A RANGE BY ADDING A DASH BETWEEN BOTH ID\'s') print('> OR PARTICULAR OPTIONS BY ADDING A COMMA BETWEEN ID\'s\n') while len(selection) == 0: selection = str(input('ID(s): ')) inputs = split_input(selection) for pos in inputs: position = int(pos) for dic in dics: print_pos = dics.index(dic) + 1 if print_pos == position: if dic['type'] == TRACK: download_track('single', dic[ID]) elif dic['type'] == ALBUM: download_album(dic[ID]) elif dic['type'] == ARTIST: download_artist_albums(dic[ID]) else: download_playlist(dic)