import json import os import sys from typing import Any from enum import Enum CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '../zs_config.json' ROOT_PATH = 'ROOT_PATH' ROOT_PODCAST_PATH = 'ROOT_PODCAST_PATH' SKIP_EXISTING_FILES = 'SKIP_EXISTING_FILES' SKIP_PREVIOUSLY_DOWNLOADED = 'SKIP_PREVIOUSLY_DOWNLOADED' DOWNLOAD_FORMAT = 'DOWNLOAD_FORMAT' FORCE_PREMIUM = 'FORCE_PREMIUM' ANTI_BAN_WAIT_TIME = 'ANTI_BAN_WAIT_TIME' OVERRIDE_AUTO_WAIT = 'OVERRIDE_AUTO_WAIT' CHUNK_SIZE = 'CHUNK_SIZE' SPLIT_ALBUM_DISCS = 'SPLIT_ALBUM_DISCS' DOWNLOAD_REAL_TIME = 'DOWNLOAD_REAL_TIME' LANGUAGE = 'LANGUAGE' BITRATE = 'BITRATE' SONG_ARCHIVE = 'SONG_ARCHIVE' CREDENTIALS_LOCATION = 'CREDENTIALS_LOCATION' OUTPUT = 'OUTPUT' PRINT_SPLASH = 'PRINT_SPLASH' PRINT_SKIPS = 'PRINT_SKIPS' PRINT_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS = 'PRINT_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS' PRINT_ERRORS = 'PRINT_ERRORS' PRINT_DOWNLOADS = 'PRINT_DOWNLOADS' CONFIG_VALUES = { ROOT_PATH: { 'default': '../ZSpotify Music/', 'type': str, 'arg': '--root-path' }, ROOT_PODCAST_PATH: { 'default': '../ZSpotify Podcasts/', 'type': str, 'arg': '--root-podcast-path' }, SKIP_EXISTING_FILES: { 'default': 'True', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--skip-existing-files' }, SKIP_PREVIOUSLY_DOWNLOADED: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--skip-previously-downloaded' }, DOWNLOAD_FORMAT: { 'default': 'ogg', 'type': str, 'arg': '--download-format' }, FORCE_PREMIUM: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--force-premium' }, ANTI_BAN_WAIT_TIME: { 'default': '1', 'type': int, 'arg': '--anti-ban-wait-time' }, OVERRIDE_AUTO_WAIT: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--override-auto-wait' }, CHUNK_SIZE: { 'default': '50000', 'type': int, 'arg': '--chunk-size' }, SPLIT_ALBUM_DISCS: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--split-album-discs' }, DOWNLOAD_REAL_TIME: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--download-real-time' }, LANGUAGE: { 'default': 'en', 'type': str, 'arg': '--language' }, BITRATE: { 'default': '', 'type': str, 'arg': '--bitrate' }, SONG_ARCHIVE: { 'default': '.song_archive', 'type': str, 'arg': '--song-archive' }, CREDENTIALS_LOCATION: { 'default': 'credentials.json', 'type': str, 'arg': '--credentials-location' }, OUTPUT: { 'default': '', 'type': str, 'arg': '--output' }, PRINT_SPLASH: { 'default': 'True', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--print-splash' }, PRINT_SKIPS: { 'default': 'True', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--print-skips' }, PRINT_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS: { 'default': 'True', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--print-download-progress' }, PRINT_ERRORS: { 'default': 'True', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--print-errors' }, PRINT_DOWNLOADS: { 'default': 'False', 'type': bool, 'arg': '--print-downloads' }, } OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST = '{playlist}/{artist} - {song_name}.{ext}' OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_EXT = '{playlist}/{playlist_num} - {artist} - {song_name}.{ext}' OUTPUT_DEFAULT_LIKED_SONGS = 'Liked Songs/{artist} - {song_name}.{ext}' OUTPUT_DEFAULT_SINGLE = '{artist} - {song_name}.{ext}' OUTPUT_DEFAULT_ALBUM = '{artist}/{album}/{album_num} - {artist} - {song_name}.{ext}' class Config: Values = {} @classmethod def load(cls, args) -> None: app_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) config_fp = CONFIG_FILE_PATH if args.config_location: config_fp = args.config_location true_config_file_path = os.path.join(app_dir, config_fp) # Load config from zs_config.json if not os.path.exists(true_config_file_path): with open(true_config_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as config_file: json.dump(cls.get_default_json(), config_file, indent=4) cls.Values = cls.get_default_json() else: with open(true_config_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as config_file: jsonvalues = json.load(config_file) cls.Values = {} for key in CONFIG_VALUES: if key in jsonvalues: cls.Values[key] = cls.parse_arg_value(key, jsonvalues[key]) # Add default values for missing keys for key in CONFIG_VALUES: if key not in cls.Values: cls.Values[key] = cls.parse_arg_value(key, CONFIG_VALUES[key]['default']) # Override config from commandline arguments for key in CONFIG_VALUES: if key.lower() in vars(args) and vars(args)[key.lower()] is not None: cls.Values[key] = cls.parse_arg_value(key, vars(args)[key.lower()]) if args.no_splash: cls.Values[PRINT_SPLASH] = False @classmethod def get_default_json(cls) -> Any: r = {} for key in CONFIG_VALUES: r[key] = CONFIG_VALUES[key]['default'] return r @classmethod def parse_arg_value(cls, key: str, value: Any) -> Any: if type(value) == CONFIG_VALUES[key]['type']: return value if CONFIG_VALUES[key]['type'] == str: return str(value) if CONFIG_VALUES[key]['type'] == int: return int(value) if CONFIG_VALUES[key]['type'] == bool: if str(value).lower() in ['yes', 'true', '1']: return True if str(value).lower() in ['no', 'false', '0']: return False raise ValueError("Not a boolean: " + value) raise ValueError("Unknown Type: " + value) @classmethod def get(cls, key: str) -> Any: return cls.Values.get(key) @classmethod def get_root_path(cls) -> str: return cls.get(ROOT_PATH) @classmethod def get_root_podcast_path(cls) -> str: return cls.get(ROOT_PODCAST_PATH) @classmethod def get_skip_existing_files(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(SKIP_EXISTING_FILES) @classmethod def get_skip_previously_downloaded(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(SKIP_PREVIOUSLY_DOWNLOADED) @classmethod def get_split_album_discs(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(SPLIT_ALBUM_DISCS) @classmethod def get_chunk_size(cls) -> int(): return cls.get(CHUNK_SIZE) @classmethod def get_override_auto_wait(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(OVERRIDE_AUTO_WAIT) @classmethod def get_force_premium(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(FORCE_PREMIUM) @classmethod def get_download_format(cls) -> str: return cls.get(DOWNLOAD_FORMAT) @classmethod def get_anti_ban_wait_time(cls) -> int: return cls.get(ANTI_BAN_WAIT_TIME) @classmethod def get_language(cls) -> str: return cls.get(LANGUAGE) @classmethod def get_download_real_time(cls) -> bool: return cls.get(DOWNLOAD_REAL_TIME) @classmethod def get_bitrate(cls) -> str: return cls.get(BITRATE) @classmethod def get_song_archive(cls) -> str: return cls.get(SONG_ARCHIVE) @classmethod def get_credentials_location(cls) -> str: return cls.get(CREDENTIALS_LOCATION) @classmethod def get_output(cls, mode: str) -> str: v = cls.get(OUTPUT) if v: return v if mode == 'playlist': if cls.get_split_album_discs(): split = os.path.split(OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST) return os.path.join(split[0], 'Disc {disc_number}', split[0]) return OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST if mode == 'extplaylist': if cls.get_split_album_discs(): split = os.path.split(OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_EXT) return os.path.join(split[0], 'Disc {disc_number}', split[0]) return OUTPUT_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_EXT if mode == 'liked': if cls.get_split_album_discs(): split = os.path.split(OUTPUT_DEFAULT_LIKED_SONGS) return os.path.join(split[0], 'Disc {disc_number}', split[0]) return OUTPUT_DEFAULT_LIKED_SONGS if mode == 'single': if cls.get_split_album_discs(): split = os.path.split(OUTPUT_DEFAULT_SINGLE) return os.path.join(split[0], 'Disc {disc_number}', split[0]) return OUTPUT_DEFAULT_SINGLE if mode == 'album': if cls.get_split_album_discs(): split = os.path.split(OUTPUT_DEFAULT_ALBUM) return os.path.join(split[0], 'Disc {disc_number}', split[0]) return OUTPUT_DEFAULT_ALBUM raise ValueError()