import os import os.path import platform import unicodedata import re import subprocess import time import sys import requests import json import music_tag from import AudioQuality, VorbisOnlyAudioQuality from librespot.core import Session from librespot.metadata import TrackId from pydub import AudioSegment quality: AudioQuality = AudioQuality.HIGH #quality: AudioQuality = AudioQuality.VERY_HIGH #Uncomment this line if you have a premium account session: Session = None import hashlib rootPath = "ZSpotify Music/" skipExistingFiles = True #miscellaneous functions for general use def clear(): if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("cls") else: os.system("clear") def wait(seconds: int = 3): for i in range(seconds)[::-1]: print("\rWait for %d second(s)..." % (i + 1), end="") time.sleep(1) def sanitizeData(value): return value.replace("\\", "").replace("/", "") def splash(): print("=================================\n" "| Spotify Downloader |\n" "| |\n" "| by Footsiefat/Deathmonger |\n" "=================================\n\n\n") #two mains functions for logging in and doing client stuff def login(): global session if os.path.isfile("credentials.json"): try: session = Session.Builder().stored_file().create() return except RuntimeError: pass while True: user_name = input("UserName: ") password = input("Password: ") try: session = Session.Builder().user_pass(user_name, password).create() return except RuntimeError: pass def client(): global quality, session splash() if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] != "-p" and sys.argv[1] != "--playlist": track_uri_search = r"^spotify:track:(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})$", sys.argv[1]) track_url_search = r"^(https?://)?open\.spotify\.com/track/(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})(\?si=.+?)?$", sys.argv[1], ) album_uri_search = r"^spotify:album:(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})$", sys.argv[1]) album_url_search = r"^(https?://)?open\.spotify\.com/album/(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})(\?si=.+?)?$", sys.argv[1], ) playlist_uri_search = r"^spotify:playlist:(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})$", sys.argv[1]) playlist_url_search = r"^(https?://)?open\.spotify\.com/playlist/(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]{22})(\?si=.+?)?$", sys.argv[1], ) if track_uri_search is not None or track_url_search is not None: track_id_str = (track_uri_search if track_uri_search is not None else track_url_search).group("TrackID") downloadTrack(track_id_str) elif album_uri_search is not None or album_url_search is not None: album_id_str = (album_uri_search if album_uri_search is not None else album_url_search).group("AlbumID") downloadAlbum(album_id_str) elif playlist_uri_search is not None or playlist_url_search is not None: playlist_id_str = (playlist_uri_search if playlist_uri_search is not None else playlist_url_search).group("PlaylistID") token = session.tokens().get("user-read-email") playlistSongs = get_playlist_songs(token, playlist_id_str) name, creator = get_playlist_info(token, playlist_id_str) for song in playlistSongs: downloadTrack(song['track']['id'], name + "/") print("\n") else: downloadFromOurPlaylists() else: searchText = input("Enter search: ") search(searchText) wait() #related functions that do stuff with the spotify API def search(searchTerm): token = session.tokens().get("user-read-email") resp = requests.get( "", { "limit": "10", "offset": "0", "q": searchTerm, "type": "track,album,playlist" }, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token}, ) i = 1 tracks = resp.json()["tracks"]["items"] if len(tracks) > 0: print("### TRACKS ###") for track in tracks: print("%d, %s | %s" % ( i, track["name"], ",".join([artist["name"] for artist in track["artists"]]), )) i += 1 totalTracks = i - 1 print("\n") else: totalTracks = 0 albums = resp.json()["albums"]["items"] if len(albums) > 0: print("### ALBUMS ###") for album in albums: print("%d, %s | %s" % ( i, album["name"], ",".join([artist["name"] for artist in album["artists"]]), )) i += 1 totalAlbums = i - totalTracks - 1 print("\n") else: totalAlbums = 0 playlists = resp.json()["playlists"]["items"] if len(playlists) > 0: print("### PLAYLISTS ###") for playlist in playlists: print("%d, %s | %s" % ( i, playlist["name"], playlist['owner']['display_name'], )) i += 1 totalPlaylists = i - totalTracks - totalAlbums - 1 print("\n") else: totalPlaylists = 0 if len(tracks) + len(albums) + len(playlists) == 0: print("NO RESULTS FOUND - EXITING...") else: position = int(input("SELECT ITEM BY ID: ")) if position <= totalTracks: trackId = tracks[position - 1]["id"] downloadTrack(trackId) elif position <= totalAlbums + totalTracks: downloadAlbum(albums[position - totalTracks - 1]["id"]) else: playlistChoice = playlists[position - totalTracks - totalAlbums - 1] playlistSongs = get_playlist_songs(token, playlistChoice['id']) for song in playlistSongs: downloadTrack(song['track']['id'], sanitizeData(playlistChoice['name'].strip()) + "/") print("\n") def getSongInfo(songId): token = session.tokens().get("user-read-email") info = json.loads(requests.get("" + songId + '&market=from_token', headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token}).text) artists = [] for x in info['tracks'][0]['artists']: artists.append(sanitizeData(x['name'])) albumName = sanitizeData(info['tracks'][0]['album']["name"]) name = sanitizeData(info['tracks'][0]['name']) imageUrl = info['tracks'][0]['album']['images'][0]['url'] releaseYear = info['tracks'][0]['album']['release_date'].split("-")[0] disc_number = info['tracks'][0]['disc_number'] track_number = info['tracks'][0]['track_number'] scrapedSongId = info['tracks'][0]['id'] return artists, albumName, name, imageUrl, releaseYear, disc_number, track_number, scrapedSongId #Functions directly related to modifying the downloaded audio and its metadata def convertToMp3(filename): print("### CONVERTING TO MP3 ###") raw_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filename, format="ogg", frame_rate=44100, channels=2, sample_width=2) raw_audio.export(filename, format="mp3") def setAudioTags(filename, artists, name, albumName, releaseYear, disc_number, track_number): print("### SETTING MUSIC TAGS ###") f = music_tag.load_file(filename) f['artist'] = convArtistFormat(artists) f['tracktitle'] = name f['album'] = albumName f['year'] = releaseYear f['discnumber'] = disc_number f['tracknumber'] = track_number def setMusicThumbnail(filename, imageUrl): print("### SETTING THUMBNAIL ###") r = requests.get(imageUrl).content f = music_tag.load_file(filename) f['artwork'] = r def convArtistFormat(artists): formatted = "" for x in artists: formatted += x + ", " return formatted[:-2] #Extra functions directly related to spotify playlists def get_all_playlists(access_token): playlists = [] limit = 50 offset = 0 while True: headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'} params = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} resp = requests.get("", headers=headers, params=params).json() offset += limit playlists.extend(resp['items']) if len(resp['items']) < limit: break return playlists def get_playlist_songs(access_token, playlist_id): songs = [] offset = 0 limit = 100 while True: headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'} params = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} resp = requests.get(f'{playlist_id}/tracks', headers=headers, params=params).json() offset += limit songs.extend(resp['items']) if len(resp['items']) < limit: break return songs def get_playlist_info(access_token, playlist_id): headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'} resp = requests.get(f'{playlist_id}?fields=name,owner(display_name)&market=from_token', headers=headers).json() return resp['name'].strip(), resp['owner']['display_name'].strip() #Extra functions directly related to spotify albums def get_album_tracks(access_token, album_id): songs = [] offset = 0 limit = 50 while True: headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'} params = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} resp = requests.get(f'{album_id}/tracks', headers=headers, params=params).json() offset += limit songs.extend(resp['items']) if len(resp['items']) < limit: break return songs def get_album_name(access_token, album_id): headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'} resp = requests.get(f'{album_id}', headers=headers).json() return resp['artists'][0]['name'], sanitizeData(resp['name']) #Functions directly related to downloading stuff def downloadTrack(track_id_str: str, extra_paths = ""): global rootPath, skipExistingFiles track_id = TrackId.from_base62(track_id_str) artists, albumName, name, imageUrl, releaseYear, disc_number, track_number, scrapedSongId = getSongInfo(track_id_str) songName = artists[0] + " - " + name filename = rootPath + extra_paths + songName + '.mp3' skipExistingFiles if os.path.isfile(filename) and skipExistingFiles: print("### SKIPPING:", songName, "(SONG ALREADY EXISTS) ###") else: if track_id_str != scrapedSongId: print("### APPLYING PATCH TO LET SONG DOWNLOAD ###") track_id_str = scrapedSongId track_id = TrackId.from_base62(track_id_str) print("### FOUND SONG:", songName, " ###") stream = session.content_feeder().load( track_id, VorbisOnlyAudioQuality(quality), False, None) print("### DOWNLOADING RAW AUDIO ###") if not os.path.isdir(rootPath + extra_paths): os.makedirs(rootPath + extra_paths) with open(filename,'wb') as f: ''' chunk_size = 1024 * 16 buffer = bytearray(chunk_size) bpos = 0 ''' #With the updated version of librespot my faster download method broke so we are using the old fallback method while True: byte = if byte == b'': break f.write(byte) ''' while True: byte = if byte == -1: # flush buffer before breaking if bpos > 0: f.write(buffer[0:bpos]) break print(bpos) buffer[bpos] = byte bpos += 1 if bpos == (chunk_size): f.write(buffer) bpos = 0 ''' convertToMp3(filename) setAudioTags(filename, artists, name, albumName, releaseYear, disc_number, track_number) setMusicThumbnail(filename, imageUrl) def downloadAlbum(album): token = session.tokens().get("user-read-email") artist, album_name = get_album_name(token, album) tracks = get_album_tracks(token, album) for track in tracks: downloadTrack(track['id'], artist + " - " + album_name + "/") print("\n") def downloadFromOurPlaylists(): token = session.tokens().get("user-read-email") playlists = get_all_playlists(token) count = 1 for playlist in playlists: print(str(count) + ": " + playlist['name'].strip()) count += 1 playlistChoice = input("SELECT A PLAYLIST BY ID: ") playlistSongs = get_playlist_songs(token, playlists[int(playlistChoice) - 1]['id']) for song in playlistSongs: downloadTrack(song['track']['id'], sanitizeData(playlists[int(playlistChoice) - 1]['name'].strip()) + "/") print("\n") #Core functions here def main(): login() client() if __name__ == "__main__": main() #Left over code ill probably want to reference at some point """ if args[0] == "q" or args[0] == "quality": if len(args) == 1: print("Current Quality: " + wait() elif len(args) == 2: if args[1] == "normal" or args[1] == "96": quality = AudioQuality.NORMAL elif args[1] == "high" or args[1] == "160": quality = AudioQuality.HIGH elif args[1] == "veryhigh" or args[1] == "320": quality = AudioQuality.VERY_HIGH print("Set Quality to %s" % wait() """ #TO DO'S: #MAKE AUDIO SAVING MORE EFFICIENT