from tqdm import tqdm from const import ITEMS, ID, TRACK, NAME from track import download_track from utils import sanitize_data from zspotify import ZSpotify MY_PLAYLISTS_URL = '' PLAYLISTS_URL = '' def get_all_playlists(): """ Returns list of users playlists """ playlists = [] limit = 50 offset = 0 while True: resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url_with_params(MY_PLAYLISTS_URL, limit=limit, offset=offset) offset += limit playlists.extend(resp[ITEMS]) if len(resp[ITEMS]) < limit: break return playlists def get_playlist_songs(playlist_id): """ returns list of songs in a playlist """ songs = [] offset = 0 limit = 100 while True: resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url_with_params(f'{PLAYLISTS_URL}/{playlist_id}/tracks', limit=limit, offset=offset) offset += limit songs.extend(resp[ITEMS]) if len(resp[ITEMS]) < limit: break return songs def get_playlist_info(playlist_id): """ Returns information scraped from playlist """ resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{PLAYLISTS_URL}/{playlist_id}?fields=name,owner(display_name)&market=from_token') return resp['name'].strip(), resp['owner']['display_name'].strip() def download_playlist(playlists, playlist_number): """Downloads all the songs from a playlist""" playlist_songs = [song for song in get_playlist_songs(playlists[int(playlist_number) - 1][ID]) if song[TRACK][ID]] p_bar = tqdm(playlist_songs, unit='song', total=len(playlist_songs), unit_scale=True) for song in p_bar: download_track(song[TRACK][ID], sanitize_data(playlists[int(playlist_number) - 1][NAME].strip()) + '/', disable_progressbar=True) p_bar.set_description(song[TRACK][NAME]) def download_from_user_playlist(): """ Select which playlist(s) to download """ playlists = get_all_playlists() count = 1 for playlist in playlists: print(str(count) + ': ' + playlist[NAME].strip()) count += 1 print('\n> SELECT A PLAYLIST BY ID') print('> SELECT A RANGE BY ADDING A DASH BETWEEN BOTH ID\'s') print('> For example, typing 10 to get one playlist or 10-20 to get\nevery playlist from 10-20 (inclusive)\n') playlist_choices = input('ID(s): ').split('-') if len(playlist_choices) == 1: download_playlist(playlists, playlist_choices[0]) else: start = int(playlist_choices[0]) end = int(playlist_choices[1]) + 1 print(f'Downloading from {start} to {end}...') for playlist_number in range(start, end): download_playlist(playlists, playlist_number) print('\n**All playlists have been downloaded**\n')