from tqdm import tqdm from const import ITEMS, ARTISTS, NAME, ID from track import download_track from utils import sanitize_data, fix_filename from zspotify import ZSpotify ALBUM_URL = '' ARTIST_URL = '' def get_album_tracks(album_id): """ Returns album tracklist """ songs = [] offset = 0 limit = 50 while True: resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url_with_params(f'{ALBUM_URL}/{album_id}/tracks', limit=limit, offset=offset) offset += limit songs.extend(resp[ITEMS]) if len(resp[ITEMS]) < limit: break return songs def get_album_name(album_id): """ Returns album name """ resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{ALBUM_URL}/{album_id}') return resp[ARTISTS][0][NAME], sanitize_data(resp[NAME]) def get_artist_albums(artist_id): """ Returns artist's albums """ resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{ARTIST_URL}/{artist_id}/albums?include_groups=album%2Csingle') # Return a list each album's id album_ids = [resp[ITEMS][i][ID] for i in range(len(resp[ITEMS]))] # Recursive requests to get all albums including singles an EPs while resp['next'] is not None: resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url(resp['next']) album_ids.extend([resp[ITEMS][i][ID] for i in range(len(resp[ITEMS]))]) return album_ids def download_album(album): """ Downloads songs from an album """ artist, album_name = get_album_name(album) artist_fixed = fix_filename(artist) album_name_fixed = fix_filename(album_name) tracks = get_album_tracks(album) for n, track in tqdm(enumerate(tracks, start=1), unit_scale=True, unit='Song', total=len(tracks)): download_track(track[ID], f'{artist_fixed}/{album_name_fixed}', prefix=True, prefix_value=str(n), disable_progressbar=True) def download_artist_albums(artist): """ Downloads albums of an artist """ albums = get_artist_albums(artist) for album_id in albums: download_album(album_id)