import math import os import re import time import traceback import uuid from typing import Any, List, Tuple from ffmpy import FFmpeg from import AudioQuality from librespot.metadata import TrackId from const import (ALBUM, ARTISTS, CODEC_MAP, DISC_NUMBER, DURATION_MS, EXT_MAP, GENRES, HREF, ID, IMAGES, IS_PLAYABLE, ITEMS, NAME, RELEASE_DATE, SAVED_TRACKS_URL, TRACK_NUMBER, TRACK_STATS_URL, TRACKS, TRACKS_URL, URL) from loader import Loader from termoutput import PrintChannel, Printer from utils import (add_to_archive, add_to_directory_song_ids, create_download_directory, fix_filename, fmt_seconds, get_directory_song_ids, get_previously_downloaded, set_audio_tags, set_music_thumbnail) from zspotify import ZSpotify def get_saved_tracks() -> list: """ Returns user's saved tracks """ songs = [] offset = 0 limit = 50 while True: resp = ZSpotify.invoke_url_with_params( SAVED_TRACKS_URL, limit=limit, offset=offset) offset += limit songs.extend(resp[ITEMS]) if len(resp[ITEMS]) < limit: break return songs def get_song_info(song_id) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Any], str, str, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, int]: """ Retrieves metadata for downloaded songs """ with Loader(PrintChannel.PROGRESS_INFO, "Fetching track information..."): (raw, info) = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{TRACKS_URL}?ids={song_id}&market=from_token') if not TRACKS in info: raise ValueError(f'Invalid response from TRACKS_URL:\n{raw}') try: artists = [] for data in info[TRACKS][0][ARTISTS]: artists.append(data[NAME]) album_name = info[TRACKS][0][ALBUM][NAME] name = info[TRACKS][0][NAME] image_url = info[TRACKS][0][ALBUM][IMAGES][0][URL] release_year = info[TRACKS][0][ALBUM][RELEASE_DATE].split('-')[0] disc_number = info[TRACKS][0][DISC_NUMBER] track_number = info[TRACKS][0][TRACK_NUMBER] scraped_song_id = info[TRACKS][0][ID] is_playable = info[TRACKS][0][IS_PLAYABLE] duration_ms = info[TRACKS][0][DURATION_MS] return artists, info[TRACKS][0][ARTISTS], album_name, name, image_url, release_year, disc_number, track_number, scraped_song_id, is_playable, duration_ms except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse TRACKS_URL response: {str(e)}\n{raw}') def get_song_genres(rawartists: List[str], track_name: str) -> List[str]: try: genres = [] for data in rawartists: # query artist genres via href, which will be the api url with Loader(PrintChannel.PROGRESS_INFO, "Fetching artist information..."): (raw, artistInfo) = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{data[HREF]}') if ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_all_genres() and len(artistInfo[GENRES]) > 0: for genre in artistInfo[GENRES]: genres.append(genre) elif len(artistInfo[GENRES]) > 0: genres.append(artistInfo[GENRES][0]) if len(genres) == 0: Printer.print(PrintChannel.WARNINGS, '### No Genres found for song ' + track_name) genres.append('') return genres except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse GENRES response: {str(e)}\n{raw}') def get_song_duration(song_id: str) -> float: """ Retrieves duration of song in second as is on spotify """ (raw, resp) = ZSpotify.invoke_url(f'{TRACK_STATS_URL}{song_id}') # get duration in miliseconds ms_duration = resp['duration_ms'] # convert to seconds duration = float(ms_duration)/1000 # debug # print(duration) # print(type(duration)) return duration # noinspection PyBroadException def download_track(mode: str, track_id: str, extra_keys=None, disable_progressbar=False) -> None: """ Downloads raw song audio from Spotify """ if extra_keys is None: extra_keys = {} prepare_download_loader = Loader(PrintChannel.PROGRESS_INFO, "Preparing download...") prepare_download_loader.start() try: output_template = ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_output(mode) (artists, raw_artists, album_name, name, image_url, release_year, disc_number, track_number, scraped_song_id, is_playable, duration_ms) = get_song_info(track_id) song_name = fix_filename(artists[0]) + ' - ' + fix_filename(name) for k in extra_keys: output_template = output_template.replace("{"+k+"}", fix_filename(extra_keys[k])) ext = EXT_MAP.get(ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_download_format().lower()) output_template = output_template.replace("{artist}", fix_filename(artists[0])) output_template = output_template.replace("{album}", fix_filename(album_name)) output_template = output_template.replace("{song_name}", fix_filename(name)) output_template = output_template.replace("{release_year}", fix_filename(release_year)) output_template = output_template.replace("{disc_number}", fix_filename(disc_number)) output_template = output_template.replace("{track_number}", fix_filename(track_number)) output_template = output_template.replace("{id}", fix_filename(scraped_song_id)) output_template = output_template.replace("{track_id}", fix_filename(track_id)) output_template = output_template.replace("{ext}", ext) filename = os.path.join(ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_root_path(), output_template) filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) filename_temp = filename if ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_temp_download_dir() != '': filename_temp = os.path.join(ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_temp_download_dir(), f'zspotify_{str(uuid.uuid4())}_{track_id}.{ext}') check_name = os.path.isfile(filename) and os.path.getsize(filename) check_id = scraped_song_id in get_directory_song_ids(filedir) check_all_time = scraped_song_id in get_previously_downloaded() # a song with the same name is installed if not check_id and check_name: c = len([file for file in os.listdir(filedir) if'^{filename}_', str(file))]) + 1 fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] filename = os.path.join(filedir, f'{fname}_{c}{ext}') except Exception as e: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, '### SKIPPING SONG - FAILED TO QUERY METADATA ###') Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, 'Track_ID: ' + str(track_id)) for k in extra_keys: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, k + ': ' + str(extra_keys[k])) Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, "\n") Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, str(e) + "\n") Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, "".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format()) + "\n") else: try: if not is_playable: prepare_download_loader.stop() Printer.print(PrintChannel.SKIPS, '\n### SKIPPING: ' + song_name + ' (SONG IS UNAVAILABLE) ###' + "\n") else: if check_id and check_name and ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_skip_existing_files(): prepare_download_loader.stop() Printer.print(PrintChannel.SKIPS, '\n### SKIPPING: ' + song_name + ' (SONG ALREADY EXISTS) ###' + "\n") elif check_all_time and ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_skip_previously_downloaded(): prepare_download_loader.stop() Printer.print(PrintChannel.SKIPS, '\n### SKIPPING: ' + song_name + ' (SONG ALREADY DOWNLOADED ONCE) ###' + "\n") else: if track_id != scraped_song_id: track_id = scraped_song_id track_id = TrackId.from_base62(track_id) stream = ZSpotify.get_content_stream(track_id, ZSpotify.DOWNLOAD_QUALITY) create_download_directory(filedir) total_size = stream.input_stream.size prepare_download_loader.stop() time_start = time.time() downloaded = 0 retry_counter = 0 with open(filename_temp, 'wb') as file, Printer.progress( desc=song_name, total=total_size, unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, disable=disable_progressbar ) as p_bar: while True: data = if len(data) == 0: retry_counter += 1 if retry_counter >= ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_retry_attempts(): break else: continue retry_counter = 0 p_bar.update(file.write(data)) downloaded += len(data) if ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_download_real_time(): delta_real = time.time() - time_start delta_want = (downloaded / total_size) * (duration_ms/1000) if delta_want > delta_real: time.sleep(delta_want - delta_real) # Make sure the 95% of the file was downloaded # for some reason the stream is not downloaded fully , a few bytes # remains that cannot be downloaded even thought the file is fine # That's the reason for the 95% check if downloaded < total_size * 0.95: raise Exception(f'''Track downloaded did not reach 95% of the stream size, actual size downloaded: {downloaded/total_size}''') time_downloaded = time.time() genres = get_song_genres(raw_artists, name) convert_audio_format(filename_temp) set_audio_tags(filename_temp, artists, genres, name, album_name, release_year, disc_number, track_number) set_music_thumbnail(filename_temp, image_url) if filename_temp != filename: os.rename(filename_temp, filename) time_finished = time.time() Printer.print(PrintChannel.DOWNLOADS, f'### Downloaded "{song_name}" to "{os.path.relpath(filename, ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_root_path())}" in {fmt_seconds(time_downloaded - time_start)} (plus {fmt_seconds(time_finished - time_downloaded)} converting) ###' + "\n") # add song id to archive file if ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_skip_previously_downloaded(): add_to_archive(scraped_song_id, os.path.basename(filename), artists[0], name) # add song id to download directory's .song_ids file if not check_id: add_to_directory_song_ids(filedir, scraped_song_id, os.path.basename(filename), artists[0], name) if not ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_anti_ban_wait_time(): time.sleep(ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_anti_ban_wait_time()) except Exception as e: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, '### SKIPPING: ' + song_name + ' (GENERAL DOWNLOAD ERROR) ###') Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, 'Track_ID: ' + str(track_id)) for k in extra_keys: Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, k + ': ' + str(extra_keys[k])) Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, "\n") Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, str(e) + "\n") Printer.print(PrintChannel.ERRORS, "".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format()) + "\n") if os.path.exists(filename_temp): os.remove(filename_temp) prepare_download_loader.stop() def convert_audio_format(filename) -> None: """ Converts raw audio into playable file """ temp_filename = f'{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}.tmp' os.replace(filename, temp_filename) download_format = ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_download_format().lower() file_codec = CODEC_MAP.get(download_format, 'copy') if file_codec != 'copy': bitrate = ZSpotify.CONFIG.get_bitrate() if not bitrate: if ZSpotify.DOWNLOAD_QUALITY == AudioQuality.VERY_HIGH: bitrate = '320k' else: bitrate = '160k' else: bitrate = None output_params = ['-c:a', file_codec] if bitrate: output_params += ['-b:a', bitrate] ff_m = FFmpeg( global_options=['-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel error'], inputs={temp_filename: None}, outputs={filename: output_params} ) with Loader(PrintChannel.PROGRESS_INFO, "Converting file..."): if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename)