#! /usr/bin/env python3 """ ZSpotify It's like youtube-dl, but for Spotify. (Made by Deathmonger/Footsiefat - @doomslayer117:matrix.org) """ import os import os.path from getpass import getpass import time import requests from librespot.audio.decoders import VorbisOnlyAudioQuality from librespot.core import Session from const import TYPE, \ PREMIUM, USER_READ_EMAIL, OFFSET, LIMIT, \ PLAYLIST_READ_PRIVATE, USER_LIBRARY_READ from config import Config class ZSpotify: SESSION: Session = None DOWNLOAD_QUALITY = None CONFIG: Config = Config() def __init__(self, args): ZSpotify.CONFIG.load(args) ZSpotify.login() @classmethod def login(cls): """ Authenticates with Spotify and saves credentials to a file """ cred_location = Config.get_credentials_location() if os.path.isfile(cred_location): try: cls.SESSION = Session.Builder().stored_file(cred_location).create() return except RuntimeError: pass while True: user_name = '' while len(user_name) == 0: user_name = input('Username: ') password = getpass() try: conf = Session.Configuration.Builder().set_stored_credential_file(cred_location).build() cls.SESSION = Session.Builder(conf).user_pass(user_name, password).create() return except RuntimeError: pass @classmethod def get_content_stream(cls, content_id, quality): return cls.SESSION.content_feeder().load(content_id, VorbisOnlyAudioQuality(quality), False, None) @classmethod def __get_auth_token(cls): return cls.SESSION.tokens().get_token(USER_READ_EMAIL, PLAYLIST_READ_PRIVATE, USER_LIBRARY_READ).access_token @classmethod def get_auth_header(cls): return { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {cls.__get_auth_token()}', 'Accept-Language': f'{cls.CONFIG.get_language()}' } @classmethod def get_auth_header_and_params(cls, limit, offset): return { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {cls.__get_auth_token()}', 'Accept-Language': f'{cls.CONFIG.get_language()}' }, {LIMIT: limit, OFFSET: offset} @classmethod def invoke_url_with_params(cls, url, limit, offset, **kwargs): headers, params = cls.get_auth_header_and_params(limit=limit, offset=offset) params.update(kwargs) return requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).json() @classmethod def invoke_url(cls, url, tryCount = 0): # we need to import that here, otherwise we will get circular imports! from termoutput import Printer, PrintChannel headers = cls.get_auth_header() response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) responsetext = response.text responsejson = response.json() if 'error' in responsejson: if tryCount < 5: Printer.print(PrintChannel.WARNINGS, f"Spotify API Error (try {tryCount}) ({responsejson['error']['status']}): {responsejson['error']['message']}") time.sleep(5) return cls.invoke_url(url, tryCount + 1) Printer.print(PrintChannel.API_ERRORS, f"Spotify API Error ({responsejson['error']['status']}): {responsejson['error']['message']}") return responsetext, responsejson @classmethod def check_premium(cls) -> bool: """ If user has spotify premium return true """ return (cls.SESSION.get_user_attribute(TYPE) == PREMIUM) or cls.CONFIG.get_force_premium()