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2000-01-05 18:31:08 +01:00
-- all functions CREATEd
sfunc = int4_avg_accum, basetype = int4, stype = _int8,
finalfunc = int8_avg,
initcond1 = '{0,0}'
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
-- test comments
COMMENT ON AGGREGATE newavg_wrong (int4) IS 'an agg comment';
ERROR: aggregate newavg_wrong(integer) does not exist
COMMENT ON AGGREGATE newavg (int4) IS 'an agg comment';
-- without finalfunc; test obsolete spellings 'sfunc1' etc
2000-01-05 18:31:08 +01:00
sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4,
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
initcond1 = '0'
-- zero-argument aggregate
sfunc = int8inc, stype = int8,
initcond = '0'
-- old-style spelling of same
sfunc = int8inc, basetype = 'ANY', stype = int8,
initcond = '0'
-- aggregate that only cares about null/nonnull input
CREATE AGGREGATE newcnt ("any") (
sfunc = int8inc_any, stype = int8,
initcond = '0'
COMMENT ON AGGREGATE nosuchagg (*) IS 'should fail';
ERROR: aggregate nosuchagg(*) does not exist
COMMENT ON AGGREGATE newcnt (*) IS 'an agg(*) comment';
COMMENT ON AGGREGATE newcnt ("any") IS 'an agg(any) comment';
-- multi-argument aggregate
create function sum3(int8,int8,int8) returns int8 as
'select $1 + $2 + $3' language sql strict immutable;
create aggregate sum2(int8,int8) (
sfunc = sum3, stype = int8,
initcond = '0'
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
-- multi-argument aggregates sensitive to distinct/order, strict/nonstrict
create type aggtype as (a integer, b integer, c text);
create function aggf_trans(aggtype[],integer,integer,text) returns aggtype[]
as 'select array_append($1,ROW($2,$3,$4)::aggtype)'
language sql strict immutable;
create function aggfns_trans(aggtype[],integer,integer,text) returns aggtype[]
as 'select array_append($1,ROW($2,$3,$4)::aggtype)'
language sql immutable;
create aggregate aggfstr(integer,integer,text) (
sfunc = aggf_trans, stype = aggtype[],
initcond = '{}'
create aggregate aggfns(integer,integer,text) (
sfunc = aggfns_trans, stype = aggtype[], sspace = 10000,
initcond = '{}'
-- variadic aggregate
create function least_accum(anyelement, variadic anyarray)
returns anyelement language sql as
'select least($1, min($2[i])) from generate_subscripts($2,1) g(i)';
create aggregate least_agg(variadic items anyarray) (
stype = anyelement, sfunc = least_accum
Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates. This patch introduces generic support for ordered-set and hypothetical-set aggregate functions, as well as implementations of the instances defined in SQL:2008 (percentile_cont(), percentile_disc(), rank(), dense_rank(), percent_rank(), cume_dist()). We also added mode() though it is not in the spec, as well as versions of percentile_cont() and percentile_disc() that can compute multiple percentile values in one pass over the data. Unlike the original submission, this patch puts full control of the sorting process in the hands of the aggregate's support functions. To allow the support functions to find out how they're supposed to sort, a new API function AggGetAggref() is added to nodeAgg.c. This allows retrieval of the aggregate call's Aggref node, which may have other uses beyond the immediate need. There is also support for ordered-set aggregates to install cleanup callback functions, so that they can be sure that infrastructure such as tuplesort objects gets cleaned up. In passing, make some fixes in the recently-added support for variadic aggregates, and make some editorial adjustments in the recent FILTER additions for aggregates. Also, simplify use of IsBinaryCoercible() by allowing it to succeed whenever the target type is ANY or ANYELEMENT. It was inconsistent that it dealt with other polymorphic target types but not these. Atri Sharma and Andrew Gierth; reviewed by Pavel Stehule and Vik Fearing, and rather heavily editorialized upon by Tom Lane
2013-12-23 22:11:35 +01:00
-- test ordered-set aggs using built-in support functions
create aggregate my_percentile_disc(float8 ORDER BY anyelement) (
stype = internal,
sfunc = ordered_set_transition,
finalfunc = percentile_disc_final
create aggregate my_rank(VARIADIC "any" ORDER BY VARIADIC "any") (
stype = internal,
sfunc = ordered_set_transition_multi,
finalfunc = rank_final,
alter aggregate my_percentile_disc(float8 ORDER BY anyelement)
rename to test_percentile_disc;
alter aggregate my_rank(VARIADIC "any" ORDER BY VARIADIC "any")
rename to test_rank;
\da test_*
List of aggregate functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Description
public | test_percentile_disc | anyelement | double precision ORDER BY anyelement |
public | test_rank | bigint | VARIADIC "any" ORDER BY VARIADIC "any" |
(2 rows)