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-- Currently this tests polymorphic aggregates and indirectly does some
-- testing of polymorphic SQL functions. It ought to be extended.
-- Tests for other features related to function-calling have snuck in, too.
-- Legend:
-- A = type is ANY
-- P = type is polymorphic
-- N = type is non-polymorphic
-- B = aggregate base type
-- S = aggregate state type
-- R = aggregate return type
-- 1 = arg1 of a function
-- 2 = arg2 of a function
-- ag = aggregate
-- tf = trans (state) function
-- ff = final function
-- rt = return type of a function
-- -> = implies
-- => = allowed
-- !> = not allowed
-- E = exists
-- NE = not-exists
-- Possible states:
-- ----------------
-- B = (A || P || N)
-- when (B = A) -> (tf2 = NE)
-- S = (P || N)
-- ff = (E || NE)
-- tf1 = (P || N)
-- tf2 = (NE || P || N)
-- R = (P || N)
-- create functions for use as tf and ff with the needed combinations of
-- argument polymorphism, but within the constraints of valid aggregate
-- functions, i.e. tf arg1 and tf return type must match
-- polymorphic single arg transfn
CREATE FUNCTION stfp(anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- non-polymorphic single arg transfn
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- dual polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tfp(anyarray,anyelement) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1 || $2' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- dual non-polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tfnp(int[],int) RETURNS int[] AS
'select $1 || $2' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- arg1 only polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tf1p(anyarray,int) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- arg2 only polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tf2p(int[],anyelement) RETURNS int[] AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- multi-arg polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION sum3(anyelement,anyelement,anyelement) returns anyelement AS
'select $1+$2+$3' language sql strict;
-- finalfn polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION ffp(anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- finalfn non-polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION ffnp(int[]) returns int[] as
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- Try to cover all the possible states:
-- Note: in Cases 1 & 2, we are trying to return P. Therefore, if the transfn
-- is stfnp, tfnp, or tf2p, we must use ffp as finalfn, because stfnp, tfnp,
-- and tf2p do not return P. Conversely, in Cases 3 & 4, we are trying to
-- return N. Therefore, if the transfn is stfp, tfp, or tf1p, we must use ffnp
-- as finalfn, because stfp, tfp, and tf1p do not return N.
-- Case1 (R = P) && (B = A)
-- ------------------------
-- S tf1
-- -------
-- N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp01a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N
-- should ERROR: stfnp(anyarray) not matched by stfnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp02a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp03a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp03b(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P
-- should ERROR: we have no way to resolve S
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp04a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp04b(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- Case2 (R = P) && ((B = P) || (B = N))
-- -------------------------------------
-- S tf1 B tf2
-- -----------------------
-- N N N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp05a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp06a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(int[], anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[], int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp07a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- N N P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp08a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp09a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp09b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp10a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp10b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(int[],anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray,int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp11a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp11b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- N P P P
-- should ERROR: tfp(int[],anyelement) not matched by tfp(anyarray,anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp12a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp12b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- P N N N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp13a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P N N P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, int) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp14a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp15a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P N P P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp16a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P P N N
-- should ERROR: we have no way to resolve S
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp17a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp17b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P P N P
-- should ERROR: tfp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfp(anyarray, anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp18a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp18b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray, int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp19a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp19b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P P P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp20a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp20b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
-- Case3 (R = N) && (B = A)
-- ------------------------
-- S tf1
-- -------
-- N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn01a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn01b(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N
-- should ERROR: stfnp(anyarray) not matched by stfnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn02a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn02b(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn03a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn04a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- Case4 (R = N) && ((B = P) || (B = N))
-- -------------------------------------
-- S tf1 B tf2
-- -----------------------
-- N N N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn05a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn05b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn06a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn06b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(int[], anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[], int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn07a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn07b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- N N P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn08a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn08b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn09a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn10a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(int[],anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray,int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn11a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- N P P P
-- should ERROR: tfp(int[],anyelement) not matched by tfp(anyarray,anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn12a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfp(integer[], anyelement) does not exist
-- P N N N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn13a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn13b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P N N P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, int) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn14a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn14b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn15a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn15b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P N P P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn16a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn16b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P P N N
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn17a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P P N P
-- should ERROR: tfp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfp(anyarray, anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn18a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: cannot determine transition data type
DETAIL: An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument.
-- P P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray, int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn19a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) does not exist
-- P P P P
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn20a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
ERROR: function ffnp(anyarray) does not exist
-- multi-arg polymorphic
CREATE AGGREGATE mysum2(anyelement,anyelement) (SFUNC = sum3,
STYPE = anyelement, INITCOND = '0');
-- create test data for polymorphic aggregates
create temp table t(f1 int, f2 int[], f3 text);
insert into t values(1,array[1],'a');
insert into t values(1,array[11],'b');
insert into t values(1,array[111],'c');
insert into t values(2,array[2],'a');
insert into t values(2,array[22],'b');
insert into t values(2,array[222],'c');
insert into t values(3,array[3],'a');
insert into t values(3,array[3],'b');
-- test the successfully created polymorphic aggregates
select f3, myaggp01a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp01a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp03a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp03a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp03b(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp03b
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp05a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp05a
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp06a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp06a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp08a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp08a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp09a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp09a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp09b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp09b
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp10a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp10a
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp10b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp10b
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp20a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp20a
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggp20b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggp20b
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn01a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn01a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn01b(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn01b
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn03a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn03a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn05a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn05a
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn05b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn05b
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn06a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn06a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn06b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn06b
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn08a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn08a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn08b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn08b
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn09a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn09a
a | {}
b | {}
c | {}
(3 rows)
select f3, myaggn10a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
f3 | myaggn10a
a | {1,2,3}
b | {1,2,3}
c | {1,2}
(3 rows)
select mysum2(f1, f1 + 1) from t;
(1 row)
-- test inlining of polymorphic SQL functions
create function bleat(int) returns int as $$
raise notice 'bleat %', $1;
return $1;
end$$ language plpgsql;
create function sql_if(bool, anyelement, anyelement) returns anyelement as $$
select case when $1 then $2 else $3 end $$ language sql;
-- Note this would fail with integer overflow, never mind wrong bleat() output,
-- if the CASE expression were not successfully inlined
select f1, sql_if(f1 > 0, bleat(f1), bleat(f1 + 1)) from int4_tbl;
NOTICE: bleat 1
NOTICE: bleat 123456
NOTICE: bleat -123455
NOTICE: bleat 2147483647
NOTICE: bleat -2147483646
f1 | sql_if
0 | 1
123456 | 123456
-123456 | -123455
2147483647 | 2147483647
-2147483647 | -2147483646
(5 rows)
select q2, sql_if(q2 > 0, q2, q2 + 1) from int8_tbl;
q2 | sql_if
456 | 456
4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789
123 | 123
4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789
-4567890123456789 | -4567890123456788
(5 rows)
-- another sort of polymorphic aggregate
CREATE AGGREGATE array_cat_accum (anyarray)
sfunc = array_cat,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'
SELECT array_cat_accum(i)
FROM (VALUES (ARRAY[1,2]), (ARRAY[3,4])) as t(i);
(1 row)
SELECT array_cat_accum(i)
FROM (VALUES (ARRAY[row(1,2),row(3,4)]), (ARRAY[row(5,6),row(7,8)])) as t(i);
(1 row)
-- another kind of polymorphic aggregate
create function add_group(grp anyarray, ad anyelement, size integer)
returns anyarray
as $$
if grp is null then
return array[ad];
end if;
if array_upper(grp, 1) < size then
return grp || ad;
end if;
return grp;
language plpgsql immutable;
create aggregate build_group(anyelement, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = anyarray
select build_group(q1,3) from int8_tbl;
(1 row)
-- this should fail because stype isn't compatible with arg
create aggregate build_group(int8, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = int2[]
ERROR: function add_group(smallint[], bigint, integer) does not exist
-- but we can make a non-poly agg from a poly sfunc if types are OK
create aggregate build_group(int8, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = int8[]
-- check that we can apply functions taking ANYARRAY to pg_stats
select distinct array_ndims(histogram_bounds) from pg_stats
where histogram_bounds is not null;
(1 row)
-- such functions must protect themselves if varying element type isn't OK
-- (WHERE clause here is to avoid possibly getting a collation error instead)
select max(histogram_bounds) from pg_stats where tablename = 'pg_am';
ERROR: cannot compare arrays of different element types
-- test variadic polymorphic functions
create function myleast(variadic anyarray) returns anyelement as $$
select min($1[i]) from generate_subscripts($1,1) g(i)
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select myleast(10, 1, 20, 33);
(1 row)
select myleast(1.1, 0.22, 0.55);
(1 row)
select myleast('z'::text);
(1 row)
select myleast(); -- fail
ERROR: function myleast() does not exist
LINE 1: select myleast();
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
-- test with variadic call parameter
select myleast(variadic array[1,2,3,4,-1]);
(1 row)
select myleast(variadic array[1.1, -5.5]);
(1 row)
--test with empty variadic call parameter
select myleast(variadic array[]::int[]);
(1 row)
-- an example with some ordinary arguments too
create function concat(text, variadic anyarray) returns text as $$
select array_to_string($2, $1);
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select concat('%', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
(1 row)
select concat('|', 'a'::text, 'b', 'c');
(1 row)
select concat('|', variadic array[1,2,33]);
(1 row)
select concat('|', variadic array[]::int[]);
(1 row)
drop function concat(text, anyarray);
-- mix variadic with anyelement
create function formarray(anyelement, variadic anyarray) returns anyarray as $$
select array_prepend($1, $2);
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select formarray(1,2,3,4,5);
(1 row)
select formarray(1.1, variadic array[1.2,55.5]);
(1 row)
select formarray(1.1, array[1.2,55.5]); -- fail without variadic
ERROR: function formarray(numeric, numeric[]) does not exist
LINE 1: select formarray(1.1, array[1.2,55.5]);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select formarray(1, 'x'::text); -- fail, type mismatch
ERROR: function formarray(integer, text) does not exist
LINE 1: select formarray(1, 'x'::text);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select formarray(1, variadic array['x'::text]); -- fail, type mismatch
ERROR: function formarray(integer, text[]) does not exist
LINE 1: select formarray(1, variadic array['x'::text]);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
drop function formarray(anyelement, variadic anyarray);
2008-11-03 18:51:13 +01:00
-- test pg_typeof() function
select pg_typeof(null); -- unknown
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(0); -- integer
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(0.0); -- numeric
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(1+1 = 2); -- boolean
(1 row)
select pg_typeof('x'); -- unknown
(1 row)
select pg_typeof('' || ''); -- text
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(pg_typeof(0)); -- regtype
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(array[1.2,55.5]); -- numeric[]
(1 row)
select pg_typeof(myleast(10, 1, 20, 33)); -- polymorphic input
(1 row)
-- test functions with default parameters
-- test basic functionality
create function dfunc(a int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
(1 row)
select dfunc(10);
(1 row)
select dfunc(10, 20);
(1 row)
select dfunc(10, 20, 30); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select dfunc(10, 20, 30);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
drop function dfunc(); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc() does not exist
drop function dfunc(int); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer) does not exist
drop function dfunc(int, int); -- ok
-- fail: defaults must be at end of argument list
create function dfunc(a int = 1, b int) returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
ERROR: input parameters after one with a default value must also have defaults
-- however, this should work:
create function dfunc(a int = 1, out sum int, b int = 2) as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
(1 row)
-- verify it lists properly
\df dfunc
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
public | dfunc | integer | a integer DEFAULT 1, OUT sum integer, b integer DEFAULT 2 | normal
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(int, int);
-- check implicit coercion
create function dfunc(a int DEFAULT 1.0, int DEFAULT '-1') returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
(1 row)
create function dfunc(a text DEFAULT 'Hello', b text DEFAULT 'World') returns text as $$
select $1 || ', ' || $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- fail: which dfunc should be called? int or text
ERROR: function dfunc() is not unique
LINE 1: select dfunc();
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select dfunc('Hi'); -- ok
Hi, World
(1 row)
select dfunc('Hi', 'City'); -- ok
Hi, City
(1 row)
select dfunc(0); -- ok
(1 row)
select dfunc(10, 20); -- ok
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(text, text);
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select 2;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2, int = 3, int = 4) returns int as $$
select 4;
$$ language sql;
-- Now, dfunc(nargs = 2) and dfunc(nargs = 4) are ambiguous when called
-- with 0 to 2 arguments.
select dfunc(); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc() is not unique
LINE 1: select dfunc();
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select dfunc(1); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer) is not unique
LINE 1: select dfunc(1);
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select dfunc(1, 2); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer, integer) is not unique
LINE 1: select dfunc(1, 2);
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select dfunc(1, 2, 3); -- ok
(1 row)
select dfunc(1, 2, 3, 4); -- ok
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(int, int, int, int);
-- default values are not allowed for output parameters
create function dfunc(out int = 20) returns int as $$
select 1;
$$ language sql;
ERROR: only input parameters can have default values
-- polymorphic parameter test
create function dfunc(anyelement = 'World'::text) returns text as $$
select 'Hello, ' || $1::text;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
Hello, World
(1 row)
select dfunc(0);
Hello, 0
(1 row)
select dfunc(to_date('20081215','YYYYMMDD'));
Hello, 12-15-2008
(1 row)
select dfunc('City'::text);
Hello, City
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(anyelement);
-- check defaults for variadics
create function dfunc(a variadic int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc() does not exist
LINE 1: select dfunc();
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select dfunc(10);
(1 row)
select dfunc(10,20);
(1 row)
create or replace function dfunc(a variadic int[] default array[]::int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- now ok
(1 row)
select dfunc(10);
(1 row)
select dfunc(10,20);
(1 row)
-- can't remove the default once it exists
create or replace function dfunc(a variadic int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
ERROR: cannot remove parameter defaults from existing function
\df dfunc
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
public | dfunc | integer | VARIADIC a integer[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::integer[] | normal
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(a variadic int[]);
-- Ambiguity should be reported only if there's not a better match available
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2, int = 3) returns int as $$
select 3;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select 2;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(text) returns text as $$
select $1;
$$ language sql;
-- dfunc(narg=2) and dfunc(narg=3) are ambiguous
select dfunc(1); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer) is not unique
LINE 1: select dfunc(1);
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
-- but this works since the ambiguous functions aren't preferred anyway
select dfunc('Hi');
(1 row)
drop function dfunc(int, int, int);
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(text);
-- Tests for named- and mixed-notation function calling
create function dfunc(a int, b int, c int = 0, d int = 0)
returns table (a int, b int, c int, d int) as $$
select $1, $2, $3, $4;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc(10,20,30)).*;
a | b | c | d
10 | 20 | 30 | 0
(1 row)
select (dfunc(a := 10, b := 20, c := 30)).*;
a | b | c | d
10 | 20 | 30 | 0
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(a := 10, b := 20);
a | b | c | d
10 | 20 | 0 | 0
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(b := 10, a := 20);
a | b | c | d
20 | 10 | 0 | 0
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(0); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(0);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select * from dfunc(1,2);
a | b | c | d
1 | 2 | 0 | 0
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(1,2,c := 3);
a | b | c | d
1 | 2 | 3 | 0
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(1,2,d := 3);
a | b | c | d
1 | 2 | 0 | 3
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(x := 20, b := 10, x := 30); -- fail, duplicate name
ERROR: argument name "x" used more than once
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(x := 20, b := 10, x := 30);
select * from dfunc(10, b := 20, 30); -- fail, named args must be last
ERROR: positional argument cannot follow named argument
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(10, b := 20, 30);
select * from dfunc(x := 10, b := 20, c := 30); -- fail, unknown param
ERROR: function dfunc(x := integer, b := integer, c := integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(x := 10, b := 20, c := 30);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select * from dfunc(10, 10, a := 20); -- fail, a overlaps positional parameter
ERROR: function dfunc(integer, integer, a := integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(10, 10, a := 20);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
select * from dfunc(1,c := 2,d := 3); -- fail, no value for b
ERROR: function dfunc(integer, c := integer, d := integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from dfunc(1,c := 2,d := 3);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
drop function dfunc(int, int, int, int);
-- test with different parameter types
create function dfunc(a varchar, b numeric, c date = current_date)
returns table (a varchar, b numeric, c date) as $$
select $1, $2, $3;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc('Hello World', 20, '2009-07-25'::date)).*;
a | b | c
Hello World | 20 | 07-25-2009
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello World', 20, '2009-07-25'::date);
a | b | c
Hello World | 20 | 07-25-2009
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(c := '2009-07-25'::date, a := 'Hello World', b := 20);
a | b | c
Hello World | 20 | 07-25-2009
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello World', b := 20, c := '2009-07-25'::date);
a | b | c
Hello World | 20 | 07-25-2009
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello World', c := '2009-07-25'::date, b := 20);
a | b | c
Hello World | 20 | 07-25-2009
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello World', c := 20, b := '2009-07-25'::date); -- fail
ERROR: function dfunc(unknown, c := integer, b := date) does not exist
LINE 1: select * from dfunc('Hello World', c := 20, b := '2009-07-25...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
drop function dfunc(varchar, numeric, date);
-- test out parameters with named params
create function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, c numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc()).*;
_a | _c
def a |
(1 row)
select * from dfunc();
_a | _c
def a |
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello', 100);
_a | _c
Hello | 100
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(a := 'Hello', c := 100);
_a | _c
Hello | 100
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(c := 100, a := 'Hello');
_a | _c
Hello | 100
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello');
_a | _c
Hello |
(1 row)
select * from dfunc('Hello', c := 100);
_a | _c
Hello | 100
(1 row)
select * from dfunc(c := 100);
_a | _c
def a | 100
(1 row)
-- fail, can no longer change an input parameter's name
create or replace function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, x numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter "c"
create or replace function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter "c"
drop function dfunc(varchar, numeric);
--fail, named parameters are not unique
create function testfoo(a int, a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
ERROR: parameter name "a" used more than once
create function testfoo(int, out a int, out a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
ERROR: parameter name "a" used more than once
create function testfoo(out a int, inout a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
ERROR: parameter name "a" used more than once
create function testfoo(a int, inout a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
ERROR: parameter name "a" used more than once
-- valid
create function testfoo(a int, out a int) returns int as $$ select $1;$$ language sql;
select testfoo(37);
(1 row)
drop function testfoo(int);
create function testfoo(a int) returns table(a int) as $$ select $1;$$ language sql;
select * from testfoo(37);
(1 row)
drop function testfoo(int);
-- test polymorphic params and defaults
create function dfunc(a anyelement, b anyelement = null, flag bool = true)
returns anyelement as $$
select case when $3 then $1 else $2 end;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc(1,2);
(1 row)
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b'); -- positional notation with default
(1 row)
select dfunc(a := 1, b := 2);
(1 row)
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, b := 'b');
(1 row)
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, b := 'b', flag := false); -- named notation
(1 row)
select dfunc(b := 'b'::text, a := 'a'); -- named notation with default
(1 row)
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, flag := true); -- named notation with default
(1 row)
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, flag := false); -- named notation with default
(1 row)
select dfunc(b := 'b'::text, a := 'a', flag := true); -- named notation
(1 row)
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', false); -- full positional notation
(1 row)
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag := false); -- mixed notation
(1 row)
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', true); -- full positional notation
(1 row)
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag := true); -- mixed notation
(1 row)
-- check reverse-listing of named-arg calls
SELECT q1, q2,
dfunc(q1,q2, flag := q1>q2) as c3,
dfunc(q1, flag := q1<q2, b := q2) as c4
FROM int8_tbl;
select * from dfview;
q1 | q2 | c3 | c4
123 | 456 | 456 | 123
123 | 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | 123
4567890123456789 | 123 | 4567890123456789 | 123
4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789
4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789
(5 rows)
\d+ dfview
View "public.dfview"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
q1 | bigint | | plain |
q2 | bigint | | plain |
c3 | bigint | | plain |
c4 | bigint | | plain |
View definition:
SELECT int8_tbl.q1, int8_tbl.q2,
dfunc(int8_tbl.q1, int8_tbl.q2, flag := int8_tbl.q1 > int8_tbl.q2) AS c3,
dfunc(int8_tbl.q1, flag := int8_tbl.q1 < int8_tbl.q2, b := int8_tbl.q2) AS c4
FROM int8_tbl;
drop view dfview;
drop function dfunc(anyelement, anyelement, bool);