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use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Config;
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 110;
my $tempdir = TestLib::tempdir;
my $node = get_new_node('main');
# Set umask so test directories and files are created with default permissions
# Initialize node without replication settings
$node->init(extra => ['--data-checksums']);
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
'pg_basebackup needs target directory specified');
# Some Windows ANSI code pages may reject this filename, in which case we
# quietly proceed without this bit of test coverage.
if (open my $badchars, '>>', "$tempdir/pgdata/FOO\xe0\xe0\xe0BAR")
print $badchars "test backup of file with non-UTF8 name\n";
close $badchars;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'reload';
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ],
'pg_basebackup fails because of WAL configuration');
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
ok(!-d "$tempdir/backup", 'backup directory was cleaned up');
# Create a backup directory that is not empty so the next command will fail
# but leave the data directory behind
or BAIL_OUT("unable to create $tempdir/backup");
append_to_file("$tempdir/backup/dir-not-empty.txt", "Some data");
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
$node->command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '-n' ],
'failing run with no-clean option');
ok(-d "$tempdir/backup", 'backup directory was created and left behind');
open my $conf, '>>', "$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
print $conf "max_replication_slots = 10\n";
print $conf "max_wal_senders = 10\n";
print $conf "wal_level = replica\n";
close $conf;
# Write some files to test that they are not copied.
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
foreach my $filename (
qw(backup_label tablespace_map
current_logfiles.tmp global/pg_internal.init.123))
open my $file, '>>', "$pgdata/$filename";
print $file "DONOTCOPY";
close $file;
# Connect to a database to create global/pg_internal.init. If this is removed
# the test to ensure global/pg_internal.init is not copied will return a false
# positive.
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT 1;');
# Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied.
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE base_unlogged (id int)');
my $baseUnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select pg_relation_filepath('base_unlogged')});
# Make sure main and init forks exist
ok(-f "$pgdata/${baseUnloggedPath}_init", 'unlogged init fork in base');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$baseUnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in base');
# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored.
my $postgresOid = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select oid from pg_database where datname = 'postgres'});
my @tempRelationFiles =
qw(t999_999 t9999_999.1 t999_9999_vm t99999_99999_vm.1);
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
append_to_file("$pgdata/base/$postgresOid/$filename", 'TEMP_RELATION');
# Run base backup.
$node->command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup", '-X', 'none' ],
'pg_basebackup runs');
ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created');
Generate backup manifests for base backups, and validate them. A manifest is a JSON document which includes (1) the file name, size, last modification time, and an optional checksum for each file backed up, (2) timelines and LSNs for whatever WAL will need to be replayed to make the backup consistent, and (3) a checksum for the manifest itself. By default, we use CRC-32C when checksumming data files, because we are trying to detect corruption and user error, not foil an adversary. However, pg_basebackup and the server-side BASE_BACKUP command now have options to select a different algorithm, so users wanting a cryptographic hash function can select SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512. Users not wanting file checksums at all can disable them, or disable generating of the backup manifest altogether. Using a cryptographic hash function in place of CRC-32C consumes significantly more CPU cycles, which may slow down backups in some cases. A new tool called pg_validatebackup can validate a backup against the manifest. If no checksums are present, it can still check that the right files exist and that they have the expected sizes. If checksums are present, it can also verify that each file has the expected checksum. Additionally, it calls pg_waldump to verify that the expected WAL files are present and parseable. Only plain format backups can be validated directly, but tar format backups can be validated after extracting them. Robert Haas, with help, ideas, review, and testing from David Steele, Stephen Frost, Andrew Dunstan, Rushabh Lathia, Suraj Kharage, Tushar Ahuja, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Mark Dilger, Davinder Singh, Jeevan Chalke, Amit Kapila, Andres Freund, and Noah Misch. Discussion:
2020-04-03 20:59:47 +02:00
ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/backup_manifest", 'backup manifest included');
# Permissions on backup should be default
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup", 0700, 0600),
"check backup dir permissions");
# Only archive_status directory should be copied in pg_wal/.
[ sort(slurp_dir("$tempdir/backup/pg_wal/")) ],
[ sort qw(. .. archive_status) ],
'no WAL files copied');
# Contents of these directories should not be copied.
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
foreach my $dirname (
qw(pg_dynshmem pg_notify pg_replslot pg_serial pg_snapshots pg_stat_tmp pg_subtrans)
[ sort(slurp_dir("$tempdir/backup/$dirname/")) ],
[ sort qw(. ..) ],
"contents of $dirname/ not copied");
# These files should not be copied.
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
foreach my $filename (
qw( postmaster.opts tablespace_map current_logfiles.tmp
global/pg_internal.init global/pg_internal.init.123))
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup/$filename", "$filename not copied");
# Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied
ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/${baseUnloggedPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in backup');
ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/$baseUnloggedPath",
'unlogged main fork not in backup');
# Temp relations should not be copied.
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
ok( !-f "$tempdir/backup/base/$postgresOid/$filename",
"base/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
# Make sure existing backup_label was ignored.
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
'DONOTCOPY', 'existing backup_label not copied');
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backup2", '--no-manifest',
'--waldir', "$tempdir/xlog2"
'separate xlog directory');
ok(-f "$tempdir/backup2/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created');
ok(!-f "$tempdir/backup2/backup_manifest", 'manifest was suppressed');
ok(-d "$tempdir/xlog2/", 'xlog directory was created');
$node->command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup", '-Ft' ],
'tar format');
ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup/base.tar", 'backup tar was created');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T=/foo" ],
'-T with empty old directory fails');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=" ],
'-T with empty new directory fails');
'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp',
'-T with multiple = fails');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo=/bar" ],
'-T with old directory not absolute fails');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=bar" ],
'-T with new directory not absolute fails');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo" ],
'-T with invalid format fails');
# Tar format doesn't support filenames longer than 100 bytes.
my $superlongname = "superlongname_" . ("x" x 100);
my $superlongpath = "$pgdata/$superlongname";
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
open my $file, '>', "$superlongpath"
or die "unable to create file $superlongpath";
close $file;
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l1", '-Ft' ],
'pg_basebackup tar with long name fails');
unlink "$pgdata/$superlongname";
# The following tests are for symlinks.
# Move pg_replslot out of $pgdata and create a symlink to it.
# Set umask so test directories and files are created with group permissions
# Enable group permissions on PGDATA
chmod_recursive("$pgdata", 0750, 0640);
rename("$pgdata/pg_replslot", "$tempdir/pg_replslot")
or BAIL_OUT "could not move $pgdata/pg_replslot";
dir_symlink("$tempdir/pg_replslot", "$pgdata/pg_replslot")
or BAIL_OUT "could not symlink to $pgdata/pg_replslot";
# Test backup of a tablespace using tar format.
# Create a temporary directory in the system location and symlink it
# to our physical temp location. That way we can use shorter names
# for the tablespace directories, which hopefully won't run afoul of
# the 99 character length limit.
my $shorter_tempdir = TestLib::tempdir_short . "/tempdir";
dir_symlink "$tempdir", $shorter_tempdir;
mkdir "$tempdir/tblspc1";
my $realTsDir = TestLib::perl2host("$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1");
my $real_tempdir = TestLib::perl2host($tempdir);
"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$realTsDir';");
"CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;"
. "INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1234);");
$node->backup('tarbackup2', backup_options => ['-Ft']);
# empty test1, just so that it's different from the to-be-restored data
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "TRUNCATE TABLE test1;");
# basic checks on the output
my $backupdir = $node->backup_dir . '/tarbackup2';
ok(-f "$backupdir/base.tar", 'backup tar was created');
ok(-f "$backupdir/pg_wal.tar", 'WAL tar was created');
my @tblspc_tars = glob "$backupdir/[0-9]*.tar";
is(scalar(@tblspc_tars), 1, 'one tablespace tar was created');
# Try to verify the tar-format backup by restoring it.
# For this, we use the tar program identified by configure.
my $tar = $ENV{TAR};
skip "no tar program available", 1
if (!defined $tar || $tar eq '');
my $node2 = get_new_node('replica');
# Recover main data directory
$node2->init_from_backup($node, 'tarbackup2', tar_program => $tar);
# Recover tablespace into a new directory (not where it was!)
my $repTsDir = "$tempdir/tblspc1replica";
my $realRepTsDir = TestLib::perl2host("$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1replica");
mkdir $repTsDir;
TestLib::system_or_bail($tar, 'xf', $tblspc_tars[0], '-C', $repTsDir);
# Update tablespace map to point to new directory.
# XXX Ideally pg_basebackup would handle this.
$tblspc_tars[0] =~ m|/([0-9]*)\.tar$|;
my $tblspcoid = $1;
my $escapedRepTsDir = $realRepTsDir;
$escapedRepTsDir =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
open my $mapfile, '>', $node2->data_dir . '/tablespace_map';
print $mapfile "$tblspcoid $escapedRepTsDir\n";
close $mapfile;
my $result = $node2->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM test1');
is($result, '1234', "tablespace data restored from tar-format backup");
# Create an unlogged table to test that forks other than init are not copied.
'CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE tblspc1_unlogged (id int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;');
my $tblspc1UnloggedPath = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{select pg_relation_filepath('tblspc1_unlogged')});
# Make sure main and init forks exist
ok( -f "$pgdata/${tblspc1UnloggedPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in tablespace');
ok(-f "$pgdata/$tblspc1UnloggedPath", 'unlogged main fork in tablespace');
# Create files that look like temporary relations to ensure they are ignored
# in a tablespace.
@tempRelationFiles = qw(t888_888 t888888_888888_vm.1);
my $tblSpc1Id = basename(
'postgres', q{select pg_relation_filepath('test1')}))));
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp' ],
'plain format with tablespaces fails without tablespace mapping');
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp',
'plain format with tablespaces succeeds with tablespace mapping');
ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", 'tablespace was relocated');
# This symlink check is not supported on Windows as -l
# doesn't work with junctions
skip "symlink check not implemented on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
opendir(my $dh, "$pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die;
ok( ( grep {
-l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_"
and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq
} readdir($dh)),
"tablespace symlink was updated");
closedir $dh;
# Group access should be enabled on all backup files
skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1
if ($windows_os);
ok(check_mode_recursive("$tempdir/backup1", 0750, 0640),
"check backup dir permissions");
# Unlogged relation forks other than init should not be copied
my ($tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath) =
$tblspc1UnloggedPath =~ /[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/g;
ok(-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/${tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath}_init",
'unlogged init fork in tablespace backup');
ok(!-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblspc1UnloggedBackupPath",
'unlogged main fork not in tablespace backup');
# Temp relations should not be copied.
foreach my $filename (@tempRelationFiles)
ok(!-f "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1/$tblSpc1Id/$postgresOid/$filename",
"[tblspc1]/$postgresOid/$filename not copied");
# Also remove temp relation files or tablespace drop will fail.
my $filepath =
or BAIL_OUT("unable to unlink $filepath");
ok( -d "$tempdir/backup1/pg_replslot",
'pg_replslot symlink copied as directory');
mkdir "$tempdir/tbl=spc2";
$realTsDir = TestLib::perl2host("$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE tblspc1_unlogged;");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;");
"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$realTsDir';");
$realTsDir =~ s/=/\\=/;
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backup3", '-Fp',
'mapping tablespace with = sign in path');
ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2", 'tablespace with = sign was relocated');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;");
mkdir "$tempdir/$superlongname";
$realTsDir = TestLib::perl2host("$shorter_tempdir/$superlongname");
"CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$realTsDir';");
$node->command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l3", '-Ft' ],
'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;");
$node->command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupR", '-R' ],
'pg_basebackup -R runs');
ok(-f "$tempdir/backupR/", ' exists');
ok(-f "$tempdir/backupR/standby.signal", 'standby.signal was created');
my $recovery_conf = slurp_file "$tempdir/backupR/";
my $port = $node->port;
qr/^primary_conninfo = '.*port=$port.*'\n/m,
' sets primary_conninfo');
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxd" ],
'pg_basebackup runs in default xlog mode');
ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxd/pg_wal")),
'WAL files copied');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxf", '-X', 'fetch' ],
'pg_basebackup -X fetch runs');
ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxf/pg_wal")),
'WAL files copied');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs", '-X', 'stream' ],
'pg_basebackup -X stream runs');
2018-04-06 22:23:23 +02:00
ok(grep(/^[0-9A-F]{24}$/, slurp_dir("$tempdir/backupxs/pg_wal")),
'WAL files copied');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxst", '-X', 'stream', '-Ft' ],
'pg_basebackup -X stream runs in tar mode');
ok(-f "$tempdir/backupxst/pg_wal.tar", "tar file was created");
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
"$tempdir/backupnoslot", '-X',
'stream', '--no-slot'
'pg_basebackup -X stream runs with --no-slot');
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backupxs_sl_fail", '-X',
'stream', '-S',
'pg_basebackup fails with nonexistent replication slot');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C' ],
'pg_basebackup -C fails without slot name');
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C',
'-S', 'slot0',
'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S --no-slot');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
'pg_basebackup -C runs');
is( $node->safe_psql(
q{SELECT slot_name FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}
'replication slot was created');
q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot0'}
'restart LSN of new slot is not null');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_slot1", '-C', '-S', 'slot0' ],
'pg_basebackup fails with -C -S and a previously existing slot');
q{SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot1')});
my $lsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'}
is($lsn, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null');
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/fail", '-S', 'slot1', '-X', 'none' ],
'pg_basebackup with replication slot fails without WAL streaming');
'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl", '-X',
'stream', '-S', 'slot1'
'pg_basebackup -X stream with replication slot runs');
$lsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{SELECT restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'slot1'}
like($lsn, qr!^0/[0-9A-Z]{7,8}$!, 'restart LSN of slot has advanced');
'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backupxs_sl_R", '-X',
'stream', '-S', 'slot1', '-R'
'pg_basebackup with replication slot and -R runs');
qr/^primary_slot_name = 'slot1'\n/m,
'recovery conf file sets primary_slot_name');
my $checksum = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SHOW data_checksums;');
is($checksum, 'on', 'checksums are enabled');
# create tables to corrupt and get their relfilenodes
my $file_corrupt1 = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{CREATE TABLE corrupt1 AS SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,10000) AS a; ALTER TABLE corrupt1 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt1')}
my $file_corrupt2 = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q{CREATE TABLE corrupt2 AS SELECT b FROM generate_series(1,2) AS b; ALTER TABLE corrupt2 SET (autovacuum_enabled=false); SELECT pg_relation_filepath('corrupt2')}
# set page header and block sizes
my $pageheader_size = 24;
my $block_size = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SHOW block_size;');
# induce corruption
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'stop';
open $file, '+<', "$pgdata/$file_corrupt1";
seek($file, $pageheader_size, 0);
syswrite($file, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt" ],
[qr/^WARNING.*checksum verification failed/s],
'pg_basebackup reports checksum mismatch');
# induce further corruption in 5 more blocks
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'stop';
open $file, '+<', "$pgdata/$file_corrupt1";
for my $i (1 .. 5)
my $offset = $pageheader_size + $i * $block_size;
seek($file, $offset, 0);
syswrite($file, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt2" ],
'pg_basebackup does not report more than 5 checksum mismatches');
# induce corruption in a second file
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'stop';
open $file, '+<', "$pgdata/$file_corrupt2";
seek($file, $pageheader_size, 0);
syswrite($file, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
close $file;
system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-D', $pgdata, 'start';
[ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_corrupt3" ],
[qr/^WARNING.*7 total checksum verification failures/s],
'pg_basebackup correctly report the total number of checksum mismatches');
# do not verify checksums, should return ok
2018-06-30 18:28:55 +02:00
'pg_basebackup', '-D',
"$tempdir/backup_corrupt4", '--no-verify-checksums'
'pg_basebackup with -k does not report checksum mismatch');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt1;");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt2;");