
789 lines
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SELECT avg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek;
SELECT avg(a) AS avg_32 FROM aggtest WHERE a < 100;
-- In 7.1, avg(float4) is computed using float8 arithmetic.
-- Round the result to 3 digits to avoid platform-specific results.
SELECT avg(b)::numeric(10,3) AS avg_107_943 FROM aggtest;
SELECT avg(gpa) AS avg_3_4 FROM ONLY student;
SELECT sum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek;
SELECT sum(a) AS sum_198 FROM aggtest;
SELECT sum(b) AS avg_431_773 FROM aggtest;
SELECT sum(gpa) AS avg_6_8 FROM ONLY student;
SELECT max(four) AS max_3 FROM onek;
SELECT max(a) AS max_100 FROM aggtest;
SELECT max(aggtest.b) AS max_324_78 FROM aggtest;
SELECT max(student.gpa) AS max_3_7 FROM student;
SELECT stddev_pop(b) FROM aggtest;
SELECT stddev_samp(b) FROM aggtest;
SELECT var_pop(b) FROM aggtest;
SELECT var_samp(b) FROM aggtest;
SELECT stddev_pop(b::numeric) FROM aggtest;
SELECT stddev_samp(b::numeric) FROM aggtest;
SELECT var_pop(b::numeric) FROM aggtest;
SELECT var_samp(b::numeric) FROM aggtest;
-- population variance is defined for a single tuple, sample variance
-- is not
SELECT var_pop(1.0), var_samp(2.0);
SELECT stddev_pop(3.0::numeric), stddev_samp(4.0::numeric);
-- verify correct results for null and NaN inputs
select sum(null::int4) from generate_series(1,3);
select sum(null::int8) from generate_series(1,3);
select sum(null::numeric) from generate_series(1,3);
select sum(null::float8) from generate_series(1,3);
select avg(null::int4) from generate_series(1,3);
select avg(null::int8) from generate_series(1,3);
select avg(null::numeric) from generate_series(1,3);
select avg(null::float8) from generate_series(1,3);
select sum('NaN'::numeric) from generate_series(1,3);
select avg('NaN'::numeric) from generate_series(1,3);
-- SQL2003 binary aggregates
SELECT regr_count(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_sxx(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_syy(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_sxy(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_avgx(b, a), regr_avgy(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_r2(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT regr_slope(b, a), regr_intercept(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT covar_pop(b, a), covar_samp(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT corr(b, a) FROM aggtest;
SELECT count(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
SELECT count(DISTINCT four) AS cnt_4 FROM onek;
select ten, count(*), sum(four) from onek
group by ten order by ten;
select ten, count(four), sum(DISTINCT four) from onek
group by ten order by ten;
-- user-defined aggregates
SELECT newavg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek;
SELECT newsum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek;
SELECT newcnt(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
SELECT newcnt(*) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
SELECT oldcnt(*) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
SELECT sum2(q1,q2) FROM int8_tbl;
-- test for outer-level aggregates
-- this should work
select ten, sum(distinct four) from onek a
group by ten
having exists (select 1 from onek b where sum(distinct a.four) = b.four);
-- this should fail because subquery has an agg of its own in WHERE
select ten, sum(distinct four) from onek a
group by ten
having exists (select 1 from onek b
where sum(distinct a.four + b.four) = b.four);
-- Test handling of sublinks within outer-level aggregates.
-- Per bug report from Daniel Grace.
(select max((select i.unique2 from tenk1 i where i.unique1 = o.unique1)))
from tenk1 o;
-- test for bitwise integer aggregates
i2 INT2,
i4 INT4,
i8 INT8,
x INT2,
y BIT(4)
-- empty case
BIT_AND(i2) AS "?",
BIT_OR(i4) AS "?"
FROM bitwise_test;
COPY bitwise_test FROM STDIN NULL 'null';
1 1 1 1 1 B0101
3 3 3 null 2 B0100
7 7 7 3 4 B1100
BIT_AND(i2) AS "1",
BIT_AND(i4) AS "1",
BIT_AND(i8) AS "1",
BIT_AND(i) AS "?",
BIT_AND(x) AS "0",
BIT_AND(y) AS "0100",
BIT_OR(i2) AS "7",
BIT_OR(i4) AS "7",
BIT_OR(i8) AS "7",
BIT_OR(i) AS "?",
BIT_OR(x) AS "7",
BIT_OR(y) AS "1101"
FROM bitwise_test;
-- test boolean aggregates
-- first test all possible transition and final states
-- boolean and transitions
-- null because strict
booland_statefunc(NULL, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
booland_statefunc(TRUE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
booland_statefunc(FALSE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
booland_statefunc(NULL, TRUE) IS NULL AS "t",
booland_statefunc(NULL, FALSE) IS NULL AS "t",
-- and actual computations
booland_statefunc(TRUE, TRUE) AS "t",
NOT booland_statefunc(TRUE, FALSE) AS "t",
NOT booland_statefunc(FALSE, TRUE) AS "t",
NOT booland_statefunc(FALSE, FALSE) AS "t";
-- boolean or transitions
-- null because strict
boolor_statefunc(NULL, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(TRUE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(FALSE, NULL) IS NULL AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(NULL, TRUE) IS NULL AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(NULL, FALSE) IS NULL AS "t",
-- actual computations
boolor_statefunc(TRUE, TRUE) AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(TRUE, FALSE) AS "t",
boolor_statefunc(FALSE, TRUE) AS "t",
NOT boolor_statefunc(FALSE, FALSE) AS "t";
b1 BOOL,
b2 BOOL,
b3 BOOL,
b4 BOOL);
-- empty case
BOOL_AND(b1) AS "n",
BOOL_OR(b3) AS "n"
FROM bool_test;
COPY bool_test FROM STDIN NULL 'null';
TRUE null FALSE null
FALSE TRUE null null
null TRUE FALSE null
BOOL_AND(b1) AS "f",
BOOL_AND(b2) AS "t",
BOOL_AND(b3) AS "f",
BOOL_AND(b4) AS "n",
BOOL_AND(NOT b2) AS "f",
FROM bool_test;
EVERY(b1) AS "f",
EVERY(b2) AS "t",
EVERY(b3) AS "f",
EVERY(b4) AS "n",
EVERY(NOT b2) AS "f",
EVERY(NOT b3) AS "t"
FROM bool_test;
BOOL_OR(b1) AS "t",
BOOL_OR(b2) AS "t",
BOOL_OR(b3) AS "f",
BOOL_OR(b4) AS "n",
BOOL_OR(NOT b2) AS "f",
BOOL_OR(NOT b3) AS "t"
FROM bool_test;
-- Test cases that should be optimized into indexscans instead of
-- the generic aggregate implementation.
-- Basic cases
explain (costs off)
select min(unique1) from tenk1;
select min(unique1) from tenk1;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique1) from tenk1;
select max(unique1) from tenk1;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 < 42;
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 < 42;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42;
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42000;
select max(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > 42000;
-- multi-column index (uses tenk1_thous_tenthous)
explain (costs off)
select max(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33;
select max(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33;
explain (costs off)
select min(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33;
select min(tenthous) from tenk1 where thousand = 33;
-- check parameter propagation into an indexscan subquery
explain (costs off)
select f1, (select min(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > f1) AS gt
from int4_tbl;
select f1, (select min(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 > f1) AS gt
from int4_tbl;
-- check some cases that were handled incorrectly in 8.3.0
explain (costs off)
select distinct max(unique2) from tenk1;
select distinct max(unique2) from tenk1;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by 1;
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by 1;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2);
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2);
explain (costs off)
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2)+1;
select max(unique2) from tenk1 order by max(unique2)+1;
explain (costs off)
select max(unique2), generate_series(1,3) as g from tenk1 order by g desc;
select max(unique2), generate_series(1,3) as g from tenk1 order by g desc;
-- try it on an inheritance tree
create table minmaxtest(f1 int);
create table minmaxtest1() inherits (minmaxtest);
create table minmaxtest2() inherits (minmaxtest);
create table minmaxtest3() inherits (minmaxtest);
create index minmaxtesti on minmaxtest(f1);
create index minmaxtest1i on minmaxtest1(f1);
create index minmaxtest2i on minmaxtest2(f1 desc);
create index minmaxtest3i on minmaxtest3(f1) where f1 is not null;
insert into minmaxtest values(11), (12);
insert into minmaxtest1 values(13), (14);
insert into minmaxtest2 values(15), (16);
insert into minmaxtest3 values(17), (18);
explain (costs off)
select min(f1), max(f1) from minmaxtest;
select min(f1), max(f1) from minmaxtest;
-- DISTINCT doesn't do anything useful here, but it shouldn't fail
explain (costs off)
select distinct min(f1), max(f1) from minmaxtest;
select distinct min(f1), max(f1) from minmaxtest;
drop table minmaxtest cascade;
-- check for correct detection of nested-aggregate errors
select max(min(unique1)) from tenk1;
select (select max(min(unique1)) from int8_tbl) from tenk1;
-- Test removal of redundant GROUP BY columns
create temp table t1 (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key (a, b));
create temp table t2 (x int, y int, z int, primary key (x, y));
create temp table t3 (a int, b int, c int, primary key(a, b) deferrable);
-- Non-primary-key columns can be removed from GROUP BY
explain (costs off) select * from t1 group by a,b,c,d;
-- No removal can happen if the complete PK is not present in GROUP BY
explain (costs off) select a,c from t1 group by a,c,d;
-- Test removal across multiple relations
explain (costs off) select *
from t1 inner join t2 on t1.a = t2.x and t1.b = t2.y
group by t1.a,t1.b,t1.c,t1.d,t2.x,t2.y,t2.z;
-- Test case where t1 can be optimized but not t2
explain (costs off) select t1.*,t2.x,t2.z
from t1 inner join t2 on t1.a = t2.x and t1.b = t2.y
group by t1.a,t1.b,t1.c,t1.d,t2.x,t2.z;
-- Cannot optimize when PK is deferrable
explain (costs off) select * from t3 group by a,b,c;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
drop table t3;
-- Test combinations of DISTINCT and/or ORDER BY
select array_agg(a order by b)
from (values (1,4),(2,3),(3,1),(4,2)) v(a,b);
select array_agg(a order by a)
from (values (1,4),(2,3),(3,1),(4,2)) v(a,b);
select array_agg(a order by a desc)
from (values (1,4),(2,3),(3,1),(4,2)) v(a,b);
select array_agg(b order by a desc)
from (values (1,4),(2,3),(3,1),(4,2)) v(a,b);
select array_agg(distinct a)
from (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(2)) v(a);
select array_agg(distinct a order by a)
from (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(2)) v(a);
select array_agg(distinct a order by a desc)
from (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(2)) v(a);
select array_agg(distinct a order by a desc nulls last)
from (values (1),(2),(1),(3),(null),(2)) v(a);
-- multi-arg aggs, strict/nonstrict, distinct/order by
select aggfstr(a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select aggfns(a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select aggfstr(distinct a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
select aggfstr(distinct a,b,c order by b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
-- test specific code paths
select aggfns(distinct a,a,c order by c using ~<~,a)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,a,c order by c using ~<~)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,a,c order by a)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by a,c using ~<~,b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
-- check node I/O via view creation and usage, also deparsing logic
create view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,3) i;
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(a,b,c order by b+1)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(a,a,c order by b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(a,b,c order by c using ~<~)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c);
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
create or replace view agg_view1 as
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by a,c using ~<~,b)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
select * from agg_view1;
select pg_get_viewdef('agg_view1'::regclass);
drop view agg_view1;
-- incorrect DISTINCT usage errors
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by i)
from (values (1,1,'foo')) v(a,b,c), generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by a,b+1)
from (values (1,1,'foo')) v(a,b,c), generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by a,b,i,c)
from (values (1,1,'foo')) v(a,b,c), generate_series(1,2) i;
select aggfns(distinct a,a,c order by a,b)
from (values (1,1,'foo')) v(a,b,c), generate_series(1,2) i;
-- string_agg tests
select string_agg(a,',') from (values('aaaa'),('bbbb'),('cccc')) g(a);
select string_agg(a,',') from (values('aaaa'),(null),('bbbb'),('cccc')) g(a);
select string_agg(a,'AB') from (values(null),(null),('bbbb'),('cccc')) g(a);
select string_agg(a,',') from (values(null),(null)) g(a);
-- check some implicit casting cases, as per bug #5564
select string_agg(distinct f1, ',' order by f1) from varchar_tbl; -- ok
select string_agg(distinct f1::text, ',' order by f1) from varchar_tbl; -- not ok
select string_agg(distinct f1, ',' order by f1::text) from varchar_tbl; -- not ok
select string_agg(distinct f1::text, ',' order by f1::text) from varchar_tbl; -- ok
-- string_agg bytea tests
create table bytea_test_table(v bytea);
select string_agg(v, '') from bytea_test_table;
insert into bytea_test_table values(decode('ff','hex'));
select string_agg(v, '') from bytea_test_table;
insert into bytea_test_table values(decode('aa','hex'));
select string_agg(v, '') from bytea_test_table;
select string_agg(v, NULL) from bytea_test_table;
select string_agg(v, decode('ee', 'hex')) from bytea_test_table;
drop table bytea_test_table;
-- FILTER tests
select min(unique1) filter (where unique1 > 100) from tenk1;
select ten, sum(distinct four) filter (where four::text ~ '123') from onek a
group by ten;
select ten, sum(distinct four) filter (where four > 10) from onek a
group by ten
having exists (select 1 from onek b where sum(distinct a.four) = b.four);
select max(foo COLLATE "C") filter (where (bar collate "POSIX") > '0')
from (values ('a', 'b')) AS v(foo,bar);
-- outer reference in FILTER (PostgreSQL extension)
select (select count(*)
from (values (1)) t0(inner_c))
from (values (2),(3)) t1(outer_c); -- inner query is aggregation query
select (select count(*) filter (where outer_c <> 0)
from (values (1)) t0(inner_c))
from (values (2),(3)) t1(outer_c); -- outer query is aggregation query
select (select count(inner_c) filter (where outer_c <> 0)
from (values (1)) t0(inner_c))
from (values (2),(3)) t1(outer_c); -- inner query is aggregation query
(select max((select i.unique2 from tenk1 i where i.unique1 = o.unique1))
filter (where o.unique1 < 10))
from tenk1 o; -- outer query is aggregation query
-- subquery in FILTER clause (PostgreSQL extension)
select sum(unique1) FILTER (WHERE
unique1 IN (SELECT unique1 FROM onek where unique1 < 100)) FROM tenk1;
-- exercise lots of aggregate parts with FILTER
select aggfns(distinct a,b,c order by a,c using ~<~,b) filter (where a > 1)
from (values (1,3,'foo'),(0,null,null),(2,2,'bar'),(3,1,'baz')) v(a,b,c),
generate_series(1,2) i;
Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates. This patch introduces generic support for ordered-set and hypothetical-set aggregate functions, as well as implementations of the instances defined in SQL:2008 (percentile_cont(), percentile_disc(), rank(), dense_rank(), percent_rank(), cume_dist()). We also added mode() though it is not in the spec, as well as versions of percentile_cont() and percentile_disc() that can compute multiple percentile values in one pass over the data. Unlike the original submission, this patch puts full control of the sorting process in the hands of the aggregate's support functions. To allow the support functions to find out how they're supposed to sort, a new API function AggGetAggref() is added to nodeAgg.c. This allows retrieval of the aggregate call's Aggref node, which may have other uses beyond the immediate need. There is also support for ordered-set aggregates to install cleanup callback functions, so that they can be sure that infrastructure such as tuplesort objects gets cleaned up. In passing, make some fixes in the recently-added support for variadic aggregates, and make some editorial adjustments in the recent FILTER additions for aggregates. Also, simplify use of IsBinaryCoercible() by allowing it to succeed whenever the target type is ANY or ANYELEMENT. It was inconsistent that it dealt with other polymorphic target types but not these. Atri Sharma and Andrew Gierth; reviewed by Pavel Stehule and Vik Fearing, and rather heavily editorialized upon by Tom Lane
2013-12-23 22:11:35 +01:00
-- ordered-set aggregates
select p, percentile_cont(p) within group (order by x::float8)
from generate_series(1,5) x,
(values (0::float8),(0.1),(0.25),(0.4),(0.5),(0.6),(0.75),(0.9),(1)) v(p)
group by p order by p;
select p, percentile_cont(p order by p) within group (order by x) -- error
from generate_series(1,5) x,
(values (0::float8),(0.1),(0.25),(0.4),(0.5),(0.6),(0.75),(0.9),(1)) v(p)
group by p order by p;
select p, sum() within group (order by x::float8) -- error
from generate_series(1,5) x,
(values (0::float8),(0.1),(0.25),(0.4),(0.5),(0.6),(0.75),(0.9),(1)) v(p)
group by p order by p;
select p, percentile_cont(p,p) -- error
from generate_series(1,5) x,
(values (0::float8),(0.1),(0.25),(0.4),(0.5),(0.6),(0.75),(0.9),(1)) v(p)
group by p order by p;
select percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by b) from aggtest;
select percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by b), sum(b) from aggtest;
select percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by thousand) from tenk1;
select percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by thousand) from tenk1;
select rank(3) within group (order by x)
from (values (1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(4)) v(x);
select cume_dist(3) within group (order by x)
from (values (1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(4)) v(x);
select percent_rank(3) within group (order by x)
from (values (1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(4),(5)) v(x);
select dense_rank(3) within group (order by x)
from (values (1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(4)) v(x);
select percentile_disc(array[0,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,1]) within group (order by thousand)
from tenk1;
select percentile_cont(array[0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1]) within group (order by thousand)
from tenk1;
select percentile_disc(array[[null,1,0.5],[0.75,0.25,null]]) within group (order by thousand)
from tenk1;
select percentile_cont(array[0,1,0.25,0.75,0.5,1,0.3,0.32,0.35,0.38,0.4]) within group (order by x)
Support ordered-set (WITHIN GROUP) aggregates. This patch introduces generic support for ordered-set and hypothetical-set aggregate functions, as well as implementations of the instances defined in SQL:2008 (percentile_cont(), percentile_disc(), rank(), dense_rank(), percent_rank(), cume_dist()). We also added mode() though it is not in the spec, as well as versions of percentile_cont() and percentile_disc() that can compute multiple percentile values in one pass over the data. Unlike the original submission, this patch puts full control of the sorting process in the hands of the aggregate's support functions. To allow the support functions to find out how they're supposed to sort, a new API function AggGetAggref() is added to nodeAgg.c. This allows retrieval of the aggregate call's Aggref node, which may have other uses beyond the immediate need. There is also support for ordered-set aggregates to install cleanup callback functions, so that they can be sure that infrastructure such as tuplesort objects gets cleaned up. In passing, make some fixes in the recently-added support for variadic aggregates, and make some editorial adjustments in the recent FILTER additions for aggregates. Also, simplify use of IsBinaryCoercible() by allowing it to succeed whenever the target type is ANY or ANYELEMENT. It was inconsistent that it dealt with other polymorphic target types but not these. Atri Sharma and Andrew Gierth; reviewed by Pavel Stehule and Vik Fearing, and rather heavily editorialized upon by Tom Lane
2013-12-23 22:11:35 +01:00
from generate_series(1,6) x;
select ten, mode() within group (order by string4) from tenk1 group by ten;
select percentile_disc(array[0.25,0.5,0.75]) within group (order by x)
from unnest('{fred,jim,fred,jack,jill,fred,jill,jim,jim,sheila,jim,sheila}'::text[]) u(x);
-- check collation propagates up in suitable cases:
select pg_collation_for(percentile_disc(1) within group (order by x collate "POSIX"))
from (values ('fred'),('jim')) v(x);
-- ordered-set aggs created with CREATE AGGREGATE
select test_rank(3) within group (order by x)
from (values (1),(1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(4)) v(x);
select test_percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by thousand) from tenk1;
-- ordered-set aggs can't use ungrouped vars in direct args:
select rank(x) within group (order by x) from generate_series(1,5) x;
-- outer-level agg can't use a grouped arg of a lower level, either:
select array(select percentile_disc(a) within group (order by x)
from (values (0.3),(0.7)) v(a) group by a)
from generate_series(1,5) g(x);
-- agg in the direct args is a grouping violation, too:
select rank(sum(x)) within group (order by x) from generate_series(1,5) x;
-- hypothetical-set type unification and argument-count failures:
select rank(3) within group (order by x) from (values ('fred'),('jim')) v(x);
select rank(3) within group (order by stringu1,stringu2) from tenk1;
select rank('fred') within group (order by x) from generate_series(1,5) x;
select rank('adam'::text collate "C") within group (order by x collate "POSIX")
from (values ('fred'),('jim')) v(x);
-- hypothetical-set type unification successes:
select rank('adam'::varchar) within group (order by x) from (values ('fred'),('jim')) v(x);
select rank('3') within group (order by x) from generate_series(1,5) x;
-- divide by zero check
select percent_rank(0) within group (order by x) from generate_series(1,0) x;
-- deparse and multiple features:
create view aggordview1 as
select ten,
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by thousand) as p50,
percentile_disc(0.5) within group (order by thousand) filter (where hundred=1) as px,
rank(5,'AZZZZ',50) within group (order by hundred, string4 desc, hundred)
from tenk1
group by ten order by ten;
select pg_get_viewdef('aggordview1');
select * from aggordview1 order by ten;
drop view aggordview1;
-- variadic aggregates
select least_agg(q1,q2) from int8_tbl;
select least_agg(variadic array[q1,q2]) from int8_tbl;
-- test aggregates with common transition functions share the same states
begin work;
create type avg_state as (total bigint, count bigint);
create or replace function avg_transfn(state avg_state, n int) returns avg_state as
declare new_state avg_state;
raise notice 'avg_transfn called with %', n;
if state is null then
if n is not null then := n;
new_state.count := 1;
return new_state;
end if;
return null;
elsif n is not null then := + n;
state.count := state.count + 1;
return state;
end if;
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
create function avg_finalfn(state avg_state) returns int4 as
if state is null then
return NULL;
return / state.count;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
create function sum_finalfn(state avg_state) returns int4 as
if state is null then
return NULL;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
create aggregate my_avg(int4)
stype = avg_state,
sfunc = avg_transfn,
finalfunc = avg_finalfn
create aggregate my_sum(int4)
stype = avg_state,
sfunc = avg_transfn,
finalfunc = sum_finalfn
-- aggregate state should be shared as aggs are the same.
select my_avg(one),my_avg(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- aggregate state should be shared as transfn is the same for both aggs.
select my_avg(one),my_sum(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- shouldn't share states due to the distinctness not matching.
select my_avg(distinct one),my_sum(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- shouldn't share states due to the filter clause not matching.
select my_avg(one) filter (where one > 1),my_sum(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- this should not share the state due to different input columns.
select my_avg(one),my_sum(two) from (values(1,2),(3,4)) t(one,two);
-- test that aggs with the same sfunc and initcond share the same agg state
create aggregate my_sum_init(int4)
stype = avg_state,
sfunc = avg_transfn,
finalfunc = sum_finalfn,
initcond = '(10,0)'
create aggregate my_avg_init(int4)
stype = avg_state,
sfunc = avg_transfn,
finalfunc = avg_finalfn,
initcond = '(10,0)'
create aggregate my_avg_init2(int4)
stype = avg_state,
sfunc = avg_transfn,
finalfunc = avg_finalfn,
initcond = '(4,0)'
-- state should be shared if INITCONDs are matching
select my_sum_init(one),my_avg_init(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- Varying INITCONDs should cause the states not to be shared.
select my_sum_init(one),my_avg_init2(one) from (values(1),(3)) t(one);
-- test aggregate state sharing to ensure it works if one aggregate has a
-- finalfn and the other one has none.
begin work;
create or replace function sum_transfn(state int4, n int4) returns int4 as
declare new_state int4;
raise notice 'sum_transfn called with %', n;
if state is null then
if n is not null then
new_state := n;
return new_state;
end if;
return null;
elsif n is not null then
state := state + n;
return state;
end if;
return null;
$$ language plpgsql;
create function halfsum_finalfn(state int4) returns int4 as
if state is null then
return NULL;
return state / 2;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
create aggregate my_sum(int4)
stype = int4,
sfunc = sum_transfn
create aggregate my_half_sum(int4)
stype = int4,
sfunc = sum_transfn,
finalfunc = halfsum_finalfn
-- Agg state should be shared even though my_sum has no finalfn
select my_sum(one),my_half_sum(one) from (values(1),(2),(3),(4)) t(one);