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* rbtree.c
* implementation for PostgreSQL generic Red-Black binary tree package
* Adopted from
* This code comes from Thomas Niemann's "Sorting and Searching Algorithms:
* a Cookbook".
* See for
* license terms: "Source code, when part of a software project, may be used
* freely without reference to the author."
* Red-black trees are a type of balanced binary tree wherein (1) any child of
* a red node is always black, and (2) every path from root to leaf traverses
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* an equal number of black nodes. From these properties, it follows that the
* longest path from root to leaf is only about twice as long as the shortest,
* so lookups are guaranteed to run in O(lg n) time.
* Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
2010-02-26 03:01:40 +01:00
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/utils/misc/rbtree.c,v 1.3 2010/02/26 02:01:14 momjian Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/rbtree.h"
* Declarations *
* Values for RBNode->iteratorState
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#define InitialState (0)
#define FirstStepDone (1)
#define SecondStepDone (2)
#define ThirdStepDone (3)
* Colors of node
#define RBBLACK (0)
#define RBRED (1)
typedef struct RBNode
uint32 iteratorState:2,
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color: 1,
struct RBNode *left;
struct RBNode *right;
struct RBNode *parent;
void *data;
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} RBNode;
struct RBTree
RBNode *root;
rb_comparator comparator;
rb_appendator appendator;
rb_freefunc freefunc;
void *arg;
struct RBTreeIterator
RBNode *node;
void *(*iterate) (RBTreeIterator *iterator);
* all leafs are sentinels, use customized NIL name to prevent
* collision with sytem-wide NIL which is actually NULL
#define RBNIL &sentinel
RBNode sentinel = {InitialState, RBBLACK, 0, RBNIL, RBNIL, NULL, NULL};
* Create *
RBTree *
rb_create(rb_comparator comparator, rb_appendator appendator,
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rb_freefunc freefunc, void *arg)
RBTree *tree = palloc(sizeof(RBTree));
tree->root = RBNIL;
tree->comparator = comparator;
tree->appendator = appendator;
tree->freefunc = freefunc;
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tree->arg = arg;
return tree;
* Search *
void *
rb_find(RBTree *rb, void *data)
RBNode *node = rb->root;
int cmp;
while (node != RBNIL)
cmp = rb->comparator(data, node->data, rb->arg);
if (cmp == 0)
return node->data;
else if (cmp < 0)
node = node->left;
node = node->right;
return NULL;
* Insertion *
* Rotate node x to left.
* x's right child takes its place in the tree, and x becomes the left
* child of that node.
static void
rb_rotate_left(RBTree *rb, RBNode *x)
RBNode *y = x->right;
/* establish x->right link */
x->right = y->left;
if (y->left != RBNIL)
y->left->parent = x;
/* establish y->parent link */
if (y != RBNIL)
y->parent = x->parent;
if (x->parent)
if (x == x->parent->left)
x->parent->left = y;
x->parent->right = y;
rb->root = y;
/* link x and y */
y->left = x;
if (x != RBNIL)
x->parent = y;
* Rotate node x to right.
* x's left right child takes its place in the tree, and x becomes the right
* child of that node.
static void
rb_rotate_right(RBTree *rb, RBNode *x)
RBNode *y = x->left;
/* establish x->left link */
x->left = y->right;
if (y->right != RBNIL)
y->right->parent = x;
/* establish y->parent link */
if (y != RBNIL)
y->parent = x->parent;
if (x->parent)
if (x == x->parent->right)
x->parent->right = y;
x->parent->left = y;
rb->root = y;
/* link x and y */
y->right = x;
if (x != RBNIL)
x->parent = y;
* Maintain Red-Black tree balance after inserting node x.
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* The newly inserted node is always initially marked red. That may lead to
* a situation where a red node has a red child, which is prohibited. We can
* always fix the problem by a series of color changes and/or "rotations",
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* which move the problem progressively higher up in the tree. If one of the
* two red nodes is the root, we can always fix the problem by changing the
* root from red to black.
* (This does not work lower down in the tree because we must also maintain
* the invariant that every leaf has equal black-height.)
static void
rb_insert_fixup(RBTree *rb, RBNode *x)
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* x is always a red node. Initially, it is the newly inserted node. Each
* iteration of this loop moves it higher up in the tree.
while (x != rb->root && x->parent->color == RBRED)
* x and x->parent are both red. Fix depends on whether x->parent is
* a left or right child. In either case, we define y to be the
* "uncle" of x, that is, the other child of x's grandparent.
* If the uncle is red, we flip the grandparent to red and its two
* children to black. Then we loop around again to check whether the
* grandparent still has a problem.
* If the uncle is black, we will perform one or two "rotations" to
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* balance the tree. Either x or x->parent will take the
* grandparent's position in the tree and recolored black, and the
* original grandparent will be recolored red and become a child of
* that node. This always leaves us with a valid red-black tree, so
* the loop will terminate.
if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left)
RBNode *y = x->parent->parent->right;
if (y->color == RBRED)
/* uncle is RBRED */
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
y->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RBRED;
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x = x->parent->parent;
/* uncle is RBBLACK */
if (x == x->parent->right)
/* make x a left child */
x = x->parent;
rb_rotate_left(rb, x);
/* recolor and rotate */
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_right(rb, x->parent->parent);
/* mirror image of above code */
RBNode *y = x->parent->parent->left;
if (y->color == RBRED)
/* uncle is RBRED */
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
y->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RBRED;
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x = x->parent->parent;
/* uncle is RBBLACK */
if (x == x->parent->left)
x = x->parent;
rb_rotate_right(rb, x);
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->parent->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_left(rb, x->parent->parent);
* The root may already have been black; if not, the black-height of every
* node in the tree increases by one.
rb->root->color = RBBLACK;
* Allocate node for data and insert in tree.
* Return old data (or result of appendator method) if it exists and NULL
* otherwise.
void *
rb_insert(RBTree *rb, void *data)
RBNode *current,
int cmp;
/* find where node belongs */
current = rb->root;
parent = NULL;
cmp = 0;
while (current != RBNIL)
cmp = rb->comparator(data, current->data, rb->arg);
if (cmp == 0)
* Found node with given key. If appendator method is provided,
* call it to join old and new data; else, new data replaces old
* data.
if (rb->appendator)
current->data = rb->appendator(current->data, data, rb->arg);
return current->data;
void *old = current->data;
current->data = data;
return old;
parent = current;
current = (cmp < 0) ? current->left : current->right;
/* setup new node in tree */
x = palloc(sizeof(RBNode));
x->data = data;
x->parent = parent;
x->left = RBNIL;
x->right = RBNIL;
x->color = RBRED;
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x->iteratorState = InitialState;
/* insert node in tree */
if (parent)
if (cmp < 0)
parent->left = x;
parent->right = x;
rb->root = x;
rb_insert_fixup(rb, x);
return NULL;
* Deletion *
* Maintain Red-Black tree balance after deleting a black node.
static void
rb_delete_fixup(RBTree *rb, RBNode *x)
* x is always a black node. Initially, it is the former child of the
* deleted node. Each iteration of this loop moves it higher up in the
* tree.
while (x != rb->root && x->color == RBBLACK)
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* Left and right cases are symmetric. Any nodes that are children of
* x have a black-height one less than the remainder of the nodes in
* the tree. We rotate and recolor nodes to move the problem up the
* tree: at some stage we'll either fix the problem, or reach the root
* (where the black-height is allowed to decrease).
if (x == x->parent->left)
RBNode *w = x->parent->right;
if (w->color == RBRED)
w->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_left(rb, x->parent);
w = x->parent->right;
if (w->left->color == RBBLACK && w->right->color == RBBLACK)
w->color = RBRED;
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x = x->parent;
if (w->right->color == RBBLACK)
w->left->color = RBBLACK;
w->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_right(rb, w);
w = x->parent->right;
w->color = x->parent->color;
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
w->right->color = RBBLACK;
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rb_rotate_left(rb, x->parent);
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x = rb->root; /* Arrange for loop to terminate. */
RBNode *w = x->parent->left;
if (w->color == RBRED)
w->color = RBBLACK;
x->parent->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_right(rb, x->parent);
w = x->parent->left;
if (w->right->color == RBBLACK && w->left->color == RBBLACK)
w->color = RBRED;
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x = x->parent;
if (w->left->color == RBBLACK)
w->right->color = RBBLACK;
w->color = RBRED;
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rb_rotate_left(rb, w);
w = x->parent->left;
w->color = x->parent->color;
x->parent->color = RBBLACK;
w->left->color = RBBLACK;
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rb_rotate_right(rb, x->parent);
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x = rb->root; /* Arrange for loop to terminate. */
x->color = RBBLACK;
* Delete node z from tree.
static void
rb_delete_node(RBTree *rb, RBNode *z)
RBNode *x,
if (!z || z == RBNIL)
* y is the node that will actually be removed from the tree. This will
* be z if z has fewer than two children, or the tree successor of z
* otherwise.
if (z->left == RBNIL || z->right == RBNIL)
/* y has a RBNIL node as a child */
y = z;
/* find tree successor */
y = z->right;
while (y->left != RBNIL)
y = y->left;
/* x is y's only child */
if (y->left != RBNIL)
x = y->left;
x = y->right;
/* Remove y from the tree. */
x->parent = y->parent;
if (y->parent)
if (y == y->parent->left)
y->parent->left = x;
y->parent->right = x;
rb->root = x;
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* If we removed the tree successor of z rather than z itself, then attach
* the data for the removed node to the one we were supposed to remove.
if (y != z)
z->data = y->data;
* Removing a black node might make some paths from root to leaf contain
* fewer black nodes than others, or it might make two red nodes adjacent.
if (y->color == RBBLACK)
rb_delete_fixup(rb, x);
extern void
rb_delete(RBTree *rb, void *data)
RBNode *node = rb->root;
int cmp;
while (node != RBNIL)
cmp = rb->comparator(data, node->data, rb->arg);
if (cmp == 0)
/* found node to delete */
if (rb->freefunc)
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rb->freefunc (node->data);
node->data = NULL;
rb_delete_node(rb, node);
else if (cmp < 0)
node = node->left;
node = node->right;
* Return data on left most node and delete
* that node
extern void *
rb_leftmost(RBTree *rb)
RBNode *node = rb->root;
RBNode *leftmost = rb->root;
void *res = NULL;
while (node != RBNIL)
leftmost = node;
node = node->left;
if (leftmost != RBNIL)
res = leftmost->data;
leftmost->data = NULL;
rb_delete_node(rb, leftmost);
return res;
* Traverse *
static void *
rb_next_node(RBTreeIterator *iterator, RBNode *node)
node->iteratorState = InitialState;
iterator->node = node;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
static void *
rb_left_right_iterator(RBTreeIterator *iterator)
RBNode *node = iterator->node;
switch (node->iteratorState)
case InitialState:
if (node->left != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = FirstStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->left);
case FirstStepDone:
node->iteratorState = SecondStepDone;
return node->data;
case SecondStepDone:
if (node->right != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = ThirdStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->right);
case ThirdStepDone:
if (node->parent)
iterator->node = node->parent;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
elog(ERROR, "Unknow node state: %d", node->iteratorState);
return NULL;
static void *
rb_right_left_iterator(RBTreeIterator *iterator)
RBNode *node = iterator->node;
switch (node->iteratorState)
case InitialState:
if (node->right != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = FirstStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->right);
case FirstStepDone:
node->iteratorState = SecondStepDone;
return node->data;
case SecondStepDone:
if (node->left != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = ThirdStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->left);
case ThirdStepDone:
if (node->parent)
iterator->node = node->parent;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
elog(ERROR, "Unknow node state: %d", node->iteratorState);
return NULL;
static void *
rb_direct_iterator(RBTreeIterator *iterator)
RBNode *node = iterator->node;
switch (node->iteratorState)
case InitialState:
node->iteratorState = FirstStepDone;
return node->data;
case FirstStepDone:
if (node->left != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = SecondStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->left);
case SecondStepDone:
if (node->right != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = ThirdStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->right);
case ThirdStepDone:
if (node->parent)
iterator->node = node->parent;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
elog(ERROR, "Unknow node state: %d", node->iteratorState);
return NULL;
static void *
rb_inverted_iterator(RBTreeIterator *iterator)
RBNode *node = iterator->node;
switch (node->iteratorState)
case InitialState:
if (node->left != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = FirstStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->left);
case FirstStepDone:
if (node->right != RBNIL)
node->iteratorState = SecondStepDone;
return rb_next_node(iterator, node->right);
case SecondStepDone:
node->iteratorState = ThirdStepDone;
return node->data;
case ThirdStepDone:
if (node->parent)
iterator->node = node->parent;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
elog(ERROR, "Unknow node state: %d", node->iteratorState);
return NULL;
RBTreeIterator *
rb_begin_iterate(RBTree *rb, RBOrderControl ctrl)
RBTreeIterator *iterator = palloc(sizeof(RBTreeIterator));
iterator->node = rb->root;
if (iterator->node != RBNIL)
iterator->node->iteratorState = InitialState;
switch (ctrl)
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case LeftRightWalk: /* visit left, then self, then right */
iterator->iterate = rb_left_right_iterator;
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case RightLeftWalk: /* visit right, then self, then left */
iterator->iterate = rb_right_left_iterator;
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case DirectWalk: /* visit self, then left, then right */
iterator->iterate = rb_direct_iterator;
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case InvertedWalk: /* visit left, then right, then self */
iterator->iterate = rb_inverted_iterator;
elog(ERROR, "Unknown iterator order: %d", ctrl);
return iterator;
void *
rb_iterate(RBTreeIterator *iterator)
if (iterator->node == RBNIL)
return NULL;
return iterator->iterate(iterator);
rb_free_iterator(RBTreeIterator *iterator)